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2 hours later…
> InfoWorld is evil
^^ The first comment that i read
guys Can anybody tell me exactly what's the difference between this

`private List<UserType> usertylist = new ArrayList<UserType>();
usertylist = udao.getUserTypes();`

And this.

`private List<UserType> usertylist;
usertylist = udao.getUserTypes();`
@udaybhaskar No idea without knowing what udao is.
Actually, the first one is kind of stupid because it creates a new ArrayList, then immediately throws it away.
@Unihedro .Its my DAO class reference and getUserTypes(); returns exactly List Object.
@udaybhaskar You need either of these. As for which, no idea without knowing your use case:
private List<UserType> usertylist = new ArrayList<UserType>(udao.getUserTypes());

private List<UserType> usertylist = udao.getUserTypes();
If you know Struts 2 can u clarify little bit more about this question.
Q: Difference between instantiating and not instantiating collections in Struts2

udaybhaskarFirst time i have written my action class like this, i didn't instantiated the usertylist private List<UserType> usertylist; //setters and getters public String populateUsrType() { usertylist = udao.getUserTypes(); return SUCCESS; } I populated usertylist in jsp <s:select id="UserT...

dying a little bit inside
Rushing for a doc
It's ok, it's only a little bit of me that's dying
My teacher didn't know what the array's index begins with 0 >_>
Are all these efforts .. because of my question??
I haven't even read your question
I'm talking about something unrelated
@Gemtastic ?!
@Unihedro Indeed. Such a big facepalm...
Actually there are some languages where the index starts from 1
@fge All the best for the interview!
@ItachiUchiha talk about obscurity
Good luck on the interview @fge, IIRC it's on today right?
Seems to woke up early today @fge?
@Unihedro obscurity? :S
@ItachiUchiha Yeah, but this is JavaSE
22 secs ago, by Gemtastic
@ItachiUchiha Yeah, but this is JavaSE
He was teaching Java and he didn't know where the index starts from :O
Also... FUUU I only found out NOW that the only time to get a preview on the project is if you turn it in tomorrow.
@ItachiUchiha He's teaching webb frameworks and Java
@ItachiUchiha The "some languages which doesn't use 0 as first index" are so obscure that I couldn't name any, even Piapia uses zero indexing.
@Gemtastic Doesn't matter, all school teachers are like that.
@Unihedro Haha, yeah true. But they were quite famous once :P
@ItachiUchiha Name one?
Nope, not Fortran... Not Pascal... Not Matlab
The piece of code in question is code that makes every odd row in a table highlighted with a different colour. And he's saying "Well, I dunno why it ens up as every even row that's actually highlighted but oh well, that's not important anyway."
@Unihedro My first teacher wasn't like that
@Gemtastic Must we continue this? It's not going to get anywhere.
Ah, COBOL and CFML uses 1 as array index starter!
@Unihedro yes, it's today
In a little less than 10 hours' time
And.. ALGOL 68, FoxPro, and Lua
@ItachiUchiha thanks!
And some specific builds of Pascal
And... Mathematicia and Julia, that's about all
Does Java support Vectorized Array operations yet?
@Unihedro What's there to continue?
At least I have you guys. You're awesome teachers. And I'm grateful for that you wanna help me out.
@Unihedro no, Java is not Fortran ;)
@fge Is there at least a library that does it though?
Uhm, no, and there cannot really be one
At the bytecode level you can't do that
You can only load/store at specific indices
No vectors for you
Aww. :(
Maybe there's a native library
If library there is it will be a wrapper but that won't be "real" vectorized operations in any event
Maybe the JIT can optimize array code natively, though
@fge Java doesn't even have true multidimensional arrays, it's just a jagged array (arrays of arrays) pretending to be a multidimensional array (which are fixed in lengths of all dimensions parallel). I doubt a native library could act as a wrapper, it's probably more than that.
@Unihedro well, if you use a native library that wouldn't use Java arrays obviously
Java arrays on a native level is a bind of an array and metadata for JIT, I think
[citation needed]
For the JVM you mean
By curiosity, why are you asking these questions?
Because DuckDuckGo didn't help, I even Googled it.
Uh, and what is DuckDuckGo? :p
DuckDuckGo is a search engine
The best search engine that finds you helpful answers, and not to track and sell your privacy and show you a few ads every query
Try "bitset java"
@Unihedro hasSetAsHomepage
The top results from DuckDuckGo are almost always the most useful, it's also fully hackable so if you like coding good in leisure, DDG is for you
Meh, I have just searched something I wanted to do and the top answer was... My question on SO
@fge Happened to me a few times :P
True story
duckduckhack.com <- improve and make favourite it
@Unihedro if they don't track me, then how are they showing me my region? :-/
I have option to turn it on or off while searching
Really a shame that it only made it in 1.8
Gosh, that's a really useful addition
@fge Ping
1 hour later…
When is your interview?
In 5h30mn now
Cool, I need some insights on an issue, though I guess I understand but I want to be sure
Start from here Uni asked to perform a git reset, why?
Reset? That's not what I'd do
How many commits do you with to "transfer"?
Let us say just one commit and few non-committed (staged and non-staged files)
Anyone good in hibernate? I have some doubts
@fge Let us make that as scenario 1. I have another scenario in which there are no commits on my branch x, what we have is just non-committed files
@ItachiUchiha then cherry-pick
you should reset the master state though
git checkout x
git cherry-pick {rev}
git checkout master
git reset --hard HEAD~1
for non-commited, use staging functionality
@Vogel612 For scenario 2, does the following not do the job ?
i am on branch x, with un-commited changes
git stash
git checkout master
git stash pop
yea usually that should work...
I prefer to stage them before stashing, but eh..
@Vogel612 :) Now coming to scenario one, since I have a commit on branch x, I need to include these in stashing as well, so I need to reset. Is it right?
well that would be option one
you could also put them into another commit
or even git commit --amend
and then proceed with cherry-picking
you mustn't hard-reset though...
so I'd explicitly specify option --soft if you reset
ahh, so that I loose the commits, but not the files
The problem arises when I have a lot of commits and I don't want to loose my commits..
then I recommend using rebase
commit the current branch state
and then usually you can just do the following:
Anyone good in hibernate? I have some doubts
git checkout master
git rebase -i branch-x
@ShaU not good, but maybe good enough.
Won't git rebase -i branch-x make me loose my commits on the master (I know I won't loose the changes)?
I am asking too many questions :S
stop from where do you want your commits to go where?
and when did you branch out??
You can also use git rebase --onto
I am on master, with commits A, B, C and few un-commited files
Though you'd need to create temp branches/tags for that
and you want to move all that to master?
But it works very well
I want these changes to be moved to branch-x
then commit your uncommited files, switch to master and run a rebase
@Vogel612 actually in my project i am using hibernate for persistance . Sometimes Not everytime whenever the system is slow or hung then Hibernate queries exceute multiple times for same transaction
scratch that! rebase your changes onto master and merge the hell outta this
@ShaU okay that's beyond me ;)
@Vogel612 if you have any expert freind in hibernate pls ask him
I know someone, but they seem to be unavailable right now...
also maybe you're just imagining..
sometimes ... is always bad when trying to reproduce bugs.
@Vogel612 hmm..
We are unable to replicate that scenario in uat
hello again :D
got a quick question about folder/package naming (conventions). Am I correct if I have in my project first the folder "src" and in it the package "edu.bla.foo"?
and should images + HTML be in src as well?
images should be Under WebContent
@kingkero Images and HTML to be used in website should be placed in webapp
they're both not used in a website, but in the applet (or is that the same)?
question mark should be inside the paranthesis obv
you can edit your previous messages using the arrow up on your keyboard
gives a cool pen ;)
I should hang out in chat more often it seems :P quite a nice gimmick
thx for your input this far, got to go now
1 hour later…
Anyone familiar with Maven's Versions plugin?
Me neither
@SecondRikudo there is a versions plugin??
@Vogel612 Apparently so
And it potentially has a bug that I can't track down
hmm.. soo what's up with it?
$mvn_run --batch-mode versions:set -DnewVersion=$VERSION_NAME -DgenerateBackupPoms=false 1> /tmp/$VERSION_NAME
This is part of a shell script ^
@DroidDev Because it runs on GeoIP, that has nothing to do with tracking. Do you understand how the HTTP protocol works?
what is in $mvn_run?
Now the versions plugin is supposed to change the pom.xml of a module, and then look up all usages of that module in other pom.xml files, and change it there as well.
mvn_run=$(cat .citools/version_extractor.properties | grep 'mvnpath=' | sed "s/mvnpath=//g")
@Vogel612 ^
okay so that's the path to mvn executable, eh..
@Unihedro well...now I want to read more about it
@SecondRikudo Are you sure it's not sed -e "regex"?
@Unihedro Yeah, sed "s/pattern/replacement/flags"
Now, it runs
don't you have to give groupId and artifactId??
And it finishes without error
It operates on a directory
It runs and finishes succesfully
But sometimes it misses some of the usages in random files around the directory tree
could it be that the files are just inaccessible because used otherwise??
hmm... I have a design issue with try-with-resources
There is an old code which I am trying to refactor
@Vogel612 That was what I was thinking as well, maybe it as locked from file-io.
It has a HttpURLConnection connection to which we sent data and receive response
I moved OutputStreamWriter out = new OutputStreamWriter(connection.getOutputStream()) inside a try-with-resources block, which is OK and works fine
the problem is I want to move the fetch response part inside the try. Is it possible?
should be... the outputStream should be a reference anyways...
but it sounds fishy..
why would you want to fetch a response after registering an outputwriter?
       try (OutputStreamWriter out = new   OutputStreamWriter(connectionSecure.getOutputStream());
    					) {
        BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(         connectionSecure.getInputStream())); -> want to move inside try-with-resources
	while ((decodedString = br.readLine()) != null) {
		response = response + decodedString;
But the problem is we can't fetch the inputstream unless the connection has received the request and is ready with a response
sounds like a job for Future<T>
but I thought Future works with ExecutorService :P
I guess for the time being, until I find something else, I will add a finally block and close the BufferedReader
I thought it was a lot of new strange people in the chat... Turns out I was sitting in the wrong Java room all morning >_>
there is another Java room?
Well, to be fair, you and Droid Dev were in there too
Yeah; the Java Android room :P
Why I get ClassNotFoundException for a class that I'm actually using? For example

`String className = event.getClass().getName(); // Works just fine, get the full name
Class targetClass = Class.forName(className); // Throws ClassNotFoundException`
@Gemtastic Help vamp room!
@RalitsaNikiforova Print .getName(), what does it say?
@ItachiUchiha you should submit a task waiting for the connection to recieve the stuff from the connection..
@Unihedro Returns the whole name (with the package) without a problem.
@Unihedro Vamp?
Q: The Help Vampire problem

Barry KellyWhat is Stack Overflow's long-term solution for the Help Vampire problem? Quote from article follows: Identifying Help Vampires can be tricky, because they look like any ordinary person (or Internet user, whichever is lesser). But by closely observing an individual's behavior using this hand...

@ShaU Thanks, I already checked this posts. If I can work with an instance of a class, doesn't it mean it's in the classpath?
@Unihedro Aaah, now I get what you mean. Well.. yeah...
@RalitsaNikiforova It may not be visible to the class loader.
Of course, depending on the situation, you might have a different problem instead.
A: how does Class.forName() work

Jon SkeetClass.forName simply loads a class, including running its static initializers, like this: class Foo { static { System.out.println("Foo initializing"); } } public class Test { public static void main(String [] args) throws Exception { Class.forName("Foo"); } } A...

@Unihedro So I can't access the class itself but can access its instance without a problem?
@Unihedro Here's how I handled one: chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/20843212#20843212 (start reading at that point)
@RalitsaNikiforova I'm not sure, did you feed something like an array or "byte" in forName?
Sound like they needed a for-each looking for element.name.equals().
Well, when you don't wanna RTFM of course you won't ever learn how to do it.
@Vogel612 That won't help me put both of them in the same try-with-resources. But, looking at the problem now, I think I was stupid to put them in the same try.
@Unihedro I tried with an empty Class<?> array, same thing.
@Unihedro I have no idea what they actually needed because of XY
> Given the fully qualified name for a class or interface (in the same format returned by getName) this method attempts to locate, load, and link the class or interface. The specified class loader is used to load the class or interface. If the parameter loader is null, the class is loaded through the bootstrap class loader. The class is initialized only if the initialize parameter is true and if it has not been initialized earlier.
(emphasise mine)
hello boys and girls
It simply loads the class
@softarn Hello, pufferfish!
//Get the class
Class class = Class.forName(className);

//Create the object
Object classObject = class.newInstance();
@Unihedro Tried Class<?> testClass = Class.forName(className) but still get the error. Maybe the class has been already initialized as I'm using its instance to get the name? Cannot say if it's an access issue as I don't have the source (that's why I'm using it in the first place)
@Unihedro Why pufferfish? :P
@ShaU Thanks, but Class.forName is throwing an ClassNotFoundException
@RalitsaNikiforova If it's not initialized, it will be initialized. If it's already initialized, it will be delivered.
Anyway, when it says ClassNotFound it probably really couldn't find the class. Maybe it's unloaded. If you're using the default class loader though, this sounds impossible to happen.
Check --> classObject.getClass().getName();
Yes, that's what I'm trying. That's my initial example:
String className = obj.getClass().getName() // works
Class<?> someClass = Class.forName(className) // doesn't work, throws exception
14 mins ago, by Unihedro
@RalitsaNikiforova I'm not sure, did you feed something like an array or "byte" in forName?
Hmm, just tested this:
Byte foo = Byte.valueOf(0);
String bar = foo.getClass().getName();
Class<?> baz = Class.forName(bar);
String className = obj.getClass().getName() // works
Class<?> someClass = Class.forName(className) // doesn't work, throws exception
//Create the object
Object classObject = someClass .newInstance();
String Obj = classObject.getClass().getName();
@ShaU It won't get to .newInstance() because .forName() throws an exception.
Would be awesome to have these annotations when writing tests: pastebin.com/VKr0DzQB
anyone could point me in the right direction?
@softarn this looks like a DIY Annotation
do you have any package?
@Unihedro Yes, tried with Byte and it works.
@Vogel612 yea wasn't clear, I want to create the annotation
You'll have to override the TestRunner, too..
public @interface RunWithApiVersion {
     public ApiVersion value();
I have a question about accessing string values from another class.
and then make the TestRunner only run this for a specific API...
I created a message dialog like this from a solution in StackOverflow, but I don't know how to access the string variables, "shipText" "volumeText" etc
This is the message dialog class: http://hastebin.com/ofonahinan.avrasm
And this is where I want to access the string values taken from the edit texts in message dialog: http://hastebin.com/apujomufed.avrasm
Anyone have any ideas?
put some getters there....
1 message moved to Trash
email hash is in Base64?
@BrianJ Aren't the variables out of scope?
Unihedro can you give email id
@Unihedro yes I'm not sure how to access them from my other class, @Vogel612 suggested using getter/setters which I dind't now about, think that should work after a quick Google
seems simple enough
when you both extend a different class in java and have it as an instance variable, does it make 2 relations in UML, Generalization and Association, or only the stronger one, i.e. Generalization?
@DBRN ??
what exactly is not clear?
@Vogel612 I generated the getter but not sure how to access the values in the other activity? I tried like this MyMessageDialog. but no prompt comes up.
you need to access an instance of the message Dialog
@DBRN What is "have it as an instance variable"? Are you creating a field of its own type and assigning itself to it?
MyMessageDialog dialog = new MyMessageDialog();
in college they taught us: using a class as instance variable = association, using it in method (parameter/return type) = Dependency , extends = Generalization, implements = Realization.

I want to know if these relations are hierarchical, with the stronger ones shadowing the weaker ones or if they are cumulative.
@Vogel612 okay so it would be like:
MyMessageDialog dialog =new MyMessageDialog();
shipName = dialog.getShipText(); //input mismatch, can I convert editText to String?
eeeh?? get the value out of it....
actually your getter could do that already
there's no need to expose the EditText
@DBRN ... So what is to "use a class as instance variable"?
nvm, toString()
should do it
Q: Get Value of a Edit Text field

Harsha M VI am learning how to create UI elements. I have created a few EditText input fields. On the click of a Button I want to capture the content typed into that input field. <EditText android:id="@+id/name" android:width="220px" /> That's my field. How can I get the content?

as the type of the field
use getText()
toString will give you something like EditText@adf15256
@DBRN private MyClass toUse = ...?
@Vogel612 this should work then, dialog.getShipText().getText().toString();?
no need for toString...
getText should return a string
yes. this makes an association in my book
also I'd suggest you just have the getter perform the getText() for you and you just return the String
8 mins ago, by DBRN
when you both extend a different class in java and have it as an instance variable, does it make 2 relations in UML, Generalization and Association, or only the stronger one, i.e. Generalization?
this prevents meddling with shipText instance field
Why both extend a class and reassign itself into an inner field? Like what does that even do, considering you can just call them from the same scope?
I am not trying to do that. i am working on a program creating UML from code. If that is theoretically, syntactically possible and compiles, even if does make little sense, I should cover that case
@Vogel612 so I just call gettext within my getter in the message dialog?
tried this, "public EditText getShipText() {
return shipText.getText();
cannot convert from editable to edit text
@Vogel612 just tested the dialog, but it doesn't dismiss after "okay" is pressed
seems like you'll need toString()
also you should bind an eventListener hiding the dialog when you click OK.
@Vogel612 can you elaborate about binding the event listener?
ehh?? what is there to elaborate??ß
okay I thought it was something more complicated than that, just called dismiss on the dialog after ok click by setting a listener.
@All - Good evening.
good morning
Mmm, yummy ramen noodles. A delicious snack to eat at midnight while restaurants are closed.
Hello, user.
first of all, i need to apologize for last time I was here.
I was kinda fucked up and my behaviour was inappropriate.
and second: is somebody here that can help me with thread pools?
@th3falc0n Thread pools as executors?
i am currently observing very strange behaviour of them
I am writing a thread pool, which will move threads that are blocked by a single Runnable out of its active pool so smaller tasks can get executed faster with less threads involved
At the moment it works great, but I am trying to benchmark it against a workStealingPool and a fixedThreadPool Executor Service and they seem to behave strange
My pool needs 3 seconds for my benchmark and uses a maximum of 2 threads, while a fixed thread pool with 8 threads needs 11 seconds to execute my benchmark
So I assume my benchmark is not suitable for testing this.
Did you warm up the program for JIT self-optimizations to kick in?
I read from System.in so I can start the benchmark after engaging jvisualvm, is that enough?
code inside ;)
btw: the current Test.java is not the original which resultet in 3/11 seconds, the current one is a bit shorter and doesn't use Random
@Unihedro: can you tell me if I did something wrong in my benchmark?
Can Anyone chk this question? stackoverflow.com/questions/27837219/…
update: i pointed out, that Random is sychronized and was causing more threads to act slower.
1 hour later…
hi everybody. What you use for log analyser using log4j and glassfish?
my eyes...
If you want to go flame, get out.
01:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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