For one of my project I have to make dynamic invocations of constructor. But since this is Java 7, instead of the "classic" reflection API, I use java.lang.invoke.
public class PathMatcherProvider
private static final MethodHandles.Lookup LOOKUP
I want to manage svn build numbers using apache ant. I been following this… and I was successfully able to get the time and builder info for getting the version and svn revision, I included it in the file, does that mean am hardcoding the values
At the moment swing is the more mature of the two, but it's mostly in maintenance mode (I don't think it got any major updates with java 8). JavaFX is a more modern toolkit and fixes some legacy issues swing has (many of them inherited from awt). A major advantage of swing is that it belongs to the standard library
The default configuration is good enough, all you have to do is create a logger per class and the configuration will dispatch logs where you tell it to <...> The log4j 2.0 team thought about things like that and improved the API. Now you can write the same like that:
@loosebruce Well, you can, but IIRC it will be harder to know where the log is going from. If you create an instance, logger will print from which file it writes to log destination (console/file): it's really helpful for debug
I have configured my properties to output to console/file etc.
Ok I will just implement it and then submit it to code review , hopefully they will tell me what to do
"Sometimes it's important to have only one instance for a class. For example, in a system there should be only one window manager (or only a file system or only a print spooler). Usually singletons are used for centralized management of internal or external resources and they provide a global point of access to themselves.
The singleton pattern is one of the simplest design patterns: it involves only one class which is responsible to instantiate itself, to make sure it creates not more than one instance; in the same time it provides a global point of access to that instance. In this case t…
@loosebruce no need to quote such text, we know what a singleton is
But in the case of logging frameworks, using singletons is wrong
Don't be tight-assed about a design pattern because you know about it; design patterns are tools which you want to use in some situations, but logging isn't one