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@Unihedron Hey, do you know how to do a login system in JSP with struts?
@dah ... let him get his sleep please...
also.. don't bolt together your own security system, when there's smarter people out there, that have already done such for you
@fge maybe you are right, I don't actually know exactly.. but that's how I read the javadoc ;)
@Vogel612 oh. I have no idea about that. Any off the top of your head?
I was thinking this: mkyong.com/spring-security/…
I found this one which is not a framework, but how it seems to be done in general...
Ah, I can't use struts 2 :(
I should have said that.
anyways google is your friend and struts 1 is no more supported ;)
Yea, unfortunately that's what we use where I work.
<-- doesn't know zilch about struts
<-- doesn't either. :(
Gradual though.
arghh I want to see the native code to invokeExact...
just to prove my point
@Vogel612 I think I understand what happens
    /*non-public*/ static
    void More ...checkExactType(Object mhObj, Object expectedObj) {
        MethodHandle mh = (MethodHandle) mhObj;
        MethodType expected = (MethodType) expectedObj;
        MethodType actual = mh.type();
        if (actual != expected)
            throw newWrongMethodTypeException(expected, actual);
expected was RegexPathMatcher, right?
Uhno, I was misguided
Anyway, I need to be off for an hour or so
hmm I'll head home, too..
prob not gonna be back before tomorrow..
I think the symbolic type name resolution is the problem#
Ohwell, anyway, I made it work, and it's faster than java.lang.reflect
(since it is linked only once at runtime)
What are you working on?
1 hour ago, by fge
Q: Why can't I .invokeExact() here, even though the MethodType is OK?

fgeFor one of my project I have to make dynamic invocations of constructor. But since this is Java 7, instead of the "classic" reflection API, I use java.lang.invoke. Code: @ParametersAreNonnullByDefault public class PathMatcherProvider { private static final MethodHandles.Lookup LOOKUP ...

strongly nudging idea.. there's no Object involved, except in the signature of Class#cast()....
What kind of Java apps do you guys make? Desktop? Front-end? backend?
Just wondering
I've only worked with Jax-RS / Jersey so far
So far, only desktop, but that's because I'm a n00b
I'm a noob too, I've just worked with other languages, so its more about learning the methods
I haven't programmed anything before, but I did code a little html and CSS
Are you using Swing?
I'm not familiar with what you need to know to make a desktop app. I just noticed there's something called Swing lol
I made a like five line Swing app like a month ago. I think it drew a 640x480 window with nothing on it
I'm somewhat familiar with that (bronze tag badge)
Hi, I need some help in Apache Ant
@taco Me? I'm using JavaFX
If you wanna learn how to make GUI you should learn JavaFX
I like Swing...
Well, it probably has its upsides
But FX is supposed to take over after swing
I want to manage svn build numbers using apache ant. I been following this stackoverflow.com/questions/690419/… and I was successfully able to get the time and builder info for getting the version and svn revision, I included it in the build.properties file, does that mean am hardcoding the values
@Gemtastic thanks for the info. I'm going to be focused on the back end due to my job, but that's good to know
@taco Well, if you don't need to know it no point in learning it unless you're like me and uni and wanna know everything :P
We can choose anything for a front-end, so it won't hurt
Maybe I'll use HTML1.0 with MSIE 3.0
Why would you use HTML1.0?
HTML 1.0?
Don't you mean HTTP 1.0?
I don't get what you mean. I'd code in HTML
marquee tags and all
HTML 5 is what you use nowadays
Yeah, but I get to choose a front end. So if I really hated somebody I would make them use MSIE 3.0
At the moment swing is the more mature of the two, but it's mostly in maintenance mode (I don't think it got any major updates with java 8). JavaFX is a more modern toolkit and fixes some legacy issues swing has (many of them inherited from awt). A major advantage of swing is that it belongs to the standard library
Check for useragent, lol
@Vogel612 FYI the second answer I got to my question is spot on; I need to learn a lot more about that new API!
Did Oracle basically usher in JavaFX?
And Swing is legacy Sun, with just maintenance updates?
@kiheru well, with the latest JDK 7 versions, and with JDK8, JavaFX is equally "native" to the JDK now
Oracle started with EE7, right?
hmm no, EE5 was the last for Sun
So I guess EE6
@fge Only in Oracle java
@kiheru yes, that's true
@fge I already saw and realized ;)
@Vogel612 as a bonus, my code is simplified, since I now only need one Map
I am so damn tired, though..
And now I can .invokeExact()
JavaFX is still not in the OpenJDK?
It looks like my IntelliJ isn't setup for JavaFX for the new project wizard
My IDE is broken and I don't know why...
I tried reinstalling it but it's still broken
Isn't there somewhere in preferences where you can add that?
har har @Gemtastic
Which IDE?
IntelliJ IDEA
Could've swore I did this for Spring
It's not funny. I add any code and it breaks
@OlegKuznetsov it's not as far as I know. At least it's not in my openjdk 1.8
Oh, I thought you were messing with me :/
I know I'm a noob
@kiheru I see :(
Maybe I need to add the JavaFX plugin... gonna try that
(at least running that javac complains about any javafx imports)
that seemed to do it, cool
What IDE do you use @Gemtastic?
@taco NetBeans
I like IntelliJ, but I didn't have to pay for it
@Gemtastic Netbeans stores settings in ~/.netbeans/X.X/ So, you may wanna remove it if you have issues with it's start up
Where is ~/.netbeans/X.X/?
Hi all
I initialised an object of log4j as a singleton in my Main class.

How do I then access it from another class to log events?
@loosebruce this is not a recommended way to use a logging framework in general
@fge , so do I just do my logging all in Main class?
@loosebruce of course not; you configure your logging framework
This is what logging frameworks are all about
So log4j is a framework and not a library?
Forget about the difference for the moment
You can configure log4j to log whatever, wherever and whenever you want
@fge ok, but where do I initialise it then?
The default configuration is good enough, all you have to do is create a logger per class and the configuration will dispatch logs where you tell it to
Tutorials are aplenty for log4j configuration
Yea but the tutorials are confusing as some are wrapping it in their own wrapper class
Yeah, logback, and then there's slf4j too, and log4j2...
The one I looked at instantiated logger from main class
Use SLF4J + Logback if you can
Oh my
Ok looking at this tutorial
http://www.infoq.com/news/2014/07/apache-log4j2 <...> The log4j 2.0 team thought about things like that and improved the API. Now you can write the same like that:

logger.debug("Hi, {} {}", u.getA(), u.getB());
YES! Epic win!
private final Logger slf4jLogger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SLF4JHello.class);

How do I then use this in another class outside of main?
You can create it anywhere you need it
Do I just create an instance of logger in each class?
That seems.....wasteful
I thought a singleton is just one object that can be accessed anywhere?
@loosebruce it is not as wasteful as you might think it is; what is more, it allows you to fully take advantage of the logging capabilities
I mean how will it know what logging level is when it is only known inside main class
Either I will need to pass it to the other class

HTTPClass http = new HTTPClass(loglevel);
@loosebruce Well, you can, but IIRC it will be harder to know where the log is going from. If you create an instance, logger will print from which file it writes to log destination (console/file): it's really helpful for debug
I still don't understand why I need to create multiple logger objects and then configure each one.
In C++ I would get the reference to the singleton logger object
@loosebruce you seem to misunderstand something here
Logging configuration is done in a configuration file
Yea I have one called log4j.properties
In my /src folder
Well then it is really, really high time you read about log4j configuration
And a log4j tutorial while we are at it
You are asking yourself the WRONG QUESTIONS
I have configured my properties to output to console/file etc.
Ok I will just implement it and then submit it to code review , hopefully they will tell me what to do
"Sometimes it's important to have only one instance for a class. For example, in a system there should be only one window manager (or only a file system or only a print spooler). Usually singletons are used for centralized management of internal or external resources and they provide a global point of access to themselves.

The singleton pattern is one of the simplest design patterns: it involves only one class which is responsible to instantiate itself, to make sure it creates not more than one instance; in the same time it provides a global point of access to that instance. In this case t
(see full text)
@loosebruce no need to quote such text, we know what a singleton is
But in the case of logging frameworks, using singletons is wrong
Don't be tight-assed about a design pattern because you know about it; design patterns are tools which you want to use in some situations, but logging isn't one
Nothing works and I don't know why
Nygh... it won't show the images I added to it in scenebuilder >:C
I wish @Ita was here right now
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