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@Gemtastic I hereby suggest a Game of Life.
I wonder if that's suitable as an asignment thing
But it'd fun to try
Some things are embarrassingly easy to learn, you just had to take that 5 min to google its name >_>;
1 hour later…
hey guys anoyone around
Not sure if I can help you with anything though
me too
just got in
Gemtastic, where are you from?
I think I am your teacher! =) So proud to have a student in here during nighttime =)
wow Gemtastic, you're gonna go a long way =)
Hi Martin!
Up early or late?
I'm actually reading up on JSON as we speak :')
Up late =)
already into JSON =)
how come?
are you up late or early?
why stressed?
ah gzuz, old post I saw
my browser is lagging
about time to sleep soon
I was just re-reading your e-mail :P
and decided to read up more on it
3 hours later…
is there a way to cancel selectAll()'s behavior.. I have this JTextField extension that does select all its text anytime it gets a focus. And then i have these buttons that when you click'em it uses a robot to simulate the key pressing.
The problem is, i have to first set the focus on a textfield so that the buttons would be useful. (Using the robot keypress simulation would be nothing when there is nowhere to input them)... so yeah, what i want is to be able to cancel the selectAll behavior on gained focus of my textfields so that they wont be continually deleted all over again and again.. (Removing code for selectAll is out of the question, i need it say for users using tabs and users deliberately clicking the textfield)
@LeeJeong Override it
new JTextField() {
  public something selectAll(some things) {
    // do nothing
hi @Unihedron
@Joe'sMorgue not sure what you need help with
@Unihedron problem is, i want to retain that behavior for that textfield say for users using tabs or clicking the textfield...
@Gemtastic Build a game. Games are better for being ranked. Bonus if it's actually lots of fun.
for this usecase, i'm pressing a button..
oh wait...
hmm... not possible..
@Unihedron i wanted to retain that behavior for the usecases of user using tabs of clicking the textfield deliberately
@LeeJeong What exactly is "selectAll"?
selectAll method selects all the text in the textfield.
im using an anonymous action listener in my buttons like thise
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) {
//				txtVolume.requestFocusInWindow();
				try {

				    Robot robot = new Robot();

				} catch (AWTException exception) {
I use a robot to simulate the clicking, problem is it wont right anything unless its focus is on a textfield..
wont write*
@LeeJeong no, what's the method itself, not what it's for
you mean this?:
public void focusGained(FocusEvent e) {
I just want to be able to write on a JTextField using a robot, but first i have to get rid of the "selectAll" behavior everytime it gets on focus...
trying to eleminate "selectAll" behavior on the textfield would affect the users using tab and clicks
Hello everyone.
@Unihedron I have few questions, can I ask?
@LeeJeong Yeah, sounds about right. Sounds like the swing JTextField doesn't do what you want.
@Unihedron Can i start a separate room to chat with you or should I continue here?
... You should do neither. What's the issue?
I actually want guide
first of all, I would like to say sorry if this question is too dumb or if I asked it in the wrong place. But I honestly was self evaluating myself today and found that it's better to ask today than any more late in the life. I have been working as Java developer since last 4 years now and when it comes to write the code for solving problems, I am good in that, problem is, I lack the knowledge of concepts. I have worked with spring framework, hibernate, struts, java collections, java threads but during any interview when a question is raised, I get no knowledge of anything at all. I truly a
What do you do at work? Coding?
Yes, I do coding
On a scale of 0 to 10 where zero is where you absolutely has never heard of it and 10 is where you can do it single-handedly with no concerns, how would you rate your expertise on the following technologies?
- Source control (or Version Control)
- Continuous Integration
- plugin development for IDEs
- API theory, design and implementation
- Programming language theory, design and implementation
Sir, as told, when it comes to doing I do things easily. I have worked on many technologies but when it asks to some questions, I seriously lack concepts
Source Control: I have good knowledge of github and svn
Continuous Integration: Don't know much about
Plugin developer: Never done
API theory: Have worked on many API's but don't even know the concepts of basic JAVA API and can't even design or implement a new API
Oh, I see where the problem is. Do you like dealing with abstract concepts bu don't get to practice a lot, or is a lack of interest causing that?
I am interested in learning the core basics of everything but yes you are right, in last 4 years, I have dealt mostly with abstract concepts only
But now I feel myself no where and I want to be like what you say a rock programmer with solid concepts
Let me tell you the real story :( I had an interview today and you know what industry expects from the 4 years experienced developer, they asked simple questions and I was just dumb.. I was really embarrased as I didn't even know the basics of things
If you're looking for online material of some sort, Design Patterns | Object Oriented Design is simple and precise, but requires minimal knowledge in the languages itself, which I believe you do; However in the long term, studying object-oriented analysis and design would be more effective:
Object-oriented analysis and design (OOAD) is a popular technical approach to analyzing, designing an application, system, or business by applying the object-oriented paradigm and visual modeling throughout the development life cycles to foster better stakeholder communication and product quality. According to the popular guide Unified Process, OOAD in modern software engineering is best conducted in an iterative and incremental way. Iteration by iteration, the outputs of OOAD activities, analysis models for OOA and design models for OOD respectively, will be refined and evolve continuously driven...
Yes, the waterfall model in the picture of the one-box item.
requirements -> design -> implementation -> verification -> maintenance
Okay thanks a lot @Unihedron
Good luck!
##eval: "hello world"
Ah I gotta have lunch. DEPARTING: Brb
@Unihedron sir, i had an idea... i extended the textfield to do what you suggested so.. so that this class is only confined on that very screen. And i thought its not such a big deal to press ctrl+a on fields that involves numbers. its delicate to accidentally select all text and erase it with a single new press...
sorry, i guess my sentence construction is getting bad. xD
bottom line, i used your suggestion. I cant find a workaround on cancelling the selectAll behavior.. IDK if this is a major deadend. but, deadline is approaching... fvck it, lets do it the other way around, even master @Unihedron says Swing doesnt do it.
2 hours later…
I am looking for some tutorial how to display data from mysql table to Jtable, Can anybody help ?
@PankajKushwaha Tutorials are overrated. Learn code the hard way.
How ?
Any source to learn ?
write code, to learn to code.. :p
Hello Uni... how's today ?
Hallo :D
Q: Disallow starring / pinning of ancient messages

UnihedronCurrently one can star / pin ancient messages, even those which are off the transcript board. This is possibly a bug, where really old messages can be pinned and reappear on the transcript board for two weeks. Here's a demonstration (for science): Java Transcripts, before surprise pin: Meanw...

Two years ago...
Nov 16 '12 at 1:59, by rasen58
user image
Anyone ever cloned this and know how big it is?
is there a standard way to change the HTTPServletRequest implementation class?
or is it too much of an implementation detail?
@AnttiHaapala change? what?
What do you mean by change? You're hacking JDK?
nope, HTTPServletRequest is an interface,
all the servlet containers provide for a concrete implementation
the actual problem is that I need to be able to distinguish between body params (post body) and query string params; it seems I need to do my own request altogether...
Can't you just extend the class?
bc it is not me who instantiates it, I am just trying to find out if there is a standard mechanism to change the implementation class in some servlet api or some containers... or something :D
@AnttiHaapala why do you need to make such a distinction?
well I do not need, but it is a good practice (everyone else besides servlets do it)
You can't. Extending and overriding the specific part is the straightforward approach. There's no mechanism to change existing, compiled class in runtime.
stay tuned
nope, I do not mean to change the existing class
I mean to ask specifically if the servlet containers allow one to inject a "RequestFactory"
Read their documentation? Chances are no though.
Reflection may be the way to go about it, but you'd have better luck redoing the whole thing altogether.
A: display emoji in Java (jFrame)

fgeFirst things first: what is an "emoji"? It is a code point in the "emoticons" Unicode block. You will note that this block is outside the BMP (Basic Multilingual Plane), since all code points for this block are greater than U+FFFF. Second point: how are they treated by your display? It all dep...

hey guys!!!
how do you approach this problem: two textboxes, each other values is dependent on each other. When one of the textboxes is changed, the other textbox should be updated.
Classic cases of price and quantity on a store. You place 1 on quantity, price should be for 1. You place 2, price should be for 2.
Problem is, as you can guess you experienced magicians, it would probably end in a loop. Textbox1 updateing textbox2, so textbox 2 would updated textbox1 and .... fvck. How do you approach this?
@LeeJeong depends on the GUI API you use; typically that would be listeners
But as I don't do GUI at all, I can't help you
SWING sir @fge
@Unihedron !!! man, need some help..
@LeeJeong ?
see my chat above.. case of two things updating each other... they end up in a loop.. you know a better approach for this
Well, you can simply (ha simply) only update when the change comes from user
Good morning, Java!
this has something to do with Swing.. idk i keep them listening to each other's changes, ending up in a loop.. all input comes from user anyway..
@Michael hey mike! You ever experienced classic case of one object updating each other?
Good morning milord
Morning @fge
@LeeJeong Just call "setText()" on each textbox...
@Michael quite some time ago you posted a link to a blog post about a pattern similar to MVC, can you post that link again?
Morning @Mic!
:) (it's actually 9.34 pm for me)
i use document listener that's why i think calling setText() still fires
@Michael thanks!
@Unihedron your place in HK has almost the same time here with me in the Philippines
@Michael i use document listener that's why i think calling setText() still fires
do you think its better to use another type of listener>
@Lee So, you want textbox2 to update as the user types data into textbox1?
and same with textbox2, as user types there it should update textbox1
@simonzack In case you're still around... be aware you're pulling 140k Commits..
soo.,.. I expect it to be huge
@Unihedron there is... you can actually do that using some reflection magic..
@Vogel612 "change class implementation"
@Unihedron yea that would be difficult..
Question: I know that Serializeable provides a decent default implementation for serializing - but if my object virtually will never get serialized, does it hurt to add it? will it automatically make my object heavy?
@Vogel612 s,difficult,impossible
but you can actually set a classes methods to a specific override.. at runtime
@Vogel612 Rally?!
there is a pcg answer on that,...
they substituted Random.nextInt() with return 4;
Well I could too... I think that answer was mine
@Unihedron Not really. You would have to add one of those serialization IDs though, and change it every time you change that class.
A: Random script that isn't actually random

UnihedronJava Shh, don't tell anyone. Secretly call the second method in your code, then call the first method. public String randomPerson() { String people[] = new String[] {"John", "Jeff", "Emma", "Steve", "Julie"}; return people[Math.random()]; } @SuppressWarnings("serial") private void ...

Morning @Gemtastic
@Michael Gotcha - so serializeable interface itself does nothing when implemented, only when actually serialized?
@Unihedron Yes.
A: Survival Game - Create Your Wolf

recursion.ninjaGambler Wolf Gambler wolf likes to take chances so he behaves erratically hoping lady luck is on his side! Fortunately for gambler wolf, lady luck never lets him down! By perpetual strokes of luck, gambler wolf clears the field of all non-wolf obstacles with unbelievable few causalities! packag...

Serializable sucks
    Field field = Math.class.getDeclaredField("randomNumberGenerator");
    field.set(null, new Random() {
          public double nextDouble() {
            return 4; // chosen by fair dice roll
          }           // guaranteed to be random
        });           // proof: xkcd.com/221
@Vogel612 yay survival game
@fge sharing is caring
@Lee Use "addKeyListener()"
@Vog we've made progress breaking the chat :|
watch this:
you pinned your own message?
"Oops! Something wrong happened!"
lesson: never leave promise to the user
@Uni I don't think the security classes need to be singletons.
They are only referenced once, in the main method.
@Michael We'll have a use for them down the lane. I promise.
Oh ok.
Meanwhile in sweden; top news on one of the leading newspaper's website: "Woman injured by moose attack"
Wow, sweden news are boring.
I should create a GUI interface for the bot.
@Gemtastic You sure that's not from Canada? xD
Canada ain't got nothing on the swedish moose
in Teenage Programmers Chatroom, 24 hours ago, by Unihedron
Sam isn't here so I'll cc him this message later, but if JChatExchange finishes, it will be really easy to make a hackable chat client :)
@Michael ^
@Unihedron Nice.
JSON seems really simple to use
Do you peeps have any experience with it?
@Michael If possible, can you use a separate branch for the GUI development? When we finish the bot we'll be hosting it on a server, so GUI is really suitable for home-server use only
@Gemtastic What's new about json? ;)
@Unihedron Nothing, I just decided to read up a little on it
I wrote a json-xml-yaml transformer program once. Lots of fun!
@Unihedron Sure.
^ Some nice json objects in there
@Michael Yay!
That's the part I haven't gotten to yet; what does it look like in code.
... Oh.
Objects are really just arrays though, except instead of having indexes it's a string as the key.
JSON = JavaScript Object Notation, so JSON Objects are really just compound javascript arrays.
I got the theory of how the JSON objects work, just not how to actually put it into the code
ob = {} <- empty object
ob['hi'] = 1
ob; // You get: {"hi":1}
@Gemtastic It's a way to encode data. Like XML or CSV.
@Unihedron Do I just put that into the same class as normal Java code is what I'm wondering
Well, JSON is not only objects
@Gemtastic Which json package are you using?
@fge I know that too
If you use JSONSimple, it's just a map and a stream reader.
@Unihedron Non, I've just read about it, so I only know how it works, not how to implement it (:
@Gemtastic Use a library :)
Jackson is the best JSON Library all-round, gson turns json objects into a java object, org.json is silly, and org.json.simple is easy
Well, looky:
org.json.simple.JSONObject obj = new org.json.simple.parser.JSONParser().parse("{"hi":1}");
// You get: 1 (Integer)
org.json.simple.JSONObject extends HashMap, so.
Ah, that's how you use it. Of course! (Your answer wasn't what I was looking for, but I understand what I wanted to know from looking at the code)
Then there's gson:
class ClassName {
  public int hi;
ClassName foo = new Gson().fromJson("{\"hi\":1}", ClassName.class);
// is 1
That's if you want to deserialize
You can also use a JsonElement
is learning stuff
What's "nightcore"? Sounds like a fanbase for pitched up music, but I have no clue
I agree, sounds like a music-style
"The type of music that started as a subgenre of trance and is still considered so by many people."
Sounds like trance but isn't trance
Also, googling it resulted in loooots of anime AMVs :P
Or anime slide-show MVs
Same, which was why I stopped researching..
@Unihedron no... it's mostly death metal with more... night in it.
@Vogel612 What's night? Sounds like a cream.
I have no effing idea..
anyways I'll just go ahead and clean up the Script Execution by putting it into a separate package and create commands for it...
well later today that is.
Procrastination FTW
that time you are supposed to sleep
and when you wake up, it should be in a working and ready 2 go state ;)
emphasis on should
Ugh, I only slept for 3 hours, and now I gotta keep awake until a normal bed time so that my better half can get up well-rested for the thing tomorrow morning. I hate when I have to stay awake like this; even if I could learn things I can't focus enough to read the stuff that will teach me something X_X
first world problem
Did you know? Listening to music are one of the few activities that actually makes you use all of your brain.
Poor you!
The struggle is real! You who share my love for programming ought to understand my pain! ;P
reminds me of myself...
but it's more of a permanent state on my side
Well, I used to overload myself like y'all, but now I made myself set a dozen alarm clocks.
So it's hard to forget.
I could probably still code though...
I'm sleeping around 1-3 am now, used to be for 5-6 am where I wake up the next hour.
you mean... go to bed.
Insomnia has given me brain damage so I really don't function when I'm sleep deprived. I can only do auto-pilot.
@Unihedron ~jawdrop
@Gemtastic lots of coffee..
lots and lots of coffee
yum, coffee
@Vogel612 I don't drink coffee
black tea and coke works too
And even if I do, caffeine only gives me a strange headache
I drink heaps of tea though
hmm caffeine makes my sleep-deprivation headaches vanish..
Coffee is bad for staying awake, it only makes you more tired when it fades out
but it's yummy
especially the cup
yea coke, alcohol and sweet stuff is better.
sugary stuff is good for concentrating
not too much alcohol, though..
But it's currently mostly green tea, because that's the only tea I can drink without sugar and milk :/
concentration buff, if you shall
I could try exercising?
I am currently mostly on... ingwer-tea
I'm kinda running a cold so I've lived on green lemontea with honey and ginger for 5 days now
I can't say I mind; it's delicious.
A: What activities to do when I'm taking a free time from study?

UnihedronI think you're going to enjoy doing sports. Going for a short run everyday is surprisingly effective to rebuilding your mana after study / work sessions, and it makes you healthier as well!

^ My first productivity.SE post..
It was a good advice but it's already been marked as a duplicate :/
I'm a big fan of coffee, myself.
If I don't have a cup in the morning, I get a headache. xD
That, my friends, is called addiction.
Yes, it actually is. The caffeine headache IS a withdrawal symptom.
I'm "only" addicted to sugar
That's why I'm drinking green teas; to lessen the sugar in my life.
I've started to drink coke in the afternoon too.
@Gemtastic Good plan.
I never drank soda as a kid. Didn't like the carbonation. xD
I like making lemonade myself!
Every time after I make lemonade, the kitchen looks like the army set off a bomb in it.
With real lemons?
Yes. I actually use a knife.
inb4 "Making lemonade with Unihedron"
I only use lemons for tea, baking or making lemon-water :')
hmmm tequila...
also works nice with cola..

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