I'm trying to create an animation once the enemy dies. Using an if statement like so
Enemy.class (ONLY A SECTION)
public void tick() {
y += speed;
if (y > Game.HEIGHT * Game.SCALE) {
speed = r.nextInt(3) + 1;
x = r.nextInt(540);
y = -10;
@kiheru that was right, i meant to say eager initialization.
@Unihedron i happened to stumble upon a design that wrecks havoc when you do eager initialization on a subclass.. the superclass calls an implemented function on the subclass which assumes that the instance variables are already on the heap, but its doesnt happen unless the superclass constructor finishes..
OK, then I agree with Uni. It's not a bad idea. There are times when lazy initialization is the right choice, but usually that's an optimization, so it's not typically the approach you should implement first. Root of all evil and so on. There are exceptions of course
Sounds like the case of calling non-final instance methods from a constructor. That's something that should be avoided, and if it can't be avoided, it should be documented so that it can be considered a contract for subclasses
i just wonder why the author did it that way... i guess he just wanted to make sure everything should be instantiated not on constructor but when you just need to..
From docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/IandI/final.html : "Methods called from constructors should generally be declared final. If a constructor calls a non-final method, a subclass may redefine that method with surprising or undesirable results."
We keep the botconfig like we have, but add a flatfile mechanism that uses simple scanners and reads from it into a new botconfig object if it's there, or copy over a default file object from jar as resource if it's absent
So the plan was simple: Provide a factory to instantiate implementations of a certain interface (ModelConverter<T>), depending on what model-class you want to convert.
The approach is relatively straightforward:
statically map model-classes to ModelConverter implementations
use that ma...
Query for soonest time and smallest interval:
Cursor cursorTwo = sqLiteDatabase.rawQuery("SELECT datetime FROM collection WHERE datetime" +
" = (SELECT MIN(datetime) FROM collection) AND interval = (SELECT MIN(interval) FROM collection) ", null);
^my attempt above but I ge...
@michael, I just fixed it to check if cursor is not null, etc..However I do want it to return one result in the example I showed. How can I fix my query so that it return a result?
public void checkPermission(Permission perm, Object context) {
if (context.getClass().getName().equals("UserScript"))
throw new SecurityException("You can't do that.");
Basically, any code that asks the System.getSecurityManager() whether it can use the operation, it says no.
No, I'm saying in the "checkPermission" method, instead of saying, "You can't use these classes", we should say "You are only allowed to use these classes".
private final Set<String> allowedClasses = ...
public void checkPermission(Permission perm, Object context) {
if (!allowedClasses.contains(context.getClass().getName()))
throw new SecurityException("You can't do that.");
Yeah, because checkPermission doesn't work like that. If you want to whitelist classes used by UserScript, you have to change the script engine to do that - the security manager is only called when it's specified to be needed, as part of contracts.
For example, File.create() asks the SecurityManager whether this class / object can do this.
perm=file.create&context=(this object) or (This.class)
Anything that can induce security problems are already blocked.
We don't have to. File.create() already calls System.getSecurityManager().checkPermission(new SimplePermission("file.create"), ReflectUtils.getCaller()); - It's specified by the javadocs.
Any method that Java considers the need to check with the permission manager called the method I linked, which we automatically block it iff it's from the UserScript object.
If you want to check when a class is imported or used, it's nothing to do with the security manager, you'd have to tweak the script engine.
@Michael i know a bit of programming providing polymorphism & abstraction in java and to implement/use some data models like linked list & arrays in java.