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Pushed my code changes! :D
Well done! goes to check it out
Thanks :D
Well, gtg. My netbook battery is about to run out of juice. O_O
And yes, I committed to the development branch.
See y'all later.
@Unihedron question... how can I make a constructor call terminate abnormally?
@Vogel612 throw new exception
this is interesting...
I can return inside a constructor after a call to System.exit();
'cuz syntax
wait what?>!
but the fun thing comes now,..
Eclipse realizes, that the code following is unreachable in case the shit hits the fan...
and gives me a "final field ... may have not been initialized properly"
which is... completely retarded, given the JVM terminates
public final class Example {

	public static final Example Configuration = new Example();
	public final String PROPERTY;

	private String property = "";

	private Example() {
		List<String> stuff;
		try {
			stuff = Files.readAllLines(Paths.get("file.txt"), Charset.forName("UTF-8"));
		} catch(IOException ex){

		PROPERTY = property;
put a return in the catch block and eclipse will output an error.
can someone have a look at this stackoverflow.com/questions/26934805/… the only problem is it accepts one or two zeros and any other number when it shouldn't
@Mr_Wizerman69 "it" - the answer or your question?
well the answers sort of helped but it doesn't resolve the issue i mentioned
@Unihedron ^
AND? What's the context of "it"?
my question? @Unihedron
@Mr_Wizerman69 no? I'm asking for what you mean by "it" in your question here, not your question itself
@Mr_Wizerman69 .... you didn't clearly state your problem in the question...
two pending cvs @vog, added mine
if you want to terminate given any of the inputted numbers is 0, you shouldn't use AND conditions..
there is a while statement that states the inputs cannot be zeros and it allows one or two zeros and another number, if three are entered it successfully terminates the program but it shouldnt accept one or two zeros and another number
should i post my most up to date version of the code?
Yay HTRYOHV source
Have you ran a debugger?
Btw your pictures in the question are broken.
@Vogel612 Because... It's not vlq
hmm... soo code-only is not vlq?
or rather.. "code only with leading introduction sentence and output"
A: Am I misusing the "Very Low Quality" flag?

Shog9Use VLQ for obvious, unarguable garbage. Regardless of whether or not it ends up in /review or the mod queue (and most of the time, it'll end up in both at least for a little while...) VLQ flags on questions that should be closed just create unnecessary overhead - someone else has to spend more...

VLQ is for obvious, undeniable garbage.
If it has value to any degree, it's not VLQ. It might be partially LQ, then post comments to request improvements instead.
... isn't that covered by abusive??
> This answer contains content that a reasonable person would deem inappropriate for respectful discourse.
which is exactly what obvious garbage is..
inappropriate for respetful discourse

@Unihedron The pics work
@Mr_Wizerman69 for your machine? It shows as a dead box. Repro'd on IE and Firefox.
repro'd on chromium
@Vogel612 Well, consider this: abuse of the system is offensive. Things that aren't abuse of the system but are unarguable garbage are VLQ.
For example:
okay well they are just screen caps of the example inputs that should be valid but arent
how did you add them?
That's NOT offensive, even if you think it is.
And yes, it's not an audit. OMG!
Offensive - Abusing the system
VLQ - Garbage
There you go.
@Mr_Wizerman69 umm you are aware we don't have access to your google mail??
its not through that its a screen cap, i am aware you do not have access
if they dont work ill take em off
@Unihedron that "answer" is a retardedly asked question..
It's not a screen cap.
![zero check](mail.google.com/mail/u/…)
![invalid value check](mail.google.com/mail/u/…)
@Mr_Wizerman69 why do you have the imaes link to your google mail then??
@Mr_Wizerman69 https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0+stupid parameters as a GET request
ive had three people confirm they work
@Vogel612 It's still not offensive.
that's kinda what makes it not offensive, isn't it??
but it's cannon fodder..
instant-nuke ..
Offensive = This user should be banned right now
VLQ = Nuke / delete / show this user who's the boss, right now + This is garbage on first sight no matter who looks at it
NAA = You shouldn't be using an answer for this / This is a decaying signpost
@Mr_Wizerman69 I get a status 500 when I try to access the link .... it says: Gmail Account temporarily not available
yaaay decaying signposts..
what will make it easier for you guys to help me
im a noob
VLQ is stuff that doesn't hurt to take away, btw. If it's NAA but the user needs a lesson, use NAA
@Mr_Wizerman69 If you answer our questions
'Cuz that outlines your skill level and how much you expect out of coding, which lets us answer in better scale.
So, have you ran a debugger or did you code in in one go and hoped it will work?
okay, well i'm new to it
i have updated it since that post
so should i post it somewhere
hey... reading helps..
you should answer our questions, then we can help you..
14 mins ago, by Unihedron
ok i wont but i answered your questions and took away the screen caps
So, have you ran a debugger?...
what is not working... describe it in one sentence if you can
Ok, I just built an automatic flowchart out of your code.
Are you entitled to using java6-7?
Example input 0,1,2 and then it stops the program, but it should continue to ask for the proper input
I'm fine with both
I'll take that as a no, and continue suggesting you should do it right from the start and use 1.8..
asking for input, eh??
@Vogel612 Shhh
im a noob so if i don't know what you're talking about sorry
So do I write "0,1,2" when the program starts?
or do I write 0 then 1 then 2?
1st value 0
2nd 1
3rd 2
.... What do I write in the input?
Ok, what do you expect to get printed, and why?
i expect it to ask again for the inputs because zero is only valid if all three are zeros
^ Here's what I get
@Mr_Wizerman69 you know what?? you shouldn't abuse while as if...
yes @Unihedron thats what i get but it should produce an error statment and ask again
as i said ive updated it
while ((side1<=0||side2<=0||side3<=0))
        System.out.println("You have entered at least one invalid value. This means your values could not make a triangle. Please enter new values.");
        side1 = in.nextInt();
        side2 = in.nextInt();
  side3 = in.nextInt();
this one...
so now it just stops when you enter 0,1,2
@Mr_Wizerman69 Feel free to post it then. BUT please do it here -> hastebin.com
should be an if statement jumping back to a useful prompt.
then I leave this to you, Uni..
Just dump the code (ctrl + a, ctrl + c)->ctrl + v, then use ctrl+s to publish to the page
ok ill post it but just let me type one thing to compile
@Vogel612 There's also some delicious, fatty if condition return true else return false...
It's so dark in so many layers
including comparison against the boolean..
I saw..
how do you convert from double to int
you cast it,..
can you type an example?
double a;
int b;
a = 2.0;
b = (int) a;
and if i want to do the other way i just do the reverse?
yea.. something like that..
... try?
it's easier to start off with doubles though..
probably some lib method
Double.parse() might be working..
anyways @Unihedron I think I'll make Commands use some BuilderPattern..
because It feels easier to assemble commands that way..
@Vogel612 I think using annotations are simpler :P
'Cuz I've used it at-work before and it's more effective than user invocations
Though go ahead
Just voicing here :P
 new CommandBuilder().addHelp("help text").addExecution((ChatMessage message) -> {}).addSyntax(String thing -> {}).addInfo("info-text").build();
@Unihedron annotations are somewhat less flexible though..
and you can't subclass them...
@Vogel612 Exactly. Only primitives and string are allowed in declarators.
With enforced assemblage over limited declarators, most of it is moved to livetime vulnerable stuff and the command extensibility is forced over existing building blocks.
@Vogel612 You can use an empty interface.
Oh! I totally forgot about putting the bot up on the server. I'll try to do that tonight, or tomorrow morning if it's too late
@Unihedron incorrect assumption.
@Vogel612 I've used it for an API I built, and annotations are effective. There's no assumption, unless you dislike the deduction in there.
consider the Predicate<String>, Consumer<ChatMessage> tingy..
Ok, where's the central processing? We want a fishing command that requires a user to answer five simple arithmetic questions quickly to win a fish. Can you do that in one consumer?
eagerly waits for comeback
@Unihedron we could register the internal state of the command as a listener to the bot or the ChatInterface if we really wanted to implement that..
which reduces the Consumer of the command to something like:
bot.registerListener(new FishingGame(message.getUser_id());
and the rest would be managed by the FishingGame implementations
Oh, cool. I thought you were giving up the listener system for commands?
Or are they parallel systems?
well we still have a de-facto listener system..
we just called it commands...
Actually it's more like..
chatInterface.subscribe(new FishingGame(message.getUser_id());
which allows us to completely circumvent the bot.
sure we'd have to tell the FishingGame about the chatInterface..
and the command would have to know too... but that's implementation detail ;)
I see what you mean about Commands now. It's something that defines the simple structure of simple chat message handlers, but for listeners of everything else we go for actual listeners?
the Bot itself listens to the ChatInterface alread.y
the double Listener indirection with Commands listening to the bot is ... dumb
Then a builder pattern is perfect :D
Sorry... I didn't know where you were going with it... I'm mostly guessing after you talked about it last night :)
how would you prefer adding syntax?
as one block or as multiple .addSyntax calls?
I love chaining, that's all. You can go for .addSyntax(FunctionalInterface<T>...) if you want, but whichever way works.
new CommandBuilder().addSyntax(s -> s.trim().matches("cmd")).addSyntax(s -> s.trim().matches("cmd /d{1,12}")./
lel dat constructor
public CommandBuilder() {
    matchesSyntax = (String s) -> {return false;};
aaand commited and pushed..
moar discussion stuff.
~JavaBot, at your service
interestingly it seems that the gargolyesoftware error handler cleanup didn't work
I'm thinking of putting up the CommandBuilder and Command classes up for review now..
~JavaBot, at your service
~JavaBot, at your service
Oh, I never remembered to send you the bot credentials >_>
it's fine
I don't really need them anyways and after all it's your sockpuppet ;K)
lemme find the card where I write large paragraphs of passwords I use..
##java:public class Program{ public static void main(String[] args){System.out.println("It works");}}
Let me guess... It doesn't?
##java:public class Program{ public static void run(String[] args){System.out.println("It works");}}
I got it on my console....
##java:public class Program{ public static void main(String[] args){System.out.println("It works");}}
##java:public class Program{ public static void main(String[] args){System.out.println("It works");}}
okay this is ... interesting,...
It does output stuff for me..
##load:public class Program{ public static void main(String[] args){System.out.println("It works");}}
Thanks, I'll remember that.
@Vogel612 NP
the execution worked...
just the piping System.out to chat is ...messy..
##eval:"##eval: "##eval: "##eval: "HI""""
startup failed:    UserScript: 1: unexpected char: '#' @ line 1, column 11.       "##eval: "##eval: "##eval: "HI""""                 ^        1 error
##eval:"##eval: \"##eval: \\"##eval: \\\"HI\\\"\\"\""
startup failed:    UserScript: 1: unexpected char: '#' @ line 1, column 23.       "##eval: \"##eval: \\"##eval: \\\"HI\\\"\\"\""                             ^        1 error
##eval:"##eval: \\"##eval: \\\\"##eval: \\\\\\"HI\\\\\\"\\\\"\\""
your thing got swallowed..
##eval:"##eval: \\"##eval: \\\\"##eval: \\\\\\"HI\\\\\\"\\\\"\\""
> Could not send message. Response(409): Conflict
and again
Gotta handle that later.
Oh really?
##eval: "##eval: 1+1"
##eval: 1+1
Moment of truth...
##eval: "Hello @Hover @Hover @Hover @Hover"
Hello @Hover @Hover @Hover @Hover
we could make it sanitize pings...
##eval: "WTF" @Unihedron
INFORMATION: Ignoring message.
No signature of method: com.gmail.inverseconduit.bot.JavaBot.getListeners() is applicable for argument types: () values: []
Must I really look up my own documentation?...
No signature of method: com.gmail.inverseconduit.bot.JavaBot.getListeners() is applicable for argument types: () values: []
try getSubscribers
No such property: userId for class: com.gmail.inverseconduit.commands.RunScriptCommand
the list is immutable...
nvm borked..
It's a hashset...
Oh, I sucl.
aaand it's private.
You gotta be kitten me right meow!
@Hov try now
Should we just ditch the userId system altogether @Vog? Since most of the security stuff is already covered and adding the users we want every lifephase is annoying.
@Unihedron I'd at least not work with a whitelist..
or maybe just have a whitelist for super special guys like us..
like... Admins, Users, Blacklisted...
JCE planned feature: user defined service provider
I should add you to my private trello board for jce
actually it's all empty, I did the planning on paper
I'll take a pic
soo we're gonna get that from JCE??
We can migrate the core of Javabot to JCE when JCE is done
You can work on it too, though right now it's kind of hard for you I guess
hmm... wasn't that the plan from the start??
yep :D
yea it's kinda extremely abstract...
It will clear up soon
you can even build a chat client out of it, it's supposed to be as easy as that
@HovercraftFullOfEels you still there?
Sam has been helpful and helped do some websocket tests past the few days, so that part would be easier to implement and document behind the library
hmm... yes probably..
Hmm... their profile is seen 4 mins ago
Current status: A.F.K.
go for the pings of death...
btw... testing something..
bad request? we haven't implemented limit message size
yes it actually is 500 chars..
night @Unihedron
~JavaBot, at your service
~JavaBot, at your service
## help
~JavaBot, at your service
aaand yet again
now i just need 5messageas
in between this and the last command
~JavaBot, at your service
it seems to skip the commands...
not nice..
hey guys
hiya @Gemtastic
~JavaBot, at your service
now let's see..
aand trying again
~JavaBot, at your service
dear me..
##eval:"Hiya @"+"Gem"
Hiya @Gem
Aww, junior is learning to talk :)
next try..
debugging in production at it's finest
~JavaBot, at your service
Hiya @Gem
now let's try shooting hi,...
~JavaBot, at your service
Hey @Trevi
~JavaBot, at your service
okay maybe this time..
if not, then I'll go ahead and sleep for a while..
~JavaBot, at your service
@Vogel612 I am JavaBot, maintained by Uni, Vogel, and a few others. You can find me on github.com/Vincentiyfication/JavaBot
now was it that hard??
Seems like @JavaBot is getting better and better ;)
~going down
okay... operation arbitrary commands, finished..
it may be that the Predicate.or(Predicate) didn't work all that well...
@Vogel612 Link to the repository is dead btw
swap i and y..
Is my other alias really that hard to spell? ;)
At least you actually wrote that instead of copying lol
... yes I did...
that was the error..
anyways, commands are working..
but the main method grows larger and larger
Also here's a smart way to get your head bountied to the room: Actually fetch names of all contributors, then change every name into a ping
better not..
Back to trying to sleep. :D
@Unihedron you actually sleep ??
hey @Gemtastic , how you be ?
I'm just fine
Alittle cold mayhaps
oh.. sorry to hear that..
take some tea... or something
Some Vodka could solve your problem as well (most probably)
Only issue is that I don't drink alcohol :P
Well, tea is on the menu.
I'm hoping the computers will warm up the room soon though.
well... I believe you're lucky that you don't take alcohol... but it works pretty good with cold... :)
Yes @mlwn... Except pings like yours wake me up when I try to
@Unihedron, you see how useful I am ??? :)
imagine that the world will finish when you are asleep.. how would you feel about that ???
Music is the best medicine for everything
I would be happy if someone finished JCE when I wake up..
Dancing will probably solve my cold-issue

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