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Hey guys, I have a problem in my program and I would be hoping if someone could help me
Wait a second
Q: Animation method not working inside if statement

TurnipDatBeetDoughI'm trying to create an animation once the enemy dies. Using an if statement like so Enemy.class (ONLY A SECTION) public void tick() { y += speed; if (y > Game.HEIGHT * Game.SCALE) { speed = r.nextInt(3) + 1; x = r.nextInt(540); y = -10; ...

This problem has been 'bugging' me for a few days and can't finish my program until I get this out of the way D:
You say you got on the right track... I assume the code changed??
Waiiit... you're not the same guy...
dun DUn DUN!
Obtw... you could do something like scheduling the removal for after the animation was completed....
Aka. Put the stuff you want out in a Set and run game.entities.removeAll over it...
The thing is, it doesn't even run the explo.runAnimation();
I just realised
Then your physics.collision checker is borked...
But, the other things like removeEntity works :P
Also please be aware that creating multiple accounts as the same person is a violation of the terms of service IIRC....
Well, I have to assume that the ANimation class is messed up or something
You can requedt an acciunt merge on the contact us section..
Damn mobile keyboard..
Ill delete that account after I find out the answer ^^
I'll tell you once it's deleted :)
Meh... merge is better than delete...
Ah, why's that?
For one, you don't loose all the possible rep and your 0 scored stuff doesnt get deleted.
Meh, I don't have much rep in that account :S
Although that is a plus
Anyways it might be beneficial if you could nail the problem down to at least one specific classs
Yeah, for sure!
I'll try to see
It's near kmppssible that the same method call behaves differently depending on where he happens..
As I see it there's two places where this could blow up... either the Physics.Collision or the Animation.runAnimation....
Btw. Your naming convention seems borked to me... and your runAnimation is a cr*p name...
Hmm, It does actually recognize that the animatino should be running(ALthough it doens't actually run)...
Should I show you my PHYSICS CLASS?
Sorry caps
And, why's that?
Because you're just making the next step...
And not running the whole animation...
Even so, shouldn't it atleast show one picture?
Another tip... store images for the animation in a List... that makes it easier for you given you maintain the index properly..
Ah yeah
My poor computer!
@Joe'sMorgue ?? Why that?
It's a 1.6Ghz Atom processor, running Winders 10 with 1 gig of ram
Tell me about it. 4 tabs open here. Android Studio on second screen.
@SebastianA a tip from me... you may want to rewrite that completely after looking into ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor
Rewrite the animations class?
... completely... but at least that, yes..
Anyways 2 AM... bedtime
.... I'll try my best to rewrite atleast that Animations class haha, and i will, too. 1 AM here
1 hour later…
why is it a bad idea to eagerly declare your instance variables?
7 hours later…
@LeeJeong It's not.
I'm not quite sure even of what the question means. Eager initialization I know, but what is an eager declaration?
@kiheru that was right, i meant to say eager initialization.
@Unihedron i happened to stumble upon a design that wrecks havoc when you do eager initialization on a subclass.. the superclass calls an implemented function on the subclass which assumes that the instance variables are already on the heap, but its doesnt happen unless the superclass constructor finishes..
@LeeJeong You could have said that, because declaring instance variables and constructing them virtually don't make sufficient difference.
OK, then I agree with Uni. It's not a bad idea. There are times when lazy initialization is the right choice, but usually that's an optimization, so it's not typically the approach you should implement first. Root of all evil and so on. There are exceptions of course
Sounds like for the specific use case you shouldn't use objects how you are before at all, maybe you're looking for a Builder?
Sounds like the case of calling non-final instance methods from a constructor. That's something that should be avoided, and if it can't be avoided, it should be documented so that it can be considered a contract for subclasses
i just wonder why the author did it that way... i guess he just wanted to make sure everything should be instantiated not on constructor but when you just need to..
Well, consider this. It sounds like they're mashing the Factory and the Object together, so that it creates itself. That's no good.
> " the superclass calls an implemented function on the subclass which assumes that the instance variables are already on the heap "
From docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/IandI/final.html : "Methods called from constructors should generally be declared final. If a constructor calls a non-final method, a subclass may redefine that method with surprising or undesirable results."
you could take a look here @Unihedron webbyit.blogspot.no/2011/03/…
@LeeJeong Java(TM) was blocked because it wa sout of date. Update plug-in... Run this time
oh men,
there is a code download there...
but idk, might be too big of a favor.
but in case you want to look its in the ModalityInternalFrame.class
i just commented out the init() method..
Yes, they're going it wrong. It's also an old post.
LOL. i always thought the elders are never wrong, and from where i got it, idk if i just read it wrong, they said it was from mKorbel
**always thought in *programming
Everyone makes mistakes. Except Jon Skeet.
who's that? *googles.
mKorbel's worth listening, but not unerring
I have once made a comment that made Skeet amend his answer. That's exceedingly rare though
Quick question, for instance method (Person).getName() used in lambda (Person p) -> p.getName(), is it ok to use Person::getName?
or is T::m only for static methods?
Can any body please answer this stackoverflow.com/q/26908854/2830834?
ei @Unihedron you familiar with SeaGlass L&F?
@LeeJeong Not really, you can still try to ask though.
@SagarPudi Three people did already.
Uhm, is there a paste screen cap here?
Can you Elaborate that @un
Coz, there is thing drop down thingy on the top left side of my frame using SeaGlass
@Unihedron No answer is giving clear explaination I confused
[Configuration parameters in java](http://stackoverflow.com/q/26908854/2830834)
@SagarPudi They all look pretty clear to me. What don't you understand?
see my update section in the questio please
You mean... "Can I use separate final class for configuration details?"?
@Unihedron does L&F have some restriciting mechanisms when you try to change fonts?
does L&F have some restriciting mechanisms when you try to change fonts using UIManager?
Oh hello
cool my 20 hours old tea is still warm!
Say by chance have you finished working on the properties file Vog?
what finished??
that's a PoC on my 15..
'Cuz I might have an idea that could save us some time if we do that instead.
it was a PoC anyways, I was planning to throw that away..
Proof of Concept
I may have found an eclipse bug along the way..
still considering whether I should try to nail it down or not...
Lol, well mine is simple
We keep the botconfig like we have, but add a flatfile mechanism that uses simple scanners and reads from it into a new botconfig object if it's there, or copy over a default file object from jar as resource if it's absent
No hard work needed, just simple parsing
in a way like... default configuration??
I saw. It uses a text file instead of a property file, though.
so I should rather go for using java.util.Properties as mentioned by mangstadt?
That's Michael
But I thought you could make it more dynamic
Get field names with reflection or something
@Unihedron no..
You don't use reflection if you can help it..
you're beating around the bush and from behind...
Good morning, Java!
@Vogel612 Yes. :)
lol ;)=
For example:
Properties prop = new Properties();
String username = prop.getProperty("username");
I know..
I checked the docs...
Ah, ok
Yeah, you should avoid reflection whenever possible...
I already had my share of reflection used where it's unnecessary...
Reflection all day!
Sacrifice efficiency and readable code... lol...
@Unihedron well look what code comes from that...
Q: More German overengineeringâ„¢ - Class mappings and factories

Vogel612Goals: So the plan was simple: Provide a factory to instantiate implementations of a certain interface (ModelConverter<T>), depending on what model-class you want to convert. The approach is relatively straightforward: statically map model-classes to ModelConverter implementations use that ma...

whats reflection? *nooob
it has something to do with DB right?
Reflection is when you call code, with code.
For example, say I wanted to get the names of all of the methods in the String class.
I can programmatically iterate over each of the methods in the String class.
for (Method method : String.class.getMethods()){
You can also invoke methods via reflection.
For example, instead of typing: int index = string.indexOf('.');
You can do:
oh shit..
String string = "my . string";
Method method = String.class.getMethod("indexOf", char.class);
int index = (int)method.invoke(string, '.');
Yeah, it's pretty crazy lol
Q: Query for soonest time and smallest interval

Kala JQuery for soonest time and smallest interval: Cursor cursorTwo = sqLiteDatabase.rawQuery("SELECT datetime FROM collection WHERE datetime" + " = (SELECT MIN(datetime) FROM collection) AND interval = (SELECT MIN(interval) FROM collection) ", null); ^my attempt above but I ge...

I need help with this. I'm not entirely sure why this is wrong? Is it because one of the conditions is false?
hey room !!
it's been a while..
how's everyone ??
@KalaJ Your query is returning 0 results. Does your code check for that?
and why would i want to do that sir @Michael
@LeeJeong There are not many use-cases for reflection.
One valid use-case would be for writing a dynamic programming language.
@Michael API...
Unless you want the (developer) users of your API to throw in a text file with the information you demand, and trust it
Because dynamic programming languages are not compiled, you would have to use reflection to do everything.
@LeeJeong Reflection is a hack.
@michael, I just fixed it to check if cursor is not null, etc..However I do want it to return one result in the example I showed. How can I fix my query so that it return a result?
Is this a homework question, @Kala?
in Room for Uni and Inf on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, 21 mins ago, by Sam
WebSockets test #38475236985657692655698659873...
(hashtag working with websockets)
no it's not
I am not a student ><;
Your query is saying "find the row that has the lowest datetime AND the lowest interval".
Do you see a problem with that?
@Unihedron For the bot?
I think I know why it fails
but I'm not sure how to fix the logic
Well, what do you want to be returned?
so it's failing because there is no entry that has the soonest date and the lowest interval
What I want to return is
@Michael yes; we (Sam and I)'re querying from this chat using a scheduled poll. We want to move to websockets (/ws-auth)
the soonest date with the lowest interval
so inside of AND, it's WITH?
something like that
Is this possible?
If you want to find the soonest date, you have to use MAX.
Programming is about making impossible things possible!
... And engineering is about building things from nothing, while we're at it.
@Unihedron can programming turn water to beer ???
Why Max? Don't I want to find the smallest datetime?
@mlwn "water".replace("water", "beer")
The higher the datetime value, the later the date.
Ohh, new avatar, didn't notice you at first :)
For example, "March 10 2014" will have a larger value than "Jan 10 2014".
I'll be using the :P for the time being...
but I want soonest date to curent time
So you want the largest datetime value?
SQL problem?
lol yes
Well you can subtract the time in field from current time, then sort the absolute value of them according to desc
So you have to use MAX instead of MIN
But do I want the largest datetime value in any case or just this specific case that you are basing it on?
Ok, wait. How are you generating your datetime values?
Did you make a sqlfiddle, @Kala?
E.g. 11/16/14 10:00 vs. 11/16/14 14:00 when current datetime is 11/16/14 9:00
Are they unix timestamps or something else?
something else
I just formatted a date
I'm pulling this data from the database
Don't dump code. Use sqlfiddle
At some point I'm going to have a lot of various values
So, what would the value of, say, "Nov 15 9:00" be?
That is what I am wondering. 9:00 is in military time
MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm
That's the format
Thanks Uni, I will soon
Are you storing the dates are strings or integers?
Well in any event, I did use max and it works
I am wondering if I change my data around though will it persist?
This is in sqlite
so it's a text field saved in db
but mostly strings
when I'm manipulating them
Nice edit, @Uni.
@Michael thanks
editor toolkit is still broken, so I had to do it manually
@KalaJ Ok, well, I don't know if sqlite converts it to an integer, but you should not store datetime values as strings in a database... >.>
I know but sqlite has no datetime field :O
Trust me, I hate sqlite too :/
I have to write all these queries manually, it's very ugly format
@KalaJ Textfield for time?!
I'm going to go and try out some other values
yes, have you used sqlite before?
Can't you jus use DateTime(50)?
Oh, sqlite...
Then you should store the value as an integer. Use Date.getTime() to get a date's timestamp value.
ohh hm. Is there a problem with storing it as a text/string?
while (true) { System.out.println("Yes!"); }
lol darn
@Michael syntax error: while is not a valid identifier ;)
ok I will change it in the future release. I need to get this out for demo very soon
Programmers' instinct: You know what syntax error it is the moment you read the code :|
@Unihedron Huh? while(true) is valid...
@Michael it's not on top-level
expected class, interface or enum
Main.java:1: error: class, interface, or enum expected
while (true) { System.out.println("Yes!"); }
Thank you @Michael, it seems to be working as expected.
You guys don't know how to take a joke... xD
neither do you seem to, ;)
Sorry, my humor engine is offline :P
~off to slaughtering ettin, risen, thieves and elementals...
driving lesson in 30 minutes, wish me luck :O
Good luck!
hi, any body using orika object mapping
let me guess... You?
@user3551555 Never used it. Sorry.
@Michael tnx for replay
By the way. Will the JavaBot terminate code that runs forever?
@Michael good question..
@Michael yes, groovy annotations
@Unihedron Ok, so Groovy will terminate the script if it runs for too long?
What about interaction with the file system? Does it deny access to it?
It should...
Gotta check though
public void checkPermission(Permission perm, Object context) {
    if (context.getClass().getName().equals("UserScript"))
        throw new SecurityException("You can't do that.");
Basically, any code that asks the System.getSecurityManager() whether it can use the operation, it says no.
@Unihedron A whitelist would probably be better.
@Michael That's the groovy !!eval command. If we want a whitelist, we'll just limit the use of a special parameter. !!eval-force or something
For example: "You can only use ArrayList, String, etc"
We can't, unless we redo the script engine.
Anything that requires permission from System.getSecurityManager() is banned, other than that you can do anything unless it gets timed out.
No, I'm saying in the "checkPermission" method, instead of saying, "You can't use these classes", we should say "You are only allowed to use these classes".
So... You can only use (insert huge paragraph here)?
Yes, I think that's more secure.
... How is that going to get implemented? :P
Well, we would just have to decide by hand what classes to whitelist
I'm just saying, if the Javabot were running on my computer, I would want to make sure nobody could damage it.
@Michael I take that you want to rebuild the script engine?
No, I'm saying, in the checkPermissions method, we do something like this.
The checkPermissions method is part of our custom SecurityManager. It will only be called when System.getSecurityManager.checkPermissions() is called.
private final Set<String> allowedClasses = ...

public void checkPermission(Permission perm, Object context) {
    if (!allowedClasses.contains(context.getClass().getName()))
        throw new SecurityException("You can't do that.");
And "context" is the class instance / object instance attempting to use "perm", so that's always going to do nothing.
So you don't think my suggestion will work?
Yeah, because checkPermission doesn't work like that. If you want to whitelist classes used by UserScript, you have to change the script engine to do that - the security manager is only called when it's specified to be needed, as part of contracts.
For example, File.create() asks the SecurityManager whether this class / object can do this.
perm=file.create&context=(this object) or (This.class)
Anything that can induce security problems are already blocked.
Wait. So what is "context" exactly?
context is the object trying to use the permission. If the method is static, a Class of the class the method belongs to is context instead.
Right. So if File.create() is called, then context.getClass() will be "java.io.File".
No, if you call File.create() in a TryToUseAFile object, then that object instance is delivered.
class TryToUseAFile {
  public TryToUseAFile() {}

  public void useTheFile() {
    new File("", "").create();
So how would we prevent someone from calling "File.create()" in an !!eval message?
We don't have to. File.create() already calls System.getSecurityManager().checkPermission(new SimplePermission("file.create"), ReflectUtils.getCaller()); - It's specified by the javadocs.
So, that method is automatically blocked?
Any method that Java considers the need to check with the permission manager called the method I linked, which we automatically block it iff it's from the UserScript object.
If you want to check when a class is imported or used, it's nothing to do with the security manager, you'd have to tweak the script engine.
So, in our case, what will happen if someone does:
!!eval: new File("/foobar.txt").create()
You can't do that.
Why not?
... cuz it checks with the security manager, which does this
throw new SecurityException("You can't do that.");
Check the source code for File.create() - it calls System.getSecurityManager(), which we implemented.
Then wouldn't something like "new ArrayList()" also throw a security exception?
Check the constructor of ArrayList() - it doesn't check with the security manager.
Most objects in the Java API doesn't care, except for a few ones.
Aaahh, interesting.
That makes our job a lot easier! :D
yep, the java security API decides what's dangerous for us already, so if we want to limit classes we'd have to do it ourselves :/
Awesome! :D
Nice job figuring all that stuff out... xD
You mean the first part being awesome, or the second? xD
I do want to limit which classes are used at some point...
First xD
@Unihedron hai
Can you suggest me, if this is the right series to learn multi threading in java to follow good practice of concurrency&multithreadin?



i want to learn it with some good programming examples(may be toy apps), Do you know any good reference?
We should compile a list of good beginner tutorials.
@Michael looks like, this reference is more than enough for beginners, tutorials.jenkov.com/java-concurrency/index.html to keep this topic in practice
@overexchange If you are new to the Java programming language, then multi-threading is definitely not for you.
@Michael i know a bit of programming providing polymorphism & abstraction in java and to implement/use some data models like linked list & arrays in java.
Then maybe you are ready to learn concurrency.
@Michael am at lecture 13 in java @ cs.berkeley.edu/~jrs/61bf06 Java packages by doing all homewors/labs/project till date
greeatt.. guildwars server lost connection near the end of some eternal story-dungeon..
aaaand I can do it all again..
Doing a regex golf atm
yaaay it worked..
quick sidequestion... why does gnome limit the combined display resolution in any aany alignment to 2048x2048??

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