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1 hour later…
@Sabಠ_ಠ use a loop..
or that
4 hours later…
@LifeH2O you're welcome :-)
guys, I've got a time of type long number: 1410627011000 . how do I get the milliseconds from this? (time / 1000 * 60) gives me some next number
milliseconds from what? since the the last second? since 1970?
(getTimeOfTheDayInMs() returns the time relative to 1970. I did not type that year at random)
never mind, it was time % 1000
thanks for ur help!
guys @all i have deployed project on tomcat when i clicked on it it is showing 404 error
I encountered a small problem but I got it fixed.
So I'm working with JavaFX and Scene Builder.
In the auto generated code I found something like this:
private void handleButtonStop(ActionEvent event) {
If I remove "@FXML", I get an error. Netbeans tells me to make the method public.
So I can deduce that @SomeClass will make this particular method public for "SomeClass".
Question: is this true? Where is this documented? I can't really find it, well because I haven't searched for that long :)
I FINALLY got my motherboard back!
It don't work!
Won't POST
They sent me back a defective motherboard!!!!
I am SO pissed!
@Karl You're Stack Overflow and you're pissed?
downvote please its just suks stackoverflow.com/a/22968534/3622940
@HamZa in reflection, methods with specific annotations can be accessed and hence caught up even when private
@HamZa Yes sir! I'm venting. NOBODY on SO can help. but I'm telling my friends about my unfortunate issue!
@Unihedron I see, thanks
Hey Guys !
@Karl You were away for the weekend. We missed ya !
@ItachiUchiha me too missed @Karl
@maven :)
@ItachiUchiha r u Indian ?
lolz, what makes you derive such a conclusion ?
@ItachiUchiha hiya
@Unihedron hey man ! whats up ?
@ItachiUchiha Because Indians assume that most Java developers are Indian?
There are millions of Java Developers around the world. Infact, only few Indians really visit the Java One
I was sick…Still am!
Can eggs get sick?
Strangely enough, that could mean physical or mental status….
This weekend, it meant both
@ItachiUchiha yes/no ?
anyone knows any my sql client
which provide the mapping between xlsx file to exsiting table
like EMS
it should be freeware.....!!
I am from Leaf Village !
@Darshan You can import/export XLS into MySql, if that is what you want !
r u ninja :P
@ItachiUchiha I am from Alpha Centauri!
but i also need to mapped the columns to exsiting table
@HamZa :D
A wild Sab appears
Oh….Hi! @Sabಠ_ಠ
draws a protective circle (g.drawOval(kiheru.getX(), kiheru.getY(), kiheru.getWidth(), kiheru.getHeight())
When you're done getting all that, can you get me a coffee?
Me too
Dying for a cup of coffee
It's 9AM here, too early to ask for a beer
All the java lovers like coffee :)
2 days ago, by Unihedron
I've created a poll related to which IDE our developers use for coding in Java.
^^^ vote :)
> (bool)~~~~((int)(!!!!!0))
@kiheru Some diagnostic help from a friend helped me figure out the problem.
If I move the memory stick from slot 0 to slot 3, I get NOTHING. No post, no beeps...
4 hours later…
I'm so down today
spent 10 days making my checkers game
and the tutor(a 2nd year student) apparently saw no creativity in it
so 0/20 for creativity
Here's the game
@Sabಠ_ಠ ha?
fun fact: He was like "How did you do the side panel
you guys think I should talk to my professor?
The guy was an arrogant bitch
you should do that instead of ranting about it here.
I will tomorrow just wrote him an email to come talk to him
But really though, do you guys see some creativity in it?
What's the criteria for "creativity"?
It's... checkers
@spoulson I don't know. Apprently if you put a timer( a friend of mine did) you get some marks for creativity
You created it. That's creative.
Fact: noone had the idea of placing the jumped pawns on the side like the real game
Maybe the pieces should fight it out Archon style.
the tutor didn't even know how I did it and how it could work still gave me 0 with an arrogance
Who is this tutor? Teacher's aide or something?
I should have given them swords and stuff
@Sabಠ_ಠ and health points and mana
the tutors are 2nd year students who are paid to correct
I had 10 classes
he checked 1
he seemed too bored to care
2. he though my sidepanel was cool (and had no idea how he could do it, asked me how did I do it)
3. Showed some arrogance by showing how fast he could type his password(I mean who can't type their password fast with eyes closed after typing it like 20 times everyday)]
@Sabಠ_ಠ You know, I typed a meta post within 15 minutes.
4. In my rules I forbid double jumps to make it harder, he said no your rules don't count you get 10/20 because no double jump
A: Why are Review Audits not more clear and well-explained?

Unihedron Why not spend a little time on improving the whole thing? You're a developer / programmer too. We all know how hard it is to have the best system. I would like to break down the main blockers for improving "the whole thing" (the review system) into... some smaller things: Planning (Researc...

@Unihedron I type faster than the tutor, I was laughing and getting pissed at the same time in my brain xD
so basically my rules didn't count
my creativity sucked
5 mins ago, by Unihedron
@Sabಠ_ಠ ha?
I think I should have built an intelligent machine more intelligent than me to make him play against
Make it display the animation of a scary ghost suddenly.
Increase his heartbeats per minute.
^ this got me so much
Creativity 20/20.
in The SO Tavern (Free Snacks), 4 mins ago, by Unihedron
Hey @Joiner, I have to go sleep, it's late. Catch you around some time later. :)
I'm not sure what to tell the professor though
and he's gone
How about High Stakes Checkers?
Win or your drive is wiped
That would have been cool if you played it on an administrator's account
That's normally why I never log into my admin account and setup a limited account for my daily use :P
@spoulson You think I could get some creativity marks for it? I want to talk to my professor but if it's really not creative then I won't.
What was the objective of the assignment?
create a checkers game
What class is this?
game design?
it's an assignment to make use of GUIs
swing to be specific
Write a Java GUI-based program (using Swing) that provides the user with an interactive graphical checkers game.
I'm with Unihedron. It's just checkers.
Beyond that, you're touching on game design skills, not so much GUI skills.
Marking Guide

Correctness (initialisation, play, checking) - 50%
Documentation - 20%
Usability/intuitiveness of interface - 10%
Creativity - 20%
I'm not sure what creativity means here.
I do agree lack of support for multiple jumps sounds arbitrary
Since I made an idea noone made, isn't that supposed to be creative?
I agree with the lack of jump too so I agree I lose 5 marks for that
Sounds like a cop out.
It was so I deserved to lose some marks here
but for the creativity part, I'm not sure.
someone got 8 marks for adding a timer I got 0 for displaying the player's turn in a text area, highlighting all possible moves, a start menu, displaying pawns out on the side like in real(noone did it btw)
Glad I'm not in school anymore. :)
it's just annoying that a student did that to another student.
well I gtg I need to cool down right now :)
c ya later
3 hours later…
Hello all! Back from my vacation
hello @Kylar
@Kylar heya !
Never knew you were on vacation. We all were worried that you left the room.
2 weeks in Hawaii'i
Why didn't you take me?!?!?!
I woulda earned my keep…I would have carried your bags, your lady...
2 hours later…
Dead chat...
Hello @Karl

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