Please CV this for debugging reason. From this picture by OP it shows that the error is on class "Eventos". However he posted the other class and we would have no idea what's wrong with the other class until he posts it.
I have failed to reproduce this behaviour. With the exact same code copied into my event handler, I am able to break two block with a wooden pickaxe. @ChrisMantle please help close this for unreproducible. — Unihedron3 mins ago
Guys I went to HP for an interview . but then I told them I am comfortable with php and mysql . after a month they called me and said to me that I passed the interview and I should come for an assessment test and I should revise Java and dot net . I would like to know what kind of questions or tasks should I expect.
Just remember that they're not expecting you to write a fully functional and "the best" program off the bat. Micro-optimization happens after you complete the program. What would make you attractive as an interviewee is to be able to discuss which algorithm you build your program, pros and cons of it, how expansive it is, and insighted comments during the development would be great as well.
And again, despite being overused and is somewhat lame now, don't be nervous.
hahaha dude. I was doing an internship 2 years ago (or was it 3?). Anyways, for the interview. It started with usual introductions etc... They were amazed that I didn't follow "programming course" at school so they asked me whether what I'm doing there. I told them the story that I'm self taught. So the interviewer wanted to test me: - Interviewer: you have a website (he started drawing a basic skeleton of it: header, content, footer etc), how are you going to make this? - I was a bit confused of the meaning, but I guessed that he wanted me to write code to make that skeleton. So I started …
@Unihedron Nice :D, I thought that I'm in php room. any way, I tried to make 1000 connection on android app, but i get out of memory exception. I want any way to make big numbers of connections "wss://"
Ok then. You can try googling for an irc channel that might have people to help, but I'm not sure if there is one. I usually google more, give up, or file a ticket on google's services.
@Sabಠ_ಠ That's a rather vague problem description. Anyway, I'm just about to leave for some time, so you need to solve it either yourself, or with someone else's help
if i replace line number 4 in this code by GlobalSongList.GetInstance( ).backup =new ArrayList<SongDetails>( GlobalSongList.GetInstance( ).GetNowPlayingList( ));
i am able to unshuffle it
but this line creates a new object and hence it consumes memory and i don't want that
I have a class with a method run() which performs all operations. Now I am executing this method in GUI using SwingWorker and I can not find a way to retrieve the intermediate values.
I am executing in my GUI class. But because it is a complete process itself, publish(itasser.getTimeToFinish()) executes only after
So is there a way I can use itasser.getTimeToFinish() or other values while run() completes?
I have many other objects like itasser t...
Translate DNA to protein, use different protein modeling websites etc.. I am trying to remain consistent, with all classes have a same structure, input, run and output
I just want a class to remain a class, having control on how I can execute it and get what I want anytime. If I make it a swing worker, It will be probably difficult
You could, run those in separate thread(s). And then have the methods for getting their time estimates. But that loses most of the advantages of using a SwingWorker
They don't need to extend SwingWorker. You could well make the tasks accept an interface that can accept time estimates (which would at the SwingWorker side wrap publish())
process will update the GUI with status or remaining time etc? I may do somthing else later
"You could well make the tasks accept an interface that can accept time estimates (which would at the SwingWorker side wrap publish())" Can you explain a little? With what interface I should extend that task?
If you insist on using a task interface with .getTimeToFinish(), I'd just run them in a thread pool, and query them in a swing Timer. (after making sure the relevant methods are thread safe)
I meant making the tasks accept an interface (in constructor or as a method parameter, does not matter). Something like:
interface TaskObserver {
void timeEstimate(long time);
I am working first time in Java (for my MS research). SwingWorker is easier than using Runnable. Using Java I feel stupid because C# let us do many things freely, while Java enforces to do things in particular way.
Any particular problem? That's just an anonymous implementation (you likely have several already since you have a swing program). I'm about to go to sleep, so I'm not going to write much code now
basically, something you'd do before
All Task classes implements an interface IProcess. You are saying that task should have a method setObserver, which takes an anonomoys TaskObserver as parameter.
Take a look at the code you have in your question. If you add the setObserver() snippet inside the swingworker, it should work (except for missing definitions you don't yet have) - the publish() belongs to the enclosing SwingWorker
(I took a look at some observer tutorials. Many use Observable and such; I'd say don't bother - that is not type safe, uses up the only super class you can have, and you may have better use for it. Also if you want fancy thread safe adding and removing observers, don't bother with manual synchronization unless your requirements are really weird: CopyOnWriteArrayList exists for that exact purpose. Thou shall not reinvent the standard library)