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guys can you take a look on this question plz
Q: adding data to JTable

isslam akkilahi am trying to add data to JTable using 2 diminution array and for loop to grab data from file in other class method used to grab data form the class ReadFile this is the method header where the method name is getFileStartingTime() public String getFileStartingTime() throws IOException { ...

i got -4 then i changed the question completely so any one can help me guys
5 hours later…
Here's a puzzler. I'm looking for a way of specifying an algorithm in plaintext easily and then parsing that into Java, rather than hardcoding that same algorithm.
It's rather simple stuff...a sum of products.
Good morning Java!
Quote from there: "It took these java designers over 5 years effort to make something that can not even beat a 5-years-ago C# 3 on collection operations."
@HighCore Java was the first to make the VM a reality. They did all the hard work.
@michael no one cares about that. the Ford-T was also the first car that was mass-produced. That doesn't make it less useless in the present world in 2014
@michael and BTW, that is no excuse for the horrific lack of progress in 20 years of java
@HighCore Java is stable and mature. It has been in existence longer than .NET and is more widely used.
@michael no one cares about that. and "is more widely used" is completely subjective and impossible to prove. Whereas my technical arguments about why java is inferior are completely objective and based on facts
@michael the .Net Framework is also "stable" and "mature", but they're pushing to improve it on every version as opposed to keeping the same thing without any improvements for 50 years
@HighCore What you see as a lack of progress others see as caution towards bright and shiny objects.
@HighCore Last I heard, the lead .NET designer left the team. Doesn't make me too confidant.
@michael "caution". Yeah, sure, don't you have a better excuse for lack of progress?
@michael technologies are not based on people.
@HighCore It's not an excuse. Just because lambdas haven't been added to Java yet doesn't limit what kind of software you can write. It just makes your code a little prettier.
@michael and you're putting a bunch of side things and irrelevant stuff because you have no technical arguments
@HighCore They should be.
@HighCore Technology is for pepople.
It doesn't exist for itself.
@michael you have no technical arguments, and no it's not about lambdas. It's about progress
@michael there's no excuse for java to not have proper generics
or properties
or delegates
No "excuse"? You're treating the language like it's your 8 year old son.
@michael sorry, you're not disproving my point that .Net has a better language and framework
Why when I use PrintWritner write method it sends more than the packet i sent? like out.write(0), server willreceive the following packets: 0, 34, 56 and so on, I forgot
Shoudln't it only accept "0" ?
@HighCore More != better.
@michael please name 1 technical strength that java has over .net. And no, multiplatform is not valid. I already developed and deployed several Android apps using Xamarin and C#
@HighCore And how old is this Xamarin project.
Would you be willing to run mission critical software on it?
@Michael and how is "age" a technical argument?
Because age contributes to stability.
sorry you failed
Xamarin uses the same underlying Android SDK that you make use of if you use java to create and Android app
without the crappyness of a dinosaur language that refuses to grow up and evolve
Age means that people have spent more time using it, which means there has been more time for bugs to be discovered.
@Michael then why are you not using COBOL?
sorry you failed. You don't have any technical argument. Which proves my point
Because Java was the first language I studied seriously.
In all honesty, if my college used .NET, we probably wouldn't be having this argument.
@Michael look dude, I'm glad you went to the university and all that, but you seriously need to do some technical research before trying to debate me
Java's specification is publicly available and open for suggestions.
A number of language features have been added due to this fact.
I like Java. It's the language I'm most familiar with.
the C#specification is an ECMA Standard‌​. Still I don't see how that is a technical argument
@Michael that's OK, but then you should come up with a stronger argument if you will debate my point that .Net has a better language and Framework.
What you're debating is my debating skills. I thought we were debating the strengths/weaknesses of two programming languages?
@Michael you're right. I'm sorry I deviated the conversation. Let's go back to the point. Can you name 1 technical strength that java has over .net?
It's multiplatform. Microsoft only supports the Windows version of .NET.
@Michael wrong. java is not supported on iOS, without resorting to a bunch of horrible hacks
whereas you can use C# and the Mono version of the .Net Framework on iOS with Xamarin.iOS
I didn't say Java was supported on all platforms, I said it was supported on multiple platforms.
Mono is not supported by Microsoft.
which means that Microsoft and Xamarin will cooperate in order to improve the overall platform and language support to the highest possible level
how can I read bytes from client by using bufferedreader?
Java runs on Mac OS X.
.read() and convert to int?
@Michael So does Mono. I don't see how that is a technical strength
Again, Mono is not supported by Microsoft. Oracle supports a Java VM for Mac OS X.
@Michael did you read the article I just linked?
@HighCore I skimmed the first couple paragraphs.
@Michael quote from the article: For years we have been working hard to bring the world’s most productive language to all the devices used by billions of people around the world. Today, we are excited to announce a historic partnership with Microsoft (press release).
I don't see Mono mentioned in that passage.
Xamarin and Mono are practically the same
Xamarin is Mono for iOS and Android specifically
Mono is the non-specialized multi-platform, open source port of the .Net Framework
@Michael [http://xamarin.com/pr/xamarin-microsoft-partner](Microsoft and Xamarin Partner Globally to Enable Microsoft Developers to
Develop Native iOS and Android Apps With C# and Visual Studio)
Again, "Mono" is not mentioned.
@Michael I still don't see how that is a technical argument?
I didn't say it was a technical argument.
@michael so you don't have any technical arguments to favor java over C# / .Net in general
just the fact that oracle supposedly supports an operating system that has 0.1% of the total global market share
If Microsoft does not support Mono, then this increases the likelihood of incompatibilities existing in the framework.
An application that runs on a Microsoft VM may not run on Mono.
@Michael "likelihood" - "may not run" - you're making assumptions based on nothing, and I'm expecting a concrete, technical argument
such as "java sucks because it doesn't even have properties"
Can you explain what properties are?
or "java sucks because it doesn't have an efficient way to create a callback pattern such as C#'s delegates"
or "java sucks because it refuses to evolve, therefore you're stuck on a language from 1990 which cannot implement any new features"
"Sane" is a relative word. It's far from being technical.
You are the one expecting technical arguments, yet you throw around words like "sane" and "sucks" and "evolve".
@Michael so you're debating my debating skills?
@HighCore I'm debating the merit of your arguments.
ok, let me bring some stronger arguments:
Here's a list of things that java developers still have to envy C# / .Net, even with this java 8 wannabe-LINQ (to objects) stuff:

Real Generics.
Extension Methods.
Delegates and events.
Value Types.
Real Properties.
System.Linq.Expressions (which is where the real power of LINQ lives)
Type inference (var keyword)
Iterator Blocks (yield keyword)
DLR (dynamic keyword)
I could go on forever...
Could you tell me the difference between "generics" and "real generics"?
real generics get compiled into the final product
crappy java generics from the stone age get deleted when compiling
Ok, so maybe you mean "Compiled Generics".
therefore the final compiled executable code has no type information
What about "real properties"?
java crappy syntax from the stone age: MyClass.getProperty(); (this is a METHOD, not a property)
proper C# syntax: MyClass.Property or MyClass.Property = value;
now THAT is a REAL property
Q: Java reading message from socket is not sending full message

user3123545hello I am using this method to read a message: public String readMessage() { int read = -1; byte[] buffer = new byte[5*1024]; byte[] redData; try { while ((read = this.session.getInputStream().read(buffer)) > -1) { redData = new byte[read]; System...

In Java, you don't have to pay for an IDE. And there are more IDEs to choose from.
you don't have to pay for an IDE - Completely Free Visual Studio Express
Yes, the "express" version. Wonderful.
BTW, the Express version of Visual Studio is completely usable and you still enjoy from the benefits of a BETTER LANGUAGE AND FRAMEWORK
Well, I've been loving this little chat, but I got to go.
@Michael hahahaha, sorry dude, your platform is 15 years behind
What will be the value stored in the variable x after the execution of the following code snippet?

int a = 10;
int b = 20;
int c = 2;
int x = b / a /*c*/;
it should be 2, correct?
Since `/*C*/ is just a comment and x is actually: b/a?
Actually wait, that's a syntax error
@DemCodeLines Try it and see.
@michael if you ever come back, and since you don't have any technical arguments: I've been trying to find out about the supposed "lead .NET designer left the team" that talked about and I found nothing. If you have proof of that (such as online article about it or the like, please share). Otherwise it's just another point on my favor because all your arguments against C#/.Net are based on assumptions or in fact LIES.
HI, can some one suggest me the URL naming standards for rest webservices
Hi.. Can anyone help me in - stackoverflow.com/questions/21684625/…
@KanakSony Post the link in android room, might guys can help you
guys can you up vote my question because i change it
but no one read it any more
Q: how to use Multi-Dimensional Arrays in JTable

isslam akkilahi am trying to add data to JTable using 2 diminution array and for loop to grab data from file in other class the method used to grab data form the class ReadFile is getFileStartingTime but that is not working int i ; int j; int rows = 1500; int columns = 4; ReadFile is = new ReadFile(); Obj...

@TGMCians mr tgm can you up vote my question plxz
coz i am blocked form days and i did not finish my project
@isslamakkilah use a debugger and set some breakpoints.
step through things in sequence and see what they need to be doing.
HI, can some one suggest me the URL naming standards for rest webservices
Hi All
I'm trying to bind a Java library into a python application, and I'm having troubles with Java threading. There is a Guava-based service in the lib I need to use, and when I try to run it - it blocks whole application and I don't see a way to workaround.
How do I work correctly with Guava service?
3 hours later…
@HighCore A while ago, I heard that the lead designer of the .NET framework left his position. I can't find any news stories about it though.
@Michael so you "heard" stuff and base all your opinion about a certain technology about something that you "heard" of which there is no proof whatsoever on earth. Nice.
Well, I am a shallow person afterall.
@Michael that's ok dude, go ahead and get Visual Studio and give it a try. You'll notice to what extent java is a poor lacking platform after you tasted some C# and .Net.
If I was looking for advice on an IDE, which Stack Exchange would be appropriate?
@HighCore I understand your affection for your chosen platform, but this isn't really the place for it.
@HighCore I'm not asking you to ignore Java's flaws. Meritorious discourse is a wonderful thing.
@nonconvergent it's not about "affection". I have "affection" for my drum set. It's about technical efficiency and superiority. And BTW, I did not start this debate, I was talking to some else before.
I have a bump on my neck.
@HighCore sup dude

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