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Can you cast a string to generic type T and if you can, How do you do that
5 hours later…
@Jonathan No because T could represent any class. For example, if T is the "Integer" class, then casting a String to an Integer will cause an error to occur.
@HighCore Hmm. That's debatable.
2 hours later…
I have questions about this code:
anybody here?
        setLayout(new GridBagLayout());
        GridBagConstraints gbc = new GridBagConstraints();
        gbc.weightx = 0;
        gbc.gridy = 0;
        gbc.gridx = 0;
        for (String line : lines)
            JPanel panel = new JPanel(new GridBagLayout());
            for (char ch : line.toCharArray())
                JButton btn = new JButton(Character.toString(ch));
                btn.setMargin(new Insets(1, 3, 1, 2));
                panel.add(btn); // ^ Top, Left, Bottom, Right
Hi Eisbaw
So what's the question?
Sorry, I was AFK, I'm back
The label for each button comes from the array String line[][].
I need the buttons to follow the same array format,
The labels will change about 10% of the time, and ALL will change dozens of times
The higher the row number, the more often it will change
The above code was given to me, it is better than my code, but I don't fully understand it.
This is my version of the code:
  for (int i = gameLines - 1; i > 0; i--)
     for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
        JButton jButton = new JButton();
        jButton.setSize(buttonWidth, buttonHeight);
        jButton.setText("" + line[i].charAt(j));
        int x = ((buttonWidth / 2 * gameLines + 1) - (buttonWidth / 2 * i) + (buttonWidth * j));
        int y = (gameLines - (i + 1)) * buttonHeight;
        jButton.setLocation(x, y);
        button[i][j] = jButton;
        button[i][j].setActionCommand(Integer.toString(i) + "." + Integer.toString(j));
OK. The first one uses enhanced for loops, and proper layout managing. Any specific issues you do not understand?
First, I don't understand how to make the buttons a static size. The suggested code allows me to do much smaller buttons, but they vary in size.
The layout managers in particular is something you'll want to get used to. That's how swing is designed to work
Second, I want the buttons to have the same array positions as the char in the strings.
Their preferred size is automatically determined depending on the string, so that it fits
You mean you want a grid, instead of separate lines?
Look at this:
Q: Adding a JLabel in relative position to buttons

KarlOK, this is the relative code I have so far. for (int i = gameLines - 1; i > 0; i--) { for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) { JButton jButton = new JButton(); jButton.setSize(buttonWidth, buttonHeight); jButton.setText("" + line[i].charAt(j)); int x = ((butto...

LATER, I would like the make the buttons ROUND if I can, but that's not really important...
If you want a grid, you can use layout everything in one panel - the main panel already uses a layout manager capable of that. MadProgrammer used separate panels for the rows for the effect he wanted. If you want all the buttons to have uniform size, you can override getPreferredSize() of the buttons.
Something like this:
I'm assuming I can use simular button[i][j].setActionCommand(Integer.toString(i) + "." + Integer.toString(j)); to give my buttons the reactions I need.
Dimension getPreferredSize() {
	Dimension size = super.getPreferredSize();
	size.height = Math.max(size.height, 42);
	size.widht= Math.max(size.width, 42);
	return size;
would make 42 x 42 buttons, unless the text is larger than that - then it will use whatever fits
So, I have to know the button size before hand? I just have to figure out what the largest button HAS to be, and that's my min size I can use
Can I make it so ALL will be enlarged if one needs to be enlarged?
Another possibility would be using GridLayout instead of GridBagLayout. That makes all cells uniform size
A grid, and all the buttons the same size? Then GridLayout would be the correct layout manager to use
OK. Makes sense to me
This is the place to go when selecting the layout manager: docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/uiswing/layout/visual.html (until you remember them all)
You might be interested in the MigLayout layout manager. It's very flexible and easy to use.
For example, to set the size of a button, you would do something like this:
JButton button = ...
frame.setLayout(new MigLayout());
frame.add(button, "w 44!, h 44!");
MigLayout is nice, but if I have understood the intent correctly, GridLayout seems to be the perfect fit. (But MigLayout is worth investigating if you find yourself doing lots of certain kind of layouts)
GridLayout will allow me to align themlike displayed in my picture?
Oh, I did not notice you had a picture
I'm guessing do a separate GridLayout for each line, and it will center them for me?
MY pic is behind a link to photobucket
MadProgrammer's code would produce that layout, if the buttons had uniform size. That can be done by overriding their preferred sizes. A gridLayout for each row would make buttons on each row uniform size, but the size would not necessarily be the same on each row
So experiment with the size and make it as small as needed.
Then adjust it up as I feel necessary
Can you explain what these 3 lines do? I've changed the numbers and saw no change.
  gbc.weightx = 1;
  gbc.gridy = 1;
  gbc.gridx = 0;
weightx is about how extra space is distributed (I don't remember the exact meaning - I don't use GridBag often). gridx and gridy don't actually mean much in that context. The defaults are 0, which would work fine for y too. I don't know why MadProgrammer bothers setting them as the needed modification is done in the loop
(I'd suspect it's leftover from some initial try when writing the code - GridBag is a bit too complicated layout manager to use there and he probably tried it for the whole layout at first. I'd use a GridLayout with one column)
If I use GridLayout, and do separate rows, it is implied all the buttons would be the same height if I use the same font & size in them. [ALL capital letters, so no shorter letters]
(Using one grid for vertical and separate grids for horizontal would actually make a fairly nice layout. The button widths on different rows not be necessarily the same, but the heights would be)
GridLayout makes all the cells the same size. So all the buttons would be the same height even if you did not use the same font
Even with separate grids for horizontal?
Yes. The cells of the outer grid would be the rows - which the layout manager of the outer panel (GridLayout) would make the same size, therefore the same height too.
But, I can set a default width for each button? Would it be difficult to make the default to use the same size for the width as the height?
Without coding a static number for the width.
Hmm. Everything can be done, but I'm not sure about the best approach. One would be a custom layout manager.
Hehe, a certain known SO member has written a layout manager for square grid. Here: stackoverflow.com/questions/14635952/…
OK...Here's the rub
Graphics are a pain in the butt for me.
Java is OK. I'm autistic, and have a hard time letting go of AppleSoft BASIC [Self taught, pretty advanced at it]
That autism makes it hard for me to grasp the concept of pointers in C
If swing seems hard, don't worry - it actually is a fairly hard toolkit to learn, so that's expected. (But it's very flexible, once you know it)
I'm actually looking for a coder that can assist, and put up with 1.4 mil questions to get the code done
(Oh, the ChessBoardLayout manager is not directly usable. it really does only chess boards. The ideas would work though)
I need to be a moment AFK
Would you be willing to chat off of here, and if so how would I give you my contact info [Skype, or Yahoo Messanger would be best for me, AOL would work too, but I'd have to dl it.]
@Michael what's debatable?
@HighCore "have you tried any C#? being a java developer it would feel really natural for you, plus all the benefits of a better language and framework"
The bottom rows of buttons will have labels with details on them...
The buttons still need to be centered
@Karl That would be OK. I can't guarantee being of any help though (you have a genuinely difficult layout issue; custom layout managers are not overly difficult, but they're not swing beginner issues either). I have skype
@Michael I still don't see what's debatable about that

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