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Hey everyone!
2 hours later…
hello everybody
4 hours later…
Every time I have to touch the Java File API I could cry ...
I just want to rename an exisitng file to <oldFilename>_MyString.<oldExtension>
Really ...
if (file.exists()) {
final String baseName = FilenameUtils.getBaseName(file.getName());
final String uuid = "_"+UUID.randomUUID().toString();
final String ext = FilenameUtils.getExtension(file.getName());

final File renamed = new File(file.getParent() + baseName + uuid + ext);
I feel like I want to write a unitest to test my simple rename ...
not to forget to catch the boolean result of file.renameTo and throw an exception yourself if it's false
Hi everyone...can anyone help me with REST APIs?
what do you use
or need
this has been asked a million times on SO
but I need versioning
in the APIs
like /api/<version>/... ?
does jersey provide us with something out of the box?
in the paths? Or versioning of the result documents
yes exactly...version in the URI
Not sure if jersey supports that as an feature, but where is the problem to just specify the paths?
ok..lets say jersey doesn't understand "v1" or "v2" in URI
because they might be different behind the version number, so you can't make assumptions about the relation between the paths of 2 versions.
do I need to write my java code in such a way that it handles V1 and V2 properly
my friends can you help me
my account are not accepted to ask question
So Tarion overall I have to handle "V1" and "V2" thing in my java code
is that essentially what you are suggesting?
hi all
any information
I can't see how that can be simplified.
Since you can ahve too api's that look like:
does anyone in this room have idea on Atmosphere api?
i don't sorry
Thanks Tarion :)
so there is no common part of v1 and v2, of course there might be in many cases, but that will make things complicated to specify
who have any idea about moving the component when the user lode video
in java jfram
yet I can't argue about jersey since I have no experience with that
because i tried only sound are working
any doc guys
I am sure jersey doesn't support versioning of any type out of the box because there is no documentation about this
most of the examples I have gone through have different packages for V1 and V2 and so on
any thing
ok Rest in peace all of you
any information
@isslamakkilah sorry no clue about it
4 hours later…
2 hours later…
Hi there
anyone up for clearing a doubt ?
2 hours later…
hi any one can help me with teh best logging framework for webservices
2 hours later…

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