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3:00 PM
@Zoe i see slight modifications in 2017.3 and 2018.1
for example, the project tree is slightly strechted vertically
but squeezed horizontally
toolbar also got a bit of top and bottom margin
or padding
or w/e
3:12 PM
And it merges with the Android Studio 3.0 codebase so I can ditch that memory-eating shit for a while
AS uses more memory than IntelliJ
Could be because of the plugins it uses, but I don't really care.
hey, if i have a char value '3' and an int value 3 that represent the same object conceptually, how should I write the variable names for them? Assume the value is "summand"
would it be summandInt and summandChar?
or it might simply be "val" if u pref
3:30 PM
why would you have a char and an int value of something?
the actual fuck?
3:51 PM
@Wietlol What does manager.scripts.size() return?
iDunno, its a HashMap
probably the size of the entries
which is 1
but it does return 2
@Wietlol iFhone?
@Zoe you know damn well that an iDunno > iFhone
iFhone > iPhone > iDunno
4:00 PM
The first film ever made in Hollywood was D.W. Griffith's 1910 In Old California, a biograph melodrama about a Spanish maiden (Marion Leonard) who has an illegitimate son with a man who later becomes governor of California. It was shot in two days. (source)
@Wietlol i think null can be a valid key, check if null would show
nah, it'd would show in the result as well
@Wietlol i wrote my own impl for BigInteger according to my needs and I wanted to profile it
mine seems to be roughly 2x faster
@RaduStefanPopescu Haha doubtful.
@Michael it can only do summation and difference though :)
4:05 PM
Ah, that makes more sense then.
i wrote my own implementation of google's protobuf
i know of that
i was actually surprised mine was faster than theirs
until... i found out how to do benchmarking
usually that's the only reason to write own impls, you miss a ton of functionality but holy is it fast
i needed more functionality
its the only reason why you should write your stuff
if you need it to be faster, then just get a more powerful machine
4:07 PM
Oh, I almost furgot :3
if the complexity (order of growth) is bad, then you have a different issue
Happy Tuesday @Michael!
@Wietlol you deserve to be banned for saying that
I deserve much more than what you can imagine
but you cant tell me im wrong
we live in 2018
microperformance is negligible in 99.99% of the cases
only massive used algos need to by hyper performant
such as google's search and such
currently, people are making everything slower actually
not everything is server-side
4:08 PM
just because it makes development easier
i know not everything is server sided, but that makes no difference
except that on server sided stuff, there is a much higher weight on the program's shoulders
which makes some easy examples
"make it immutable! streams! react!" REEEEEEE. i actually know of a company that ditched react because it was too slow
immutability is a good example
when u treat Java like it doesn't have a heap
everything becomes slower, but more stable
anyway, im out
on server side u can throw hardware at a problem, on client side you can't tell the customer to buy a new PC
4:15 PM
@RaduStefanPopescu that's why ya use Kotlin, to ditch streams, get a better API at a higher speed
Kotlin > Streams
4:27 PM
@Zoe If you say so.
4:42 PM
@Michael Given up on arguing? lol
@Zoe I think it's just too early for him to be commenting on the quality of the Tuesday.
Naw :3
@MadaraUchiha was it you with the Chapenowe constant?
@RaduStefanPopescu Unlikely.
some problem on javaist
5:21 PM
so who gave me this? javaist.com/rosecode/…
yep, writing sum and difference for about 2hrs for that sweet extra 100-130 ns was definitely worth
5:50 PM
@Zoe Just saving my strength for the final Friday battle.
@Michael but Friday this week is a holiday
Fridays == happy
6:42 PM
@Zoe But if Fridays == happy and Tuesday == happy, then does Fridays == Tuesday?
but Friday.equals(Tuesday)
public boolean equals(Object other){
    if (other !instanceOf Day) return false;
    return happinessLevel == (Day) other.happinessLevel;
6:59 PM
@Zoe shouldn't it be happinessLevel == ((Day) other).happinessLevel; ?
Yes it should
You're fired
public void fire(Person who){
public void fire(Person who){
public void ignite(){
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
You still alive Jenna? Or did your thread crash? :p
7:15 PM
@Zoe I don't know if I've ever been alive.
7:28 PM
@JennaSloan you really?
Tuesday is already Saturday
this makes it even better
@JennaSloan Zoe will find a way to make it unhappy.
8:00 PM
What are you guys talking about?
Wow conversation with the help of Java method and variable names... cool
@Michael meh, this is one of the few all-happy weeks :D
@Wietlol I can golf that
so can i
By abusing extension functions :3
but the point being, it is Saturday today
fun main(a:Array<String>){assert("tuesday"=="saturday")}fun String.equals(o:Any?) : Boolean{if(o !is String)return false;return true;}
That's how ya do it @Wietlol
8:19 PM
on a side note
does that actually work?
it wont even work
operator overloading wont apply the extension method
It does work :3
because what you forget is that == is equals
it actually doesn't
I had an assertion that didn't get triggered though...
missing -ea
@Permian hiya
does anyone know a way to find an array which is the differences of another array.
eg array1 = [3,6,4,7,8] the difference array would be [3,-2,3,1]
(without having to write the function to do this)
can't override equals apparently :/
8:30 PM
that was pseudocode above
8:47 PM
operator infix extension function
@Permian What's wrong with a function?
@JennaSloan You have to think when writing it.
@JennaSloan nothing. They just don't want to write it themselves :>
i like the work on high level problems
8:52 PM
A lot of people do. Does not save you from thinking in smaller space from time to time :)
bless you tree
9:05 PM
A lot of people want to play with fire, but all they will ever touch are matches.
what's that?
That's an encoded version of code that will do exactly what @Permian wanted
ive written it no
but thanks
how do you find the gradle dependency for import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.regression.SimpleRegression;
9:27 PM
google it
i did
add mvnrepository if you want it through gradle/mavne
I remember back when Apache used to mean the Native American tribe.
and not the software foundation, helicopter or gender?
i tried compile org.apache.commons.math3 didnt work
9:31 PM
Step 1: Google
Step 2: Find mvnrepository
Step 3: Pick version
Shortcut: https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.apache.commons/commons-math3/3.6.1
yeah thats the website
i dont want to compile group
i just want a compile statement
compile group: 'org.apache.commons', name: 'commons-math3', version: '3.6.1'
So convert it to one
remove the names and replace them with : in a single string
Did you know Apache is pronounced [uh-pach-ee] or /əˈpætʃ i/?
x array and y array which are static
if you use a for loop to create a double[][] array from x and y, then this is also static
9:50 PM
would take a copyof my array get past the static problem
i think this is a good question and i have asked it here stackoverflow.com/questions/49523024/…
10:42 PM
@Permian must not have been a good question then?
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