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04:00 - 14:0014:00 - 22:00

Hi i'm learning java
@VermillionAzure Good for you ;)
@ItachiUchiha I'm coming from C++
so hi
People think C# > Java over there
@VermillionAzure over where?


Today we're daydreaming about C++26 reflection
Every language has its own upsides and downsides
As a language, C# does has few features which is better supported than Java
@ItachiUchiha So i hear
But mano to mano they don't have full support for all platforms yet
hi thar again
But, Java has a bigger community and nicer people :P
@ItachiUchiha Java.
I was going to learn Java
and then I decided that I'd rather learn C++
god C++ is so freaking complex
@VermillionAzure If you want to start with a language, go with C. Then you can jump to C++ or Java
C++ != C#
@ItachiUchiha duh.
I'm learning C++ because it has... almost everything.
@VermillionAzure No language has everything in it.
@ItachiUchiha of course not
But it has pretty much everything I need to actually learn most or all of the concepts I need in terms of actual programming I guess
Not that I'm shunning other languages.
If you feel C++ is apt for your learning purpose, go for it.
@ItachiUchiha It's pretty damn ugly though
I actually kind of like Java. It's a breath of fresh air
Then start with Java. Don't do what others ask you to do. Do what you like to do.
@ItachiUchiha lol you make like i'm being controlled or something
I have to admit that C++ is definitely NOT a very productive general programming language
I am asking to to learn something which you are interested in, not because someone else asked you learn it
@ItachiUchiha Yeah I was the one that decided that I should learn C++
I do feel like I've learned a lot from it, but then again I might be stunting my growth because I'm getting caught on low-level concepts...
Low-level concepts will always help you in the near future
@ItachiUchiha hopefully
but I must say that my learning IS indeed quite slow
@Michael Of course we do, but the ATM are the ones dispensing the cash, not us personally :P
2 hours later…
Morning, y'all
Q: How do I write hexadeximal floating point literal in java?

overexchangeFor number -5 x 10^-1 i.e., -0.5, I could write, -5E-1f or -50E-2f or -0.05E+1F as "decimal floating point literal" in java. If the same number is written in "hexadecimal floating literal", I found it as -0X32p-2f which is wrong. This value is -25.0. I considered 50 as 0x32 and came out with ...

If I want to align some numbers with decimal point, I used String.format("%.4f",floatNum) It works for 0.11312,1.211313,5.131231 but in case of 11.123, it appears a bit shifted right?
Hello room!
Hello all
Hey you guys
@unihedron : can anybody help me with parse push notification ?
@RizwanAhmed I'm not "anybody". Also, I don't even use parse.com.
lolz okay but can u please give me an idea , i have a json notification sent from the server which has a uri in it
@LeeJeong Can you describe what it is you're trying to do?

Teenage Programmers Chatroom

A chat room for everybody! No age restriction, but be mature. ...
@MadaraUchiha im sorry first to the java peeps about me tryin to talk about JS. i left the room there because i feel so neglected in there..
Someone came up with an awesome room description
@LeeJeong Try again
Describe your problem in the JS room
i have a json notification sent from the server which has a uri in it, when it comes to the application , when a user clicks the notification, the uri opens in a web browser but not in the application. can u help me ? where am I going wrong ? my code is paste.ofcode.org/35J4TyMpWZiNXFRqDT5Pzwu
@MadaraUchiha nah, ill just repeat it here one more time. modal logins are being deprecated one by one not only by IE version but by Google Chrome as well. Im tryin to think of a way to trap or limit the user's activity when he the user get's time out.
@LeeJeong What are modal logins?
Like prompt("input username") and stuff?
@MadaraUchiha window.showModalDialog(args)
Uncaught TypeError: window.showModalDialog is not a function
right! but they trap user activity until they you give them feedback..
@LeeJeong But that function doesn't exist...
but im using it right now on a plain javascript setup..
problem is with the versions IE10 and above.. it has side-effects that MS has clearly stated they wont support anymore...
@LeeJeong ... "that function does not exist" ...
write your own modal or use something prebuilt..
@LeeJeong That function does not exist. It literally throws an error when you call it.
It doesn't block user input or anything
Are you using a library of some sort?
Ah, my bad
no.. its just really plain JS, now im trying to find documentation for it..
@MadaraUchiha ... how was that thing about "backwards compatibility" ;)
@Vogel612 It's not a standard method
"remember that thing you used? ya well we killed it"
It's not in the specs.
(which is the same as Sun "API")
Although yeah, I complained about library code breaking, it's pretty much the same.
@MadaraUchiha whAt browser are you using?>
Chrome 43
@Vogel612 Although to be fair, that method was added by Microsoft, with complete disregard to the specs, in IE 4
they introduced a regression with dropdowns there, right?
IE4 came out 1997
its already dropped in google chrome just this May 2015.. :(
If Java were to break things 20 years apart, I'd accept that
But that's not really the case.
There weren't 20 years between 6->7 or 7->8
@MadaraUchiha and the breakages were contained to users of non-standard library...
just saying...
well, let's change the question... can we try to limit the action of a user when he hits a timeout period??
@Vogel612 Again, the question being what kind of libraries are those
If it's a library literally everyone use, I can't afford to break it
!!urban jabroni
@LeeJeong [Jabroni](http://jabroni.urbanup.com/691332) A loser, poser, lame-ass.

One who talks the talk, but could never walk the walk.

One who talks shit and doesn't back it up, but rather ends up eating their shit in return.

A fuckin 'tard.
If, in JavaScript, an upcoming revision to the specs were to break jQuery, I'd expect the authoritative parties to work with jQuery to resolve the issue.
@urban fml
@MadaraUchiha if it's a Library literaly everyone uses, it should be the specified API
@LeeJeong stahppit
Have them move towards a more standard compliant feature.
@Vogel612 It should, shouldn't it?
JavaScript (almost) got that down completely
@MadaraUchiha wait you got that wrong I think...
basically in Java the point is: "Don't use it!"
In my eyes, there's no real point in jQuery in production applications, because all of its features are available natively without much of an overhead.
Instead use the specified API
@Vogel612 is Spring using non-standard APIs?
@MadaraUchiha like for example?? where do i get this 'standard compliant' features?? what's your take on situations of expiring sessions and preventing the user from doing any action?
@LeeJeong what exactly are you trying to do?
What problem are you trying to solve?
@MadaraUchiha most probably, yes
Leave how you're planning to solve it out of it.
@Vogel612 Then all of your BC work has gone down the drain.
THAT. limit the user's action to logging in ONLY when the server determine he is timed-out
@LeeJeong "preventing the user from taking any actions upon session timeout" -> Use a simple redirect upon unauthenticated request
allow session auth
use a proper session token
aha! that's what we would like to do, but the users complain that when they get caught with timeout, and they are doing forms and get redirected to login page, all their work gets gone.... this is the reason why we wanted to just block the input and just annoy them with a login first, so that their work does not get touched at the background, and just close the pop-up login window upon successful authentication
I dont know if its really cold in our office, or im starting to die. *has no sleep yet
@MadaraUchiha hello buddy, is my use case possible?
@Unihedron what was the name of that file manipulation framework we talked about a few weeks ago? I want to give it a try today, but I have forgotten the name
@Tavo java nio file?
we talked about it with @fge
my memory is not better than a goldfish's, so I can't really remember...
I remember you sent me a link to some sort of ranting about Java's JDK file manipulation
and both you and @fge sent me a link to the other framework(-ish)
@Unihedron yep, java nio, thanks
"search for messages containing"
I used that to figure out where we were at, you can too
never even knew that page existed :S
@LeeJeong When the user clicks the form submission, it should detect whether the server responded with a 302 HTTP status code (which indicates a redirect, which indicates that you need to login again), and display a login form before continuing.
Also, what kind of information are you submitting?
Is it anything sensitive? Anything that absolutely must require user authentication?
Last and not least, if your users' sessions time out in the middle of the performing an action, you need to increase the timeout.
get certified OCPJP ^^
with 93%
Hey all ^^,

2 Questions ->
1. Does anyone know why my Junit Tests in Netbeans never fail? (Think they dont really run). The dont even give me the Test result popup or print on the output with a system.out.println(); They just say Tests run: Number Failures 0!

2. I have a Free form Project here and can't edit the Targets und the Properties Build and Run, they are all disabled. Anyone got an idea why? ^^
How can one package pass on raised exception to another package?
I need some resources to go thru to understand this
forwarding exception within/between packages, I would like to learn this, Do we have any tuto on this?
@Juce 1. Your Run Configuration isn't correct... you really don't run the tests.. fix that and they'll naturally start failing
@overexchange It's called "bubbling" or "throwing"... use google, the oracle tutorial about exceptions is quite clear there
@Vogel612 ty. then i gotta look for it <_< it's not my own project
@Vogel612 If exception have to be passed between multiple java exe's? what would be the approach
@overexchange just asking but with multiple java exe's dont they run in different vms then? can't imagine it would be possible to pass them
yes they run in different VM's but using observer pattern(event model) people try implement
@overexchange that's completely bananas
don't do that...
it's bananas
if you want exceptions, run it on the same VM
if you want to run it in separate VMs, don't build them to interact
i think we are breaking component model approach, right?
your program seems to have a huge design flaw, in that it requires multiple different components in different VMs to interact
that's inane and you shouldn't do it
you're breaking common programming sense
interaction between VMs should never ever rely on exceptions or "Observer pattern"
interaction between programs in general should happen via a defined protocol
this protocol may include error codes / messages, but not language-dependent (and code-dependent) constructs like Exceptions
Keep it simple and stupid
So, you mean, as per this communication should happen using protocol?
@overexchange HTTP 403 ....
just a quick question if anyone is able to answer
Does returning an array from a method mean that it is actually returning a pointer to the original array?
@cp101020304 No.
Java is pass by value, no pointers. No exceptions.
public Card[] getCardArray(){
return _cards;
if _cards is a field in the class
will it just return a clone of it?
@cp101020304 No, it returns the same array in _cards variable.
okay so say we assign that returned array to another variable xyz
if we make changes to xyz, will it change the original _cards array too?
yes because both variables points to the same array
to copy, use Arrays.copyOf
/javadoc Arrays#copyOf
Which one do you mean? (type the number)
1. java.util.Arrays#copyOf(Object[], int)
2. java.util.Arrays#copyOf(Object[], int, Class)
3. java.util.Arrays#copyOf(byte[], int)
4. java.util.Arrays#copyOf(short[], int)
5. java.util.Arrays#copyOf(int[], int)
6. java.util.Arrays#copyOf(long[], int)
7. java.util.Arrays#copyOf(char[], int)
8. java.util.Arrays#copyOf(float[], int)
9. java.util.Arrays#copyOf(double[], int)
10. java.util.Arrays#copyOf(boolean[], int)
@Unihedron okay thanks
@Unihedron Object copyOf(Object[] original, int newLength): Copies the specified array, truncating or padding with nulls (if necessary) so the copy has the specified length. For all indices that are valid in both the original array and the copy, the two arrays will contain identical values. For any indices that are valid in the copy but not the original, the copy will contain ...
null. Such indices will exist if and only if the specified length is greater than that of the original array. The resulting array is of exactly the same class as the original array.
A single person can change the world. Probably not a Java developer though. — TZHX 3 hours ago
@MadaraUchiha depends on how poor that developer's code is :P
ARGH! Why documentation's Quartz2 not correct error
		ArrayList<Date> state = (ArrayList<Date>)dataMap.get("myStateData");
        state.add(new Date());
I get error on state.add(new date()..
java.lang.NullPointerException: null
	at com.otv.job.DumbJob.execute(DumbJob.java:42) ~[classes/:na]
Solve using Calendar
because some functions Date is deprecated
this is...
// Quickfix: It there's neither project nor department, skip it
// Don't know whether thats data-corpses or a good idea to skip them
ya... nice... really effing helpful...
@Vogel612 (facepalm)
@Vogel612 sigh
Good morning/afternoon/evening everyone
yo @Dustiny
@Tavo hows it goin? Turns out I had strep throat lol.
@Dustiny ugh...
good thing you just have to type here :P
Haha don't worry. I coughed in an envelope and mailed it to you
@Dustiny thanks...
I'm trowing away all my email for the next month
so bye bye new debit card and Amazon packages
feeling any better, btw?
Yeah decently, ended up leaving at noon yesterday so I just chilled out, got some antibiotics and what not.
A video game I've been waiting for happened to be released yesterday too.. so that was cool
what was the release?
Very coincidental haha. I questioned myself on whether it was placebo or not until the doctor confirmed it
Elder scrolls online for console
oh, ok
by placebo you mean psychosomatic, right?
Yeah I guess placebo wouldn't be the right word
afaik, placebo is quite the opposite
anyway, coincidental :P
Isn't placebo a pill (usually sugar) that does nothing, but the persons brain tricks them into thinking it does?
sort of, yes
But now that I'm looking up psychosomatic, I think its definitely closer
placebo effect is basically thinking that something is going to get you better and it actually does, despite its real effects
Ahh right
anyway, is ESO any good?
It is actually, only thing is right now they have server overloads and what not
But I don't think I've ever expected an MMO to have a flawless launch date lol
why make load tests...
I tried playing MMOs a few times. Never got hooked..
I like following a story I guess
Lol exactly, it's such a common problem on launches you would think they would have it ffigured out
Yeah thats fair, the beauty of this one is that it does actually have a story line inside of it, being an elder scrolls game and what not
yeah, Elder Scrolls are good. I skipped Morrowind though. And Oblivion was a bit repetitive after a while, but was definitely a good GTA III-like game with a different environment
but Daggerfall was absolutely brilliant during its time
Yeah I never ended up playing daggerfall, I think it was a bit before my time
Morrowind, oblivion and skyrim though I did play
It still blows my mind how far graphics have come in my lifetime (and yours too, even more so)
yeah, I think the curve is flattening now. Only so many more improvements can be done
but I used to get pretty excited whenever a new graphics engine was released
Yeah, I agree.. but you never know really lol something could happen that changes everything
yeah, but it's getting closer to the point where it's not so far from reality
from games like Frogger... well, there's a jump :P
Ohh I see what you meant. Yeah lol.
Once that point is hit, and virtual reality is widespread, I'm pretty sure people are going to deteriorate even more then they do now
Completely immersive experiences that a lot of people will think is better than real life I'm sure
you need to watch existenz
one of the first movies to play with that concept
god how I love this codebase:
@Dustiny Yeah!
if (var1 == SOME_CONSTANT) {
    type = THING_ONE;
else {
     if (collection.contains(var2)) {
          type = THING_TWO;
     else {
         type = THING_THREE;
and yes, this is the actual indentation
and no I didn't write that
@Vogel612 a million monkeys
and yes, that block is repeated over and over in another block with the same structure
a trillion monkeys?
and no nobody seems to have even though of using flags....
@Tavo I'll have to check it out! I wanted to write a book on the idea, but I'm sure it's been done a thousand times lol.
Given infinite monkeys on their typewriters, you'll get good code somewhere in between
that code snippet wasn't one though
well at least it's written with constants..
@Dustiny Maybe. But there's none with your approach to it. And it's a topic that's very alive right now
did I mention that the constants are objects, though?
that aren't recognized as immutable constants and cannot be used in a case statement?
@Tavo Hmm... Maybe I'll have to pick it back up then. I wrote a chapter of it for fun one time lol
It would be fun to play on a character that spends so much time in there that he ends up dreaming about it, and getting the real virtual reality confused with his dream realities
I just realized I said real virtual reality lol
@Dustiny there's a story in one of Black Mirror's episodes that takes that topic one step further
Hmm I've been looking for a new show
this probably won't satisfy you, as it's only 3 episodes per season, 2 seasons aired
but they are extremely good
try Sense 8
Better than nothing though right lol. I've realized I've seen too many good shows. I'm starting to leave myself with only bad ones
But that's a good idea, start watching British TV
written by Straczynski
Straczynski has been one of the best comic book writers of the past two decades (for my taste)
The description seems pretty sweet
of which?
Kind of plays off of the chrysalids (however it's spelled)
Sense 8
oh yeah
"A group of people around the world are suddenly linked mentally, and must find a way to survive being hunted by those who see them as a threat to the world's order."
I haven't watched it yet, but it's very promising
So.. fan of BBC? lol
not really. But I love good shows
The whole top gear shenanigans was upsetting me, but I've heard they're about to sign a deal with netflix
also, I watched all 17 seasons of Stargate and I've been following Dr Who since the reboot
never watched Top Gear tbh
04:00 - 14:0014:00 - 22:00

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