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2 hours later…
Good morning :)
Good Morning...!!! @Shadow @Joe'sMorgue
@SweetWisherツ Assalamulaykum
@SilentKiller wa-alaikumAssalam
vgm :) @SilentKiller
@SilentKiller Assalamualaikum v.v
@EthicsDev Walaykumassalam v.v..
@EthicsDev a new dramatic and comedy situation in jail.. :D :D
@SilentKiller oh
@SilentKiller whats the issue?
@EthicsDev will share on call.
@SilentKiller ok
Why App close on Samsung Galaxy 4? @SilentKiller @EthicsDev
@Sakthi I've S4 but its not closing.
@SilentKiller For my app closing when i launch on S4. But I don't know. Other device working fine.
please provide log @Sakthi
42 secs ago, by EthicsDev
please provide log @Sakthi
@EthicsDev I don't have that, one of the user send mail to us. So that, App live on playstore.
@Sakthi Right now you dont have S4?
@EthicsDev yes
I tested Tab E, worked fine.
please provide app store link
@EthicsDev Store link can't given at here. you search for ChuChuTV on store
@EthicsDev Problem comes on Samsung T230, Galaxy Tab 4, 7 inch tab
@Sakthi do you have genymotion ?
might resource issue
please give resource resource folder structure @Sakthi
@Sakthi can you share on which screen user is getting appclose error ?
@SilentKiller Yes I have Genymotion.
@SilentKiller App close home screen.
@Sakthi you can download Galaxy S4 emulator on it.
@SilentKiller Yes, but resolution is 1920x1080. Tab 4 resolution 1280x720
@Sakthi and its not crashing on my S4. you should better use Crashlytics / ACRA / UnCaughtExceptionHandling to get crash reports.
@Sakthi in my S4 app is working very fine.
@SilentKiller What is mean by Crashlytics / ACRA?
1 hour later…
@Sakthi they are the crash report libraries which sent mail containing crash report to your mail address
@SilentKiller yes, I google that one i got it, thanks. If any otherway how to find that one.
Hi all
@SweetWisherツ @shihab_returns @Shadow and all I need to save cache data upto 5 days . what is the best methods for this.
@Aamirkhan @Shadow @Sakthi
@Sakthi i don't think so
better push that in cloud for specific duration @Maid786 is best which i suggest.. don't always save in cache for more days
if user clear datas through external app, there may be data lose too
@Shadow My basic requierement is I need to hit my api after 1 day, or 2 days. is that case what can I do
Is it possible in Android video plaer with opacity ?
use auto sync.. whenever u connected with internet, save that data locally.. when in offline display what u saved in local. if u get internet connection, update local datas.. @Maid786 just similar to whatsapp auto sync concept.. you are going to sync or hit api. if on particular day, there is no sync means, show a notify that please connect internet to sync with cloud
@Shadow we are not using could
Never done but i guess u can achieve it... take a video view and on that add frame layout with opacity
your requirement is u r going to fetch datas from api and store in locally right? after 1 day u r going to hit api to update the local datas. @Maid786
yes @Shadow
@EthicsDev i dn;t think so.
@SilentKiller please give me a reason
@Shadow so what is the best approach. first I check catch file is existand date >1 then no hit otherwise I hit the api. is it right ?
@SilentKiller okay thanks for your support.
A: How can I change the transparency (alpha) of a view on pre-SDK-11 on Android?

GrimeTry using an AlphaAnimation : http://developer.android.com/reference/android/view/animation/AlphaAnimation.html /* Have to use animation in order to get card faded. */ AlphaAnimation alpha = new AlphaAnimation(0.7F, 0.7F); alpha.setDuration(0); // Make animation instant alpha.setFillAfter(tru...

try this
yes and if user is in offline mode, you need to check that too @Maid786
@SilentKiller This is for i think <11
currently not able to open this link
@Shadow yes
@EthicsDev give it a try me
AlphaAnimation alpha = new AlphaAnimation(0.7F, 0.7F);
alpha.setDuration(0); // Make animation instant
alpha.setFillAfter(true); // Tell it to persist after the animation ends
Q: Getting Error with adaptive payment using Paypal MPL library in android

Dhaval PatelI m getting below message with adaptive payment using Paypal MPL library in android. "this app contain payment capabilities that aren't compatible with your device" is adaptive payment using this library is deprecated?

please help on this issue

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