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Good morning :)
2 hours later…
@Shadow Very Good Morning
Good morning sir :P @SilentKiller
anyone has ever implemented AI search ?
@SweetWisherツ query?
2 hours later…
@Aamirkhan @SilentKiller there?
@Shadow yes
i will say 1 scenario. pls suggest me... this works in ble. so when bluetooth enabled and paired.
i am pulling data from x device to android device and then i need to clear data in x device because that x device holds just 2mb memory data.
where x is wearable device..
now my question is if bluetooth gets disabled, and data transfer is in intermediate stage and after getting connected, how to handle this scenario? got it?
@Shadow yes got question
hm so if i check bluetooth gets enabled, and i transfer all datas and clear in wearable data means..
so in between that stage, if it gets disabled due to unpairing...so the above process makes data to clear right? so almost data transfer will be just say few % only na...
@Shadow first of all without pairing you can't initiate data transfer
but incase if pairing lost than you have to start process again
why are you worrying about lost of pairing?
may be if user takes device far from android device means?
that is natural thing, pairing will disconnected
it will happens at background ie data transfer.. user will not be known.. that's what documentation says :P
we don't have to worry about it
oh okay
The mobile application has to connect with the device at a designated time intervals (configurable in the application setting) and pull all the data (vital sign & battery status) that is stored in the device or on demand. All the data captured on the wearable device will be synced to the mobile application
this what in documentation mentioned
if bluetooth is on in both devices and devices are on a range than sync will happened
time to go now
take care guys
and have a happy weekend
Allahafiz :)
@Shadow suppose user go away from the connection are while the transfer was still continue. this can be deadlock for your app.
@Shadow you should send callback after successfully data send and after that success callback you should delete your data from low memory devices
oh okay @SilentKiller

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