I have a question. Is it okay to run heavy jobs on a Service? I do not have any UI, all I need to run a heavy computation job in the background. Should I use AsyncTask?
i m trying to get all previous values of array list(saved in session) and then adding new one in same arraylist if arraylist is null then its throwing error
lockedAppsList is simply an arraylist of type string
First of all you have to understand that there is no Tamil Language support in Android OS (except few Samsung & SE mobiles) till ICS(4.0). Even then it had bugs and full support is provided with Jelly Bean (4.2).
You will only see boxes if you use Unicode Tamil font in your app. Reason is there...
The hourOfDay will always be 24-hour. If you opened the dialog with is24HourView set to false, the user will not have to deal with 24-hour formatted times, but Android will convert that to a 24-hour time when it calls onTimeSet().
@FlamePrincessϡ I want to book mark one link on click of imageview from webview and save it to in database. So is there need custom schema for dat? Or can i achieve using javascript function in html file?
@FlamePrincessϡ for clicking function and after bookmarked it from webview how can achieve it and save to sqlite. Because i dnt know java script much as compare to you
You can't add listener for html's buttons in android code. Instead, you can use Javascript Interface with Webview.
public final class MyJSInterface
public void button1function(){
//do something
Write all functions in this Interface.
Add that JSInterface to your webview.
@FlamePrincessϡ Ok.. So the flow is like that : First i need to make a JSInterface in which i need to make one method in which i can implement code for bookmark link and save to database and after that i need to add that JSInterface to my web view.
I am currently using iBatis framework for my project. In here, I have a multiple tables whose names and even the column names are not revealed to me(Its dynamic). I can find the mapping of it in a
<table name="ACTMAPPING" tableName="ACTMAPPING">
<column TableColumnName=...
@DroidDev Yeah bro you'r right cause if this a old project then of course developer has been used old SDK and for latest FB SDk many api and method is deprecated and which are not working with latest API
Use This
it s for total volume
AudioManager mgr = (AudioManager) appContext.getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE);
int valuess = 9;//range(0-15)
mgr.setStreamVolume(AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC, valuess, 0);
it is for left right while current song is playing...
AudioTrack m = (AudioTr...