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@Prince :)
Good Morning all
@ErumHannan help me in GCM
device is registered
i am trying to send message but it is not going
i have not used GCM
i have used GCM to send msg from server but not from mobile to server
yes even i am trying to do this
@ErumHannan will you pls click on this link?
Good Morning
Good Morning...!!!
hello @CapDroid
Good morning :)
detecting plugin plugout of charger and showing notification
but my app crashed on plugged out charger
not getting logcat after disconnected as well
write logcat in file
@DroidDev Yo... mrngs :)
@SweetWisherシ Mornings :D
any sample code do u have so that i can write quickly in file ?
Don't be a HELP-VAMP
@SweetWisherシ you'll send them there anyway, it doesn't matter where I try :P
clean clean:P
Hello guys
where this file will be created
how can i find list of cached background process list
i m finding background process list but its size is 31 while there are only 10apps shown in cached background process
59 mins ago, by DroidDev
Don't be a HELP-VAMP
i already have code
Give some try, show ur efforts.
but its not showing me correct no of runnings apps
its showing me 68 while correct number is 11
it mst be givng all apps (user created + system apps)
hiii @SweetWisherシ
how r u?
Hie. Fine :) hws u
m good too:)
ok tell me . what if i want to access a folder which is made by any other app in internal storage

Error 401
how to do this
@AditiGujrati Do u have path ?
getting this error on sendring msg from GCM
can anyone tell soln for this?
i have path but the problem in some phones it shows internal storage as sdcard1 and some phones as sdcard0
@AditiGujrati u can access
i hardcoded the file path and then took the list of files from it but that will not work properly in every phone due to the problem i stated above
Yaa Got it
so what is the solution you can think of ?
what can i try?
@MagicalPhoenixϡ there?
No she is busy@devil
n sorry to ping her
i forgot, she told me she haven't used GCM
Good noon all :)
noon :)
@SweetWisherシ are u there?
@AditiGujrati let me search
chk what this gives Environment.getRootDirectory().getAbsolutePath() @AditiGujrati
jst 1min
@SweetWisherシ no it is not working :(
@Sandesh access granted
@AditiGujrati u can get folder list and chk :(
do we have to use api key for android or server in webservice of GCM?
hmm ok let me try this
hey I wanna show video file retrived from mysqli
I successfully added video in embed tag in html
and its working
my issue is this that I dont want to play the video
I only wants that the video image show but not play
how can I do that
Tenkzz :)
When TimePicker opens, I need to change AM/PM value of it on basis of my requirement
Any idea ?
i am using DialogFragment
@RoshanJha change it
Q: TimePickerDialog and AM or PM

JDMI have a TimePickerDialog with is24Hour set to false since I want to present the end-user with the more familiar 12 hour format. When the hour, minute and AM PM indicator are set and the time is returned how can I identify whether the end-user has selected AM or PM? This is what I have for the ...

Not having effect
Show code
@SweetWisherシ please suggest me what should I do
i need show one program today and every Sunday using DB. what should be query
Anyone worked on word document read in android?
hmm no but wht issue
@Sandesh then use iMage thumbnail instead of video
Q: How to show enter fragment above exit fragment while animating.

DoryEffect what I want to achieve is to overlay enter (new) fragment above the exit(old) fragment, but when I am replacing old fragment by new fragment,the old one just vanishes and new fragment slides up the container, which is visible (container). I don't want to animate the old fragment, just k...

saw that answer?
Not possbile :/@Dory
in Room For ME, 2 mins ago, by SweetWisher シ
transaction.setCustomAnimations(R.anim.slide_in_left, R.anim.slide_out_right);
any idea how can i calulate power consumption for each app ?
without usng linux ?
or is there any method other than linux commands @MagicalPhoenixϡ
lunch time
thanks @SweetWisherシ
I'll check
@SweetWisherシ any help abt my qustion
No idea. sry :(
can u pls help me
any idea how can i calulate power consumption for each app ?
without usng linux ?
or is there any method other than linux command
@ErumHannan I don't know :/
ask @CapDroid if he knows.
@CapDroid do u ahve idea
@MagicalPhoenixϡ do you know how to modify pdf file?
is there bug in android's Time Picker dialog ?
what i am doing that I am changing am/pm of picker and setting it to textview, what I wish is when I open dialog again by pressing textview it should be setted to textview's time, time is setted correctly but I am facing issue in am/pm.
Cropping code is very tedious :(
and without code no one can help :(
just show code which sets am/pm according to the TexView's value
@RoshanJha @DroidDev @CapDroid have you any idea about modify pdf file?
@MunimJi No
@SweetWisherシ Let me try
String time = txt_fromTime.getText().toString();
String[] times = time.split(" ");

times = times[0].split(":");

timePickerDialog = new TimePickerDialog(getActivity(),
this, Integer.parseInt(times[0].trim()),
Integer.parseInt(times[1].trim()), false);
wht are you passing
m blank :(
txt_fromTime value is like :- 7:50 PM
times[0] = 7 and times[1] = 50
got it ?
wht abt AM/PM
just a minute
Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
SimpleDateFormat tf = new SimpleDateFormat("h:mm aa");
String formattedTime = tf.format(c.getTime());

@RoshanJha time is setted correctly but I am facing issue in am/pm.
thing is that when textview value shows 7:50 PM, and I click textview to show time picker dialog then it is showing 7:50 AM
facing issue in AM/PM but where ? in TimePicker na ?
@RoshanJha did u pass am/pm, nd got it in dialog ?
is24HourView : set to false
@SweetWisherシ Yupa Yup
wht abt "did u pass am/pm, nd got it in dialog ?" ?
@SweetWisherシ How to pass am/pm ?
I passed Hour, minute
@RoshanJha can;t u add more params ?
how can I set height of ImageView dynamically to its parent view in onCreate() method ?
TimePickerDialog does not have any parameter like am/pm I guess
or do 1 thing
timePickerDialog = new TimePickerDialog(getActivity(),
this, Integer.parseInt(times[0].trim()),
Integer.parseInt(times[1].trim()), false);
set var of TimePickerDialog
@SweetWisherシ I am using TimePickerFragment :(
using dialog fragment
@HimanshuAgarwal use LayoutParams
@RoshanJha Got it ?
when i try view.getHeight() it returns 0 as view is not yet drawn. so how to get height of that ?
give me code of ur TimePickerDialog class
int frameHeight = mainFrame.getMeasuredHeight();
			Log.i("Frame Height", frameHeight + "");
			final ImageView bannerImage =(ImageView)m_view.findViewById(R.id.bannerImageView);
			bannerImage.setLayoutParams(new FrameLayout.LayoutParams(FrameLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT,frameHeight));

@HimanshuAgarwal try in onMeasure
Are nahi re, I will do it..
you just guide
@SweetWisherシ i am creating 3 nested views on main view. and this view is 3rd level view so can't refer it on onMeasure
@SweetWisherシ I am following this
A: getWidth() and getHeight() always returning 0. Custom view

KerryYou have to wait until the onSizeChanged() method is called before you can reliably determine the View size. This is called during layout when the size of this view has changed. If you were just added to the view hierarchy, you're called with the old values of 0.

Got it @RoshanJha
pass 24 format time to picker, it will adjust it to am/pm
@RoshanJha @RoshanJha ?
@SweetWisherシ By it self ?
are you sure
Yes.. i chcked :)
jst try hard-coded valeu txt_fromTime = "19:50 PM";
@SweetWisherシ No issue
it should work
Yooo Yoo Done :)
check once by changing PM to AM
it wont matter
just check once pls
TimePickerDialog accepts 24hr time
it wrks
jst ignore am/pm. pas 24 time
working ? dialog shows AM/PM according textview value ?
@RoshanJha aree naaah
13 secs ago, by SweetWisher シ
jst ignore am/pm. pas 24 time
You must pass time 24hr format
@SweetWisherシ That is my problem, I need to show textview value in AM/PM previously it was showing 24 hour format
so read text n convert it to 24-hr
@RoshanJha :@
tha't interanal processing, while showng dialog, convert it to 24 and pass
thats why I asked whether its bug :P
Yes I checked this
or you can convert 24hr in am/pm like this
public void showTime(int hour, int min) {
if (hour == 0) {
hour += 12;
format = "AM";
} else if (hour == 12) {
format = "PM";
} else if (hour > 12) {
hour -= 12;
format = "PM";
} else {
format = "AM";
time.setText(new StringBuilder().append(hour).append(" : ").append(min)
.append(" ").append(format));
@HimanshuAgarwal hmm I I should do like this way
but thing is to sync timepicker with textview's value
@SweetWisherシ I got your point
try this or this simple example using time picker dialog
@HimanshuAgarwal Thanks
I guess I have checked it
@SweetWisherシ To ab am/pm ko 24 hour me kaise convert karna hai wo RnD raha
lekin textview me to am pm me hi dikhana hai
by default its 24HR format
Q: Set AM/PM to Time Picker Dialog From String?

Usama SarwarI have a TextView in which a time is being show in the format 10:00 PM When user Click on that View, same time must be set to the TimePicker Dialog. I am able to set the Hour and Minutes to the Picker, but in AM/PM section. I always get AMwhether user has set AM or PM. How can it be solved? any h...

This is my exact issue
@RoshanJha seen ?
Yes applying it
@SweetWisherシ still can't get height of parent view
tried measure?
The method getHours() from the type Date is deprecated... should I go ahead ?
:P ok
ok and what to do on TimeSet ?
@MunimJi no :/
for showing new value with AM/PM
it will automatically SHOW
I guess done
jst run n see
I have this onTImeSet
@RoshanJha :-o
dont post code here
it is working
oops... where to :P
GONE :P hahahahha
hopes don't get scolding from that room's owners
??? what is this
@SweetWisherシ Do I need to remove everything from onTimeSet... If I will remove it, will it save value with AM/PM to textview again ?
wrkng na ?
@SweetWisherシ Yes :D
@RoshanJha seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee... i just showed u way tto set AM/PM in picker when we show it
any other way to get or set height of child view dynamically to its parent view i.e. also drawn dynamically ?
@SweetWisherシ ok I got it
Thanks :)
just keep in mind, The hourOfDay will always be 24-hour
it's not a BUG
sweetwisher any suggestions to get it ?
@RoshanJha Ys ?
@HimanshuAgarwal wait a min
@SweetWisherシ Thanks :)
2 mins ago, by SweetWisher シ
nw ur turn @HimanshuAgarwal sayy
4 mins ago, by Himanshu Agarwal
any other way to get or set height of child view dynamically to its parent view i.e. also drawn dynamically ?
the only way to get height is in OnMeasure
@MagicalPhoenixϡ np
onMeasure will be called for main view and i want height of its sub-sub-sub view and all this sub view are created dynamically so onMeasure is not available for sub view
@RoshanJha ?
@HimanshuAgarwal but u want to get height of parent, isnt it a mainView ?
Thanks :)
i am inflating view inside view
no its not mainView
@RoshanJha no more
@HimanshuAgarwal show some code plzz
I am having headache too much
so mind getting crash :P
MindNotResponding Error
check this @SweetWisherシ
A: ViewGroup{TextView,...}.getMeasuredHeight gives wrong value is smaller than real height

user711058The question is rather old, but I had similar problem, so I'll describe what was wrong. Actually, parameters in listItem.measure() are used wrong, you should set something like this: listItem.measure(MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(0, MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED), MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(0, MeasureS...

Working working sorry
I did not replace code to end Time :P
@SweetWisherシ thanks that worked
Grt :)
@SweetWisherシ Kya khati ho ?
Vadapaanv ?
@RoshanJha same here |:|: :P
bhaari bharkam smileys samajh me nahi aate
I know these only :) :D :P :O
return new TimePickerDialog(getActivity(),
this, date.getHours(),
date.getMinutes(), false);
you used false right ?
if u write true, AM/PM wont come in pciker
sleeping time
have anyone worked here on GCM?
ask your question devil if someone know about it they will response
I am trying to register registerid first on server
code I used
where I am making mistake can anyone tell?
@HimanshuAgarwal getting issues in tab widget
i alread have done code
but after click on last tab unable to click on any tabs
tab host with tab widget
@devil is your package name same with registered GCM ? check your manifest
@HimanshuAgarwal yes its same
tabHost.setOnTabChangedListener(new OnTabChangeListener() {
public void onTabChanged(String arg0) {
Log.i("******Clickin Tab number ... ", "" + tabHost.getCurrentTab());
check tab id's when you click each tab
ok checking also facing difficulty to apply images on tabs and change images on click on tab
@ErumHannan i made demo from here
@HimanshuAgarwal can you tell where I am making mistake
@HimanshuAgarwal i m getting right ids on click but after click on last tab i m unable to click on any tabs
@ErumHannan show me your code
hello @SaadChaudhry
how are you?
ok fine i m showing my code @HimanshuAgarwal
himanshu upto that time see my code
n tell where i made mistake
is there any issue to use scrollview inside layout when using tabwidget @HimanshuAgarwal
@devil wait
ok sir
kia toh hua hai ye maine
@ErumHannan there is no issue in that
Sep 22 '14 at 7:30, by MysticMagic
Please try to stick to English
ok fine i m adding prj in dropbox pls try to run this
its not working after clicking on last tab click on last tab and then click to any toher tabs
pls download the prj from link
@ErumHannan your tabs content is overlapping tabs
what can i do ?
where should i write this ?
add this in your <FrameLayout android:id="@android:id/tabcontent"
in tab_bar.xml
ok checking
thanks now its working fine
your welcome
n himanshu what about my probs bro?
my image width is very small what is standard image size? for tab bar
@devil yes looking for it
ok thanks
@ErumHannan see this
@devil tried this ?
kindly execute the code once
@HimanshuAgarwal this is same as example of androidhive
I have made this
trying to make it simple
n I dont want user to enter name n email
just in oncreate() it get registered
are you getting registrationID?
@HimanshuAgarwal can i change height of tabhost ?
as i m getting too small
no bro
@HimanshuAgarwal kindly exexute this code one time
yes you can
`tabHost.getTabWidget().getChildAt(i).getLayoutParams().height = (int) (HEIGHT * this.getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density);`
i have images but this images are looking quite small
image size is 135 * 88 (hdpi), 90*59(mdpi) , 180*117(xdpi)
Q: Android tabHost and tabWidget icon issue

osayilganI'm working on an Android Application which uses the Tab Host icons downloaded from internet and Icon size is 30x30. for(int i = 0; i < titleNames.size(); i++) { intent = new Intent().setClass(context, Gallery.class); sp = tabHost.newTabSpec(titleNames.get(i)).setIndicator(titleNames.ge...

how to do bulk insertion or sqlite db?
any help?
every one
@qɘɘbɒɿq what you want to do?
tata all. take care. Happy weekend
1 hour later…
@SweetWisherシ :)
@MagicalPhoenixϡ bataaa :)
leaving..byee all

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