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good mornings
How are you guys ?
@DroneDev hi
@senti hello
Good Morning
Good morning all :)
@AditiGujrati Access granted
GM @CapDroid @Shadow @DroidDev :)
@SweetWisherシ VGM mam
@SweetWisherシ Morning :)
hey any idea i am trying to debug an app in micromax A092 but device s not showing@SweetWisherシ
@AditiGujrati does the device not show up at all or does it show "????????????" in avd?
no it is not showing at all @DroidDev
12-22 10:25:54.095: W/MediaPlayer[JAVA](19649): mediaplayer went away with unhandled events
A: How do I play an audio file in Android?

BobMcbobersonExample for playing some kind of buzzer. In the res folder under raw folder I have a buzzer.wav Method to play this buzzer: /** * Method to play an alarm sound to signal half time or full time. */ private void playAlarm() { MediaPlayer mp = MediaPlayer.create(this, R.raw...

using this code
@AditiGujrati are you sure that you have turned usb debugging on in device and set it to usb debugging option?
yes i did that @DroidDev
does ur device show in File expolrer ?
@AditiGujrati then, I think it might be drivers problem, have you installed those?
drivers like..... My other phone samsung works fine without any drivers or anything... is it the problem with micromax
@AditiGujrati I mean the drivers like samsung kies
and do u think i have to root the phone to use it for debugging
no...you don't need to root it, IMO
u need drivers
btw @AditiGujrati
4 mins ago, by SweetWisher シ
does ur device show in File expolrer ?
can someone tell me what's wrong with this: <script type="text/javascript">
function swapContent(cv, othervar) {
var url = "other/page_loader.php";
$.post(url, {contentVar: cv, other: othervar} ,function(data) {
} </script>
this line: $.post(url, {contentVar: cv, other: othervar} ,function(data) {
@13375 included jQuery js ?
yeah it does @DroidDev
> not enough jquery :P
@AditiGujrati ok, then drivers it is...I think
good morning
@13375 which err you gettin?
$ is undefined ?
that line is creating an output bug of [contentVar] => research, 1
i m trying to find out the drivers or ow to use it for debugging and most of the searches are giving options to root the phone
it should be creating the var for other
that;s nt the option
how do i fix that line?
Dint get u
I don't see how rooting the device will work, please just try to find the reason, whatever you do @AditiGujrati don't do it blindly
maybe i should create one just to target the sub td
yeah will not that is why asking you guys before doing anything
@SweetWisherシ Hello
@13375 shw in fiddle
How to show different object in listview ?
@AditiGujrati which OS do you have?
@Strider what do you mean by different objects?
in the phone or system?
paste.ofcode.org/JkJWsuaNgNQxYYjZs74Eg Please check this @SweetWisherシ @DroidDev
how can i increase media player volume by ignoring device volume
@AditiGujrati haha! of-course you have Android in micromax, I was asking about the PC
@ErumHannan need to check that
windows 8.1
@Strider so, what's the issue in it?
@DroidDev i see only last from it in listview
@AditiGujrati if you don't see the device in you windows either, then its drivers
@AditiGujrati lol :P
@Strider how are you showing the items?
@DroidDev using arraylist
@Strider that's the code, we need to see...
I can see the data in my phone@DroidDev...... file explorer is working fine
@SweetWisherシ any thoughts on the vr name pssing error: jsfiddle.net/03g1vmnu
@AditiGujrati I was talking about PC, can you see your device in "My Compuer"?
yes i can @DroidDev
@AditiGujrati ok and you can't see it in eclipse, right?
yes dear @DroidDev
@DroidDev Got any idea ?
@AditiGujrati well...first of all, My Computer is kind of file explorer, so if you see it in there, then it is visible in file explorer
..and I think its drivers problem
@Strider you need to see how you are inserting values in arraylist
any ideas on what i'm doing wrong: jsfiddle.net/03g1vmnu/1
@DroidDev hlo :D
@maveň yallow! :D
hi guys @ALL
hi @Harish
are you any good at jquery stuff?
@DroidDev ok so I am trying with drivers and let u know the result
@AditiGujrati ya sure :)
how can i add animation when my app launcher activity is going to be closd ?
how do i get off question ban?
Any Android Developer here ?
Any Android Developer here ?
@DroidDev Hi
@13375 checkng nw
@ThirumoorthyMoorthy Hi
@13375 Give good answer on SO and earn repo
Anyone has experience with making whiteboard, writing with pencil/pen and erasing it ?
No error in fiddle @13375
@RoshanJha Did the same in school :P
@DroidDev any help
@RoshanJha yes
@SweetWisherシ :D
@ThirumoorthyMoorthy Please guide
@ThirumoorthyMoorthy what's the problem?
@ThirumoorthyMoorthy Do I need to work with canvas and draw lines ?
@SweetWisherシ :) Thanks
@Moshe access granted
@SweetWisherシ Thanks. What coding languages do we prefer in here?
@13375 there?
what is contentVar and other?
Good Noon to Everyone..
AlphaInAnimationAdapter animationAdapter = new AlphaInAnimationAdapter(myAdapter);
i have added this jar in libs but i m not getting this line AlphaInAnimationAdapter
@ErumHannan added in build path ?imported that lines
added in libs
add to build path
ok one thing more for only appearance may i need to use its dynamic listview or can i apply on my listview
still not even added in build path and then clean
hi all
@maveň hii
@DroidDev hello
@MunimJi yallow! :D
@DroidDev do you know how to change tabhost text fonts.?
@MunimJi hiye
how are you ?
@maveň fine.. u say
12-22 12:19:59.365: E/dalvikvm(25776): Could not find class 'com.haarman.listviewanimations.swinginadapters.prepared.AlphaInAnimationAdapter‌​', referenced from method com.mygallery.HomeActivity.updateListView
@MunimJi me gud
u need to create custom tabhost
@MunimJi nope...sorry, never worked with default tabs. I created my custom ones, after I found it too complex to do what I wanted in default tabs
@maveň yeah somthing like that
@DroidDev ohhk
@MunimJi TextView tv = (TextView)tabView.findViewById(android.R.id.tv);
@MunimJi then set textSize to it.
have u worked on Twilio? @MunimJi @DroidDev
@Shadow hlo
Hi all, I have an images in horizontal listview and main image. when i select main image, how to display in view pager ie to get position from horizontal listview?
@maveň sorry, never
Help meee
how & why :P
I m not able to open SKD mamager, nt getting any API in build path, unable to build the project

Errors occurred during the build.
Errors running builder 'Android Package Builder' on project
@maveň let me try after sometime..currently i hve another task.
@maveň i heard this first time. :P
@MunimJi ohk :D
@SweetWisherシ check the SDK path
@maveň can u help me in another interesting problem.? :P
@MunimJi i would like to ;)
@maveň its correct, even though i get APIs, , unable to build the project
@maveň i have custom listview..
@SweetWisherシ did u updated the ADT?
@Aravin access granted
@maveň yp :(
@SweetWisherシ now ur dead :D
@SweetWisherシ thank you..
hi all..
btw i m immortal :D
i need one help..
my current DB location is data/data/package/app_webview/databases/file__0/1..
how can i read the database values in Bckgroundservice.. my DB is created using Phonegap..
@maveň In that row, i have imageview and 2 textviews with plus, minus buttons. if any of the button i click, textviews number will be increase or descrease.
@SweetWisherシ uninstall the update.
@MunimJi ohk
@maveň how ? unabel to open SDK manager
@maveň i am using notifydatachanged() for effecting textview values. and its working fine.. but my problem is, it will refresh wall listview. and because of that. all images will be reloaded bcz i am using imageloader. which i dont want to..
btw I uninstalled ADT
@SweetWisherシ better to download a new one.
@MunimJi notifydatachanged() will update all the UI
@maveň yeah but i dont want to update all the UI, i jst want to update one row.
use notifyItemChanged(int position) @MunimJi
Q: How to select image from displayed horizontal listview and used as swipe image android?

ShadowI have an imageview and below is horizontal listview. So when I select image in horizontal listview, selected image will display in imageview. Now when I click imageview, it should display in full screen with swipe images. I used view pager but I don't know how to get position of horizontal listv...

@SweetWisherシ it will not work
cant u get position n clickng of the image ? @Shadow
from listview to view pager it's working. but i need to use from selected main image click and then i need to use swipe image from listview.
hope from screenshot u can get it
r u able to load items in View pager ?
when u click image
A: How can I update a single row in a ListView?

ErikI found the answer, thanks to your information Michelle. You can indeed get the right view using View#getChildAt(int index). The catch is that it starts counting from the first visible item. In fact, you can only get the visible items. You solve this with ListView#getFirstVisiblePosition(). Exam...

aQuery.id(ivZoom).image(imageUrl.get(CURRENT_IMAGE), true, true, 0, R.drawable.default_large, BitmapFactory.decodeResource(ProductDetail.this.getResources(),
R.drawable.default_large), 0) this line displays only current item to display which i uncomment.
A: How to detect when a view inside HorizontalScrollView touches another view?

DroidDevThis solution works for me and also this is the only solution I was able to make out after a long research on options we have with HorizontalScrollView. ImageView lineImage=(ImageView)findViewById(R.id.yourImageViewIdOfWhiteLineImage); Then in onTouchListener of your horizontalScrollView p...

might be helpful in your case too
will check
bt its horizontal listview
@SweetWisherシ you can apply it to anything. Everything has onTouchListener
he wlil definatly get item on item click listner
first of all, I don't even get, why he didn't use HorizontalScrollView :/
I will also prefer horizontal listview
yes horizontal listview only to use.
2 mins ago, by SweetWisher シ
he wlil definatly get item on item click listner
wht's d issue :(
Gallery was deprecated long ago when dinosaurs used to roam earth. You really shouldn't advice anyone to use that. — DroidDev 7 mins ago
lolzzzz :P i can't control laugh
when dinosaurs used to roam earth :P
yes i am getting position in listview. but how to use in imageview click
hehehe, I am in mood some of these days ;)
@Shadow where are you shwing full image ? and how
pastie is not working.
@Shadow why don't you just use the convertView.setOnClickListener() in your adapter. Its the easiest way to get position and thus image
this is module wise @DroidDev someone's code need to understand and change it. if fully i done i might have play with that :P
@Shadow If I understand you correctly, then you can just use imageview.setonclicklistener. NO?
@Shadow u have CURRENT_IMAGE
then init Viewpager with item from list.get(CURRENT_IMAGE) to list.get(last) and then add from list.get(first) to list.get(CURRENT_IMAGE-1)
@SweetWisherシ will that show that image or set that image as first page in view pager?
@DroidDev he needs to load the items in pagerAdpter
yes u r rite
as he wants to show
so if u want the same images (in same order) then load from first to last n then pager.setCurrentItem(CURRENT_IMAGE)
ya, that's what I thought, should be done...
lunch time
@MagicalPhoenixϡ welcome :)
...meanwhile me asking to colleagues, "Lunch time...?"
@SweetWisherシ thanks :)
i want to show custom toast and toast disappera but with animation effects
animation is not working
@MagicalPhoenixϡ :)
mogli ka blade he
mogli kon he ?
Jungle Book : Hero
in Java and Android era , 6 mins ago, by maveň
unable to move fingers on keyboard
:d @maveň
@shihab_returns hi sahib
kaisey ho mates@maveň
@shihab_returns alive
from the cold
same here..@maveň
@shihab_returns :D don't get killed this winter
i have java...@maveň
the cofee
@AnilPrasad welcome.. @SweetWisherシ kaisey ho..
Alhamdulillah:) hws ya
m gd also.
@Prince here..welcome:)
@Shadow done ?
Hi @All How can I will check out if an Android device is phone or tablet?
@johnsakthi please google.
@MagicalPhoenixϡ I searched at google, and i got lot of way but which is better one. I am confusing.
@johnsakthi which methods you found?
Q: Tablet or Phone - Android

BennyIs there a way to check if the user is using a tablet or a phone? I've got problems with my tilt function and my new tablet (Transformer)

did you try any sol in your app? and test on 2-3 devices?
@MagicalPhoenixϡ yes, I checked that.
@johnsakthi what do u think from that? which one seems better to u?
can i add animation in custom toast ? i m applying but no result
Dec 19 at 8:42, by MagicalPhoenixϡ
using super toast, you can.
give a toast and check it. @johnsakthi
A: How to give two links for mobile and tablet in webview?

Pratik SharmaHere is another solution with use of simple flag: Set a boolean value in a specific value file like say (res/values-xlarge/): <resources> <bool name="isTabletDevice">true</bool> </resources> Then, in the "standard" value file like say (res/values/): <resources> <bool name="isTabletDe...

anyone suggest best way to get lat,long and alt.
best way depends on ur requirement
requirement is simple, just send all three to server one time
then what's issue in location manager?
any one plz help in ios...hoe to lock orintation in a singleviewcontroller only

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