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04:00 - 10:0010:00 - 22:00

GM all :)
@SweetWisherシ hi
@SweetWisherシ one small issue plz help
i am using tab acitivity how to set reselect
set reselect ?
whenever i click the tab means that tab open fresh only
Good morning
@SweetWisherシ ?
@senti please elaborate clearly.
@MagicalPhoenixϡ :)
@senti is that page loaded with old content right now? and you want to start afresh?
Good morning all
@MagicalPhoenixϡ GM :)
@DigveshPatel access granted. But be nice else it will be revoked
@MagicalPhoenixϡ thanks
@all good morning
i m getting lots of issues in loading images
i have used picasso library for image showing from sdcard but its giving me above issue
bitmap too large issue
@Yousefkhan there
12-19 10:35:39.168: W/OpenGLRenderer(6210): Bitmap too large to be uploaded into a texture (2340x4160, max=4096x4096)
@DaxeshKhatri access granted. But be nice else it will be revoked soon
@DroidDev !oY
@DaxeshKhatri gm
@erumhannan um little busy, try using .fit() or resize(l,w) with picasso
@SweetWisherシ nice yellow hair :P
@DroidDev hehe its ma crown ;P
Nov 11 at 10:36, by SilentKiller
try to stick with English
@ErumHannan how are you ?
me fine and u ?
@DroidDev No! :P
@SweetWisherシ Nope! Its the head of Naruto, you stole it from him :P
@DroidDev i HATE naruto :/
allllllllllll :P
@SweetWisherシ but, you are wearing his head :P
...and I love Naruto
@DroidDev me too :P
I have kept it hidden :D
@DroidDev den go in ninja room :P
@SweetWisherシ I used Multiple Shadow Clone jutsu, I am everywhere now :P
@ErumHannan Use universal image loader.
i think this would be better option but how will i use UIL with pager
universal image loader :P
@RobinHood hello
h r u?
view pager?
Hie Shadow :)
i m using paging with touchimageview now how can i use UIL with this
@Shadow @RobinHood
first try something
dig Google and try yourself, if not success then hit here.
@RobinHood yeh right
@DroneDev I'm fine thank you.
@ErumHannan hi, i have a solution for u .
@RobinHood okay :)
what ? @MunimJi
i don't know what is mean by paging in touch imageview. u mean swipe image?
@shatabdiMondal access granted
@MunimJi final ImageView iv ??
why its using here ?
@ErumHannan its optional. you can simply use Imageview iv.
refer this. hope this help
@MunimJi using same getting NPE
in lines debugging
@ErumHannan in which line?
string array :P
:P @SweetWisherシ
@user3679223 access granted
Hi all,
good morning
imageLoader=new ImageLoader(activity.getApplicationContext());
i m unable to write this line as mentioned i m writing imageLoader = ImageLoader.getInstance();
need a help guys.
I had converted the Java code to iOS, Need to check whether the code is equivalent to Java in iOS, Java code: codeshare.io/Zkpha iOS Code: codeshare.io/Gr3JV
@user3679223 oh yaha bhi
@ErumHannan i think u didnt initialization propery.
@DigveshPatel ok, Thank you
@DigveshPatel Dont you understand English ?
@DigveshPatel please behave yourself. we have already warned you!
log line is giving me null pointer exception
TouchImageView imgView = new TouchImageView(activity.getApplicationContext());
Log.d(TAG,"imageLoader 180:"+imageLoader);
@SweetWisherシ may you help me to learn english plz
Aug 27 at 12:45, by ChrisF
@Prabuddha Please stick to English as much as possible in chat rooms. If it's brought to my (or any other SO mod's) attention that you're using Hindi in here again the room will be frozen. Keep it up and it will be deleted.
this line is also NPE
@DigveshPatel i think you know word kick. behave else you'll get kicked.
@DigveshPatel ok with normal communication with me
@all sry
last warn
ok i left
so no one solve that issue for me.
@user3679223 no idea about ios
may be @AnilPrasad can help.
@user3679223 if anyone knows about your issue they will reply you.
@SilentKiller ok, Hru ?
@AnilPrasad hi
@ErumHannan problem is in your activity instance when u initialization.. check your code properly..
hello @SilentKiller
@MysticMagic there?
@AnilPrasad Hr u ?
@MunimJi reps 3939 ;)
@AnilPrasad i need a Clarification for my code , Can you help me ?
hello @maveň @SweetWisherシ @DroneDev
Don't mass ping
@UnityBeginner Don't mass ping
i am checking your code if get any idea then tell you @user3679223
@maveň :D
yr i do this very rare
i do this whenever i am in a big problem
beware :P
i need help
will you people help
@AnilPrasad ok,Thnks
@UnityBeginner sure
Currently I am working over app that one has left
@user3679223 Post your query on main site.
so i have to give my more efforts to remove bugs
@RobinHood alive ?
@RobinHood ok
@SilentKiller always!
@RobinHood good.
there are some settings that are made earlier by user
now user want to make changes in these settings
i got the settings that were earlier set
n make them checked here
Now the bug that i am getting is
As i scroll listview someitems get checked self, i am not enabling them
@UnityBeginner hi
why is this pinned @SweetWisherシ just wondering
@UnityBeginner its very common issue dude, did you googled?
hello dev bhai
how are you?
can you see over the probs that am facing
all is well, you tell
@DroidDev not pinned..it was starred :/ just saw that
now time to read your code @Uni but, read this post. There are two ideas to solve your problem in that post
@DroidDev thanks bro, you are reading that is enough for me
@SweetWisherシ oh! with all the pinning by mods in here, I thought, this was also pinned :/
as i am scrolling up and down it is going in this loop
				Log.i("row!=null", "row!=null");
				holder=(MyHolder) row.getTag();
				Log.i("row", ""+row.toString());
				Log.i("row.getTag()", ""+row.getTag().toString());
@UnityBeginner you can simply remove setTag() and getTag() mechanism
and this will work very fine
ok @SilentKiller i try this sir, thanks
ROFL LMAO sir @SilentKiller ROFL ROFL ROFL ROFL!!!!!!
now it is confirmed :P
@DroidDev :P principal :P * new char(50)
@SilentKiller what's this bro
Dec 12 at 9:24, by SilentKiller
@Strider sir only @DroidDev is Sir. ;)
@UnityBeginner just an old story, don't mind us, please continue with your work
Sorry @user3679223 i din't get it
@MagicalPhoenixϡ sleeping.. :P gn.
was away :P
@DroidDev @SilentKiller pls tell how it can be solved
removing setTag & getTag only won't do your job, you have to use Boolean array to manage checked state on scroll.
@RobinHood can you suggest any demo bro?
@UnityBeginner instead of using al_utilities as an integer arraylist create a custom class which is holding int value as well as boolean value of toggle button and store value to them then only this will work.
I hate my blog, lemme share with you.
@RobinHood please don;t :P
@MunimJi can u pls see code its still some initializatin issue
always negative?
its not. you just need to concentrate.
@ErumHannan oke give me tht
@SilentKiller lemme do, it will save someone life.
@AnilPrasad ok, np, H ru ?, How is going on ?
@RobinHood lols. :P
f9 @user3679223
work on home product
@user3679223 are you wokey?
@ErumHannan pass your imageloader instance from activity to this adapter.. dont initialize here.
@AnilPrasad ok, Thnks, I will check , Catch you later .
@MagicalPhoenixϡ yes
I want to grow plant in field, like gaming in android. How can I do this by coding?
@shatabdiMondal animation.
@shatabdiMondal animation
@RobinHood thanks but sir i have used this code for the one where user is selecting this for firsttime n its working fine over there
@shatabdiMondal tried searching on google?
but here i have to get the values that are already saved by user
@MagicalPhoenixϡ How about yours ?
i have searched, ios person said through sprite key they were used, so what should be used in android
@user3679223 what about mine?
A: In android how to make a image grow from one point using animation?

Rajdeep DuaThis can be achieved using View Animation utility. This scales the image from 100% to 140% for 1 sec Place the following file in res/anim/scale.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <set android:shareInterpolator="false" xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"> <sc...

@MagicalPhoenixϡ yes.
@user3679223 sorry. what?
@RobinHood i have used this code
@MagicalPhoenixϡ tab listener using fragment activity
for selecting first time
its working fine
but after that to make change is giving problem
@MagicalPhoenixϡ Yes About yours , Are u working ?
@user3679223 not sure. will think after finishing my work
@senti what's issue? I already asked you to elaborate clearly!
Facing major issue in my chat:
I am trying to show the download % of image with every image, while it is downloading. For this, I got the instance of my view holder in my image downloader and retreived textview from it. Now, I am updating textview from my image loader. But, in case of many TextViews, my Image loader is calling adapter's getView too many times, and it causes the chat listview to hang. Any idea how to improve performance?
@MagicalPhoenixϡ ok,How are u ?
@DroidDev change hat :/
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, 35 mins ago, by DroidDev
I am just wearing this new costume because it looks hilariously funny on my avatar! :D
@SilentKiller there?
@DroidDev gud, dnt change jst bcz of others
@RobinHood there?
@MunimJi :P agree wid u
@UnityBeginner yes ?
@DroidDev lol
@user3679223 good. thanks. you?
btw, any ideas on the issue guys?
@SilentKiller pls solve the issue
i am using this [code](http://paste.ubuntu.com/9567205/)
n its working fine
@MagicalPhoenixϡ fine .
21 mins ago, by SilentKiller
@UnityBeginner instead of using al_utilities as an integer arraylist create a custom class which is holding int value as well as boolean value of toggle button and store value to them then only this will work.
i have 3 tab .1 tab having check box .checkbox is true i assign some string and that string get 2 tab .whenever i goto first tab then come 2tab means show that checked item string@MagicalPhoenixϡ
i am not undestanding seems aaj toh marunga
@UnityBeginner try to stick to English
@senti use onSaveInstanceState
@DroidDev no idea :(
A: android fragment- How to save states of views in a fragment when another fragment is pushed on top of it

aniaIn fragment guide FragmentList example you can find: @Override public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) { super.onSaveInstanceState(outState); outState.putInt("curChoice", mCurCheckPosition); } Which you can use later like this: @Override public void onActi...

UIL is displaying images from sdcard but i want to display images from sdcard but in thumbnail size ?
@ErumHannan what happen with my code?
@DroidDev facing same and to solve this i remove setTag() and getTag() mechanism from getView()
@SilentKiller I haven't used that mechanism, but, I just got a suggestion. I've asked my junior to implement it. Great idea btw:
in Java and Android era , 7 mins ago, by rekire
@DroidDev try to upgrade the progress only for images which are visible
and boom! Cost for comparing the visible imageviews is much less than cost for updating each textview
@SweetWisherシ fragment can't work method?
@senti what ?
@DroidDev (Y)
@maveň :P
@SilentKiller not getting anything, give idea what must i study to solve this?
plus that doesn't make UI thread heavy, all the comparison is done in background @Sil
yes thanks its working fine now @MunimJi
but i m getting thumbnail image of every image in different sizes
@ErumHannan didnt get you.. explain properly
@SweetWisherシ pastebin.com/ea5fJNTw i try this but show nll point exception error
right now images are of different sizes while i want thumbnail image of all paths
@DroidDev meanwhile i am getting stuck because of web issues and i can't test ma tablet and mobile app.. useless so called developers.
@SilentKiller test it on simulator
@ErumHannan u r getting images from gallery?
@DroidDev web is not completed. :/
lunch time
@MagicalPhoenixϡ tc :)
@MagicalPhoenixϡ cya. TC.
@MagicalPhoenixϡ oh! you edited your lunch time :P
@DroidDev I started editing my life recently, so may be.. well :)
@SilentKiller didn't get what web isn't completed is :/
tc @SilentKiller
@MagicalPhoenixϡ isn't that what we all do everyday?
@DroneDev yes
@DroidDev naah. started recently.. tata
@MagicalPhoenixϡ cee yaa!
@DroidDev webservices still having list of bugs so i can't test my side validation and all without good & working web services
@SilentKiller btw, I have made a library of http requests, which I use to call web services, how to you guys do it?
do you write the code everytime?
yes i m getting images from gallery
@RobinHood i have to develop app in arabic obly, even if device language is english app will be open in arabic, need suggestions
@DroidDev am using a common method to call HTTP with NameValuePair
7 mins ago, by senti
@SweetWisherシ http://pastebin.com/ea5fJNTw i try this but show nll point exception error
@DroneDev values
@SilentKiller hmm..ok, when I get time, I'll put my library on git and share it. Nice code written in it. But, still some room for improvement
@RobinHood but device language is english
@senti cant find any code..plz post it here paste.ofcode.org
Q: What is the list of supported languages/locales on Android?

Andreas.GI'd like to know what to name my folder for different languages. Where can I find the supported list of languages on Android?

@RobinHood app is not depend on device language, just a toogle is their in app
have to main everything on toogle only
whatwill b the best way
@DroneDev toggle ? what
can i rotate image by giving path @RobinHood
use values folder and pre-define entire app data same we are defining strings.
@ErumHannan not clear
i m showing image using UIL by giving image uri now i want to rotate image can i rotate image by giving image path ...how can i ? ?
e.g <string name="delete_warninguser">Attention, vous allez supprimer un utilisateur qui a une boîte et les cellules connecté!</string>
French detected :P
@SweetWisherシ for now app is in arabic and base language or app will remain arabic even if we some more languages lator
so that's y toggle
@RobinHood what aboot right to left icons
layout-ar folder with diffrent views?
@RobinHood how to use, these ar eonly image
Lunch Time
can i apply animations on custom toast ?
yup doing as well
have made custom toast bt just need to aply aimations
I found 2-3 posts which might be helpful. you didn't?
@senti at which line getting null ?
A: Unfortunately MyApp has stopped. How can I solve this?

Niek HaarmanThis answer describes the process of retrieving the stack trace. Already have the stack trace? Read up on stack traces in "What is a stack trace, and how can I use it to debug my application errors?" The Problem Your application quit because an uncaught RuntimeException was thrown. The most com...

in Java and Android era , 15 secs ago, by DroidDev
OMFG! why isn't github working now? A day ago it was with pastie.org, userscript.org
@DroidDev github wrkng
@SweetWisherシ not in my whole company
@DroidDev i m facing prbm with pastie.org :/
@SweetWisherシ that was a problem in whole company a day before yesterday
it something iterating through whole nation? :/
@DroidDev whts wrng with these all
@SweetWisherシ don't know, if you ping sites from command line, they'll work just fine
@DroidDev i checked with diff browsers even
@SweetWisherシ yup, it won't work in any, but if you try ping pastie.org in your cmd, it'll show you zero packet loss
I think some foreign hackers are planting some virus, hehe, just wondering
actually i installed one extension to block some sites, so I thought i might have done something wrong :/
@DroidDev hehe
@SweetWisherシ nope, the problem is for some other users too...but, they all are from chd area, wondering where you are from...
@DroidDev even delhi ppl r facing same
so, my speculation was right, problem is iterating throughout the nation. I think the hacker speculation of mine is correct...lol...on the other hand, I might be going bit more mad as well....
I spread those viruses. both are working fine for me :P
goes to nearest police station to report a cyber crime
hide @MagicalPhoenixϡ hide while you can!! :P
against Magical Phoenix :P
I will turn to ashes and be reborn after all this stops :D
ummm....so, my other speculation was also correct, I am going bit more mad...hmm....
@DroidDev mad for :P
@SweetWisherシ science :P
@DroidDev ehe....same pinch ;)
@DroidDev $150 per hour..!!!!!!! had he.. :D :D
@MunimJi lol, just another way to make clients, after I failed to do so on odesk :P
Congo for badge :P @DroidDev
@SweetWisherシ oh! thanks, I was about to post that somebody upvoted my highest voted answer!
@DroidDev hehehe..but as per your cost, its not possible to get clients :D
@MunimJi oh! its pretty low on odesk ;)
@DroidDev hehehe.. then all the best :D
@MunimJi thanks :D
@Dato'MohammadNurdin @makiolo access granted
Topic closed :P
Finally CLOSED :P
@DroidDev waiting for your upvotes. :P
any animation for ping pong balls
that can hit devices wall
translate animation
may i need to mention every vertex
example ?
dear, you will need to search..
@ErumHannan have you asked this to google ?
@ErumHannan what you got then ?
@MagicalPhoenixϡ is this same phoneix which one dumbledore owned ?
@SilentKiller hmm
04:00 - 10:0010:00 - 22:00

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