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8:02 AM
> Thank you for this answer, @Pablo - 84476791
→ flagged successfully
> Thanks so much! - 84476773
→ flagged successfully
> Thanks, I've updated the post - 84476839
→ flagged successfully
NAA 48741937, score 71, confidence 15: thankyou, thats really worked for me.. btw i dont know how to comment on stackoverflow's post as well as you do guys.
→ flag candidate naa
> Thanks for your answer - 84476958
→ flagged successfully
NAA 48741969, score 84, confidence 9: Hi i am also facing issues with restbed while using Chunked Transfer Encoding Example, i am recieving more file data (at start of file and end of file ) than the original file below is the code i am using void post_method_handler( const shared_ptr< Sessi…
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 48741960, score 100, confidence 3: Please find the git for the same. I was also trying to reach you many ways for this membership plugin github.com/jsnsurya/PayUPMPRO
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 48742026, score 100, confidence 9: can anyone please help with the database restoring process I'm using the code for db backup need code for restoring the database please help..
→ flag candidate naa
> Thank you!!! This worked - 84477093
→ flagged successfully
VLQ 48742101, score 100, confidence 0: I was solving same issue. For IIS I did not find the solution. I was also debugging the R.NET code, but solution by setting correct path to R folder did not work. The solution is created additional layer, which cover running R project (actually create ow…
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 48742160, score 100, confidence 32: I am also facing this issue. My safari browser cant open my website.
→ flagged as not an answer
VLQ 48742159, score 96, confidence 23: Please follow this. It will resolve your problem. atechref.com/blog/maven/spring-boot-using-log4j-logging
→ flagged as very low quality
VLQ 48742143, score 97, confidence 3: Initial analysis suggests its might be due to installation issues on Windows OS as mentioned here or you can refer to a similar StackOverflow thread here. Another forum suggests it might be an SSL issue, please refer to this link for more information on …
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 48742191, score 74, confidence 24: I am trying to get content from a web page with query, MY request is: Host: xxx.com.tr Connection: keep-alive Content-Length: 1651 Origin: xxx.com.tr User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chr…
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 48742177, score 95, confidence 4: Sub browsetosite() Dim IE As New SHDocVw.InternetExplorer IE.Visible = True IE.navigate "website" Do While IE.ReadyState <> READYSTATE_COMPLETE Loop Debug.Print IE.LocationName, IE.LocationURL IE.Document.forms("searchform").elements("search").Value = "d…
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 48742218, score 82, confidence 19: I got the same answer from the server receiving {"_parts":{"0":{"0":"mainPicture","1} but I would like to only get (straight) "mainPicture". What do you mean by "transformers that was touching the request"? by the way, i'm using Laravel for the API and a…
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 48742215, score 85, confidence 6: For little experiments in angular 5, you can use stackblitz.com. This site is used in angular documentation to run live demo. For example, stackblitz.com/angular/eybymjopmav
→ flag candidate vlq
> Thanks a lot!! @agf - 84477209
→ flagged successfully
> Thanks!!!!!!!!! - 84477188
→ flagged successfully
VLQ 48742290, score 100, confidence 1: In my understanding in machine learning algorithms, your use case is not a good one to apply oneclass-SVM classifier. Normally, oneclass-svm is used for Unsupervised Outlier Detection problems. Refer this page to see the implementation of oneclass-svm to…
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48742322, score 93, confidence 3: Tryton view definition may change between series. You have all the changes explained on the migration topic of the discuss server. It's no longer possible to define a PYSON statment on the view The view_attributes function from the model must be used to …
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 48742350, score 96, confidence 28: Pat_Morita, Did you find any solution of this issue? I am also facing same issue. I can add one more point here that, i got this error message after executing "Apple Script code" in my Application.
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 48742417, score 91, confidence 3: We were badly running in a serious issue and it was on Production, so we eventually spawn a new Cluster and Shuts it down. I will close the issue and reopen a new thread if we come across the same issue
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 48742439, score 100, confidence 3: The problem got solved with using org.springframework.jdbc.core.SqlParameter for in parameters of stored procedures.
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 48742425, score 86, confidence 3: I have another script which I made that adds classes to make the smooth scrolling work. It was called AFTER the script above, so I moved it BEFORE. The scripts started to work again. Silly of me not to notice that. Sorry for the trouble, & thank you, guy…
→ flag candidate naa
> Thank you, yes that makes sense. - 84477447
→ flagged successfully
VLQ 48742531, score 95, confidence 13: You can follow my blog for simple Hello World spring API. You can find it here techiejungles.blogspot.in/2018/01/…. For step by step explanation, you can review other blogs too.
→ flag candidate vlq
> Thanks @Jon Cluff - 84477520
→ flagged successfully
VLQ 48742625, score 82, confidence 13: Have you tried using the z-index property? It specifies the stack order of each element. w3schools.com/cssref/pr_pos_z-index.asp
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48742653, score 100, confidence 2: There are quite a number of db schema management tool. For example liquibase.org which allows to initiate ant populate db with a XML or SQL configuration file.
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 48742718, score 100, confidence 2: Can you first update assocsIds collection to only contain the Ids and then try the following? var productAssocs = await _context.Assoc .Where(x => assocsIds.Contains(x.Id)) .Include(x => x.Attribute) .ThenInclude(x => x.Translation) .Include(x => x.Optio…
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 48742754, score 92, confidence 26: Could you please help me? i have a pdf file and which has a table. need to create another document using the existing table. so i want to get the table while reading the document.
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 48742743, score 100, confidence 2: To change the logo you should put the custom-logo-puglin into the puglins folder: Edit the styles.css file and change the image reference to your own file. I recommend you the user manual
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 48742821, score 70, confidence 33: pomPath = findFiles(glob: "**/$pomFile")[0].path env.WORKSPACE = pwd() def projectName = new File(pomPath).parent baseDir = "${env.WORKSPACE}/$projectName" I am able to get the required path. But looking for a cleaner solution.
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 48742818, score 96, confidence 19: Take a look on this control: FlowListView Here you have some examples:
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48742814, score 88, confidence 3: There is an app in the Windows App Store specifically for storing PDF file info and PDF metadata in a SQL database. You can then search and filter that database using simple, standard SQL queries. microsoft.com/en-us/store/p/pdfdb/9n4z1l2hc2c0
→ flag candidate vlq
> thank you very much - 84477724
→ flagged successfully
> thanks solved the problem.. - 84477702
→ flagged successfully
> Thank you so much. - 84477698
daily comment flag limit reached
VLQ 48742878, score 82, confidence 4: Maybe not entirely what you're looking for, but it might be wise to have two seperate development projects for both the old and the future ODI agent to keep things transparent. Especially when testing the new version. It's also advisable to set up a dedi…
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48742928, score 85, confidence 5: The answer for your question: Mac: (Alt + Left Arrow key) For backward and (Alt + Right Arrow key) For forward navigation Windows: (Ctrl + -) For backward and (Ctrl + Shift + -) For forward navigation Linux: (Ctrl + Alt + -) For backward and (Ctrl + Shif…
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48742924, score 100, confidence 5: Please refer the following link where similar query is addressed. How retrieve each specific column's values by looping through rows using C# from excel? I work for Syncfusion.
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 48742911, score 100, confidence 2: This post is kinda related to this question, thought may be its worth referencing it here: Private blockchains Vs Hashgraph, Ripple, BigChainDb
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 48742911, score 100, confidence 3: This post is kinda related to this question, thought may be its worth referencing it here: Private blockchains Vs Hashgraph, Ripple, BigChainDb
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 48742898, score 98, confidence 23: I have the same problem here. After I move my html files from www, the css from the moved html page will disable.
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 48743063, score 98, confidence 5: I am facing same issue, it will stop working camera torch of system too when you extending class ARActivity you can't able to access setFlashMode() method Test this case in your phone by opening application and then trying to on/off torch. Torch will be …
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 48743088, score 100, confidence 4: Please use custom class loader. below is the link for more info tutorials.jenkov.com/java-reflection/…
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48743157, score 81, confidence 4: Which database do you use? I use PostgresSql, where you can use date_trunc(). It is a built in function, which will truncate the timestamp you give as argument. See description here: postgresql.org/docs/9.1/static/functions-datetime.html Exam…
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48743199, score 82, confidence 7: In current spring version You can enable CORS handling in spring security easier: docs.spring.io/spring-security/site/docs/current/reference/html/… See also: spring.io/blog/2015/06/08/cors-support-in-spring-framework
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 48743196, score 75, confidence 30: if i need to know the font size of the text in different lines having different font sizes. is it possible to do that? Please assist :)
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 48743278, score 95, confidence 8: You can Try The Other virtual Machine Like Genymotion Genymotion Download Other Google it about android virtual machines.
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 48743264, score 100, confidence 11: I'm looking almost similar solution, can you share your final result, that will really helps me, thanks in advance.Hi, I'm looking almost similar solution, can you share your final result, that will really helps me, thanks in advance.
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 48743259, score 90, confidence 39: Hey I'm running into the same problem, did you figure out what the problem was?
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 48743244, score 100, confidence 5: Here you go, it is possible with monocular vision researchgate.net/publication/… Enjoy reading,
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48743385, score 75, confidence 7: I have not tested it, but my comment seems to be the answer. github.com/lmas/opensimplex#status It says: stable but slow. If you want something fast you would need to use something in C via a lib like numpy or scipy ... So either contribute to th…
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48743384, score 92, confidence 31: Hi Please refer following URL might help you to get there what you want! mathforum.org/library/drmath/view/72033.html
→ flagged as very low quality
VLQ 48743513, score 100, confidence 5: Currently it's not possible. Feel free to vote for VIM-765 and VIM-740.
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 48743509, score 91, confidence 27: I have got the same problem and I have tried the solutions but wget gives error at the beginning >'touch' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. When I run the command, I can download only the xml files, but…
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 48743543, score 80, confidence 14: This is a perfect example for spring profiles! Have a look on this link: docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/html/… In Spring, you can define different profiles your program will run in. Based on settings y…
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 48743541, score 75, confidence 12: All I want is something like this(sorry my bad english): Performance x function value here LTFU y function value here
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 48743531, score 91, confidence 15: You might need to create a Kiosk mode for your phone... you can get the entire procedure here. It also explains you how to disable status and notification bar expansion in the end. andreas-schrade.de/2015/02/16/android-tutorial-how-to-create-a
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48743521, score 85, confidence 5: As discussed here: Corda Controller Node, there is no concept of a "controller" node. Each network should have a single network map, no matter how many machines are involved. Each node's configuration file should point to this network map, using its IP a…
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 48743577, score 99, confidence 11: how can i add var predicate = ExpressionBuilder.BuildPredicate<Books>("Heading",OperatorComparer.Equals,"Page"‌​,"Heading"); inside for loop and append to predicate variable to build a query with multiple conitions
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 48743629, score 68, confidence 13: Check out ng-translate and see how it works. ngx-translate.com Here's a Plunkr Demo: embed.plnkr.co/pYo6bFPRRxVPgRR8toDt
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 48743686, score 84, confidence 26: If I try to do the same thing with PHP I get an ERROR: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'Facebook\Facebook' not found IS there any way I can use it without installing Facebook SDK? like the call in js example <script src="//connect.facebook.net/pl_…
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 48743702, score 74, confidence 12: @tifu - @tifu - I have 2 q's. i.how to know "EPSG code for the Mumbai area is 32643."?any link? ii."Finally, you can use a variety of methods to show all values under your threshold of 2000 meters (of which they aren't any in this example)." - Can you he…
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 48743738, score 80, confidence 22: I have same problem, and "export LC_ALL=c" doesn't worked for me, Try export LC_ALL="en_US.UTF-8" (it will work).
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 48743779, score 83, confidence 24: I have added both our in @ISA and @EXPORT and have removed & in front of the subroutine name from the .pm file However my script.pl file is having below #!/apps/perl/bin/perl -w use strict; use lib '/apps/perl/lib/site_perl/5.18.1'; use lib '/u01'; use A…
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 48743776, score 74, confidence 11: I think you need MAT. blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/matdev it allows you to create xlf files which you export and that your customer can use to translate and send back to you. marketplace.visualstudio.com/…
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48743765, score 96, confidence 14: doc.qt.io/archives/qt-4.8/qt.html#TextInteractionFlag-enum is probably what you are looking for. You can set and get the value of this property in your QLabel.
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48743817, score 92, confidence 4: You can try CppDepend, it provides a powerful dependency graph with many features. However you have to analyze the source code and not the binaries.
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 48743814, score 95, confidence 24: Even I am facing the same issue in Windows 10. Trying to call LsaAddAccountRights from a custom action and its returning an unknown error number. Could not find any solution for this issue. Any inputs on this will be of great help.
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 48743841, score 88, confidence 3: If you wanna use OOP fields creating you can use another library instead ACF Pro. I can recommend to you Carbon Fields. The same field types, locations and other. Also reed this article. you can find same list of PHP instruments for meta fields. And you …
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48743905, score 100, confidence 18: Please refer to following link for detailed information: websystique.com/spring-boot/…
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 48743900, score 100, confidence 2: I uploaded the plugin on my website. I returned the product by selecting it but i have doubt for email. When we return the product then the admin will get email or not ?
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 48743881, score 95, confidence 51: I have same problem, and i don't solve it
→ flagged as not an answer
NAA 48743936, score 90, confidence 30: I have an erreur in my code(getCell()I can't find it ) , I need help : enter image description here
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 48743963, score 82, confidence 13: I am able to solve it by setting a blank output stream to system error stream. System.setErr(new PrintStream(new BlankOutputStream())); // set blank error stream // ... Add annotators ... System.setErr(System.err); // Reset to default Accompanying class …
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 48744038, score 85, confidence 21: i just want to share answer from github.com/issues by github.com/kyleknap > @XanderDwyl I think you need to include an apigateway put-integration-response command in your shell script even if you are doing a proxy integration. We had to do someth…
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 48744216, score 98, confidence 29: I have the same error with AC6 ... a Solution has be found ?
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 48744268, score 94, confidence 40: Is there any fast method to do the same? Thanks in advance.
→ flagged as not an answer
VLQ 48744265, score 83, confidence 3: There is a lot of missing information in your question, so we can not help you directly with your problem. Although, if you are just starting your project, you can follow this tutorial which can help you starting with the right tools, which can also assi…
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48744243, score 90, confidence 4: You can find normal dropdown, w3_example And the one which is identical with your example can be find here, just refer the mobile part, and use identical css in your desktop view. Hope this will give you an idea about it.
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48744234, score 89, confidence 8: You can use fragment instead of layout page1, then you replace layout fragment when click button1 or 2, ... guide link: developer.android.com/guide/components/fragments.html
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 48744291, score 95, confidence 14: Can you please post the code that worked.Because i'm having problems with sorting and the search function and I cant find any solution.When i do a search a 500 Internal error occurs on the cfc script, to be more specific the error occurs where i select e…
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 48744359, score 100, confidence 11: Is this okay for your problem? a=[[[1,2.2,3.1],[4.1,3.1],[2.1,5.1],[7.1,2.1],[3.7,1.2],[1,2.1]], [[5,2.2,1.1],[4.1,3.1],[2.1,5.1],[7.1,2.1],[3.7,1.2],[1,2.1]]] g=[] g1=[] g2=[] for row in a: for inner_row in row: for element in inner_row: if (element!=1)…
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 48744393, score 100, confidence 13: this is was clearly explained in this link
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 48744444, score 100, confidence 1: When I inspect your website, I see your site set max-width: 90% at @media screen and (max-width: 760px) and max-width: 96% at @media screen and (max-width: 1200px); You should reset it.
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 48744422, score 83, confidence 5: Have you tried checking javadoc? ci.apache.org/projects/wicket/apidocs/6.x/org/apache/wicket/… Deprecated. use addKey(String) It looks like it was just renamed.
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 48744486, score 100, confidence 31: did you solve the problem with ignoring OCI_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO?
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 48744463, score 93, confidence 3: While Azure Storage is probably the cheapest way to store the data, you should also take a look at Azure Backup which offers additional features and provides client software to backup your data.
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48744512, score 94, confidence 34: In newer version of mongo it is possible using positional filter. Take a look at this link. docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/operator/update/…
→ flagged as very low quality
VLQ 48744544, score 100, confidence 1: In further research I discovered that there is a fork of libffi used in Java Native Access. This version of LibFFI contains the fix I was looking for, and x86 stdcall closures are executed successfully. This version of LibFFI compiles with MSVCC successf…
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 48744586, score 98, confidence 33: I am also facing the same issue. on each time when expanding row, master grid pagination is increased by 1..
→ flagged as not an answer
VLQ 48744659, score 87, confidence 2: I think you are doing mistake while generating the SHA-1 Key, as we know there already located debug.keystore for default keystore use, so when every you fire the code for sha-1 then there default keystore (debug.keystore) will use. so may be due to this…
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 48744655, score 84, confidence 24: Does it work for you to include the Poster and Source2 in the image dialog? mySubmit("movie.mp4", {source2: 'movie-alt.ogg', poster: 'movie-image.jpg'}); i can't seem to get this to work....
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 48744649, score 89, confidence 9: I was searching for a solution for this unlink button missing from WordPress version 4.9 then I found this thread wordpress.org/support/topic/unlink-in-editor-menu/#post-9964651 Then I installed WP Edit & TinyMCE Advanced. Both the plugin back my…
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 48744649, score 100, confidence 5: I was searching for a solution for this unlink button missing from WordPress version 4.9 then I found this thread wordpress.org/support/topic/unlink-in-editor-menu/#post-9964651 Then I installed WP Edit & TinyMCE Advanced. Both the plugin back my…
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48744688, score 100, confidence 6: ActivityLifecycleCallbacks is a great way of keeping track of all the activities in App: developer.android.com/reference/android/app/…
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 48744728, score 83, confidence 38: Did you find a simple way to do this? I'm struggling with the same issue and I got a lot of issues using the following library github.com/jjhesk/KickAssSlidingMenu
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 48744818, score 83, confidence 7: you can create folders in application / you_folder. Look at the following links codeigniter.com/userguide3/general/managing_apps.html code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/… Or => www
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48744862, score 100, confidence 2: To Mae JDBC connection ( Using Spring Boot ) You need to first: Define DB properties in .properties file. Then Use JDBCTemplate Class for DB connection. A Step by step implementation is given here.
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48744918, score 100, confidence 1: Try the below code. OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient(); MediaType mediaType = MediaType.parse("text/xml"); String body = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n" + "<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance\" xmlns:…
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48744891, score 100, confidence 2: To Mae JDBC connection ( Using Spring Boot ) You need to first: Define DB properties in .properties file. Then Use JDBCTemplate Class for DB connection. A Step by step implementation is given here.
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48744992, score 90, confidence 26: What you are looking for is a Synchrounous xhr request. You can set the "async" request parameter to "false". Check this out: developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/XMLHttpRequest/open
→ flagged as very low quality
VLQ 48745023, score 88, confidence 4: Mbed TLS is a lightweight configurable TLS library. It was initially designed for the embedded world and is currently used by large amounts of users and companies on all kinds of setups, from constrained devices to large servers. Mbed TLS was previously …
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 48745009, score 85, confidence 12: it´s didnt working by me. Iridium can you help me? On this part: Cameras = new FilterInfoCollection(FilterCategory.VideoInputDevice); VideoCaptureDevice Camera = new VideoCaptureDevice(Cameras[0].MonikerString); Camera.NewFrame += new NewFrameEventHandle…
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 48745069, score 100, confidence 63: Getting same error. did you got any solution for this??
→ flagged as not an answer
VLQ 48745056, score 90, confidence 5: Its happening because you have changed the Database schema. you can check here for database migration rules. realm.io/docs/java/latest/api/io/realm/RealmMigration.html medium.com/@budioktaviyans/…
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48745229, score 100, confidence 1: This looks like a problem with your refresh token. Have you generated your refresh token? I normally run this file to generate a refresh token. github.com/googleads/googleads-java-lib/blob/master/examples/…
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48745193, score 94, confidence 63: This can help you.Please refer to this link.
→ flagged as very low quality
VLQ 48745273, score 91, confidence 9: Have you tried the doctrine Aggregation builder ? It might be a start of a solution, especially with the unwind function that can flatten your values an make the query easier to build. doctrine-mongodb-odm.readthedocs.io/en/latest/reference/aggre
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48745269, score 87, confidence 7: You can check how to implement WebView class in Android: developer.android.com/reference/android/webkit/WebView.html Basically you can show your website as mobile app with it.
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 48745309, score 100, confidence 4: 24907:24 is not being accepted in [h]:mm format. Any duration consisting hour more that four digit is not being displayed at duration format. Please help. It's urgent.
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 48745362, score 100, confidence 3: Make breakpoints where do you think it may produce crash, and test with debugger
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 48745430, score 74, confidence 17: This is an example for iOS 8+, but maybe it will be useful. github.com/asklv/SettingsSplitViewController
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 48745451, score 100, confidence 2: Ok, so I found the answer by going another route. I have 2 forms, the first has the input fields and a button. After clicking on the button the second form is loaded and uses the input from form 1 as input values for the filters in a saved search. The sa…
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 48745448, score 96, confidence 2: CloudFront has received certifications for compliance with relevant security standards for processing credit card and healthcare data. CloudFront is compliant with the PCI DSS and HIPAA standards. docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonCloudFront/latest/Devel
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 48745515, score 81, confidence 22: I know it's probably circular imports, but cant figure out how to solve it - tried some combinations. Here's my api.py: import os from flask import Flask from flask_bcrypt import Bcrypt from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy from flask_cors import CORS …
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 48745587, score 99, confidence 7: @Louys Patrice Bessette, I've found your answer really helpful. I was wondering how this could work with multiple .div-to-cross elements, so that the .fixed object changes color each time it crosses a new .div-to-cross. Right now, it doesn't respond to m…
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 48745572, score 88, confidence 6: Above code only work with stop screen-shot inside Unity but when I download third-party video screen recording app and start screen recording then it does not work.but its work with the android native app.m I doing something wrong?
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 48745558, score 83, confidence 6: Currently, the only way is hiding the whole status bar. Please vote for the issue: youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-184948
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48745622, score 75, confidence 12: You can use the IStartup interface or the StartupBase class if you really wish to do this. I have done the same so that all microservices have the same configuration making it easier to manage as we have lots of microservices. See: strathweb.…
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 48745632, score 100, confidence 12: Sorry I don't have enough reputation to comment so I must reply. I would advise using Thunderbird from Mozilla to open the emails. If your CPanel has given you the emails as a PST or OST, just double click and open with Thunderbird.
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 48745677, score 100, confidence 21: How are you? Regards Lazy Dogg
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 48745792, score 94, confidence 30: Gradient color for Barchart is already implemented in iosCharts .You can follow this link.It may be helps to you. github.com/danielgindi/Charts/issues/1065
→ flagged as very low quality
NAA 48745786, score 98, confidence 83: I have the same problem, did you solve it ? @wojtek
→ flagged as not an answer
VLQ 48745784, score 92, confidence 5: I did something similar using Firebase authentication. There is an example project on Github as well as a blog entry outlining the important files and configuration used in the application.
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 48745833, score 87, confidence 12: Did you solve this? I'm wondering how can I be able to publish to a repo just specific files and I thought that with Git Publisher it could be possible, but maybe it is not.
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 48745830, score 100, confidence 4: Read the article below which is written by @tomchrist DRF developer. He explained it very well. dabapps.com/blog/…
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 48745915, score 100, confidence 1: use sum() in query as below SELECT task, SUM(CASE WHEN priority = 'low' THEN 1 ELSe 0 END ) AS 'low_priority', SUM(CASE WHEN priority = 'medium' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS 'medium_priority', SUM(CASE WHEN priority = 'high' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) AS 'high_priorit…
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 48745941, score 73, confidence 16: Try using an older version of @types/leaflet. I have the same issue and solved it by using the 1.0.69 version. npm install --save @types/leaflet@1.0.69 Using anything above that (1.2+) seems to lead to this error.
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 48746030, score 100, confidence 1: There is indeed a circular dependence in your configuration: the SecurityConfiguration bean (configurations are also beans) requires a fully initialized instance of TrustResolver bean to be fully initialized. the TrustResolver bean creator method declare…
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 48746027, score 90, confidence 6: Me too have created custom setup using wix. For customized dialog and their sequence I referred to the WixUI_Advanced.wxs. The source code of the same is available on github. It may help you too. Click here to go to source code of WixUI_Advanced.wxs
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48746023, score 94, confidence 5: "4. Enable code wrapping If, like me, you like to work with multiple windows up at once, you will undoubtedly run into the issue of not being able to see your code without scrolling sideways. While the best solution is to simply get in the habit of chopp…
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 48746083, score 61, confidence 58: I ran into the same problem. Try changing return Response(calcResult(), content_type="text/event-stream") to return Response(calcResult(), content_type="text/event-stream", headers={'X-Accel-Buffering': 'no'})
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 48746107, score 96, confidence 9: you can add your bucket's path statically like this "https://bucketname.s3.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com/foldername/filename.txt" so the endpoint dose not change , you can con-cat your folder name with it and keep in constants. you will get this endpoint in t…
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48746159, score 71, confidence 12: you can use context in react : reactjs.org/docs/context.html or you can create a global variable in window object too the other way is to use observe design pattern plagin and use it
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 48746142, score 85, confidence 12: I tried to use solution with notification payload instead of data, but I did not receive push notifications on the mobile device. I found this tutorial youtu.be/iBTFLu30dSg with English subtitles of how to use FCM with AWS SNS step by step and ex…
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 48746142, score 98, confidence 7: I tried to use solution with notification payload instead of data, but I did not receive push notifications on the mobile device. I found this tutorial youtu.be/iBTFLu30dSg with English subtitles of how to use FCM with AWS SNS step by step and ex…
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48746222, score 92, confidence 14: You can try using react-native-checkbox npmjs.com/package/react-native-checkbox
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48746207, score 100, confidence 16: DO not convert it, upload like a file.try this link
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 48746206, score 67, confidence 19: order by to_number(regexp_substr(location_id, '\d+$')) could be one option.
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 48746246, score 95, confidence 10: I just found out this link in the cast documentation, I think it may be it: developers.google.com/cast/docs/chrome_sender_integrate
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 48746319, score 100, confidence 3: Seems like I was making a stupid mistake. Even if anyone who is facing a similar problem please follow this.
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 48746310, score 100, confidence 5: yes it is available for V8 and also other version, below link for Odoo V8[Free] apps.odoo.com/apps/modules/8.0/account_move_report
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48746412, score 84, confidence 5: How can I do it without rebuilding the application? Change the env-specific.json file at deployment time with the proper file This is the type of issue that is important to know when coding an enterprise Angular 2 or Angular 4 application. Check out this…
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 48746409, score 100, confidence 18: I am also stuck in creating Sales Dashboard. Same issue regarding writing js while creating Bar and Line graph. Please share your knowledge regarding the same. Thanks in advance.
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 48746402, score 78, confidence 39: I am using urlpatterns += [ url(...), url(...), ] thanks Alasdair
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 48746400, score 100, confidence 3: Actually I ported this extension to Siddhi 4 and made all necessary changes, build jar file and place it to the lib directory, but there is still same error "No extension exist for esbAnalytics:decompress". Are there any rules about name of that jar file…
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 48746458, score 100, confidence 62: i have same issue have you find any solution?
→ flagged as not an answer
NAA 48746584, score 65, confidence 30: Were you able to solve this? I'm using curator discovery version 4.0.0 and getting a similar NPE but in ConcurrentHashMap.putVal() instead of JsonInstanceSerializer. java.lang.NullPointerException at java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap.putVal(Concurre…
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 48746621, score 100, confidence 0: The min-height of first section in your code is specified in percentage. Its resulting height is calculated with respect to the height of the its containing block, i.e. body. Now, since you haven't specified the height of the second section, its height w…
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48746608, score 100, confidence 2: In case anybody comes back for the answer... We've managed to get this working by using the 'opendocument' url path feature and embedding it into the site using an iframe. Documentation is here.
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 48746679, score 78, confidence 13: After 1 year, I am also looking for answer to this question. Only thing I've already found is this discussion on ionic forum. If I will find more, I will update this answer.
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 48746743, score 100, confidence 4: val newDf = df.withColumn("D", when($"B".isNull , Null or $"B" === "", 0).otherwise(1)). It has update Null if it nill else 0 How should I get like this?
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 48746781, score 96, confidence 15: I get this stack trace while working with Selenium 2.53 and Fillo 1.10 Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: com/codoid/products/fillo/Fillo : Unsupported major.minor version 52.0 Please help.
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 48746762, score 100, confidence 5: use angular click directive for listening and rendering DOM efficiently. docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/directive/ngClick
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48746806, score 78, confidence 7: Those are intermediate image layers. I.e, all of the steps of your Dockerfile. A longer and more complete explanation can be found here.
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48746861, score 93, confidence 20: telerik.com/kendo-angular-ui/components/pdfexport This is the link which will help to create pdf using angular and kendo
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 48746908, score 76, confidence 9: @David Yes I tried, the codesnippet sends the email with an attachment. But its just 1 email with the last value in the variable. I dont know how I can repeat the process with loading the new file and compare it with the new recipient, until all the load…
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 48746883, score 100, confidence 2: Or you can skip all the DoCmd stuff completely and operate directly on the recordsets of the forms: First copy the parent record Then copy the child records Duplicate record and records in subform
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 48746881, score 78, confidence 9: I am trying to get an embedded word layer working using the exact same tutorial you are and am having issues. If you could somehow share the portion of your code that creates your embeddings then I may be able to help as we would be working off the same …
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 48746867, score 55, confidence 26: You can also use Wolfram Alpha wolframalpha.com/input/?i=P+%26%26+(Q+%7C%7C+R)&lk=3 or dcode.fr/boolean-expressions-calculator
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48746938, score 85, confidence 6: Assuming the "Box" is your custom class you should take a look here: stackoverflow.com/a/27609/6705466 It guides how to override equals(Object o) and hashCode(). You always should override those both together, and whenever equals returns true the…
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 48747019, score 100, confidence 1: Judging from the docs you linked to it seems that the lambda function is called again if it has timed out and the timeout is because it is waiting for another resource (i.e. is blocked by network).
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 48747064, score 98, confidence 26: You can refer this link... show a custom notice for required plugin
→ flagged as very low quality
NAA 48747094, score 100, confidence 14: BitmapFactory: Unable to decode stream: java.io.FileNotFoundException: /storage/emulated/0/DCIM/Camera/IMG_20180212_153529.jpg still am facing this issue
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 48747134, score 100, confidence 27: can you share your code after it worked @john Zhang
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 48747209, score 100, confidence 2: We have 2 alpha quality passive scan rules that check for http -> https posts and the other way round: github.com/zaproxy/zap-extensions/wiki/… Just install the alph…
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 48747199, score 100, confidence 9: I have already explain this answer in details. check here
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 48747194, score 97, confidence 27: I have the same issue, I changed the session.save_path to "/tmp" in my php.ini
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 48747260, score 90, confidence 41: You might take a look at: developer.twitter.com/en/docs/direct-messages/api-features And use twitter's API
→ flagged as very low quality
VLQ 48747286, score 84, confidence 14: I believe you're looking for the Authenticate.Execute global event handler. Check out the documentation for more information. docs.kentico.com/k10/custom-development/handling-global-events/…
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 48747284, score 64, confidence 29: This is how my PHP code looks like function process(){ $writer = new Xlsx($spreadsheet); $response = array( 'success' => true, 'url' => $this->saveExcelToLocalFile($writer) ); echo json_encode($response); exit(); } function saveExcelToLocalFile($writer){…
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 48747350, score 89, confidence 3: Your version of Artifactory has a bug with the push of a docker image but is solved in the >4.5.2 version. Update your Artifactory (it's a minor update). You can update your Artifactory depending of your installation type(ZIP/RPM/RPM OSS/Debian/Docker). …
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48747391, score 90, confidence 7: Late for the party, but this example seems to be describing exactly what you are looking for, using Jmeter only. blazemeter.com/blog/… (The trick is to use a BeanShell time…
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48747470, score 100, confidence 6: Post your Json in this website: pojo.sodhanalibrary.com and get your matching java pojo.
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48747560, score 95, confidence 7: You can try to get it with the UserProfile webservice of sharepoint. (_vti_bin/UserProfileService.asmx) f.e: blogs.technet.microsoft.com/anneste/2011/11/02/…
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48747588, score 91, confidence 22: You should upgrade to the latest Appium Desktop client. The old one wouldn't work on Sierra OS. You can find it here: github.com/appium/appium-desktop/releases
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48747645, score 91, confidence 23: Here is a great tutorial on this link.
→ flagged as very low quality
VLQ 48747626, score 100, confidence 5: You must encode the URI. Otherwise it will not work. Follow this link for more info about URL encoding in javascript.
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48747721, score 91, confidence 2: Spring Framework 5.0 now supports candidate component index as an alternative to classpath scanning. This support has been added to shortcut the candidate component identification step in the classpath scanner. An application build task can define its ow…
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 48747709, score 91, confidence 9: I Am Done All This its working Fine. the problem i am facing is it's not loading few images into my exe. even my all .png file are located in resources Folder i dont know why my all images are not being loaded. even in the source code, its working fine.
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 48747704, score 100, confidence 6: We can help you to solve any problem in programming youteam.co.uk
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48747753, score 86, confidence 14: I was facing the same issue, it seems the connector is out of the date and those authentication methods are just not working, no body has push changes since a couple of years. I wrote a solution here: yucelmoran.com/2018/02/12/authorization-proce
→ flag candidate vlq
VLQ 48747826, score 100, confidence 7: I think this may clarify your doubts : About Django signals and override save method
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 48747933, score 98, confidence 76: I am also facing the same Problem.Can you Please suggest? thanks
→ flagged as not an answer
NAA 48747924, score 100, confidence 3: Would it work if you just added the id as a charField? This is what I'm doing and I'm not getting the video displayed...even though I have the correct iframe embed link.
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 48747894, score 100, confidence 1: Alright so ... Jetty was the faulty one for me here. I wasn't expecting this, but just changing my HTTP server implementation to Netty solved the issue with no modification to my code or configuration. Maybe I should notify Jetty of this ?
→ flag candidate naa
NAA 48747968, score 100, confidence 1: How the value coming as "Other" in column occasion ? I can see there are two set of rows created for same user but the columns Party_size, children_no, "occasion" have different values, so how can it be the duplicate rows?
→ flag candidate naa
VLQ 48748079, score 93, confidence 3: For anybody else who comes across this post...I finally managed to find what I was looking for here - github.danielcardoso.net/sliding-menu/# I'd really need to have got up to speed with my Javascript to even remotely think about putting this toge…
→ flag candidate vlq
NAA 48748168, score 100, confidence 1: I finally opted for decompress de jar on a temporary directory and create a URLClassloader with this entries: One to the root directory. One to the BOOT-INF/classes And one for every jar in BOOT-INT/lib Path warDirectory = decompressWar(absolutePathFile)…
→ flag candidate naa

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