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Good morning.......
gm all
@Dharmendra @Sameer Good Morning
@Abhi Good morning
how are you abhi?
I am fine...., you?
i am good :)
where you work?
In Visakhapatnam.... You know?
@Dharmendra @LalitPoptani : good morning
@RameshSudrasana very good morning
i have one query regardiong home button disable.
it is not working in 4.0.3 and 4.1
so do u have any sollution for the same ?
yeah I know that, the way of disabling home button is a hack.
So, possibly its not having any guarantee to work on every device/version.
yes i know, but i wan to disable home button in 4.0.3 also
if u have any idea then please share it with me
currently not having any idea.
its ok
@Dharmendra : are u there ?
@AdilSoomro it works or not??
hi everybody
@Abhi helloo
onbackpressed and onkeydown doesn't intercept when soft keyboard is active and i press back button
hello a complete series of article for new android game developer
Try and let me know your feedback
any clue guys
@Krishna Hello @Sameer Hmm nice
can you check that link.It s for flex ....i want this feature in android..any idea??
@Abhi thanx buddy..
i seek your feedback
@Krishna Sorry never done..., @Sameer You know?
@Abhi what?
@Sameer once look at krishna message
@Sameer how to do this feature in android,any idea??
@Krishna i know anything regarding your query i would have already reply
Hello everybody
i want to disable home button in 4.0.3 and above
if anyone has solution then give to me
@RameshSudrasana you can not do in any version of android
@Sameer ??
i am able to override it upto 3.2 version
@Krishna if i know anything regarding your query i would have already reply.
@Sameer you can do a hack in below 4.0 I guess.
@Sameer : it is possible to upto 3.2 version but same code is not working in 4.0 and above
@LalitPoptani how? give some link please
@RameshSudrasana can give idea how you hack home button below 3.2
@RameshSudrasana @LalitPoptani sephiroth.it/weblog/archives/2007/07/…
how to do this feature in android,any idea??
public void onAttachedToWindow() {


@LalitPoptani ok
but not like back event
.back event has official api
@Sameer : yes
But make sense of problem of home button and try to find any sollution for same
@Mihir I saw that link, and worked on CCBezierTo and it gave me some desired result..
@AdilSoomro machi did you have any example loading image from net in list view ?
@mountainlionmoorthy yes
@AdilSoomro sound nice
@Mihir still need some tweaking though..
@AdilSoomro can you give me that link or send me that sample to [email protected]
if its possible mate ?
thanks @AdilSoomro :)
Anyone can Guide me for Pull to refresh in android
@BalajeeAnnamalai what is your doubt?
I have tablelayout,here am adding views dynamically
here i need pull to refresh on both end for my tablelayout
when i searched i got only for view nt for table layout
so can you help me out
@RameshSudrasana Hi
@Dharmendra: I'm good, thanks, what about you?
Me also fine, thanks
where is Robin today?
hi all
can somebody help me with some code? i have a gridview and not all objects load in it
@rosualin:yes i can ,whts pbm
@AdilSoomro zyada khake pada hoga bistar pe :P
thats my code
so i have a button that when i press loads the image adapter, of my gridview
but not all objects appear, only after i scroll up and down a bit, what am I doing wrong?
I have a function that replaces the colors from an specific interval that i use both on my openGL SurfaceView, to dress my character. and the gridview to show the shoes, with their new colors
@Dharmendra Happy Birthday.
@Dharmendra: Happy Birthday :D
@Dharmendra System.out.println("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~500~~~~~~~");
@tamil any ideeas?
@AdilSoomro how to print all the values from this array list
ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> contactList
@RobinHood LOL!!!!
Q: What code would you have on your wedding cake?

SembianceI'm getting married on April 4th, 2009. My future wife has agreed to let me have actual code on top of the wedding cake. Woot! There isn't very much room, four, maybe five lines (it's only a 6" cake because the main cake is a bunch of cupcakes). Any language is okay, Java, JavaScript, XML. A l...

@SteveDesai Thanks color
But yesterday my b'day was gone
@RobinHood X friend :D
@rosualin Thanks
@Dharmendra :D
@Dharmendra : Hi
I'm fine, How about you?
@RobinHood very nice :D
i have one query for home button
disable home buttton in android 4.0 and above
do u have any suggestion for doing the same ?
@RameshSudrasana Officially it is not possible but we can hack below 4.0.
For above 4.0 I have not tried to override it
yes i have code for this
its working fine upto 3,2
but same code is not working in 4.0 and aboce
@Dharmendra override it? what do you mean?
please try to find solution for this
is there any home button override method? @Dharmendra
@RameshSudrasana Is your coding same as this?
@sameer : please don't ask silly question
@RameshSudrasana ohhhhhhhhhh
@Dharmendra : yes
@RameshSudrasana Better you don't go for override it
as it is not a API solution brother
@Sameer I am talking about override the home button
@Dharmendra yes we have override back button not home
@RobinHood :D
@AdilSoomro loo very funny answered :D :D :D
12 votes is answer is really funny
Yeah funny
Hajam @Abhi
@Abhi @Dharmendra @Venky @Sameer hi to all
anybody here
what you want?
Im just integrating QR scanner into my android app.I used code from androidaz.com/development/… i run,its scanning,but couldn't pick any qr code value
it keeps scanning always
Anything i need to include more?
@sanjay Your link is broken
@Abhi do you have any idea pull to refresh what am looking for..?
@RobinHood wow, what a question, are you rajnikant?
@BalajeeAnnamalai you can find the samples for this
yes only for views ,i seen..If am using tableLayout how can i get firstvisibleitem and lastvisibleitem
in tablelayout am adding my views dynamically
@BalajeeAnnamalai Go with listview
@AdilSoomro I'm back :) I read your reply yesterday, so using the "extends Application" approach and decoding the images once there and providing them for the rest of the activities is considered a sort of caching, what about the other approach if I have more images?
Windows Phone 8 vs. Jelly Bean vs. iOS 6: Which one comes out on top?
is it possible to load dynamic view in list view as well
i mean i hav video,photos as well..
stackoverflow.com/questions/11429345/… anybody help me out from this?
@BalajeeAnnamalai yes upto photos you can..., for videos you can put thumnails
@Abhi @Venky any idea about my question?
@sanjay dont know but search how to play .swf flies
Its okies\
Its not a video file.Its video player execution file
You should have adobe player in device think @sanjay
Ya i know
adobe player particularly for mobile or normal browser based player?
for each item can i take diff view? ok i will go that then..Thanks
@Dharmendra any idea how to get complete ArrayList from Adapter?
@LalitPoptani How you fill your adapter?
@Dharmendra I am using Section Adapter, so now I want to filter the List
So, I need to get the ArrayList from the Section Header
hi to all
Q: How to split screen like ipad in android?

Hasmukhi want to make application in android Tablets like in ipad which have spliting screen, i am attaching screen here... How i can do that ? if any body have idea please send me! Thank you in advance.

@LalitPoptani @Dharmendra do you have any idea?
@Hasmukh Use Fragment
is it possible in android to create a background running service which access sqlLite?
Q: How to draw an oval speech bubble programmatically on Android?

Hari How to create a view like this in android? I don't want to load it from a resource file like 9 patch drawable or so! I want to make this view programitically!

any idea?
please any one help
@Hari Thanks for your reply. Actually im a beginner in android native apps, I do jquery mobile app for android.We use websql for local storage. I need to run a service in background which can access this db and upload some data to the server sql db. Is it possible? I really don't have any idea about it. Please suggest...
@AdilSoomro if I use the first approach with extending the application, how do I execute my decodeImages method only once and then use getters in all the other activitiess?
@AdilSoomro I thought of calling decodeImage in my very first activity and then use getters in the rest
@NouranH yes.. correct
Hi All
I have a query regarding weakreferences in java/android
i tried creating a weakreference for vibrator object as below
private static WeakReference<Vibrator> sVibrator = null;
public static WeakReference<Vibrator> getVibrator(){
if(sVibrator == null){
Vibrator v = (Vibrator) LwApp.sLwAppContext.getSystemService(Context.VIBRATOR_SERVICE);
sVibrator = new WeakReference<Vibrator>(v);
v = null;
return sVibrator;
when i tried accessing sVibrator.vibrate method, it says no such method available in the type object
Q: Hide shadow of rating bar

gtumca-MACCustomizing RatingBar shows me shadow How to hide this shadow ?

hello dear
do you know sencha touch
@LalitPoptani It should be closed as same question asked before
which method is executed last in the activity life cycle when the application is forcefully close??
hi @all
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget
How to resolve this
Hello to all
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget
Q: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget - Android

Daniel BenedyktI developed an application that uses lots of images on Android. The app runs once, fills the information on the screen (Layouts, Listviews, Textviews, ImageViews, etc) and user reads the information. There is no animation, no special effects or anything that can fill the memory. Sometimes the d...

Q: OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget :- Android

Droid i am downloading images from Url and displaying them. At download time it is giving out of memory error : bitmap size exceeds VM budget. I am using drawable. Code is below: HttpClient httpclient= new DefaultHttpClient(); HttpResponse response=(HttpResponse)httpclient.execute(httpRequest); HttpEn...

Q: OutofMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget (Android)

ChrispixGetting an Exception in the BitmapFactory. Not sure what is the issue. (Well I can guess the issue, but not sure why its happening) ERROR/AndroidRuntime(7906): java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget ERROR/AndroidRuntime(7906): at android.graphics.BitmapFactory.decodeFile(...

@venkat onDestory
Hello everyone. Are there any chat commands? For example how do you post a question like a picture instead of a link?
Just copy and paste you link
@AdilSoomro Is there any tutorial for drag and drop feature for prior to 3.0
@Dharmendra in android?
@Dharmendra or cocos2d :p
Is there any secure payment gateway for payment through mobile application
suppose for online shopping application
anyone has any idea ?
@AdilSoomro In android
@shaileshsrk paypal?
Is there Android API for paypal ?
3 hours later…
hey @0gravity you there
7 hours later…
Q: adapter never enter to getView

AMHI have tab application with layout like this <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <TabHost xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" android:id="@android:id/tabhost" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="fill_parent"> ...

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