Hello i am new in android. It is possible to change view based on spinner item selection? Means if i select first item from spinner then first.xml is display. And if i select second item from spinner then second.xml is display. Please can anybody help me for this? Thanks in advance.
You can absolutely set the MeasureSpec to a different size, however, the arguments for onMeasure are misleading. A MeasureSpec is a specially translated int that has to be specifically created by using both a pixel measure and a flag. The correct way to set a specific size it indicated below...
I read that question...but that does not shows how to wrap the content of the view...I know how to set it to a specific size but no idea how to make wrap the content.
@0gravity Have you seen the UNSPECIFIED constant of the MeasureSpec ?
In answer there is a mentioned below line. " contents are * UNSPECIFIED - meaning that it will make whatever decision it makes according to the parameters of the parents, children, device size, etc..."
final int desiredHSpec = MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(heightMeasureSpec, MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED);
final int desiredWSpec = MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(widthMeasureSpec, MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED);
setMeasuredDimension(desiredHSpec, desiredWSpec);
I am trying to create a service that gets updates of the user every 5 minutes. I have hard coded the coordinates for now and i am trying to convert the coordinates and get the location by using Geocoder. The app crashes and i am getting a run time exception. I'm stuck please help My code ----> pastie.org/4229959
@LalitPoptani getting this error ----> 07-10 11:12:00.118: E/AndroidRuntime(305): java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start service com.android.disasterAlertApp.GetLocationService@44eee170 with Intent { cmp=com.android.disasterAlertApp/.GetLocationService }: java.lang.NullPointerException
It gives a preview and a record button, when you press the button (onClickListener) it records video.
What I want to do is start recording immediately when I open the app. So I take the code from the listener and put it in the main function. But I get an error that says "Application lost the surface".
I am developing an application where i need to send an sms to a particular phone number. I can send the sms using following code.
try {
SmsManager smsManager = SmsManager.getDefault();
smsManager.sendTextMessage(phoneNo, null, sms, null, null);
I have a spinner with a custom adapter that I used to set the height of the first element in the spinner drop down to zero. I do this to have a default message in my spinner (first element) without the user being able to click it, since it's not visible.
package org.digitalhealthagency.elaj.uti...
can any body have an idea that how we can do firmware update programmatically using the concept of FOTA ? because googled but for last 20 days but getting no result
can any body have an idea that how we can do firmware update programmatically using the concept of FOTA ? because googled but for last 20 days but getting no result
@NouranH if you want to use built-in ArrayAdapter without subclassing it but want to provide your own layout for row, you will provide android:id="@android:id/text1" to that TextView. so this View will be manipulated by android using id like android.R.id.text1
@Mihir agree..
@NouranH android:id="@+id/text1" points out that you will use your own id rather than providing the android's one.. That's why it is shown in R.java of your project. Same scene you will face for ListView and ListActivity. the android provided id for ListView is android.R.id.list
I am running a service in the background that reads GPS/Network location and needs to do the following:
run in background without interruptions on app restart and keep it alive as much as possible without being killed (This is solved with the help of Merlin's comment bellow)
on a new location r...
@Dharmendra The user drives the car around: so each 10 meters I get a new location.... when a new location is received onLocationChanged, I send it to the web. In the same time, I have an alarm that fires every 60 seconds and checks: did the last location send happen in the last 60 seconds ? If so, do nothing... if no, resend last location.
after a while the user stops... no new locations will be received... so the alarm will fire every 60 seconds and send the last read location to the web service
@AdilSoomro @Abhi I use bitmapfactory to decode my images, I have two common background images that I use in almost all activities, how can I consume the least amount of memory instead of getting OOM error
@Abhi I have my images in drawable folders, I do not specify them in the xml code, I decode them programatically first and then I set them as backgrounds from within my code
@AdilSoomro I am not caching them, I have a class called ImageResizer.java that has a method that takes resources, and the required width and height and calculates the sample size and in my activities I call the ImageResizer method and decode the image and set the decoded image to my background programatically
I think this is very inefficient, because they are always one of two images I use, and I keep calling the bitmapFactory methods on them in all my activites
@AdilSoomro I am familiar with this approach, I use it to have access to my username and password across the application. So I will have the bitmaps decoded once in the class where I extend my application and then I will access these bitmaps from all my activities, will this prevent my OOM error?
will this be considered a sort of caching of the bitmaps in the memory once and accessing it several times?
@AdilSoomro have to run now, if you could kindly get back to me regarding my last question, I will check it later this evening, thank you in advance :)
hi, anyone know how to move a complete view around, instead of just moving the canvas? I have a custom view and I want to move the whole thing not just the canvas.