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Does not fit the question. Maybe it was copied from somewhere. Answer to: How do I get NULL into a MySQL integer column with PHP/MySQLi?‭ - radhoo‭ 2013-10-10 14:30:58Z
1 message moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
17 hours later…
Someone is complaining on Meta that this question is closed. Should we delete it? stackoverflow.com/questions/10971216/…
1 message moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
3 hours later…
What can be done about chronic answering via comments from high rep users? I tell @Wiktor (and others) over and over and over, but they just won't stop blatantly defying site design. stackoverflow.com/q/63781485/2943403
@mickmackusa It's a sticky wicket! I have been accused of that crime, on occasions. There is always a grey area between when to make a brief comment with a close vote, and when to post an answer.
@mickmackusa But yeah - this chat is contrary to Room Roolz, @EJoshuaS-ReinstateMonica
@mickmackusa Nothing. If they don't want to post it as answer, they don't have to. You can write an answer yourself. Just don't copy their comment word for word.
@mickmackusa In any case, it could be helpful to flag for moderator intervention in that kind of case asking them to warn the user in question not to do that.
Or raise the issue on Meta.
meh. I do that when I don't want to block the question's deletion.
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