What can be done about chronic answering via comments from high rep users? I tell @Wiktor (and others) over and over and over, but they just won't stop blatantly defying site design. stackoverflow.com/q/63781485/2943403
@mickmackusa It's a sticky wicket! I have been accused of that crime, on occasions. There is always a grey area between when to make a brief comment with a close vote, and when to post an answer.
@mickmackusa But yeah - this chat is contrary to Room Roolz, @EJoshuaS-ReinstateMonica
@mickmackusa Nothing. If they don't want to post it as answer, they don't have to. You can write an answer yourself. Just don't copy their comment word for word.
@mickmackusa In any case, it could be helpful to flag for moderator intervention in that kind of case asking them to warn the user in question not to do that.