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Q: Should we burninate [godaddy]?

Marcus MüllerThis tag is in phase 4 of the burnination process described here. The question and comments have been cleaned to allow for on-topic discussion on this tag, please keep it that way. If you want to discuss the process itself, post a new question on Meta or visit the SOCVR In Kill the [godaddy] t...

This room is for everyone who doesn't want or like to be in SOCVR. Use this room to bring up special cases, approaches, stuff to keep etc so we don't end-up in the tumbleweed for months.
So is there a specific thing we should do? I filtered on the [godaddy] tag yesterday in the cvq. Didn't edit though
@AshishAhujaツ filtering on the queue is OK
I think it is best to ask @Drew as well as he can provide special beehives that doesn't require the cvq
Here's a batch for GoDaddy made by queen
for the record, I've been reviewing on the godaddy tag in the queue. I've been reluctant to edit out the tag until I got some clear direction that we are proceeding with burnination
@GregP yeah, it needs more guidance
The problem is that someone (I don't think it was one of us) had it featured on meta and then you'll never see them again
So it ends nowhere with the SOCVR advertized in the question
@rene ok well it won't hurt to review, as I'm only voting on the offtopic ones that don't belong on the site. so I will wait until I see something is pinned in chat. I also think it's a good idea to create little satellite room off socvr, as it's pretty noisy these days.
that is why I stepped in
@GregP that sattelite room is this one, at least for the burn
@rene yep I know lol
anyway will you pin something if you want us to do a push on a tag?
Yeah, I will, I have a conf call now. I someone has tips/tricks what to leave, how to retag etc please share
@AshishAhujaツ I make you head of GoDaddy beehives
what do you mean? I should post queen's batches over here?
@AshishAhujaツ yes, and poke people to handle them
alright. But I will be able to come over here only for an hour or so on weekdays
That is fine
Can I ask why this post is off-topic? It currently has 4 close votes, but the only thing I see wrong is maybe instead of the godaddy tag, it should be tagged with and
@FrankerZ I cv-ed that one, probably to be a generic rewrite problem to belong on SF
@rene is it okay if we post question links here for them to be closed? Like cv-pls in SOCVR?
@FrankerZ That retag sounds fine btw, I'm not sure if retracting my cv is the best now?
@AshishAhujaツ sure
I have some work now. will be back later
I've retagged that post
But I feel like if it's a generic rewrite problem, we should link to a duplicate instead
@FrankerZ yeah, that is also a good plan
If the meta answer has a list of common duplicates
For members with 10k reputation, you can help in deleting questions by installing the MagicTagReview userscript. It creates a new entry in /review where you can enter a tag, a number of close votes (0 here) and a number of delete votes (1 here).
@Tunaki I think we might need a special list. idk. we need mod buy in
we cant delete these tuna
we need like undo jon TLM someone
I have 1 vote on at least 40 of them right now.
@Tunaki I have spend delete votes
@Drew for unilateral closing/deleting you mean?
@rene I believe like a list of 50 to 100 at a time that I create with input and we get a mod to delete them
we cant effetively delete these on our own devices while still doing what we do
OK, is this the first time we're going to ask that from them?
I only recall an occasional action from them
But this sounds like a real effort for them
And they might not want to be involved that much due to their special role
just saying
not that I don't want to try it
@Drew Maybe try 50 first to see if they want to handle that
There are 48 in that query up there ^
we do 50 at a time. We do that.
we scrutinize them and question each other
and finally say here is batch N
This question is off-topic right?
@AshishAhujaツ yes, general computing
Questions with the tag and also have a lot of bad questions, if someone wants to review and VTC. Although there are only 16 of them
I've used all my close and delete votes for the day, but am happy to focus my delete votes on godaddy for the burninations
@AshishAhujaツ see how I edited that in the answer:
once they are closed and gone you can remove it again
@GregP Great, appreciated. I assume you use the MagicTagReview for your delete votes?
Once closed, this question will require Delete Votes as it has an accpeted answer which is also upvoted
@Drew @Tunaki How are we going to keep track of those ^
maybe use the tag [del-pls]?
I suggest a batch of 100 at a time.
1 close vote and a mod buy-in to delete
so not a normal cycle
I you need to I can send in queen so people can run godaddy batches. Otherwise you run'em in SOCVFinder and post links here.
@PetterFriberg yes, please do
10 min.
it is either Petter;s approach or mine they are quite diff
@Drew as you wish I have no problem if you like manually do the batches
I am into mod buy-in and a delete. Otherwise I cant do a 2 week process
Queen can scan for question with close votes on them and Sam interface make it quick to review.
but then again if you like to do it differently np for me.
This is the result she give at this moment
in SOCVFinder, 56 secs ago, by queen
Petter Friberg in godaddy scanned 1000 questions between Jul 03 16:47 and Jul 20 09:28 filtered and ordered: 38 in batch 1474
38 questions with cv ones.. but if you think no need to close them, just get a mod to delete'em oki.
ok. I've gone and voted on the GoDaddy question with the tag [web] which I felt needed to be closed. Many of them had 0 cv's so someone can go over and VTC if they want
if we get mod buy-in I am avail for my bot action. I will await that. over and out
I'll ask them when they show up
@rene I will for this, I usually have just been using the recent or most votes. I only have 11 deleted votes. Will prob have to write some more answers soon.
I need a final decision on what you want (I have no approach), just a bot that search for close votes...
I'll just follow what you guys are doing here.. so if there's anything in particular you need best to ask me early while I still have votes ;)
@PetterFriberg same minus the bot. But I might have some time to work on Ada in a couple of weeks ;)
@GregP 11 delete votes are more then 0 delete votes, so please spend them in the magicreview tool
yep will do
@rene I've edited the answer on meta to include a focused search on [godaddy] and [cpanel] as they had many bad q's
@PetterFriberg I probably miss the subtle differences between the two approaches. Can't we just go with your way until the mods said Aye ?
Or is that a stupid aproach?
I have no way : ), just a bot.. but I don't wan't to block any efforts by others.
room topic changed to GoDaddy burnination: Coordination room for the burnination of GoDaddy. (no tags)
I will wait some until all political issue have been solved : )
@PetterFriberg :(
room topic changed to GoDaddy burnination: Coordination room for the burnination of GoDaddy. [godaddy]
30 more questions with delete votes.
Drew is a real good worker and can really make a difference, closing, deleting, involve people ecc. The bot can just find stuff not close it, so most important is to have people that are committed, if he feels the bot interfere with his work. I think that his involvement is more important.
Could an RO just unpin my pinned message on the starboard? Will post a new batch here
@AshishAhujaツ well you are RO : )
ah. I thought I can't unpin my own message
@AshishAhujaツ done
GoDaddy, where all the RO's ask each other to do stuff they can do for themselves ...
I need to get to the office so I'm out for a while ...
ok. So it looks like and have many bad q's. It has 173 q's currently
How can an RO remove all stars off a message?
Batch 03 containg 58 q's on
@FrankerZ they can remove the stars. I got it. That was how I removed the stars off my previous message
he is a RO frankerz
Didn't even realize they could remove stars
yeah they can
@FrankerZ @ColdFire If you have cv's, do you mind reviewing the post in the batch I posted just now?
@AshishAhujaツ problem is i am confused most question are about cron job or some database, and have tag with godaddy since there are using godaddy , but most error are common for all hosting not just godaddy
alright then. Just asked as we need many people to help out as this burnination needs many people
gotta go now. I'll probably be here in the night
Batch 04 containing 7 questions with 3 close votes in
Batch 05 containing 13 questions with 4 close votes in
Batch 06 containing 50 questions in
@Petter Would queen be of any use here?
@Sam its currently a political issue : ), see from here, so I wait
1 hour later…
@PetterFriberg kk
Batch 07 containing 22 questions in
Umm.. I wish we had a way to close flag when you're out of cv's. So that at least I could flag and seed the cvq for off-topic godaddy q's
Batch 08 containing 13 questions in
Could anyone go over the questions tagged with both and ? They are mostly off-topic, and we need someone to seed q's by cv'ing on q's that don't have a single cv
@AshishAhujaツ i'll try doing that
thanks. Inform me when you're done, I'll create a batch
@AshishAhujaツ how does the batch work? I never learned that
you want me to close vote stuff first?
oh, cv-seeding
@gunr2171 I would want you to filter on q's with tags and (q should contain both) as questions with those tags are mostly off-topic. Go and cv on them
ok, yep
@gunr2171 I just go over to queen, see if there is a major difference in numbers of the new batch and the older one, and if there is, I come here and delete the old one while posting the new one
if you like personal batch'es (hence she remembers what you reviewed you are free to use queen in SOCVFinder room)
I'm still working through just a normal search
which is fine for me
i've got 17 votes left
burn'em all!
@techspider here's something to work on:…
make sure you're on "newest" tab, then go to the last page and work backwards
if you think it should be closed (most should be off topic > network or general computer) then flag to close
if not, you can edit out the tag or skip it
if you're not sure, bring it up here and one of us will take a look
@gunr2171 ok
Batch 09 containing 47 questions in
@AshishAhujaツ done, out of close votes for today
thanks! I created the batch just now
Batch 10 containing 57 questions in
I'm going to sleep now. o/
2 hours later…
@gunr2171 is anyone awake?
Sure : )
I am
Do I need to flag for closing this question
@techspider Opinion Based
how did we decide so?
lol, first rule decide by yourself, never trust anyone.....
anyway he is asking "Best way"
so now we guess that "Best way" is opinion...
I'm here
aaannnnd too late
I don't find a reason to close this;
@techspider general computing
but don't trust anyone.. .flag as you think
yep, general computer or networking
@PetterFriberg Do you mean close anyway but use some reason close to the question?
Is it the final goal of this exercise?
@techspider no, he means that you also need to use your own judgement and don't be afraid to refuse to close something or choose a better reason
We might be wrong, you know
If you're called out on meta why you closed a question you need to be able to explain it. Don't come there with rene said so because that will not go down well.
So use our suggestion together with your own call to make up the final decision.
There is no shame in using skip (or leave a post for others to handle)
wait wait wait. we can't blame you for something we do wrong?
@rene Cool, I see many of Godaddy questions are good. Don't know if I need to flag any
@techspider you might want to see if they need better tags or an edit and remove the godaddy tag in the process
@gunr2171 uhhh .... no ...
@rene What if I find no other tag to make it meaningful? It is strictly something to do with godaddy only;
This one is an example. It is a good question so can't flag it; but we can't re-tag as it is strictly used for godaddy
@techspider for that one, I would be ok with just removing the godaddy tag
it's not closey worthy or delete vote worthy
there is nothing else that needs editing
it's an ok post that only mildly relates to godaddy
correct; what is the use of the question lying on SO, when we remove necessary flag on it?
you mean when you remove the godaddy tag?
then that's it. the post continues on living, and one less post has the godaddy tag
the point of the tag burn is not to delete every post that uses the tag, it's to get rid of the tag from posts. The best way to do that is clean up or close all posts that you find along the way
@techspider sorry was eating but rene explained exactly what I mean, if you are not sure or convinced do not close...
phheeewww I guessed correct ...
Batch 11 38 question
As promised to @AshishAhujaツ
2 hours later…
Batch 12 39 questions

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