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@hakre "So actually this answer is just crap code." <-- lolz
@HamZa Yes, I now edited it. As it's a failover test, one really might not want to trigger those two errors but another one instead.
@hakre I don't think you should have edited the answer since you totally changed it
Anyone else tied into zend framework?
@HamZa Now I didn't. The @ operator is still in and that was what the answering person suggested.
@hakre June 2nd. 400kg explosives uncovered at Syrian border.
Yep @marabutt
@Jimbo have you noticed 3 being down?
yep I know
that's why I asked if you'd noticed
@Ihsan Everyday: Turkish border is one of the the best places to move weapons and money into Syria.
Okay, that would be a yes then ;)
@Farkie PHPNW?
@farkie any good tuts? I am wondering how to integrate a search bar of a login the zf way
next week? yeah probably
@marabutt no idea of tutorials
@farkie v1.12
@hakre tight as a sieve :)
Yep, try Akrabat's tutorial
@Farkie No today?
oh crap
yeah I'll go
Anyway I am closing my firm today. Found sponsors for my API... Yay developiiing....
@Ihsan Wow, big deal! Grats :)
ta @DaveRandom nice work
just got the signs and leaflets for the conference given to me, cos i'm going :P
@Jimbo Thanks, I am so happy I can even quack... :D
@DaveRandom PHPNW tonight?
hi can anyone help me with the high charts
@Ihsan What exactly is your API that you've got sponsored for?
I hadn't planned for PHPNW, lol
:o Carla just sent me an email, @Jimbo
@Jimbo Unlikely but possible, need to double check with Her In Charge but I suspect I am required for dealing with holiday preparations
how do i find zip-code of x miles radius from given zip-code in php
i already have zip-code database
@user1987095 with or without geo-coordinates?
@DaveRandom Hmm, you need a remote presence device at home, then you can do these things
@Farkie Carla <notevenarsed>Castrate?</notevenarsed>
lol, yes
with lat/long
Epic fail
@Jack best take that up with Sebastian
Q: MySQL Great Circle Distance (Haversine formula)

NickWoodhamsI've got a working PHP script that gets Longitude and Latitude values...then inputs them into a MySQL query. I'd like to make it solely MySQL. Here's my current PHP Code: if ($distance != "Any" && $customer_zip != "") { //get the great circle distance //get the origin zip code info $z...

@Jimbo It is an API built on an architecture defining standards that can be applied easily to php, js, as3, java, c, c++ etc. So cross platform, can work C/S, p2p or standalone etc.
It's the Haversine formula, @user1987095
oh, linked there
@salathe what should Sebastian do about a simple "No such file or directory"? If I see that right @Jack is requireing the autoload.php file.
@hakre fix his crappy code
@hakre The autoload.php is run.
@user1987095 This may also be interesting stackoverflow.com/q/10698391
oh .. hold on a tick .. could it be .. case sensitive?
@Jack Okay, then probably you need to replace a dot . with __DIR__.
@Jimbo can you finish early? Me and Mike gunna grab food before, so gunna finish around half 4
Add the basedir of that package to your PHP include path and you should be fine without any code-changes.
Then you can consider to suggest a path prefixing those path(es) with __DIR__ .
/^id:([^ ]+) sub:(\d{1,3}) dlvrd:(\d{3}) submit date:(\d{10,12}) done date:(\d{10,12}) stat:([A-Z]{7}) err:(\d{3}) text:(.*)$/si
@Farkie Sorry, not a chance. I arrived at 09:30 this morning, leave at 5:15 at the earliest
Also what did Carla have to say
id:A2B39C0EAF344487967659FAA9685136 sub:000 dlvrd:000 submit date:1305311338 done date:1305311338 stat:DELIVRD err:00 Text:^E
@Ihsan Hmm, so what's that in non-marketing, more technical speak? :D
just wanted me to send an invoice
@abdulwakeel le wild unformatted code appears o_o
@hakre thanks ... this is just retarded and flies right in the face of "easy setup" =p
Select all -> ctrl+k -> submit
the above reguler expression not matched, so I need a little help
@hakre how will that help? require_once 'SebastianBergmann/FinderFacade/autoload.php';in code versus path/to/vendor/sebastian/finder-facade/src/autoload.php on the file system
@salathe the one is relative to the file, the other is relative to the working directory.
As this is a commandline tool, the working directory most often differs from invocation to invocation.
CLASS: cObject
TASKS: This is the TKit php object class providing
1) Coherent interoperability with TKit servers and clients.
2) A consistent property structure with support of dynamic properties.
3) Binary, array & json representations for saving/loading of objects.
4) Save/load/enum publishing inclusion/exclusion & load defaults for properties.
5) Accessor (-> operator), Iterator and Array access to properties.
For instance this is the php side
@hakre that's not my point... how can you require a file from SebastianBergmann/FinderFacade if that folder doesn't exist on the filesystem?..
@salathe well, that is a desaster, right. You can only solve it by changing the future :)
@abdulwakeel err:(\d{3}) doesn't match the text, also go read about lazy and possesive quantifiers
CLASS: cComponent
TASKS: This is the component class for TKit providing
1) Component hierachy with ownership / membership relations.
2) Easy to use event notification mechanism.
@hakre The problem here is that there's a folder called "vendor/sebastian" but the script looks for "vendor/SebastianBergman" ..
pastebin is banned in our country
@abdulwakeel use regex101.com
also I think this is the problem
@Jack Okay, I've only seen the file-not-found error on SebastianBergmann/Git/autoload.php so far.
@Ihsan Now that makes a little more sense ;) That's really cool, today is a good day! Celebrations?
You should use \d{2}, or make it flexible by using \d+
@Jimbo So goes on cControl etc...
@hakre I'm guessing the problem is that the namespace is not properly bound to the right folder.
@abdulwakeel regex101.com/r/fA4gE1 :D
@Jack now you want me try it too.
@hakre as you should ;-)
has anyone here used html2canvas plugin?
phploc all ze zings!
@Jack Can you re-link that composer.json to install it?
@Jimbo Thank you. TKit is a programmers toolkit to help him without getting into his way. No frameworks no shit etc... If you want you can build them easily...
"require-dev" : {
"phploc/phploc" : "master-dev",
"zetacomponents/console-tools" : "master-dev"
why the console tools? (just asking)
it's a requirement ...
@hakre Try it without ;)
@abdulwakeel you here ?
thanks @HamZa , I am testing that
I'm guessing that either Composer makes things needlessly complicated or mere mortals aren't supposed to understand it.
@abdulwakeel welcome your
@Jimbo you can see an old version alpha flash client example for TKit here: filedropper.com/tkitcore
@Jack in this case it just looks like a PEAR package structure being retrofitted to use Composer
@salathe Yeah, the script itself will try all kinds of auto loading before it gives up ;-)
This hurts.... https://github.com/search?p=3&q=extension%3Aphp+mysql_query+%24_GET&ref=searchresults&type=Code #HN
@Jack Uncle @Gordon was saying the exact same thing the other day
@Jimbo that was for testing... It does nothing useful :D
git blame @igorw
@Ihsan Oh balls, I have a flash problem on Linux so I can't even run the damned thing :/ I'll check it out at home later
@Ocramius An awesome github dork for script kiddies ...
@Ocramius hmm, what's wrong with the second one? :)
@DaveRandom git in Turkish means go.. go blame igorw... lol
/me wonders why he tries to still show interesting stuff to developers :X
can anyone help with high charts i have stucked by a problem
We need an anti help vampire systeem :(
@Jimbo do not forget to make it full screen and click buttons, windows, drag windows from title area, max, min etc... Oh surprise! It is in 3D :)
@Ocramius hahaha
@Ocramius I can only assume you enjoy pain. It's similar to the way this is one of the worst place on the planet to ask for a code review due to the extreme pedantry of everyone here, yet even the regulars still continue to do it.
Have anyone tried to attach php://memory to PHPMailer - seems to be giving me some troubles :)
@DaveRandom I'm contemplating whether I should just replace Composer with Boostrap.
stream_get_contents($oStream) gives me the content, but no luck yet attaching it :/
@Ocramius looooooooooooooooooooooooool
@Jacta In what context? Are you passing in a file pointer or passing in the string php://memory? Because memory buckets cannot be opened multiple times and cannot be addressed
Which sucks
@DaveRandom I can ensure you I'm more annoying when doing CR :P
I have said it on internals but apparently no-one sees the use case.
@DaveRandom tried to give it php://memory as file, also $oStream and stream_get_contents($oStream) - no luck yet
@DaveRandom Not everyone here displays extreme pedantry. :P
I fopen php://memory and fileputcsv it in a while loop, after that I rewind $oStream
/me wondering if I'm a regular here ...
@salathe Yes you always poke me in the right direction. Keep on :)
@salathe how did you bump into SO ?
@HamZa SO bumped into me.
@HamZa Do you feel transparent? Do you think you are not recognized? Does every one ignore you? Wellcome my friend, to the club ... :D
@salathe @HamZa not sure if it's better questions than ##php :P
@Ihsan haha thanks !
@salathe Pedant
@Farkie equally bad ? :)
I'll go with that
@DaveRandom Hehe
@salathe brazzers
@Farkie /me wondering why I didn't know SO way before ...
I think SO is a step up from ##php, heh
not by much
Have to go friends, to close a firm, you should be firm.... Lots of work... Have a nice time...
@DaveRandom I hope you can help me out of point - you can read up how I do
@Farkie Not sure what ##php means ? php comments twice ?
@Ihsan take care brother
lol, no.. Freenode PHP channel
@HamZa thx bro. u too.
@Farkie hahaha
@HamZa that's the place where I get insults :X
@Ocramius We can insult you here too, if you like.
@salathe \o/
My little brother said to me yesterday that code on SO is very high level
some code.
the stuff that isn't deleted, maybe
@Jack He was checking on jabascript/jQuery ...
i would somewhat agree that the code level of js is higher .. not sure about jquery though.
the ease of jquery makes it harder to see if something is inefficient.
that said, if you look at the internals of Array.forEach() you may just want to stick with iterating using the traditional for ;-)
@Jacta Can you show your code on a pastebin?
Damn, it's not fun when you find out at a later stage that you should have pushed an object factory down to make the code testable =/
@Jack: For me this works out-of-the-box
@hakre Windows?
@Jack yes, but I just see need to check not using wrong version
phploc 1.7.4 by Sebastian Bergmann.
I think you want 2?
I want 2 :)
okay, than this is my pre-installed version :/
I have 1.7.4 as well.
The instructions on the project make it seem that phpunit.de/phploc.phar is the latest ... it's not :(
$ ./vendor/bin/phploc .
phploc 2.0-ge7f2e3c by Sebastian Bergmann.
@Jack: works as well, this is git-bash under windows
bah... apache on windows continuously having child processes exiting with 255 =_= going vagrant, I'm sick of this
hi, i have problem in openx ad server please help
Guys, any easy and short way to modify $_FILES array for it to have a content field for each uploaded file where the value would be base64_encode( file_get_contents( tmp_name ) )?
@Vikash is it such a bad thing ? :D
@Eugene You want to modify a super global?
@hakre not sutable for me
@Jack probably make copy of it first
i am new here
@Eugene What's the point though?
@user1987095 Programming is hard, let's go shopping :D
bcoz that is asking target lat/long
@Jack: So what can I do to reproduce the problem? You have more inside composer.json?
@hakre dont fun,i'm in problem
in openx conversion tracking unable to get country
@hakre Well, can you get 2.0 working using Composer?
@DaveRandom Found the solution, AddStringAttachment instead of AddAttachment - didnt know of that :p
3 mins ago, by hakre
$ ./vendor/bin/phploc .
phploc 2.0-ge7f2e3c by Sebastian Bergmann.
Hmm ... dafuq .. I don't have vendor/bin.
@Jack what do u mean :)
Ok guys, a question here, how does facebook compare passwords? I mean surely they hash them, but if we mistype a letter, it shows a different error that there's a slight mistake, so how do the compare it?
@Jack I need to send over an api where there's already an object for handling normal $_FILES array structure. So I'm extending it to also have a way to work with content filed. Since after sending this array over to api side this woun't work is_uploaded_file( ...[tmp_name] ) or move_uploaded_file
@Jack okay, how did you install composer on your box?
oh wait.
@Jack what do u mean :)
hello can any one help me?
@user1987095 wasn't addressed to you.
in openx conversion tracking unable to get country?
@Vikash just ask your question - if someone has even a vague idea you'll get an answer, otherwise not
To many new people
@user1987095 Seriously, stop doing that.
hi @Eugene :)
@Jack you still have him large?
@hakre hi)
@Eugene Yes, too many!
ok thanks @Ccramius
@ircmaxell Any idea?

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