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PHP is badly abstracted (to the point that there really is no abstraction whatsoever) so a change like this breaks everything
@MadaraUchiha google reyhanli bombing or reyhanli attack, it is covered up. Real death toll is above 150...
@NikiC not quite
because we can leave Z_STRLEN_P() returning an int(), and add new macros Z_STRSIZE_P() (or something) to return the uncasted (correct) value
and same with longs
So existing extensions wouldn't break, but they wouldn't take advantage of the new systems without upgrading
that's possible, yes
would be somewhat ugly of course
especially the need for even more zpp types
I'm posting a "discussion thread" in internals now
Did I ever mention that PHP is the shittiest code of all times?
So I just finally made my app multi-byte safe and wrote up what I did stackoverflow.com/questions/16858915/… Anyone fancy telling me anything I missed/did wrong?
@NikiC lol.
@NikiC I think it's been mentioned here and there.
@Ihsan Well, Syria's been killing each others for tens of thousands so far :\
Does anyone know of any primarily web-oriented languages (dealing with generating HTML) that have inverted the embedding relationship of HTML-to-Language? By this I mean where the language hosts markup literals (likely represented by a DOM) rather than the markup containing embedded script?
@MadaraUchiha :( Well russia is going into the fire with bellows selling rockets to the idiot there... I think the last thing the planet needs is a ww3.
@Ihsan I think the last thing the planet will observe is WW3
@Bracketworks IIRC VB.NET will do it (assuming that what you are talking about is HTML being treated as a first-class citizen)
@Bracketworks angular.js ?
@DaveRandom Yea, VB.NET has support for XML literals; isn't primarily web-driven though.
the weather is too damn hot today
@Bracketworks I hope that never happens...
@Bracketworks So then what sort of thing are you talking about? People certainly use it for web a lot
@Bracketworks Meteor as well meteor.com I don't advocate using them, but some people do.
although all of them, to a man, need shooting in the face.
@Ihsan No, but like the end of a fireworks display, it'll be short with spectacular lighting, and then dark and quiet for awhile.
fucking 36c with a storm which is on the way
@Ihsan Actually, surprisingly no one seems to give a rat's-ass about Syria.
@DaveRandom Sorry, I didn't mean that it was a bad example (it's a great example)
@Bracketworks A swamp around the equator continuously boiling. No living thing, heavy radiation contamination... This is what will be left.
@Bracketworks Why do you ask? Just out of interest for some specific purpose?
@MadaraUchiha That is called politics. Because they are rats and also asses...
@PeeHaa埽 This only means one thing: people no longer want you as room owner, it is time to resign! :-p
lol, I just got HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found from http://www.yahoo.com/ ...
@DaveRandom Just looking for examples; I'm working on a grammar to support embedded XML literals.
@rdlowrey What is yahoo com? I've never heard it before... XD
@rdlowrey it display find on my side
Yeah it was just a momentary thing. I wouldn't ever expect an actual 404 though ... maybe a 502 or something but not 404.
@Ihsan it's a google concurrent (not sure if anyone can be a concurrent to google, google is a god)
@Happyninja r u 4 real?
@Ihsan i'm half serious. technically it's a concurrent cause it offer similar services but 4 real the search engine is almost the same thing as microsoft bing, which in my opinion is ... meh
i think they have a partnership or something. wouldn't surprise me if they disappear within the next 5 yrs
just like kodak who didn'
@rdlowrey maybe the new trainee was playing with the index file of the website
Maybe :)
@Bracketworks It's a bit of a nightmare from a parsing point of view if you don't have an enclosure, particularly something that signifies the end of it. You can manage XML fairly easily if you mandate that literals must be well-formed and complete, but HTML with its self closing tags and tendency to be written by f*cking idiots is difficult enough to tokenise when you just have an HTML document. throw chunks of it into another language and it all gets... well, let's be kind and say "tricky"
Interesting ... if you send yahoo this request: GET HTTP/1.0 (with no uri) it'll give you 404 Not Found. Sending the same request to Google returns a 403 Forbidden. I would expect the correct response in both cases to be 400 Bad Request because the request line is invalid without a URI.
Is php.net interested in getting the websites markup fixed? validator.w3.org/…
Sounds like a (loose) regex match is being used instead of an actual parser to determine if the message is malformed.
@hakre w3c parser suck now, i checked the file on those <ul> supposedly missing and they are just fine
@rdlowrey I'm not sure about that. The URI is present, it's just empty.
@Happyninja I checked as well, and the source is total crap
@DaveRandom I disagree. There should be a SP URI SP --- there's no URI at all.
@hakre it might be total crap but the <ul> is just fine
That actually was why I pasted that into the w3c parser.
@Happyninja No the <ul>'s are totally crapped.
> Request-Line = Method SP Request-URI SP HTTP-Version CRLF
Especially the lists.
@rdlowrey Yeh but the URI is there, it's just an empty string
It's valid in HTML/XML
@hakre i'm feeling like a real bastard now; youre right
I did supply a URI but it doesn't exist (I can't download nothing) so 404 isn't completely unreasonable. Similarly I'm not allowed to access nothing so 403 also is reasonable
/me drifts awaaaay.
@DaveRandom Well, you're right but not for that reason.
If you look at the ABNF you'll see:
> Default values are 0 and infinity so that "*(element)" allows any number, including zero;
> Request-URI = "*" | absoluteURI | abs_path | authority
Wait. No. That's wrong.
That's not the ABNF for request-URI.
@rdlowrey Yeh I was just looking at that
I'm not sure the empty string is a valid representation of any of those
Request-URI is actually a subset of URI
The only other thing I can think of (I don't feel like wading through RFC 3986 at the moment) is that there may be a stipulation for relative URI paths when resolving against a base URI that an empty path is equivalent to /
But if that were the case then those results should be the same as GET / HTTP/1.1
Anyway, it's interesting to see the different ways those two major servers deal with the poorly-formed (malformed?) request line.
i guess i will relearn some LoL a bit ... have not played in years
@Jocelyn :D
How do I throttle terminal output in Linux?
(i.e. I need to press ENTER or page-down to continue the output)
@MadaraUchiha pipe it to less
command --to --output > less?
@hakre told me about it once
That'd work
command | less
usermod --help > less
Doesn't seem to do anything
| not >
Oh yeah, pipe, like I said
otherwise: cat less | less :)
| less
@ircmaxell in what probable use-cases do you expect someone to have a string with more than 2^31-1 characters?
(Not being cynical, I'm really curious)
doesn't really matter
now, buffer overflows are possible because of it
I am out, later
Does anyone have knowledge about symfony or silex?
@JarnoV kind of
I try to create multiple dropdown fields in one form..
with de formbuilder in silex/symfony
but I don't know how to do it
and how I can display it in my .twig file..
the grid with other input fields: i.imgur.com/aJnmtOB.png
multiple dropdown related to an entity?
I don't work with entities
Are you using formType?
I create a normal input field like this in my controller.php:
->add('timecode', 'collection', array(
'type' => 'text',
'data' => $arrayTimeCodes,
'constraints' => array(new Assert\NotBlank())

and in the .twig file based on a loop (for multiple items in a datagrid) like this:
{% for i in 0..10|length %}
{{ form_row(form.timecode[i], {'attr': {'class' : 'input-mini' }}) }}
This works perfect for normal input fields.. but I don't know how I can do it for dropdowns..
unrelated but why do you append the length filter in your for?
ooh in stead of number 10 there is normally a variable, like arrayInformation
now it should be {% for i in 0..10 %} :)
you say it works perfect for the normal input fields, what problem do you see with the dropdown?
It won't work with some collection.. I really don't know how I can get this working..
I tried something like this:
@JarnoV Does it not work for all types of collection inputs? IE radio buttons / check box collections?
->add('roles', 'choice', array(
'expanded' => true,
'choices' => array(
'0' => '1000',
'1' => '2000',
'2' => '3000',
'3' => '4000',
@Pheagey I don't know.. I only need dropdowns :)
but when I add that to my form i get only a dropdown once because i can't do:
{{ form_row(form.roles[i], {'attr': {'class' : 'input-mini' }}) }}
Could be that collections have inner tags.
IE text fields is just <input type="text" value="XYZ" />
DDLs are <select attr="value">
<options value="XYZ" />
<options value="XYZ" />
<options value="XYZ" />
Just a guess
maybe I don't know :/
How does this render: {{ form_row(form.timecode[i], {'attr': {'class' : 'input-mini' }}) }} ?
<input type="text" id="timecode_0" name="timecode[0]" required="required" class="input-mini" value="" />
@NikiC Why don't you rewrite the engine then? (not alone surely...) You can say it millions of times, it won't change anything....
And what do you get when you do: {{ form_row(form.roles[i], {'attr': {'class' : 'input-mini' }}) }} ?
Key "0" in object (with ArrayAccess) of type "Symfony\Component\Form\FormView" does not exist in '... .twig'
I guess it's because the choice Field Type parent's type is form and not field
Can you just test with 'expanded' => false?
I tried it, just the same error :(
when I do this:
{{ form_row(createExcelForm.roles, {'attr': {'class' : 'input-mini' }}) }} I get the dropdown once.. :/
gotta go sorry :o
Oké no problem! Thx anyway!
@cheesemacfly couldn't help but notice how close to 3k you were, so congrats :]
@bwoebi It's not possible
Not for technical reasons, but for political ones
political reasons? explain?!
@HamZa this is not an explanation.
@bwoebi hooooo~
if someone wants to rewrite php please remember this:

echo '<a href="' . $bad . '">' . $bad . '</a>';
echo "<a href=\"$even\">$worse</a>";
echo <<<HTML<a href="$extremely">$tedious</a>HTML;

echo `<a href="$possibly">$cool</a>`;

:P xD
@kaᵠ awesome !
Guys any way to describe not phisical methods in PhpDoc, so that IDE would understand it?
Like for example method calls cought by __call magic method
@bwoebi Like any other change to PHP. The technical side of doing changes to PHP is hard (because PHP sucks and everything), but it's not really the problem. Technical issues can be solved. The problem is convincing the necessary people to include the change ;)
@NikiC Its overuse of macros drives me nuts.
I haven't worked on any external C projects before, but it's certainly not how I would have organized my code either.
Also, if I were to rewrite the engine I'd do it in C++ for templates. Don't really care about classes but they might be useful. I would definitely stay away from inheritance unless it was the most elegant situation by all facets.
@LeviMorrison the macros are the only thin layer of abstraction PHP has
@LeviMorrison But doing it in C++ will have a performance impact...
Thus: I think there are enough people with the technical skill and maybe even the willingness to rewrite the PHP engine, but those people are not interested in dealing with all the other bullshit that comes with it
@NikiC Then, why don't you simply decide to do the bureaucracy before the rewrite? Then there's anything to deal with when rewriting?
@LeviMorrison Inheritance would actually be very useful in PHP. There are a few places where we currently use inheritance. Of course that is very ugly in C
@bwoebi Are you subscribed to the internals list?
@bwoebi A lie, actually. C++ by itself is not really slower. It's certain features that are, namely inheritance is a big one.
@NikiC yes.
In some instances if C code mimics C++ code (such as inheritance) then writing it in C++ would have the benefit of the compiler understanding what is going on. This could potentially boost performance due to better compiler optimizations.
Even if I'd like sometimes to read everything on the internals, it's simply too much.
@bwoebi did you see the recent discussion on the date.timezone warning?
@NikiC But you're right. For example the property accessors were only declined after lots of people were in favour of it...
@NikiC yes
In any case, Google has written v8 in C++ and it stomps PHP in performance by quite a bit for using similar structures.
To me this means how we do things is more important that whether it is written in C or C++.
@bwoebi Okay, so now take that discussion. Clearly was a simple issue that should have been a no-brainer and fixed immediately. Instead we have more than 50 mails and it didn't go anywhere. And this was a trivial issue. Now imagine the kind of discussions you'd have to face with an engine port to a different language ;)
@LeviMorrison Yeah, most really interesting features of C++ are slower than in C
@NikiC I don't say you should change the language, but make it less shit
Or is code written in C automatically shit?
@bwoebi I don't think it can be made (significantly) less shit without switching to C++
I think it can be improved staying in C, but not to a degree that would make it worth the effort
@NikiC so, as long as PHP is written in C, it'll be shit? right?
@NikiC You should just quietly commit a patch to make it default to UTC and remove the warnings.
@bwoebi yes
I don't know about PHP but in some project that approach would work.
@LeviMorrison It would have worked in PHP too - but only before the discussion
That's how Derick does things
Just commit his shit and when people complain say "No, this will not be changed"
That's basically how the DateTimeImmutable thing went, if you remember
guys, how much changed in php 5.5?
His reaction there made me really angry, actually
i mean, i took a look @ laravel and liked what i saw
@GamesBrainiac How are Laravel and PHP 5.5 related?
@NikiC I don't really know how C++ would improve it (except by better separating, but this you can also do with C, manually)
kinda sleepy right now
php 5.3 and laravel 4
whats really changed from php 5.2?
@bwoebi I think you need to have worked on the code to really understand this. But I can give you some examples
@GamesBrainiac namespaces work properly and lots of other goodies: php.net/releases/5_3_0.php
And you need to use the mysqlnd driver.
i see
@NikiC as long as you tell me sth about the core (the mysql(i/nd/) exts aren't readable...)
do lambdas work properly, or are they still a little experimental
a) Currently the OO system requires you to create a custom structure that contains the standard object structure, create a create_object handler that creates this structure and registers handlers for storage handling and handlers for general object behavior. In C++ all that is basically replaced by a ":" (extends). What the OO system does is basically implement inheritance and polymorphism in C, implementing stuff like vtables manually. Very ugly, lots and lots (and lots) of boilerplate code...
...you need to write every time
@NikiC But was this so wrong? It's always easier to prevent someone to put sth in than decide to remove it (what would be still no problem as it's only in trunk then). Maybe PHP would advance more then...
@NikiC One problem with moving to C++ is that it seems (I could be wrong) that there's very few large projects that actually use it successfully without spaghettification.
@NikiC what looks ugly is how it's tried to emulate OOP here. C should be C and not something with ugly structs misused as objects.
b) The HashTable implementation is currently not aware of types. This means, among other things, that you always have to pass something like sizeof(zval*) to all calls (Instead of typedefing a HashTable<zval*> somewhere), also means that the destructor for values need to be stored in the hashtable itself (rather than being evident from the type). Of course because of this everything dealing with hash tables is also not type safe, thus making APIs unnecessarily complex and leading to errors
@bwoebi There is no way around that ...
@NikiC sure? At least there aren't in the core not much examples of inheritance as far as I see?
@bwoebi It's necessary for the object handling (and some related stuff). Not much else
c) With C++ the zval structure could be properly abstracted. Also, by using operator overloading working with zvals would become nearly as easily in C++ as it is in PHP...
in the zval: value.obj.handlers (when I'm not wrong?)
@bwoebi Yes, that's more or less equivalent to the vtable in C++ inheritance ;)
Right now all code has to manually handle different zval types, thus usually either a) not supporting many things at all or b) supporting it inconsistently.
@NikiC okay, but this is only a struct with functions in it? there is no bolierplate code required?
@NikiC instead of the macros?
@bwoebi The structure itself is simple, but there is a lot of boilerplate code around it
writing internal classes needs lots of code
@NikiC I feel that the HashTable implementation is a bit too full-blown with functions etc. Everytime when I look through the PHP code where is dealt with HashTables I need to lookup what exactly the functions do...
@bwoebi Yes, that's right. C++ would allow you to simply do zval *foo = hashTable["bar"]; instead of some zend_hash_find call with various devious arguments (like you have to know that the passed string length includes the nul byte, unlike virtually every other function)
@NikiC why isn't it: object* class = createStdClass(char* name); object->addMethod(CfunctionForMethod, char* methodName) or like
@bwoebi Is that creating a class or an object? If the letter, what is addMethod supposed to do?
And, just fyi, you are already thinking in C++ there
the first, sry
in C you can't do object->addMethod(...)
you have to do object->addMethod(object, ...)
or we do: addMethod(object, ...)
without object a struct
hello people, I have a question.
I've written on StackOverflow, but I didn't find a solution.
Anybody is here?
humm, this is why we now have macros. But yeah, we have too much of them to know them all
I see the problem...
and there are even more problems ^^ more and more
sooo, I want to do a callback for a function.
I have a question, if we know that there is only a record with the where condition, is better to use LIMIT 1?
@NikiC problems = lim(time->∞) time^2
for example, SELECT * FROM users WHERE id=:userid LIMIT 1
or is the same?
i have a function
function add($first,$second,$callback) {
add(2,3,function($result){ echo $result; });
in PHP even just creating a zval is so damn cumbersome. Instead of just writing something like return new Zval(42); you have to write zval *tmp; MAKE_STD_ZVAL(tmp); ZVAL_LONG(tmp, 42); return tmp; (and of course you need to remember whether MAKE_STD_ZVAL or INIT_ALLOC_ZVAL or INIT_PZVAL or (one of all those other INIT macros) is the right one in the context)
it is possible to do this in PHP?
I mean, when LIMIT 1 is in the query, the db stop looking for more results?
@AreWojciechowski yes, why wouldn't it be?
and how it would look?
@AreWojciechowski well, just like you write it...
@NikiC Introduce the MAKE_STD_ZVAL_LONG(tmp, 42) macro which evaluates to the first 3 statements
it's not working for me.
as zvals are at init everytime a zval*
ok, it's working.
if we know that there is only a record with the where condition, is better to use LIMIT 1?
XD sorry. but it's simplified. in the real code it's not working.
SELECT * FROM users WHERE id=:userid LIMIT 1
it stops looking for more results?
or its the same as SELECT * FROM users WHERE id=:userid
if we know that there is only a record
There should be more macros of type THING_MODIFIER() which abbreviate the THING(...) MODIFIER(...)
@MGE If id is a unique key, then both will probably be optimized to the same execution plan
there's not enough logic in the macros
@MGE It will make no difference if the query is using an index. If there is no index, using a limit would be good.
If id is not a unique key, then of course those are different queries and LIMIT 1 will prevent it from looking further
Though by the sound of it, id is probably unique ^^
with a short documentation which THING's and MODIFIER's exist; then should exist all the possible macros which make sense...
@bwoebi Wrong approach imho
Just create even more macros
With even more combinations of behaviors
Macros to create macros?
@NikiC but documented and consistent. The problem here is that they're inconsistently named.
@bwoebi More consistency would certainly help, but will you would have a pretty big macro overflow
so that aren't 3 words for the same thing: do, create and make
Just in case you're in the States - Oklahoma is being hit by massive tornadoes news9.com/category/207228/po
but only make for example
C++ basically solves with problem without any macros by a) having constructors and b) allowing overloading arguments
@NikiC what's the problem with it? as long as everyone understands what is meant and knows what to write without looking the parts of the macros name first up
@NikiC yeah, but as we all know, this is achieving the impossible; changing everything to increment C.
Fracro noun: A macro that exponentially creates more macros, thereby fractally spawning infinite complexity in a program.
@bwoebi The problem is that there is a reason PHP has all those different macros. They all do different things after all. Various stages of initialization, for zvals on the heap and on the stack, etc. Covering all that with macros for "combined" operations gives you an exponential number of macros
@NikiC This is one thing which should be solved before… unify all these separations of different types of zvals...
but now I have to go. good night.
(it's late....)
Hey guys, wrote up a little article about some wacky SPL behavior. Figured I'd share: coderwall.com/p/vv4vfg

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