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Ehm ... okay.
I have a small Q about a file upload script.
that I wrote
Yes we are cruel
How can I create a folder for every partner ID and check if it exsits? If it exsits and the script runs again the files have to be stores in the partner_id folder
I want to become something like /uploads/123/yourfile.png
123 = the project_id
@Duikboot You know, it wouldn't hurt to think for yourself, sometimes.
@Jack lol @Duikboot Have some rubbish code that I ought to refactor pastebin.com/RgC6E9D4
I think for myself,.. sometimes no but I was thinking about best/worst practice or tips
hi can anyone help with my issue on symfony2
^ please just eradicate this one, soooo many dupes.
Anyone know if it's possible to tell composer to look in two separate directores when telling it about directories for namespaces? I have one directory for written code, would prefer to have a separate directory for auto-generated code, but same namespace.
just one really. @hakre :)
That Wi-Fi network caught my eye :-P
@uınbɐɥs google for "funny wifi names"
Lol, reminds me of when I broadcast an open wifi network via my 3G on my phone - add packet sniffing to my own network, and you get lots of interesting stuff ;) - thing is, doing all this, you see the battery level drop 1% a minute
@Jimbo I'm sure it's illegal :-)
@zerkms What, my own network? Why would that be illegal?
there is a chance that if you share your connection for everyone and sniff what people transfer - it's not a legal action
since you intentionally did that
Ah, well I forgot to put a password on it
and sniffed other people's traffic
on a phone
sounds legit
It was a fun proof of concept, is all
I'm not blaming, just noted that I think it's illegal :)
Hmm, is an interface with 11 methods really too big ... phpmd says so ;-)
@Jack what is its name?
@zerkms The name is called SchedulerPersistence.
sounds so java-y
It defines what methods should be implemented to ... ehm ... persist scheduler stuff.
public function Save(...);
where is my cookie?
hold on ...
@Jack Depends. phpmd is just a detector of possible issues
btw, I'm having a one week leave after may be 1.5 years
@PeeHaa埽 true ... but it made me think.
@Jack to me it looks it indeed does too much
It's storing shit and enabling stuff
not sure by just looking at the signature though :)
yeah ... there's a separation i could make.
but then i would have something like "PDO -> (storing shit | enabling stuff) -> Scheduler"
for the concrete implementation.
the separation would probably be ... queue worker management vs. queue scheduling managament.
hmm no, i need to go one step further, reduce the responsibilities of the scheduler itself .. that will shrink this interface too :)
cool beans, have a gd weekend guys, my job is done here!
@Jack lucky you. Enjoy!
@uınbɐɥs that's awesome wifi name
I lolled
I have to stop looking at these now...
almost there
Any Ubuntu experts around? :P
Q: How can I not require root identification for editing files in certain directories?

Madara UchihaI have the latest version of Ubuntu installed on my computer. I would like to set it up so that I can comfortably program in PHP, JavaScript, HTML and CSS. So I've installed Nginx and set it up, MySQL and set it up, I have an editor in place (Haven't decided between Sublime Text 2 or PhpStorm 6,...

Ok I've asked a question here, seriously HTML5 has taken out the numeric id restriction?
Q: Is it valid to start an ID with a number in HTML5?

Mr. AlienRecently had a debate on a question here where the user in the answer said that ID starts with a number is acceptable in HTML5, so is that true? I don't see any relevant documentation on this topic, also he provided me a link to this answer here, but seems like relevant link is no more. So the q...

Who upvoted the "no w3schools" comment at the same time as me? Nice (Y)
@Mr.Alien I've seen that, it looks like it.
@Jimbo Dunno about the comment, I DVed the answer
@MadaraUchiha I don't know, CSS doesn't respect, I don't think even JS respects the ids starting with nos
creating a zip file from a folder
it zips but it won't add the files ondly the folders
I have another script where that works perfect
:D nice
I installed Ubuntu to ease up my development process, I wanted a faster system, where I can quickly develop and test instantly, without the distractions that come with Windows. But so far, Windows is much better at this. Everything just works, and little-to-no setup is required. Here, even after the extensive setup, the environment is still not "perfect", I still have all these quirks. Is it possible for me to simply open sublime text, edit files, and see the result in the browser? Without any fancy process I need to do each time? — Madara Uchiha 15 secs ago
I'm really frustrated right now.
I mean, Windows is slow as f***, but it at least WORKS, and WORKS WELL
@MadaraUchiha I haven't used it on Windows, but Vagrant + puppet/chef is the way to go. vagrantup.com
Sets up a linux box, you can continue to edit files in windows + they're shared to the linux VM.
But it does take a while to get a web server setup on it. But once that's done, you can share the Vagrant config file with another developer and they can run it as a VM on their own machine.
@MadaraUchiha depends for what
@tereško For everything I've tried so far
running a PHP stack on windows box is more akin to a punishment
For editing files and seeing the result in the browser, without fucking around
@tereško But it works
You can just install XAMP or WAMP or FAMP and it just works.
or it doesn't
@tereško But it does.
It hadn't failed me yet.
also, you are assuming that given choice people would be using mysql and apache
@tereško That's the most common server configuration nowdays
Besides, it doesn't change the fact that it just works
are you retarded ?
A PHP stack (for development) works just fine on windows
Leave aside the fact that it may not be the same as the live server, or that it may contain hidden bugs or whatever
Saying otherwise is FUD
must be nice to live in the rosy world for "default setup"
@MadaraUchiha This appears to be a vagrant config that would be very easy to install ubuntu + apache+php+mysql and everything else in one go: github.com/dirkaholic/vagrant-php-dev-box
I can edit a file, without any permission crap, and save it, again no permission crap, and I can open a browser for localhost/ and there it is, without some funky obscure configuration, without having to sudo every little thing, it just WORKS
I used to dev on windows, but when I switched to ubuntu and stuck at it - never looked back
@Jack yes, and if quotes count as parenthesis as well, then none :)
Ubuntu gave me nothing but hurdles every step of the way
And I thought that when I'm over with the setup, It'll be better and faster, but it isn't.
Sublime Text barely works unless I gksu it, same goes with PhpStorm, I had to change my configs at least 3 times since the intial setup just to make it work. That's no way to develop.
wait ll .. lemme see it i get this right ... you have actually never bee able to set up a proper unix-like server , have you ?
even ubuntu was too complicated for you to manage
@tereško I managed to setup a server
But not a development environment, no.
so .. you argument basically is "i know only windows, therefore it must be good"
@tereško Nope, that's nowhere near what I said.
I said that so far, Windows worked, Linux did not, and I'm getting frustrated
Because every time I fix something, be it using a config, or sudo, or chown, something else pops up
And takes more of my time for development.
why would you need to sudo to develop ?
@tereško Good question.
None of the files are editable unless I sudo
I can't even install Sublime packages, unless I sudo.
because you do not even understand basic permission NIX permission system
please , just stop
i am frustrated enough from being at work already
do not need another dose of incompetence from chat too
@tereško No one forces you to remain here, or read these messages.
If you'd like to offer help, be my guest.
If you don't want to, and just rant about my incompetence, you're more than welcome to GTFO.
I respect you, and your knowledge which I know you have, but I don't need a "dose" of your attitude from chat now either.
here is a hint: nix systems are nothing like windows. You cannot just pick it up and start using without spending time to research. It would be like expecting to know how to develop in ruby, just because you know php.
find someone over 80 and place them in from of windows .. that's basically how you look when faced with NIX
also, most nix distros have DIY mentality: you assemble how you like and it will work exactly how you like
Does anybody have a dumper that doesn't imply using XDebug? Looks like the builtin`var_dump` doesn't escape anything :\
Thanks. It's not about a website but the communication between a smartphone and a computer. I'm going to use self-signed certificates for that. — bijan 2 days ago
so var_dump('<script>alert("foo")</script>'); is borked
@Ocramius <pre>'.htmlspecialchars(var_export($foo, true), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '</pre>
or output-buffer capture var_dump
/me is thinking about throwing in ladybug
Today's chat makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
@DamienOvereem you are not?
good morning
Monring @CarrieKendall
hey @PeeHaa埽 how's it going?
@CarrieKendall Gooooood. Just delivered a project so now it's time to sit back and relax :)
How are you today?
i'll make it through considering it is Friday ^^
@zerkms True dat. I just like using (casting) cause it makes me feel a bit better about PHP ;)
ok ... peeps, what do you thing, would buying walkman F series for brother as garduation+birthday gift is a good idea ?
(the birthday is almost month away, but it's currently with a discount)
how much is it
why not ipod nano?
Or ipod touch?
depends on the budget )
I've been using ipod touch since its first generation and I like it
hello all
why not ipod: because there are no other apple devices in vicinity
if he has any fancy bluetooth syncing electronics that he is likely to use with it, i would suggest an apple product because they're more compatible.. take it from someone with an android-based mp3 player :>
if there is no even windows available -then it may be an issue, otherwise lack of other apple devices is not a problem at all
I used an anonymous function for the first time today :D
how do you feel now?
@CarrieKendall well .. that player supports FLAC
who needs flac in mobile player?
@zerkms like uhmm... Guy Fawkes.
it will be pretty loud outdoors, even 256kbit mp3 is over what you could recognize from say 160kbit
in C#, 1 min ago, by Billdr
it's almost like php isn't really an oop language.
@iroegbu neither is c#
both are, what one could call, object-capable laguages
@iroegbu lol I'm in the other room; stirrin' the pot ;)
C# is better than PHP because it can do "new[] { new Action<string>(arg => { }) }[0]("foo");"

Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a programming paradigm that represents concepts as "objects" that have data fields (attributes that describe the object) and associated procedures known as methods. Objects, which are usually instances of classes, are used to interact with one another to design applications and computer programs. C++ and Java are examples of object-oriented programming languages. Overview In programming languages an object is the composition of nouns (like data such as numbers, strings, or variables) and verbs (like actions, such as functions). An object-oriented...
@Danack Hey hey hey, give context
Both are oop
both have primitive types , thus, they are not fully object oriented
> PHP sucks as far as tokenization goes too: you cannot do <array-def><array-deref><func-call>, where the array contains callable objects (functions and such)
> ['a' => function ($arg) {}]['a']('foo') breaks like poop. Not identical, but parseable in C# of course: new[] { new Action<string>(arg => { }) }[0]("foo")
@Bracketworks yes, the implication is that you would want to write something like that.
@Danack The implication is that the PHP lexer is broken.
And not then burn your computer in shame.
PHP cannot parse dangermouse.net/esoteric/ook.html therefore the lexer is broken.
@tereško does having primitive types disqualify them? /:|
@iroegbu yes
@tereško What's a truly OO language then? Ruby comes to mind...
But I guess not, because it suffers the same sort of disqualification as C#
yes , ruby is one. AFAIK, Scala was too
C# and Ruby treat primitives similarly, no? Or are, say int objects just immutable references?
I forget if Ruby has the notion of value types; must find out later.
wow, worst smartphone typo ever to boss: shwong (showing)....
5.times { |i| puts "na" }
puts " batman"
@tereško I do like Ruby's deviation from iterative control structures; preferring that ^^
that example was to illustrate that "integer" is an object in ruby
(and you're short, like 11 "na"'s)
@tereško that sounds like total bs
(5+11).times { |i| puts "na" }
puts " batman"
@tereško Fair enough, but you can call methods on literals in C# too; I think it's more to do with the way that the objects are handled.
(5 + 11).CompareTo(6 + 10);
Add an extension method to simulate foreach, passed a range from 0 to i and you're laughing;
Wait; extension methods need be excluded here.
I suppose the lack of native support for more intuitive methods on primitives like int makes C# less OO in a practical sense, but the environment supports it.
@Danack Also, lol; the Ook-to-Brainfuck-Converter ;)
@Bracketworks can I say String check = 2.toString(); in C#?
@iroegbu Yep; string foo = 2.ToString();
♫ It's Friday ♫
RT @MetaThis: Code is like poetry; most of it shouldn't have been written.
@NikiC Hi need a little help in a c script
@Bracketworks can I create an int using the new construct like I can do with String
@igorw thanks for yesterday ..
@iroegbu Off hand not sure; closed down VS
oh ok
@MetaThis in that case, my co-workers are Vogon.
@tereško nice one
@NikiC Am trying to implement a progress bar with php but this is not working with \e on windows since its not full ANSI
hey guys
@Baba Can't you just use \r for that?
@webarto Nice catch, bro.
@NikiC Trying to do something like this stackoverflow.com/questions/5265288/…
@NikiC so the idea is to use the stackoverflow.com/questions/60221/… . can call it from exec
Just like what was done in Composer
hello all. I have a requirement for putting my localhost(WAMP) on the www. I have a public IP and it has a NAT to my ip witht the port i specified in the httpd.conf (changed from 80 to 1121). besides that do i need to do any configuration because i cannot access from the interenet
@Baba Not sure what you want
If you want to erase a line on cmd juts output an \r and overwrite
@NikiC one moment
@NikiC \r is carriage return .. it would not work
why not?
Instead of showing :
Status  1%
Status  2%
Status  3%
I Just want Status to be static and the numbers should change
Yes ... that's exactly what \r does
\r is a carriage return to the start of line. \n is the newline
That's why the sequence is always \r\n
How would one use `(filter_var($sanitized_email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
$errors[] = "This is not a valid email.";
}` meaning that if the email is not valid, add to the array "This is not a valid email"?
@NikiC Nope on unix platform i can have echo "\e[5D" which would move the cursor back 5 places for me to replace the text
@Baba I thought you were asking about windows?
@NikiC On windows that does not work
@NikiC Just tried it now
I use that myself, I'm pretty sure it works...
@NikiC one moment let me try again
A: How to validate an email address in PHP

PeeHaa 埽The easiest and safest way to check whether an email address is well-formed is to use the filter_var() function: if (!filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { // invalid emailaddress } Additionally you can check whether the domain defines an MX record: if (!checkdnsrr($domain, 'MX')) ...

@NikiC you are CRAZY ....
@NikiC what
@NikiC I don't want to believe it .. one moment
@Baba Try php -r 'for($i=0;;++$i){echo"$i\r";sleep(1);}'
@NikiC wow .... have been on this for the past 3 days ...
@PeeHaa埽 I tried the following, but it gives me the error every time I run the script with a valid email: `$sanitized_email = filter_var($email, FILTER_SANITIZE_EMAIL); //Detta är fel, men kommer inte på hur jag ska fixa det..
if (filter_var($sanitized_email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
$errors[] = "Detta är inte en giltig E-postenadress.";
@NikiC this is embarrassing
@PeeHaa埽 Wow, that's code is ugly..
@dragon112 its the most beautiful code ever
sorry, for the swedish :)
@StenW have you read the answer I linked?
Ah, the mighty carriage return; used by many a typist to double type a line ;-)
@NikiC Thanks .... Now i owe again .. big time
That is exactly the answer that I based my code on.
Why sanitize followed by validate? It sounds like the wrong thing to do.
@Baba depends on the judging criteria
it's well-indented and the lines are well separated
@bwoebi judging from 3 days of headache
@Jack it was according to one of the examples in the manual
il find it...
@bwoebi this is what 80% of answers in SO confirmed its not possible
@StenW Re-read the thing ;-)
@PeeHaa埽 I will do so, I followed this example php.net/manual/en/filter.examples.sanitization.php
@StenW If you take my answer you will see it is !filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL) instead of your filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL) ;-)
@StenW sure, well, in the example that they give i could imagine why you'd want to sanitize it first, but quite honestly, I don't bother to sanitize anything ... if it's wrong, it's wrong :)
@PeeHaa埽 as always your the man!
@Baba hehe
morning @ircmaxell
@ircmaxell morning
@Jack Ok, I see.
good evening
@NikiC am really going to buy you a beer .. very soon .. How your your book going ?
how's everyone's day so far?
which book?
@ircmaxell writing a 10000 LOC importer fire-and- forget delete =_= horrible
@NikiC i was thinking you are writing a book about PHP Internals ?
@Ocramius Does it look like this? :)
@Jack is there any resource where I can read up on what input data santize and what not to?
@Baba If he does, he should add php-core jokes section =D
@Jack nah, at least I have no hardcoded strings :P
@Jack lol
@Jack because there seem to be a loot of opinions on the issue?
@StenW because there's no fixed answer.
@Baba Just one chapter
@ircmaxell On that note, you wanted to set up that domain... :P
Yes, I do

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