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Oh my gosh. Irrelevant, but how much application developers sometimes don't care for their web design (or have poor taste) gives me new surprises every day.
I honestly don't know what you're talking about <-- developer
Manuel is some random Spanish dude, did you mean manual? — vascowhite 4 hours ago
Does anyone have exp. with reactphp here?
@Ariane did you solve your yesterday problem?
@Happyninja eh, I've been having a crapload of problems recently. Can you be more precise?
@Ariane around 10pm yesterday you had the issue with a function to avoid email duplicate if i remember properly
Email..... No, I'm sorry, you must have the wrong person
@Ariane damn i see it from the transcript ;/
@Happyninja I must have even more awful memory than I thought. Can you give me a link?
@Ariane i meant i can see i'm wrong cause i checked the transcript :)
I'm relieved.
@Perocat need help? what's the question?
LOL! Fail. I switched WinSCP's configuration storage mode from Windows registry to ini file, and it lacked the permission to create the file. But it has the permission to use the registry.
@Happyninja If you want to help someone, I could use your help :D
@user2019515 i do as best as i can ;) what's the question?
@Happyninja Aww, thanks. :)
@Happyninja Currently stuck with a reactphp problem, so not sure if you can help me with that.
@user2019515 what's the question?
I've got a file which checks if a site allows bots to crawl it (robots.txt)
And I need to return a variable from one function to another
But it's not as easy as it sounds unfortunately
Hold on
@user2019515 can you be more specific, one problem at the time?
@Happyninja It's one problem ;)
That's the file, let me explain this :)
@user2019515 a problem is made of smaller problem
I use the allow() function in one of my other project files and then reactphp gets the robots.txt file (if found) when the whole file is there it calls the function "onEnd()"
And there I check if the site allows crawling
But my allow() function needs to return the variable of course :(
@Happyninja Any idea? :p
@user2019515 so the allow() return true or false?
@Happyninja Correct!
@Happyninja But I can only use the data in the "onEnd()" function
it's a lot of code just to check if a site have a robot file at the root no?
It doesn't just check it, for that there's the "robots_exist()" function, the file parses the robots.txt file and see if we're allowed to crawl the specified link
@Happyninja Tough question, isn't it?
your problem is the allow() not returning anything?
The onEnd() function gets called, so that's not a problem but it doesn't return a variable to the allow() function
Because that's how reacphp is build I guess
Not sure if it's even possible to do
Fatal error: Call to a member function fetch_assoc() on a non-object in /home/tsukimi/www/projet_final/admin/includes/admin_action.php on line 156

...What can be the cause of this if there is no SQL error? (die($mysqli->error); displays nothing)
@user2019515 maybe onEnd() is called because private $allow = true;
Never mind. Of course if I do that before the query nothing will show up.
@Ariane what's on line 156?
@Happyninja Never mind, I say. Problem solved. :p
Cause of problem: MySQL doesn't like where something=''. Gotta do an if / else every time to say "where something is null" instead, each time. I'd forgotten one.
Nah, anyway http://youtube.com/watch?v=ajCYQL8ouqw
Guess you got enough problems of your own :)
@user2019515 what happen if you change it to false? my guess is onEnd() will not get called
Still gets called ;)
I added that variable so I could try setting it in the onEnd function and returning it in the allow function but it's returned at the wrong time.
@user2019515 okay :)
@Happyninja Anyway, I'm going to sleep a night over it, it's getting too late. Good night!
@user2019515 what if you force the buffer to be empty? could it works?
@user2019515 one last try?
@Happyninja Not sure what you mean? If the buffer is empty how can I parse it then?
                        $this->allow = true;
                        return true;
from onEnd()
That simply checks if the buffer is empty, empty robots.txt means all crawling is allowed
I'm... I'm done ! :D
I only need to fix a little style bug and this nightmare of a project is done.
@user2019515 i'm such a noob :/ anyway i gave it a try :) good night
@Ariane what was your project?
@Happyninja Yup big thanks!
A mini homemade CMS
@Ariane Nice! What's it called? :)
"School assignment"
Original name, eh. :p
was it your first one?
First school assignment? No. First CMS? Yes.
it must have been an interesting challenge for you!
@Ariane Fancy name yeah ;)
Anyway, I'm off bye!
@user2019515 g'night
@Ariane for my projects specially cms i like using a mix of bootstrap and font awesome for the interface. It's easy and look nice for the eye
I dislike Bootstrap.
Font Awesome is, well, awesome
It makes awful-looking code (basically it's almost as if you were styling directly in the HTML "like in the times of old") and if you need to override what it's set, then you need to fiddle with !important stuff.
@Ariane i don't style directly in it ;)
@Happyninja <section class="span4"> to me is quite close to inline styling
@Ariane how come?
Because it's equivalent to doing <section style="width: value;">
@crypticツ din't knew it :0
@Ariane But it isn't
It's not, but it tends to have the same effect: messier HTML, and a less clear separation between style and source.
How would you propose to add styling to multiple similar elements?
Select them appropriately or make a custom, relevant class.
That is a custom, relevant class
First option is preferable but not always possible
Within the context of bootstrap's grid span4 is a perfectly semantic class name
It's not. It's a global class that does nothing but define a width. Which you could've done much more cleanly with more classic CSS.
@cspray i love it. and my clients too :) it make interface looks nice with minimal effort
You know, I'm not saying Bootstrap is "wrong", just that I dislike it for that reason.
@Ariane Ok, explain to me how giving styling to an element by a class selector is not classic CSS
that's philosophical now ;)
Or the CSS that you would write in place of class selectors
@cspray You're nitpicking and I dislike that. You know full well the difference between using Bootstrap and making the style yourself from scratch - that is, classic CSS.
@Ariane do you know LESS?
No, I'm not nitpicking. I'm genuinely baffled at the concept of "classic CSS". The Bootstrap CSS file that I use looks very much like every other CSS I've seen
@Happyninja I do and I love it.
hello phpeople. it's me, dyelawn, here with a question that some might consider useless and is highly semantic. i want someone to clear up testing protocols for me.
Just wanted to add this in, something worth thinking about being pointed out by author regarding Bootstrap ruby.bvision.com/blog/…
" clear up testing protocols for me." what is that suppose to mean?
@cspray I'm too tired to explain that kind of thing. Try to reason up why I might be saying what I do, or drop the subject.
there are a lot of testing things. and a lot of divergent information regarding those testing things.
@Happyninja since i work alone, it might help me understand if i get information from others.
for example: i think "spec" tests and "unit" tests are the same thing. is that correct?
@dyelawn i don't understand your statement/question
ok, rephrase: what's the difference between phpunit and phpspec?
my understanding in (admittedly limited) practice is that phpspec is some syntactic sugar for applying phpunit assertions
so when i'm trying to outline my testing strategy, would i ever need both phpunit and phpspec?
good night everyone
@cspray Here, @crypticツ posted just what you need.
goodnight @Happyninja. thanks for clearing that up.
@Ariane So when somebody is confused by your opinion you just shut off and expect them to "reason up" on their own? Ok, I'll drop it
it's alway a pleasure to participate to SO, i always learn new stuff :p
@cspray No, I only do that when I'm deeply annoyed and haven't slept properly for 3 (or was it 4?) days. These conditions are rarely reunited.
before i query any further; anyone here ever heard of SWEBOK?
Say, what is the most simple way to provide my teacher with a link that, when clicked, will bundle my whole website folder into a zip file and give it to him for download?
is the website hosted at the same place as the link?
No, but if it makes it simpler to have the link on the website to be bundled, I can just redirect. I own both websites.
huh. i was about to suggest a curl request to the other site, but a redirect does seem to make more sense.
you might want to have a look at php.net/manual/en/book.zip.php
or, if you're looking for something short and quick, from this very website: stackoverflow.com/questions/1334613/…
@dyelawn Thanks. Now I just need to figure out how to install the zip extension. It looks complicated.
@dyelawn They say to use a command to install the extension, but I'm not sure I understand.

1. What sort of command is this? Where do I write it?
2. Do I have this "pecl" thing already or do I need to do something to enable it?

"The `pecl install extname` command downloads the extensions code automatically, so in this case there is no need for a separate download."
So if I understand well, to use the Zip extension, all I have to do is type "pecl install zip" somewhere and then I'm good to go and I can add the file zip script?
sorry, stepped away.
i don't know if you have pecl enabled. but it's a pretty easy google search away.
@dyelawn what about this "command" thing? It certainly doesn't look like PHP code. Is there some sort of console I can type this in?
are you trollin?
Is this something so basic that you assume I'm joking right off the bat?
@dyelawn Never mind, I found an explanation on my host's website. It's SSH. Why didn't they say it? >_>
@Ariane i never assume someone is joking about basic questions. only that they're joking on me with basic questions.
I wonder, has anyone attempted to write a tool that converts a regular expression into php code? :)
@Jack How do you mean?
Like, I say /abc/ ... output: if (strpos($str, 'abc') !== false) ...
That's of course, the most basic regexp imaginable ;-)
Jack, which part of Singapore do you reside in?
@yiz The good part.
You're staying just outside of Sydney right?
depends how you define outside
outside sydney CBD, yes
well okay, it looks like ~50km away haha
currently 20km away
but my own property is 15 km away
my aussie friends all reside in melbourne heh
@Jack Ahh. Whew, sounds like it would be a very complex task
Maybe I am weird, I don't like the CBD - human infested place
I don't think there's anything wrong with that.
@cspray I agree :)
I worked in the CBD for 5 years (a couple for companies but they are all in the sydney CBD)
very convenient if you want to meetup with friends
@Jack that seems kind of like hacky usage of reflection
but I am an outdoor person, I like wildlifes and bushland and I hate noise
Although it is cool to see your ex-colleagues/uni friends like every second day during lunch, lolz
@dyelawn wat? reflection?
@Jack Why?
@LeviMorrison I dunno, just felt like it's something challenging heh
a regex to convert to php code seems like a reflection to me
then we have different ideas of reflection i guess.
Eh, more of a language-to-language compiler than reflection
more comparable to yacc i guess.
i don't know what yacc is
but i think reflection covers everything that you'd reasonably expect from a file containing php code
How are you gonna reflect on a regular expression?
in a very narrow sense, you could see a regular expression as "code" ... but that's not a very practical view :)
Regex is a very specific DSL :P
@dyelawn yacc is a compiler for hairy beasts
i'm not going to reflect on a regex. i'm going to reflect on something i expect to be php code.
Wait, are we still talking about compiling regex into PHP?
@cspray not sure what @dyelawn is talking about anymore.
@Jack Ok, at least I'm not the only one confused
@cspray @Jack i think i was thinking backwards, and i will always be confused. you want to go from regex to php code?
@dyelawn Yes
that's weird
it doesn't really serve a very practical need i agree.
1:19pm here :D
@Mr.Alien howdy
8.50 AM here... @cspray heyaa!
@Mr.Alien How's it going?
@cspray Every things fyn on my side, about to leave for office.. big bang theory season ends (sigh) .. what about you
@Mr.Alien Writing unit tests and watching hockey
@cspray unit tests? for what?
I don't always write unit tests, but when I do, I prefer testing the unit tests too.
@Mr.Alien Some libraries for pet projects
@cspray ahh.. cool.
@Jack You test the tests :p
Hi Good morning
@Jack I think the only way to accomplish that sensibly is to re-create the regex engine in PHP; parse the expression, and apply the resulting tree against a string.
May 22 at 15:15, by Bracketworks
user image
@Bracketworks diff meme :) this is not the most interesting man in the world heh
Eh? Oh right. lol, related however ;)
Is directory is also a kind of file ??
@Cody Yes, it's a special file.
^^ that shit is mind blowing lol
@Jack That's not supported in PCRE is it?
let's test it :)
@Jack Awaiting results ;)
Smoking so
Ay, it works!
@Bracketworks aye!
@Jack No foolin? That's pretty awesome.
I'mma hafta benchmark for a CSS preprocessor I was tooling with before.
@Bracketworks Yeah, serious. It's fucking awesome, that is ... going straight into the book of interview questions >D
@Jack Hahaha, that's a bit ... mean?
Just ask the number and order of parameters to random selection of functions.
Yay, USB Debian is almost USB!
That's stupid ... even I get that shit wrong, array_filter() and array_map() ... point in hand.
I know, what I was getting at is its still doc knowledge; mind you, a bit more useful to have in the brain.
You could evaluate someone's toy code to see if they use it, and consider that, but I don't know how useful of an interview question that would be.
being able to piece multiple functions together in solving an issue is what i'd be after.
array manipulation functions are the favourite section :)
@Jack certainly, but I've always found that arbitrary constraints (unless you're discussing specific libs) are annoying when imposed on solution testing
Anyway, I am bed now. Night.
@NullPoiиteя Why not delete your answers straight away?
@Mr.Alien it hurts ... i tried to give good answer ... on crap question :(
Is someone willing to help me by going around my website/mini-CMS and testing things around?
@NullPoiиteя I tend to delete my answers ...
I delete too many
@Mr.Alien why ?
@NullPoiиteя Actually crap answers are upvoted and not the once which are canonical, I give some elaborated answers but till then the other answers are upvoted and accepted already..
@Mr.Alien now i think i should also delete my bad answer ... given early (when i was newbie )
@NullPoiиteя Your 2 points will be deducted on each answer if your delete the old ones
what I do is I answer, If it doesn't get any attention, I delete in a day or 2, I don't need any upvotes, appreciated comments are fine, but 2 line answers are accepted and not the elaborated one'
@Mr.Alien now i dont care about rep anymore ...
@NullPoiиteя LOL you are tired :p oh yes, 1092 answers
@Mr.Alien :D
Mmmmh.... Last call for the final tester recruitment?
If you chop down the useless ones, you'll come to around 950 I guess..
@Mr.Alien that is what ill do :)
@Gordon could you convert this answer(mine) stackoverflow.com/a/16727648/1723893 to comment ? its better suited for comment
@Mr.Alien agreed switchwation like this hurts :(
Mr.Alien sorry for multiple ping
@NullPoiиteя That's a wonderful answr, +1 :p
thankyou :)
good morning
When i read a file it's access time should change but that's not happening ?? Any idea ?
Hi everyone. first time here! I would like to find out how can I insert a javascript in a normal wordpress post/page (free account i mean).
I find this very nice tympanus.net/codrops/2012/09/… but how can i manipulate the functions in the source file?
Also, this fancy box: fancyapps.com/fancybox/#docs
how can i use it in my wordpress blog?
according to this meta.stackoverflow.com/a/124805/176320 post if answer with +3 votes and 60 days old delete rep wont loose ...
i want to see that
^^ @Mr.Alien , @tereško please
i also enable last time access timestamps in my windows machine using
fsutil behavior set disablelastaccess 0
Reply please :(
@yvonnezoe Hello :)
Hello O_O
any fuelphp programmers here?
How is something like this possible? www.website.org?noredirect=true
@Cody did you reboot the machine after you ran fsutil?
anyone with knowledge of CKEditor ?
@Jack Still it didn't update
you sure the filesystem is ntfs?
> I have 2 simple questions for real PHP programer :-)

AsiI know basic php and write everything except Classes... I have 2 simple questions for real PHP programer :-) 1. How do i make PDO insert inside class? 2. How do i use a value of variable from a class in the code and not inside the class? //PDO CONNECTION $db = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbnam...

@Jack Yes my filesystem is NTFS
And how are you testing the behaviour?
when i see file properties it still same as previous i also tried php's fileatime both things show same date
Any one tinyMCE question
i need a browse button on select image in TinyMCE ....
Hi, good morning everyone! ;-0 ( Almost friday! )
@Cody Are you using the NTFS on Windows Vista or later?
@Duikboot Yeeha :-)
@Dukiboot Windows 7 , NTFS
@Alien :: i need a browse button on select image in TinyMCE ....
@Duikboot What ??
how i can enable it?
@Cody Windows Vista and 7 (don't know about 8) don't update File Access Time by default. You need to enable it in windows.
What about Windows 7, mt?
@Duikboot I think he misreplied, it was meant for me :-)
Oh okay :D
@Borniet i enable it using command fsutil behavior set disablelastaccess 0
Can't wait to receive my book... Normally the postman will deliver it monday!
@Duikboot Looks interesting, and useful :-)
@Cody Hmmm... Okay...
Q: How can I request the password to be numbers only to create new users?

MRANHow can I request the password to be numbers only to create new users? It might a silly question, but I didn't find how to let the password to be numbers only [0-9]! Another related question: How could I request the password to be numbers [1-9] only? I tried this but it didn't work! <input typ...

Passwords, you're doing it wrong.
Pretty small and maybe strang Q: Can a INT in a database have a collation like UTF8_unicode_ci or is that only for varchars/ text etc?
@Duikboot Int's only relevant for string-holding stuff, it doesn't work on numbers. The collation is used for sorting, and sorting a number...Well, uses the number ;-)
hi frnz.. I am trying to upload an image into DB and retrieving back to my page.. but i tried with many tutorials.. but i cannot complete my task.. im new to php.. so kindly let me know about that task...
@Borniet Any suggestions about my problem ?
@Cody Unfortunately not...
Can u explain what are resources in php ?
@Cody what Duikboot said ;-)
I guess there's seriously something wrong with our country
anyone can help over the issue with CKEditor Image browse Button /
Is there a way I can return something also when the user_id is not in the table?
Now I receive results if the number appears in the DB otherwise I receive an error wich is normal but I don't want the error.
@Duikboot You're not really using prepared statements in there.
codepad.org/bsF2iA97 Better that way? @Jack
I hate PDO sometimes, so much to write just for something so easy, it's like we are carrying a big hammer to crack a peanut
Hi all.
@Ihsan hi :-)
Starting a project is a killer. You have to remember everything from the beginning again...
@Duikboot yes, better.
@Ihsan Yup :-) I know what you mean :-)
@Mr.Alien if pdo is a big hammer, then what do you call doctrine? a whale?
@Jack I've not seen doctrine, if you say it's bigger, than it's boo :p
@Jack Can you explain this to me stackoverflow.com/questions/16808084/…
(First there was hydrogen clouds, they condensed and became stars, clustering in to galaxies then a star exploded, another hydrogen cloud intersected with the remnants of that star they condensed and solar system formed, earth cooled down first planktons, then fish,plants then dynosaurs came, we buried them earth became the kingdom of ants but humans think they are dominant, then came cobol, fortran, c and finally php....)
Hello all
Has anyone know how to get all emails read/unread from gmail using php & access token ?
@Rikesh Hello @Ihsan Yest It rained here
Ahhh when someone says hi, that means somethings fishy here, probably in search of help
@Mr.Alien This is my normal state. I am not high... :) I don't use recreational drugs...
@Rikesh It is not that easy
@Mr.Alien - You lucky..It's too hot & humid here :(
I don't care how hard it is about ..I just want to know is there any way exists
@DaveRandom - Morning !!
@Mr.Alien Not monsoon I hope.
As imap method required username/password everytime
@DaveRandom Ayoo @Ihsan Monsoons here... city is clouded today
I used Google_Client lib for Oauth2 but it only brings up the unread mails
@Mr.Alien We have a cloudy wheather too. Soo depressing. A wednesday making you feel like it's monday... :(
@Ihsan This week is running for me, loads of work, yest I was at my office til 10 PM pshhhh
I hate this nvalid parameter number: number of bound variables does not match number of tokens' :p
@DaveRandom Explain this to me please stackoverflow.com/questions/16808084/…
Tell me wich one :p stupid error reporter :D
@Mr.Alien Better get used to it (I see I am not very encouraging) :P
@Gordon Thankyou ... :)
@DaveRandom morning Dave
@Duikboot Meaning : some of your unpre assigned parameters are missing... Pre assigned ones are like function f($a=1<-this one
I found it already but it's just
I just don't like that error :p
Ahhaaa this room is live now, what's the topic today @Ihsan No ways, I got tired yest :p
it's dodgy
@Mr.Alien - help me out first :(
@Mr.Alien welcome to the wonderful world of windows ... yesterday baba had his share of crap, earlier it was cody, and now it's you :)
@Rikesh You are asking something too vague, and btw I've not tried anything such so can't help much, sorry
@Mr.Alien He's saying it doesn't work under Windows (which is true) although I'm not sure how it's relevant to the question, since he wants it to work in MySQL and no sane person runs MySQL on win32 in production.
I'm here only to clear the doubts
Anyways thanks though
@DaveRandom For sanity test : how about x64 Lol....

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