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@tereško Is it the same or not... I say it is not. If you say it is the same ok. You are far more experienced in the area.
5 mins ago, by Ihsan
<? == <?php
Files I create in php scripts only return 404 errors when I try to open them too...
boooo @ short tags...
@tereško have you seen 4 posts before that?
you mean:
7 mins ago, by rdlowrey
I think @DaveRandom just wun a free intarnet.
no ... i did not bother.
8 mins ago, by Ihsan
@JosiahSouth And that is a myth.
> Pythonista; Celerista; Pyramista; Plonista; Magentoasta; Javascriptista; CSSista; HTMLista; Webista; Shellista; you get the gista.
did he/she really think it's funny ?
@tereško in MVC would you agree to having a Service called Services\Content if you deal with Post, Comment and Video Domain Objects etc? I am unsure what to call my Service which deals with my Domain Objects (DeliveryRequest, Order). I want to call it Content but a DeliveryRequest and an Order just do not seem like Content to me because it is not like I am displaying orders to everyone on the website
@David there are two hard problems in programming: cache invalidation and naming shit
haha you are right there
i honestly have no idea what to call each of them
@tereško enumeratedCrap and toiletFlush?
i was thinking Services/Processes but I don't know. Something feels wrong about it
/me gives battery failure and shuts down... Nice time all.
at what point does evening end and night start?
good [evening|night|morning|afternoon]
@Wes Wrong type of brackets
not good enough
@tereško btw, Have you got rid of the "critical bugs" in your code ? (the forgotten ?> which crashes the solar system and explodes the galaxy)
you are banned for the evening
since the internet is a global entity, technically yes, you do need to specify all
From now on there is no internet. It is intarnet...
See you folks, be happy.
My intarnet crashes every time @tereško forgets a closing ?> tag.
@Wes I agree with @DaveRandom sorry, wrong brackets used, you're the weakest link, goodbye
@Ihsan IntardNet
@rdlowrey lol
@kaᵠ ROTFL
@rdlowrey s/my/the entire/
anyone used ruby or python who can give his own comparison opinion on PHP ?
why all saying php is a shit?
php is no shit, it's just different basically
how different?
Seriously, it's not about the language, it's about what you do with it.
uhm this true , but all saying php is shit don't know why seems somenthing cool to say php is shit
i don't think so, i tryed python and ruby , but sincerily i didn't catched so many benefits or differences
i use codeigniter, i modeled that on my own needs and i really find hard to change framework actually
@David i would actually call the second one Services\Delivery
@okok Well, it sort of is. PHP has many, many, many problems, but most of the arguments people put against it are the sort of arguments lisp fans use to explain why every other language is shit
right ^ i totally agree
@tereško would that not be coupling it too close to the DeliveryRequest object though or maybe not
i think php has a lot of native methods which are extremily simple and usefull at same time
and i don' think native languages like ruby or python has so much methods
just my 2 cents
that's not "coupling" .. also , you could rename it to Invoice
A DeliveryRequest and an Order are very closely related so I want to put them in the same Service and yeah I know it is not coupling but I ment it is really close to just calling my Services the same as Domain Objects
which is why i suggested a different name
would invoice though be too specific of a name
this is one of those case when you have to interrogate the client and mine for domain terms
.. then again , seems you have already missed that opportunity
yeah you are right
a Customer sends a DeliveryRequest to a Courier. I was thinking of Servies/Interactivity because it is where the two types of users interact what do you think? I kind of like it but I also don't like it
it's kinda an adjective .. doesn't seem right .. dunno
Exchange ?
thats a good one
thats a really good one
now hope that you do not have a in-site messaging as a requirement
@David why do you decide on Domain terms?
I will use Exchange thanks. What do you mean by in-site messaging? Some sort of AJAX live chat between customers and couriers?
@David like the one in facebook
> All opinions welcome!
It is a plan for the future after the core is up and running
^ asking for that in the internet is somewhat a sign that you didn't get it
@Gordon most likely because he did not dig in clients brain long enough .. when you get to actually writing the code part, it's usually a bit too late for that
maybe I could call that Services/Communication or Services/Interactivity... What do you think or could they cause conflict in your experince
@Gordon what @tereško said
@tereško unless he's doing waterfall, it's never too late to ask the client and/or change terms
@David yeah , communication seems like a good alternative for that
@Gordon you are assuming that the client has a domain expert which he/she can spare for another day
it tends to be a bit complicated , especially with small clients
@tereško if there is no domain expert or product owner then who defines the product? plus you dont need the domain expert for the whole day in this case. It's just a matter of calling them and ask "what do you call that thing when the delivery gets handed over".
if they dont have time for that, they dont want the product.
of course we a guessing blind here, since we have no grasp on what's his exact situation
well, yes, but even when guessing blindly we can reasonably tell him that making up domain terms without asking the domain expert is usually not the bestest of ideas because it will not represent the end user's mental model then which in turn will make the application difficult to use for them and talk about.
anyway. im heading to bed. night night
Oh yeah I have another question. Lets say in my Exchange service I have a sendDeliveryRequest() method. Is it better to just have a signature like this sendDeliveryRequest(RequestInterface $request) and then extract the data it needs from the $request (its a HTTP request object not a DeliveryRequest object) object or to have a signature like sendDeliveryRequest($courierId, Array $items)
You do this normally by programming it. — hakre 24 secs ago
hahaha lol
and obviously the data would be extracted from the Request in the controller before being injected into the sendDeliveryRequest() method
what is your opinion on this
@David unless HTTP is part of your domain, it should probably have no knowledge of it. so generally, no. the domain should not have access to a HTTP request.
Both obviously work but I sort of like the latter because it makes the API easier to understand I think because you can see exactly what data the method needs because injecting the (Request $request) object does not tell you what data is required in order for this method to work
Ok so you would advise extracting the data from the request in the controller and then supplying that data when calling my service methods?
Can the private access specifier property be serialized in OOP
@PHPfan yes those are serialized.
hmm... So, in-fact if they are not serialized, then they have no purpose right?
@PHPfan huh?
I am saying, if it is not serialized, then since it can not be accessed out side it's class, then it becomes useless... unless only serialized within the class @NikiC
I probably should read more into it. I understood clearly public, protected but ...
@PHPfan ... but?
@PHPfan no, in fact they are serialized.
I guess what I am saying is, $name and $foo can only be serialized, otherwise they are just redundant properties right?
class foo{
private $name;
private $foo;
if we talk about the above class
@PHPfan generally you use public* methods of the class to read and write those properties.
if your question is "are classes with only private properties and no methods useless" then I would say yes, that's a pretty useless class.
Yes, that is what I found conflicting.
@NikiC Should I open some request in the bug reporter with my tiny patch or do you do this or apply it?
@igorw thanks for giving momentum to my belief. I am starting to get hold of OOP, 5 months ago, OOP was the strangest thing I'ever heard.
I owe a lot to SO
Table is generated with PHP. Code is to long to be pasted here. — Francois 42 secs ago
Some users should just be prevented to open another question in the near future.
@hakre i'm getting, well... rarely, errors with the session cookie thing... when i open window A in Chrome and then i open another window B, if i click a link on page A i get sometimes the "series" error... in practice the window A's cookie isn't updated by window B, so switching to another page i get the warning. this is really weird and it happens randomly, dunno why
cookie is set properly, same domain path and all
on firefox it seems to work properly instead
@Wes Track requests, sometimes browsers are prefetching. Chrome loves that.
and if it's that the problem, how could i resolve it?
this is even more weird than that, if i print document.cookie i always read the correct data, but sometimes changing pages the cookie isn't as i was reading
@Wes when debugging your website, ensure developer tools are open.
the chrome won't do any prefetching/rendering.
i'm going to try. this will drive me nuts
Hello everyone
problem could be that also images generate a new session id, i should try to make them "public"
@Wes yes, make them static (if possible). would also allow you to put them on a different domain, e.g. removing cookies after all for those requests and allow caching.
in fact, at least until now, removing the session thing from images the error is disappeared
btw chrome console's seem to not log anything about "hidden" requests
heh .. comments like here make me all warm an fuzzy
maybe it's about contemporary requests... <img src="a.php"><img src="b.php"> these could use the same sid, because a.php may have changed yet the cookie (header()s sent)
*may have not changed
damm my english really sucks
yeah it's like i said @hakre header()s on first request are not sent yet when the second request checks the expected SID
@tereško needs
did i miss something ?
evening @PeeHaa埽
@hakre happens also if i update the db row just a before i send the cookies. :( crap.
Evening wes
@tereško Questions need -3 to be able to cast delvs
that's only for instant deletion
@tereško I't not waiting to delv that thing. Ain't nobody got time for that
you use so much whitespace, that it should be considered racist — tereško 14 mins ago
Yeah, we really need a x20 bin...
@PeeHaa埽 now you can cast delvotes...or maybe you did already?
@Jocelyn I did
@PeeHaa埽 "Only" 5300 more rep and I will be able to cast delvotes too
It's about time ;)
Q: A "simple" 3rd grade problem...or is it?

RetrosaurSo this is supposed to be really simple, and it's taken from the following picture: I don't understand what's wrong with this question. I think the student answered the question wrong, yet my friend insists the student got the question right. I feel like I'm missing something critical here. ...

I had to laugh :p
I hadn't
@HamZaDzCyberDeV the user who posted that is 18, according to his profile
@HamZaDzCyberDeV LOL
@Jocelyn yeah
@tereško it's kinda sad for the teacher part ..
throws a purple elephant on @Doorknob :-p
There are 123 "unexpected T_VARIABLE" questions that may probably be closed...
Does this page load for you guys? (AUTO PLAY SOUND WARNING)
@PeeHaa埽 it works here, but i only see a blue square with a dot and a music in the bg
I was just wondering whether the page loaded. Because it only works for me when I run my browser in porno mode
BTW only 1 dot?
With firefox it works fine
(on Opera)
@Jocelyn we have a loooong way for the 10K :p
@HamZaDzCyberDeV Not so long if we take repwhoring lessons with specialists :-D
@HamZaDzCyberDeV ooooow opera. nevermind then. :D
Thanks for testing!
@PeeHaa埽 hahaha you're welcome :p
if it works in Opera it should work in FF :p
I'm actually kinda surprised it at least renders 1 dot on opera. I aimed for FF and crhome :P
@PeeHaa埽 it lacks unicorns jumping everywhere on the screen
studying js, eh? @PeeHaa埽 :P fine on canary@win7
DOM is such a usable API, especially NodeList. Fuck jQuery!
@Wes I am making a crappy FTL clone in JS for fun. And who knows maybe in half a year I can actually rewrite it to let the code make sense
lolz, YouTube changed "301 views" to "301+ views"
@igorw What is a jquery?
@PeeHaa埽 a NodeListIteratorFactory
@igorw :D
class Jquery implements * { // write crap here }
why the hate ?
In general or against jquery?
against jquery
because jquery it's like a movie that everyone likes except you
seriously though, does anyone actually enjoy the core DOM APIs?
It's a bloated library which provides nothing much you cannot easily do without it and advocates bad practices
jQuery is definitely bloated, but the problem is not so much jQuery itself as it is clueless "jQuery Programmers"
@igorw I want to have sex with querySelector*
@igorw Also true
@PeeHaa埽 @Wes @igorw I find jQuery useful since it's cross-browser
@PeeHaa埽 last time I checked that sex would include writing a for loop.
also i don't even understand the design, it makes no sense to me, like being async and sync at the same time
@HamZaDzCyberDeV i like the concept but not how it is designed and how it is used
@igorw But but but we have forEach now. sexy!
Ow wait you have to slice the NodeList into an array first :P
Well goodluck with writing tens of lines of code ...
my point exactly
and so many of the browser APIs are like this
@HamZaDzCyberDeV not really, i have my dom4-syntax-compatible frameork 8D
Also I think the forEach implementation is stupid btw
el.addEventListener('foo', listener, false); or was it true? I never know.
Often new things in ECMA are implemented in the most stupid way they can think of just to be different
or how about you implement event delegation yourself, I'm sure that'd be fun.
false is supported by any browser @igorw
true is "capturing" mode
html -> body -> div (capturing)
div -> body -> html (bubbling)
while I totally agree that you should learn JavaScript (the language), I find the APIs barely usable without some layer on top.
I'm all for smaller, more targeted libs over bloated shite. but instead of saying "f jquery learn js, mofo" we should provide actual alternatives...
@igorw dom4 is going to be more "compact" compared to older dom specs
less xml stuff, lot of redundant things removed, and more
emm ... so, @igorw, should people learn symfony2 before they learn php? or should we laugh and point fingers at people who do so ?
How can you learn a framework without learning the language it's build with ?
@HamZaDzCyberDeV i guess you have somehow missed the scores of "jquery programmers" on SO
huh ? Are jQuery users considered as programmers ?
try reading .. it might clear it up for you
@HamZaDzCyberDeV they definitely see themselves are programmers

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