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Wow, tons of activity here
What's going on?
Not much.
Wow, I'm getting 1.5MBps on a download (that's bytes, not bits)
That's about what I get on my wireless network
But I can never watch videos on my iPad
They always are buffering
Are you on a wired connection?
You can't change the video quality settings with the YouTube app they give you, which is annoying.
Doing more backup work?
No, downloading adobe premiere
yeah :-D
@ircmaxell 3.2MBps ;)
I could have 100mbit, but it's imho useless to pay for it...
I can get 100mbit, but it would cost me $400 per month
@ircmaxell Through Comcast?
I can have it for 900CZK/month -> $52
Verizon IIRC
Yeah I don't know what I'd do with that much bandwidth
how's it going anyway?
@Kamil Where do you live?
Czech republic
But I'd like to move to germany or us one day...
Ok I gtg or else I will get a parking ticket.
@ircmaxell thats 16mbit.. pretty normal, isnt it?
im so completeley in a foul mood
Does anyone know how to captures output of an exec process in real time?
I was suggested proc_open but I am having some difficulty
@Gordon why?
So I call the command using proc open
then use while (true) {

$status = proc_get_status($process);
if (!$status['running']) break;
@KamilTomšík bureaucrazy
and in between I was using an insert statement inserting stream_get_contents($pipes[2])
something bad hapenned?
Processes keep spawning and then the script cannot be executed
@KamilTomšík not yet, but it will
and the data does not even insert
@Gordon what will?
@Gordon be glad you don't live 200km to the east...
O damn, I thought I was in the php room. I guess I am in the tax planning room. Oops, sorry.
@KamilTomšík there cant anything worse than german bureaucracy
@Scarface you can't do this without threading...
@Gordon looks like you've never been in CZE
@Scarface have a look at tuxradar.com/practicalphp/16/1/0
@KamilTomšík nope, but im a ZCE if that helps. same letters.
@Gordon Not for my connection. Mine is fairly cr@ppy
@Gordon Me too for some reason. Stupid people really annoy me
that PHP.needs doesnt work for me
I got a new open source project on github :-P
I broke it yesterday and am trying to fix it now
i think i read about it on twitter
i think thephpcc had an example project to illustrate insecurities like this. you might wanna ask them cuz i cant find the project on github anymore
Yeah, my goal is to have only xss vulnerabilities in this one
(and a lot of them)
In the end, I'm going to make 10 of them, one for each of the top 10 vulnerabilities
Ok, I'm out. Catch you later
1 hour later…
Its terrible when I get a php error and google it and all that shows up are wordpress and drupal issues where the solution is to uninstall some plugin, rather than addressing the underlying php error itself.
What's the error?
Message: call_user_func() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, function 'form_input()' not found or invalid function name
@Aether // in views/partials/_contact.php
echo contact_formatter('Your Name:','Add your name',"form_input()",'username');

// in helpers/layout_helper.php

function contact_formatter($label,$text,$callback = null,$callback_arg){
$str_builder = '';
$str_builder .= "<div class='rowElem'>";
$str_builder .= "<label>{$label}<span class='small'>{$text}</span></label>";
$str_builder .= call_user_func($callback,$callback_arg); //(is_callable($callback)) ?
$str_builder .= "</div>";
return $str_builder;
Try calling it with 'form_input', rather than 'form_input()'
So echo contact_formatter('Your Name:','Add your name','form_input','username');
you were right, that appears to resolve it. I thought sticking the function in a string wouldnt execute it right away
it's kind of like a javascript callback then. thanks for response
No problems.
is there a way to install pdo_mysql for php 5.2.11 without compiling from source? pecl install pdo_mysql gives me an outdated version.
is ubuntu not the only operating system on the planet?
I love the friendly tone some people put on this chatroom...
help with this. Im trying to do this

foreach ($_FILES['arquivo']['name'] as $i => $fotofile)

and access like this

$nome = str_replace(" ", "_", $fotofile["arquivo"]["name"][$i]);

and it says:

Cannot use string offset as an array in bla ba bla...
str_replace(" ","_",$fotofile)
@cyberrog you are passing a string not the file
@Oddantfr what should I do
@JohnMerlino by doing this it cant move_uploaded_file
    foreach($_FILES as $file => $properties)
and do like this?

$nome = str_replace(" ", "_", $properties["name"]);
I'm not sure
but sounds like it's going to work
it doesnt work
check out
@cyberrog try this then :)
foreach($_FILES as $file)
  $nome = str_replace(" ", "_", $file['name']);
tryied now it DOESNT enter in this if:

if (move_uploaded_file($properties["tmp_name"], $nome)) {
@cyberrog and don't write foreach( $_FILES['blabla'] as ...
but foreach($_FILES AS ...
Ive changed
@Oddantfr check it out. it is like this now. pastebin.com/0sX8Sx2L
@Oddantfr but now it doesnt enter in this if if (move_uploaded_file($properties["tmp_name"], $nome)) {
@Oddantfr ???
@cyberrog fotos is in the script folder ?
@Oddantfr yeah. its a directory
write exit($nome); one line before your if condition @cyberrog
@Oddantfr let me try
@Oddantfr you want it to print something?
@cyberrog well i guess you were right
you should probably write
foreach( $_FILES['arquivo']['name'] as $i => $name )
   str_replace(" ", "_", $_FILES['arquivo']['name'][$i]);
with the exit($nome) it just prints fotos/5/array
and move_uploaded_file($_FILES['arquivo']['tmp_name'][$i], $nome)
@cyberrog haha yes here the error
write what I said
@Oddantfr it doesnt print the file name. it prints only array
@Oddantfr What I want is to upload multiple pictures
foreach( $_FILES['arquivo']['name'] as $i => $name )
   $nome = str_replace(" ", "_", $_FILES['arquivo']['name'][$i]);
if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['arquivo']['tmp_name'][$i], $nome)){ ... }
@Oddantfr dude, it worked! thanks!
@cyberrog my pleasure :)
@cyberrog thank you as well, I've learned something about files :)
Hello, this is an awesome chat :D
technologically , yeah , it's quite impressive
hm, bugs.php.net is still offline :(
yeah impressive, like irc but buggy and slow
heh , well , it has some very specific features i really like

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