If you are doing URL rewriting, favicon.ico might also be the cause of this (in that the request for it could be being routed through your script). The "network" tab in Chrome dev tools might help
The PHP development team announces the release of the 4th beta of PHP 5.5.0. This release fixes some bugs against beta 3 and cleans up some features. THIS IS A DEVELOPMENT PREVIEW - DO NOT USE IT IN PRODUCTION! PHP 5.5.0beta4 is shipped with some bug fixes. Here is the list: Fixed bug #64677, execution operator `` steali…
@Baba This is ridiculous!. PHP compares them very sanely. No pin etc required... You can make PHP actually compare if it is the same array not talking about identity.
The question is moot, what the OP wants is not possible. As soon as you pass the array by value, the reference is no longer to the passed value, it's to the original, external one.
@Baba Read the last two sentences of the question. It's about detecting a reference loop to the top level of the structure when the input is passed by value. Can't be done. Doesn't make sense, either.
Short answer: no. As soon as you pass the input by value, the internal reference is no longer to the passed structure, it's to the original external one. The only way this is possible is to pass by reference, if you do that then I refer you to my earlier answer on the subject of detecting whether two given variables are references to each other. — DaveRandom48 secs ago
What's actually required for this is for debug_zval_dump() to be less shit, and accept its argument by reference. Although actually what's needed is a get_refcount() function. Then you can just do $temp = &$var and see whether the refcount of both variables increases.
I might write one actually, should be simple enough. Although I suspect internals will tell me to piss off.
If the variables are references to each other (which is essentially what you want to check), they will use the same zval. Therefore, here is a slightly nasty, but will work, way to do it:
function vars_are_referenced (&$var1, &$var2) {
// What we are doing *will* throw an err...
^^^^ for your enjoyment
@DaveRandom debug_zval_dump(&$var1); would not work
I'm working on building an ad banner rotation script based on impressions that displays ads evenly throughout the month. The calculations will be done each time the ad is requested to be displayed. So this will be done on the fly. The ads should appear to rotate through, one after another, and no...
In computer science, a merge sort (also commonly spelled mergesort) is an O(n log n) comparison-based sorting algorithm. Most implementations produce a stable sort, which means that the implementation preserves the input order of equal elements in the sorted output. Merge sort is a divide and conquer algorithm that was invented by John von Neumann in 1945. A detailed description and analysis of bottom-up mergesort appeared in a report by Goldstine and Neumann as early as 1948.
Conceptually, a merge sort works as follows
#Divide the unsorted list into n sublists, each containing ...
{{Infobox Algorithm|class=Sorting algorithm
|image=A run of the heapsort algorithm sorting an array of randomly permuted values. In the first stage of the algorithm the array elements are reordered to satisfy the heap property. Before the actual sorting takes place, the heap tree structure is shown briefly for illustration.
|time=O(n\text{ }\log\text{ }n)
|average-time=O(n\text{ }\log\text{ }n)
|best-time=\Omega(n), O(n\text{ }\log\text{ }n)
|space=O(n) total, O(1) auxiliary
Heapsort is a comparison-based sorting algorithm to create a sorted array (or list), ...
It seems very cpu intensive... It looks like a good sorting algorithm for parallel processing sort of things with recognition infrastructure... Real world manipulation I mean.
I flagged this answer http://stackoverflow.com/a/16198105/731947 as not an answer.
Full text:
got the same error, in Windows running with Administrator privileges solved the problem.
And got this resolution:
declined - flags should not be used to indicate technical i...
I can understand your disappointment because of the decline, but I started to prefer leaving flags on questions that are of low quality instead. For answers this does not exist (you can try to write it in)
@kaᵠ From the answer you linked to:- > If you use "Not an Answer" to flag answers that really are answers (no matter how bad or how wrong the answer is), you risk getting your flag declined
@Ihsan No, as explained to you, this qualifies as an answer.
The decision by the moderator therefore is correct. There is just not enough room in the flag that would allow you to pass over the context why while in general this is an answer, you still think it does not qualify as one.
Hence the decline. It's not that typical kind of not an answer like "Thank you!" or "Where did you got that error lately?"
you question will be more about the API , not about "how to loop an array"
the core API for PHP is purely procedural. There re function for array and string manipulation. As well as for working with sockets and image transformations
@Crowz With every scripting language it's basically the same...the syntax is easy to learn...but learning about all the weird quirks takes time and experience.
@TillHelge I would rather say: With every language it's basically the same...the syntax is easy to learn...but learning the actual language takes time and experience.
@PeeHaa埽 It definitely applies to all languages, but I think scripting languages are special in that the basics are really easy to learn and you quickly get the feeling that you know what you are doing...but that's only the tip of the iceberg.
So, I'm doing the ole' pseudo-enum via classes with only const declarations, further, extended from an Enum class with a private constructor and some helpers. I'm writing a helper to validate a given value against defined constants; kicks back a boolean.
Is this really the cleanest/shortest way?
return in_array($value, (new \ReflectionClass(get_called_class()))->getConstants());
Pulling a reflection instance into the mix seems like a bulldozer flyswatter (mind you, I don't think this really warrants optimization, but I thought there might be an easier way)
@Gordon what I do not understand is, if OP was using [0] it must have been simplexml::xpath(), not a DOMXpath::query() result. But the answers are about DOM.
@hakre I only announced it here because I think it's link only. I just dont want to delete it because I also have an answer there and it would look bad.
Guys, I've though of an idea/algo on hashing a password: http://sandbox.onlinephpfunctions.com/code/3ff3976056d4bb96ee9c134fd1706530decf0765 What do you think ?
I have a PHP script that generates some strings which will be used as license keys:
function KeyGen(){
$key = md5(microtime());
$new_key = '';
for($i=1; $i <= 25; $i ++ ){
$new_key .= $key[$i];
if ( $i%5==0 && $i != 25) $new_key.='-';
return ...
I am compiling and executing a C program that uses a PHP System Command on Windows XP Server.
If the C program contains a System command like System("shutdown -a") or any system command, then it turns my system down.
I want these kinds of commands to be denied. How do I show "permission den...
Ok, the N is to determine the iterations if N is 16 $password = 'password' md5 = 5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99 Now N is 16, which means str_split will return 2 values [0] => 5f4dcc3b5aa765d6 [1] => 1d8327deb882cf99 Those 2 values will again be hashed with (md5) and imploded md5([0]) . md5[1] and again hashed
I am creating a simple blog with categories in php.
I want that myblog.com/category.php?id=3 show me this:
TITLE of the category 3
// other stuff
ALL POSTS of the category 3
So, actually I do 2 queries ( 1 for getting the title and 1 for getting the posts ).
Is there a way to do this with ...
> Anyone, from the most clueless amateur to the best cryptographer, can create an algorithm that he himself can't break. It's not even hard. What is hard is creating an algorithm that no one else can break, even after years of analysis. And the only way to prove that is to subject the algorithm to years of analysis by the best cryptographers around.
1. It's susceptible to side-channel timing attacks, since the amount of time it takes to "hash" is 100% dependent upon the length of the password.
2. It's still extremely cheap. So if someone figures out the algorithm, they can brute force it trivially. This is because it's doing at most (password_length) + 1 hashes. And MD5 is CHEAP. So brute-forcing that is trivial
And I though that I created a work around ... Well, the problem that I have is: I have a server but with PHP 5.2.X, So Bcrypt and password_compact aren't supported I suspect that they are using MD5 or SHA1 which is obviously bad ...