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off to bed, later
3 hours later…
is it forbidden to put echo inside function?
i am creating a google sitemap using new DomDocument.
i have url with &, so when I creating a url node using createTextNode() function, it is replacing & with &
does this create a problem for Google to crawl page.
as my pages work well with & in URL, but with & its not getting proper pages.
Does this create a problem in Pages to crawl.
@Phelios : please elaborate...
in cakephp,,
Q: How to upload Video from My computer By using Ajax in Cakephp.

chetanspeed511987i m using "AjaxuploadHelper". http://bakery.cakephp.org/articles/Warringer/2009/05/08/comfortable-ajaxuploads-with-cakephp i put it in Helper and in controller, i put var $helpers = array('Ajaxupload'); and i called it at view by echo $ajaxupload->upload('upload_button', array('controller...

please see it
@Avinash functions are supposed to return something only isn't it?
hello help me
Hi People
pls see this and help me out
Q: How to compare CSV in db table field to the variable which also contain comma seperated values?

OM The EternityI Have MySQL DB table tbl_users, which has two uid, name, usergroupid. usergroupid contains the comma separated integers (IE: 1,2,3). I want all the users which contain the user group ids say 1or 2 or 3 or 1,2 or 2,3 or 3,1 or 1,2,3. I am getting the value to compare in database from a variabl...

@Phelios: no function may or may not return value....
2 hours later…
hello people
job well done :)
testing in progress
@Phelios Good work...
posted on June 24, 2011 by Lorenzo Alberton

Kafka is a distributed publish-subscribe messaging system developed at LinkedIn, designed to support a very high throughput, persistent messages and parallel loading into Hadoop. A proposal has been submitted to make Kafka an Apache incubator project.

@dskanth thx
1 hour later…
any zf experts there ?
Q: Can somebody explain jQuery queue to me?

jquerynewbieI found the jQuery.com document on Queue/dequeue is too simple to understand. Can somebody help to explain it a little in more detail? I appreciate it.

14k views and so many upvotes??
@phelios it seems it was a good question.
@ircmaxell I've written post about meta-circularity, interested in proof-reading?
Guys, i'm using Doctrine2.0 with Zend Framework, i've successfully create a new 'Type' to use with my entities/models but the Type uses Doctrine Namespacing. Which means when i try and load something like Zend_Date i get an error because PHP is looking for Zend_Date witin the Doctrine defined namespace
has anyone else had this problem and how did you fix this
seems pointless to allow for Dpoctrien Types but to not allow you to load your own classes
Getting on the train soon. Sorry...
SQL room is dead, so here is a good a place as any!
Q: Unable to authenticate proxy when starting SQL snapshot agent

Myles GrayI have a Windows Server 2008 R2 install running SQL Server 2008 R2 with all the latest updates etc applied, I have restored a database from an old image (SQL 2005) and am trying to get web-sync working with merge subscriptions. However when I attempt to start the SQL Snapshot Agent on the distr...

But I have a new report at github. Building a bad web application
@ircmaxell congrats on the new job and talks!
excellent work :)
i see you're becoming more active on your blog, keep it up, interesting stuff
@ircmaxell np, yeah, I've seen, interesting :)
@ircmaxell btw: enjoy the ride :)
Thanks. Now I just need to add authentication and csrf protection (to make it only vulnerable to xss)
And then, build tools to hack it...
@kamil: thoughts on the architecture? I wanted to keep it really simple. Yet at the same time clearly separate logic. So anyone can understand it even without oop experience...
@Myles: I realized that I really like talking (it was 2 years since my last talk) . And from the feedback, I am really good at it. So I am doing the security series and prepping 3 more talks...
Very nice man, great work, you're not the only one though. I love doing presentations and teaching people about things I know, I just wish there were people around me interested as I would love to do tech talks or classes on what's what.
Clean Code, Developer Testing, and Anti-Paradigms (things we all believe are right that lead up down the wrong path, such as garbage in garbage out) ...
You're just righting the wrongs of the software industry ;) A bit like robin hood or superman, except with php instead.. :P
Well it's not just php right? It's language independant?
@ircmaxell I don't know - what about dropping that mapper? saving app to session
Most of the content is language independent, the examples and some tools are php specific..
Which mapper?
@ircmaxell datafile
OK, I have never been compared to a superhero before, and I am not sure that I like it...
"you're my hero!" :-D
Ahh, well I want it to be persistent across sessions without the hassle of a DB layer
@ircmaxell I see, but you've asked about simplifying - and this is one way to go, other one would be dropping MVC :-P
That way I can do certain kinds of attacks...
I could drop mvc, but then I'd go procedural which is no easier to understand me thinks...
@ircmaxell ah... yes, then you need persistence - or you could fake session_id but I don't know if it's worth
Not really, as that's a different type of attack. I am aiming at xss only...
MVC is easier to work with once you get the basic concepts
@ircmaxell to me, MVC feels more procedural - data are somewhere else
@MylesGray .. so you say that you understand MVC
@teresko say what now?
I was just saying that MVC is easier to work wiht, not particularly with reference to the conversation underway...
Eih. I need to do more work on my book(s). Haven't really focused on it at all...
posted on June 24, 2011

Popular posts from PHPDeveloper.org for the past week:9Lessons: Import GMail Contacts Google OAuth Connect with PHP Warren Tang's Blog: PHP Unit Testing & Mock Objects with SimpleTest plugin for Eclipse Test.ical.ly Blog: PHP 5.4 with traits, Doctrine 2.2 and then Symfony3? Nicolas Grekas (on Github): Improved handling of HTTP requests in PHP Josh Adell's Blog: Neo4j for PHP DevShed: Implementi

How do I get followed by phpdeveloper.org? Do I need to submit each story, or can I get added as a RSS feed?
I would imagine they has RSS crawling capabilities
@ircmaxell email Chris, he'll add you to his aggregator then as far as I know he manually chooses what gets published
Yeah, but how do I get followed...
The info email on there?
Cool. Thanks. I will do that once I get into work...
OK. Off to ride the train in peace...
please see it
Q: Cakephp Media plugin not work properly

chetanspeed511987i use cakephp media plugin by using this link http://pixelcone.com/jquery/ajax-file-upload-script/ i configure it all. error is that ->"Falied" ->dont upload image

any one here for help me
"Discussion for all things PHP - Don't ask whether someone is here or can help. Just ask us. If anybody can and wants to help, they will. But no one can know before you actually ask your question."
Good afternoon folks
hi Robik
Hi @afarazit
@afaazit:i use cakephp media plugin.but not upload image at media folder
my condolences
posted on June 24, 2011 by blog.phpdeveloper.org » PHP

So, what started out to be a post or two on some of the important things to consider about communication in open source projects, has now turned into it’s own little mini-series. In part one I talked about some of the important things to consider when it’s you, the organizer, talking to the people that come in and want to get involved with your project. In the second part I covered some of the

Guys is anyone ofay with Doctrine 2.0 and Zend Framework? I'm struggling to load the Doctrine in the Autoloader i'm also getting conflicts between Doctrine Namespacing and Zend_Authloading
basically i've had to create a new DateTimeType because i want the dates to be Zend_Dates. The only problem is when i do: $date = new Zend_Date(); i get an error because i need to load a namespace with Doctrine.
Any idea on how to solve that problem? Am a little to v. confused and i've been stuck for a few hours.
Sorry, i dont know anything about doctrine :(
Damn, anymore for anymore
is anyone versed in Doctrine?
posted on June 24, 2011

The Voices of the ElePHPant podcast has posted their latest episode today, another interview from the Microsoft Jump In! Camp - an interview with Paul Jones, lead architect of both the Solar and Aura frameworks. Cal and Paul talk about the Aura project, a PHP 5.3 framework and how it relates to some of the base work that the Solar framework provided for it. He mentions the work being done o

Hi all! I just needed to convert an object's class.
Basically, I have an object used for data only.
hi all
And I need to "cast" it to gain access to code functionality.
The way I'm doing it is:

        class Something {
		public function __construct($data){
			foreach($data as $prop=>$val)
Is there a better way?
not sure TBH, does that you have work?
if so, why change it?
@ChristianSciberras what r u trying to do?
@Andy - 1. Yes.
2. Yes
3. For a better way
ok, well have a look at Reflection - it might help you to do what you want to do
posted on June 24, 2011

On the Symfony blog Fabien Potencier has a new post talking about a change in the support structure for developers wanting to get help with either Symfony1 or Symfony2 - a split in the mailing list to help make things a bit easier to split out. Now that Symfony2 is just around the corner, we need to better organize community support for both symfony1 and Symfony2. As more people start using

@Neal - The end code is similar to this example:

$user = json_decode('{"name":"Chris","surname":"Sciberras"}'); // <- comes from json

$the_user = new User($user);
$the_user->sayHello(); // Prints: "Christian Sciberras said 'hi'"
@ChristianSciberras why don't you just do $this->_data = $data and then in the sayHello:
function sayHello(){
    echo $this->_data->name." ".$this->_data->surname. " says hi";
@ChristianSciberras much easier and less intensive that way
@Neal - I loose phpdoc that way.
@ChristianSciberras Why? no you dont
also why do u need phpdoc? (but i dont think it affects it)
Unless I document $_data as:

  * @var UserModel A user.
public $_data;

class UserModel {
    public $name='';
    public $surname='';
@Neal - I document my code :)
@ChristianSciberras so document. but im not sure what that has to do with using a for loop over straight assigning
I can't assign to myself.
That's the whole problem.
@ChristianSciberras also $_data<-- the way to code is underscores are private (at least thats how i learned)
Yeah, I should have said private $_data. My bad.
But that's beside the point.
If I'm the user object, I should have direct access to my own name, not an object for storing stuff.
eh. i dont see why u need it. u can fully document $_data (especially if u name it better than "data")
echo $this->name even looks better than echo $this->_data->name
@ChristianSciberras and to look even better it should be return $this->_name
@ChristianSciberras not rly
lol you can do that easily
The end result is that I can access ->name, not ->name() or ->_data->name
It is a public property (read/write) and I don't see any reason why I should hide it.
Having a separate class to document an internal data store sounds over-engineered to me.
@ChristianSciberras see here: codepad.org/NtZcsiif
u can still do $this->name
and of course I can __set() as well.
Still it's lame I can't merge object properties.
@ChristianSciberras well you can add it to the __get() (one sec)
Nah, I was talking about the constructor.
function __get($var){
           $this->$var = $this->_userData->$var;
     return $this->$var;
Actually, that made me think, I may have a problem there.
or not...
ok, a proper merge is the other way round
since _userData should override the default
@ChristianSciberras ??
Therefor, if(!isset($this->userData->$var))...
(remember the underscore)
@ChristianSciberras yes?
class aaa {
Let's say $data->name exists
$data->name should be used if it is set
If not, we use the default one in the class
$a = new aaa();
$a->name = 'not default';

echo $a->name;
$a->name should write 'not default' not 'default'. (lol)
@ChristianSciberras so like this: codepad.org/FXneUbxY
i dont know if there is anything wrong with that
whatcha think @teresky?
u might want SO's opinion (you could use my demo if u want)
Well, @salathe, @teresko, @Gordon, @KamilTomšík and @ircmaxell among many are quite knowledgable :)
(wakey wakey everyone!) :D
@ChristianSciberras haha they all rnt here
Hello @Robik
should i ask the SO Q?
or will u?
cuz its a good Q
nah u wont? or nah u will? lol
Hello @ChristianSciberras :P
@Neal "nah I'll wait" :)
@ChristianSciberras but i rly wanna ask it :-P
Well, go ahead then :)
Won't stop ya :P
hi everyone
Hi there @sebastian
hi seb
$doc->saveXML(); should print out an xml preformated, right?
check the doc
when i use $doc->save('file.xml') everything is ok.
but on the page all i get is 1 0 1 1 and the first number is incremented
and i do not know why
or how to print on the screen the actual file
i checked the documentation and it should print out the xml, but in my case it doesn't
@sebastian - Make sure you view the source of the page.
i am very curious
@ChristianSciberras in the source everyting looks ok.
but how can i print the xml code to the screen? without being interpreted by the browser
var_dump it
@neal good question.
@afarazit twas originally @ChristianSciberras's question, i kinda stole it :-P
@afarazit haha i ddnt think u pooped it
let that stay between us :P
@sebastian - If it is printing directly in HTML, this is how:

echo '<pre>'.htmlspecialchars($xml,ENT_QUOTES).'</pre>';
what do you mean "pooped it" ?
@afarazit look up bm
@neal still don't get it :P
OMG! didn't knew that
hahaha, damn i use BM a lot !
@ChristianSciberras never thought about htmlspecialchars an XML, good one.
@Neal - I modified your code
Please check 'n verify
@ChristianSciberras thanks for the tip, but with your code it doesn't print out anything
@ChristianSciberras ?
@afarazit - It's not for XML, it's for HTML. We send perfect HTML to browser instead of XML.
@Neal - On your SO Q
@ChristianSciberras ahhh i see, thats better
i need to update the demo
wassup? :)
rrrg codepad is stuck...
...booo cant make a new demo
@KamilTomšík - Why, if it isn't the ST drunkard XD
Hello @KamilTomšík :P Give this a look? stackoverflow.com/questions/6469505/…
@ChristianSciberras can u recreate the demo? (codepad isnt working for me)
@Neal stuck here as well.
Too much PHP methinks :D
@ChristianSciberras i made it on a diff site
@ChristianSciberras see SO update
@ircmaxell - PHP needs Chuck Norris?! Huh?!? :P
@Neal - We got to see the opcodes too :D
what about:
function __construct($user_data){
  foreach ($user_data + get_object_vars($this) as $var => $val){
    $this->$var = $val;
get_object_vars should return already initialized default values...
@KamilTomšík - That was my original solution.
what's wrong with it? :) except not checking presence of that variables?
Except for the array concat part. But honestly, I just need to move parameters from $data to $this, so I don't care much about it.
Speed, mostly.
not again :-P
That is, I was asking if the was something like: object_merge($this,$data);
what's more important? micro-optimization or code readability? and _user_data is pretty wtf...
@KamilTomšík - ST people don't know no (lower) speed limits :P
@ChristianSciberras I'm not ST person ;) I'm not blind, I just focus on important things.
and + operator should be little faster than array_merge :-P
I was just kidding ;) you're a fun guy to talk with :P
yeah, but I don't like this kind of "ST"ing ;)
so it all boils down to importing through iteration VS reading from a store (and having a double data copy).
@ChristianSciberras + operator does not merge...
it only adds nonexisting keys
that's why it's in opposite order
@ChristianSciberras I have a solution to your problem.
@KamilTomšík I know. But you're "merging" two objects.
I'd rather name it "importing" ;)
@Raynos - Other than ice cream?
because you have to pass array anyway...
@KamilTomšík - ok
@Raynos javascript :-D
@KamilTomšík - done :)
Problem solved.
@Raynos sigh
@Raynos how is it solved with node?...
@Raynos I have solution for all of your problems ;) guess what :-D
@KamilTomšík - Honolulu?
@KamilTomšík smalltalk \o/
Im trying to implement a "read more" link for my blog (please don't start say stuff like "don't reinvent the wheel" etc etc as im learning doing this) what i've thought so far is to use substr() function, but as you already know it just "cuts" the text without knowing if it cuts a word in half.
My question is, shall i continue with substr() and then check if the last char returned is a letter and if it is increase the substr() number till i reach to a whitespace or a full stop. Is there a better way of doing this or i'm on the right path.
@ChristianSciberras seriously though prototypical OO solves your problem instantly ;)
@afarazit - use wordwrap()
@Raynos not sure if this is class/prototypes problem... actually, I doubt.
@Raynos - Seriously though, I just don't feel like converting this whole project into javascript :D
Or just Object.defineProperties(this, json_to_props(JSON.parse(json)))
@Christian damn! thank you.
@ChristianSciberras whats wrong with iterating over the properties and adding them to $this ?
@afarazit - Give it a "strange" delimiter, than $d=explode("<strange-delimiter>",$text,2); echo $d[0]; - the 2 is to cut the text into an array of 2 and no more. The initial content is at the first index (0)
@Raynos - Nothing, I just wondered about a better solution.
@Raynos black-box?
@KamilTomšík What do you mean. Stop being vague.
@Raynos - It's black. (lol)
Nothing - but when you're iterating over other object's properties it's not black-box
@ChristianSciberras i was thinking about doing it that way instead of substr() but thought to have it done automatically without having to remember to insert a special delimeter.
for example JS and IO treats objects as hash-tables, which is imho not good way - object is not defined by what it is, but what it does.
@afarazit you'll have to play around with positions. It's probably faster with explode/etc since it calls less functions.
@ChristianSciberras i dont understand this answer: stackoverflow.com/questions/6469505/…
However it's pretty addictive - being able to inject new methods, change them, etc. It's effective for programming, but not so cool for debugging, reading, etc.
@Neal - See my reply.
@KamilTomšík - I find it great for debugging, actually.
The problem isn't the concept, but the half-4ssed debuggers/browsers out there.
@ChristianSciberras k
Tracing back a closure to code should be a trivial matter. I've seen this done in compiled code, which most of the time looses all kinds of code meta data. Debugger-writers simply make use of "debug info" to map these changes.
@ChristianSciberras what's difference between print_r($object->variables); and $object->print_variables(); ?
I don't see why it should be harder in javascript. Except for the fact that people are trying to make a debugger and run the same code in a production environment at the same time (sigh).
@ChristianSciberras the first example (updated one, sorry for that) - allows direct access to variables, while the other one just shows what's in there
One's procedural, and the other more OOP.
Why do you ask?
first one is hashtable-like (javascript), other is black-box one
But we're talking about a debugger, not you debugging just by looking at code.
you need to see what's inside? okay, but in some restricted way - you can't make me do undocumented and hard to spot things.
I was trying to talk about injecting methods and changing them, and how they shouldn't impede debugging.
@ChristianSciberras yes, but you've mentioned hash-table way as better for debugging - so I'm showing why it's not better
@ChristianSciberras ah, ok then. but again - this monkey-patching is flexible and cool, but it's hard to see, where were these methods introduced from.
@ChristianSciberras wow this poster made it even more complicated...: stackoverflow.com/questions/6469505/…
@KamilTomšík reading is solved by solid documentation, debugging is solved by not writing shit code :P
idk if the poster knows what they are saying...
@christian $temp = wordwrap($post['entry_post'], 250, '<cuthere>');
$entry_post = explode('<cuthere>',$temp);
@KamilTomšík You put a breakpoint on that line and you can trace into the method/function as well as jump it, and of course there is the scope explorer/inspector which shows current variables. Can't see why it should be harder to debug.
@ChristianSciberras inspecting code is just one part of debugging (as a process) - you have to fix that bug - and if you don't know where to fix it (because it could be injected from anywhere), it's much harder
@KamilTomšík - Call stack should show where the injected method came from. This is just elementary debugging meta data.
@KamilTomšík - OK, I admit, I'm not being realistic.
The truth is that JS debuggers suck and this just can't work at this time.
@ChristianSciberras ok, I admit - with right tools, everything has solution - but I rather like avoiding these problems.
damn I love (reverse)psychology :P
i'm off, see you later
Same here, gotta catch the bus
Cheers people. A pleasure @KamilTomšík, as always.
How can i get Zend_Date to always return the dates in a particulr way.
@ChristianSciberras enjoy the bus ;)
also when i do something like Zend_Date->sub($Date) i get a new Date returned which doesnt use php as it's date yet i've got:
self::options(array("format" => "php"));
any ideas?
@ChristianSciberras I agree.
Use a different technique of debugging
now that's weird. I have the following: pastebin.com/BXLQNrgz when i then try and print $d i get a format that isnt php but ISO
any idea?
posted on June 24, 2011

In a new post today Kevin Schroeder points out a new feature in the Zend Server project (version 5.5, beta) that helps make deployment simple for your site. He also includes a "getting started" guide to show it in action. We have announced that we are making the beta for our new deployment feature in Zend Server 5.5 beta, available for download. It's not feature complete (there are some ne

can anyone help? It seems that if i have two dates ($stop and $start) and then sub them the one i use to sub: $stop->sub($start) loses it's format from php and reverts to iso .... any idea why that might be the case? 0_o
$start and $stop are of type My_Date which extends Zend_Date - see pastebin
hey guys, please check the homepage of this website : getrefm.com/index.php, the client says that the font of the home page is in times new roman, while is should be Myriad
posted on June 24, 2011

On the Techie Talks blog today there's a post from Idrish Laxmidhar with a few simple reminders of things you can do to help with the basic security of your PHP applications, mostly surrounding filtering and escaping. The list includes some of the basics like: Avoiding $_REQUEST when possible because of the ambiguity of where the information could come from Keep register_globals off (thank

please let me know if you too can see that
I've tested the website on Ubuntu, Windows XP SP3 and on Windows 7 and I couldn't see this problem
so please check it out and let me know what you see
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