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hey all, I had a general PHP question when someone has a minute
Just ask your question. If anyone can help, they will...
ive started developing a small web app in PHP, and coming from an ASP.NET background, I was just wondering how PHP folks do certain things
ok, one thing is validation. If I have a form and a user keys in some stuff and hits the submit button, I send this stuff off to my PHP script. but how do you guys handle validation?
I validate both on server side and client side
for instance, they fill in 10 form fields, and their email doesn't validate. if I do that check server side, whats a good PHP way to restore the form and inform the user? I dont want them to have to re-enter everything
server side is necessary, client side is nice (but don't trust it)
in ASP.NET we use viewstate and it does that for us
Well, PHP doesn't have a default mechanism for handling it. Viewstate is nice, but it's also pretty heavy and can cause other issues
I know, its caused me all sorts of problems
You could simply define the defaults of the form in a variable (array)
and when building the form, write the values from that variable.
So when validation fails, you just simply push the submitted values instead of the defaults...
but that seems like a common scenario. 1) user enters lots of data 2) user hits submit and sends the data 3) severside validation fails and you need to put them back on the form. But you dont want all the fields blanked out
Same code would be used for rendering both forms, no need for duplication of effort, or complex inline checking in the form rendering code
ok, I see what you're saying. so would this be done in PHP or javascript?
basically, let's say you have a function to render the form
like would the PHP render the controls with data in them, or would the javascript fill in the fields after the page was loaded
function renderSomeForm($defaults = array()) {
$html = '<input type="text" name="blah" value="'.htmlspecialchars(isset($defaults['blah'] ? $defaults['blah'] : '').'" />';
PHP would
or if you wanted to get more fancy, you could do:

function renderSomeForm(array $data = array()) {
$defaults = $data + array('blah' => '', 'blah2' => '', 'blah3' => 'foobar');
$html .= '<input type="text" name="blah" value="'.htmlspecialchars($defaults['blah']).'" />';
ok, that should work. thanks
So, on first render, you'd call renderSomeForm()... But after validation fails, renderSomeForm($_POST)
so has anybody built something like viewstate for PHP?
like if you were doing a lot of form data entry, and needed a lot of serverside validation, it seems like some form of lightweight viewstate would pay off
Not to my knowledge. Some frameworks do some interesting things, but for the most part, we try to keep apps light...
but the typical paradigm in PHP is not to postback, but post a form to another script right?
Not to mention that some developers (like me) prefer to take the "magic" out of the code, so that it's easier to get a full picture of what's going on...
Not necessarally... I've done post-back many times
usually though, I let my controller handle that...
so, I'll have a default method on the controller display() which displays the form. The form then submits and calls the submit() method on the controller.
That way, if validation fails, all I need to do is from submit(), call display($data), and it'll automatically re-render the form...
So it's not "bad" to postback... Sometimes it helps for readability to do it, and sometimes not. I wouldn't say either is bad (generally). It's usually up to the developer's tastes...
when you say controller, are you meaning an MVC pattern?
are you using CakePHP?
no, I use my own mini-framework...
so how does one do the controller/action pattern in PHP?
and I don't use "traditional" MVC, more of a hybrid "MVLC (Model View Layout Controller)
the difference being that "view logic" is housed in the view as opposed to the controller. The layout is the html output. The reason I prefer it is that it lets views become 100% controller independant. If you want to use a view, just instantiate it, bind a parameter or two (depending on the view), and render it. It does all the model interaction and populates the layout...
like, you said the form submits and calls the submit() method on the controller? hwo does that happen? in the HTML I can only name a PHP file as the action
Well, you could use a framework to do that for you
basically where the entrance file instantiates the controller, determines what method to call (usually based on a request variable), and calls it...
ok. that makes sense
For example, Joomla uses option to indicate which controller to load, and task to determine which method to call on that controller...
what Im doing now is that I have a few dynamic PHP pages, and they render UI based on stuff in the database, but there are some ajax actions the user can initiate from the page, and for those I use jQuery post method to hit another PHP script
so it doesn't render a new page, just hits the PHP script, which does some DB stuff and returns som JSON so the UI knows what happened
You can do it that way. It's quick and easy. But I'm not sure if it's maintainable or scalable for large projects or over a long period of time (actually, I know it's not maintainable or scalable since I have to maintain and expand on a system like that)... It's a pita
is that a really bad idea in PHP? It was just the first thing I though of
in asp.net we would just use an updatepanel, but those have problems too
no it's not
but it depends on what you're trying to do
i wanted something that was asynchronous, and lightweight. for instance, I have a page that has lots of product data, and a user can click a button issuing a Buy order
so I have a PHP script that takes a userID, the productID, qty, etc as post variable hash
and the jQuery in the page sends out the command, and when the response comes back it updates the UI
I dislike ASP.NET's update panel stuff because it makes it hard to see whats going on. sometimes we'd get something that wasn't rendering or updating and we couldn't figure out why
Well, it's all up to your needs.
Do you want shear performance? Then go with the separate scripts for each entrance point
Do you want maintainability? Go with a framework
I don't want to sound like it's bad to do it the way you're saying
it's not.
A lot of websites are coded like that
Just that from my experience it may be a little bit harder on maintenance. That doesn't mean don't do it, just keep that in mind...
yeah, I guess I like the idea of a single controller with several related actions, rather that a seperate script for each action
i suppose the difference would just be an extra parameter for command type?
then the one php page would have a switch block and be able to do 4 or 5 'Buy related' actions
is that a good idea?
again, it's not a bad idea. It just has tradeoffs
ok, i'll try it that way and then circle back and try another approach. that way I can appreciate the difference. what's your opinion of CakePHP? i mean in terms of learning curve and difficulty of deployment
I haven't really used it much
the only framework(s) I've used are Lithium (LI3) and Kohana
Both leave something to be desired on the documentation front
but Lithium is an extremely powerful framework... But it's not trivial to understand (it uses a lot of PHP magic)...
And a number of OO patterns and paradigms
ok, cool. thanks for the info. I'll try to get the site working with just pure PHP and then circle back and try to evaluate one of these frameworks
that's a good option
the best way to see the difference and gain experience as to the different methods is to try them...
yeah, I get so confused just reading all this stuff and not having any basis for comparison. thanks for the info!
No problem
@LoveMeSomeCode +1 for cakePHP. It's well documented and very easy to deploy. You might want to look at 'Code Igniter' as well.
Do you have a lot of experience with ASP.NET?
yeah, thats what I do for a day job
I like some of the things about it, static typing, viewstate for simple forms, and update panels for simple stuff. the problem is, asp.net gave us lots of black magic, but when you combine it it does weird things and causes lots of difficult bugs
for instance, you dont go trying to use the modal popup extender, in an async updatepanel, and then use async page methods from that modal popup. asp.net get really confused
also, you dont go using the fancy datagrid with the built-in sorting, AND the viewstate, and then try to dynamically insert columns into the middle of the grid. it doesnt work at all
thats why I chose PHP for this other project. I'm sick of the black box magic that takes forever to figure out and debug
@Vikash Yeah, I was looking at RoR, and I like the language and I like the rails framework, but deploying it was just too much of a PITA
@Vikash that's why I was intrigued by CakePHP, I was hoping for some MVC ORM goodness without the hassles of Rails deployment
I'm not a fan of ORM and other RAD (Rapid App Development) framework concepts
to me, they reduce development time at the expense of future flexibility and maintainability
I'd much rather take a little bit more time in the initial development and save myself a lot of time in the long run...
Wow, cool chat !
I like the idea of ORM. Im sure it could cause issues down the line, but Im tired of the way we do things in asp.net. We define the table structure, then we build a data container, which is 1-1 with the table fields. then we build a data access class with SQL in it, which is 1-1 with the fields. Then we build a Mapper, which is 1-1 with the fields and loads the sql result into the container
that's 4 times we've defined the same data, and it's really redundant
i like the idea of just defining the table and letting the code take it from there
Fair enough
I prefer to hand write SQL in the models. It's a little bit slower, but I'm far better at writing SQL than the ORM is, so it's a win-win...
But that' my preference
Someone wanna take a look at this please? Help with preg_match_all, remove square braces - Stack Overflow bit.ly/bM16Zj
Don't use url shorterners here
just post the full SO link
True, it's prettier
Q: Help with preg_match_all, remove square braces

VictorHello there! I'm trying to make a function that take out the content in square braces but I can't remove the braces that I need to remove. This is how it should look: Hello [there] blabla Turns into: Hello <a href="http://blabla.com/index.php?id=there">linky</a> blabla My cu...

or not
@LoveMeSomeCode If you want to do it in Ruby, u can look at 'Sinatra' framework. It's minimalistic.
@Vikash actually I did look at that. I was very pleased with the simplicity of sinatra, and I started this project with that. But I found it difficult to deploy
@Vikash specifically, I was trying to deploy to Heroku, and I got the sinatra app running locally, I got the git setup, and the heroku gem installed, it deployed ok, but the database was always an issue
@Vikash I got no end of errors regarding gems missing or the wrong version of a gem. I switched to PHP because I can just code the files in Notepad++ or phpEdit and drop them on the server
@Vikash I think what Heroku needs is an installer script that sets you up with the right version of Ruby/Rails/PostgreSQL, and a template. I can never figure out what I'm supposed to use for database.yml, rakefile, config.ru, gems manifest etc. It's very confusing
@LoveMeSomeCode Deploying sinatra on Heroku: blog.heroku.com/archives/2009/3/5/… I don't have much experience with it though. For small projects, it was pretty easy to deploy.
@LoveMeSomeCode If you have decided on php give cakePHP a chance.
@Vikash thanks for the link! unfortunately that's exactly as far as I got
@Vikash The creation, source control, and deployment work ok. I run into issues when I try to make the app use a database. Issues: For ActiveRecord to work (I think) I need a database.yml file, but I dont know where to put it, or what it should say. Second, I need a set of migration files, but I'm not sure where to put them in a sinatra app. Third, I need a rakefile to run those migrations, but Im not sure where I put it either, or what it should say
2 hours later…
I hate vb.net
Hello Gurus. Wanted to develop my own web service in php. I have asked some basic questions and seen some basic tutorials but still want to know: Are there any recommended practices/frameworks/return types(SOAP,XML,REST,Etc...). Now I've looked at these sites ( davidwalsh.name/web-service-php-mysql-xml-json and articles.sitepoint.com/article/own-web-service-php-xml-rpc ) but are there any other good resources out there that I'm missing?
It depends. What is the service designed to integrate with
Good evening / morning, PHPers
@iremaxell the original spec is to be internal, so hosted on one server so all the other servers can send a request and get a response. cURL to make the requests unless someone can make a good arg to use something else. Stage 2 might expand into making webservice calls from CMS like Drupal/Wordpress and last starge 3 would be external users. So looking into implementing something that can scale or solid from the start
Yes, but what technologies are involved? Are all of them PHP? Then it doesn't matter... Are most Java? Then XML may be better... Are most ASP? Then SOAP may be better. Are most JavaScript? Then JSONRPC may be better... It just matters what you're trying to do
postgres as the DB source, PHP 5.2.x, possible Ruby and Python might be added in the future. If any JS is used jQuery will be the framework
I'm looking for some advice regarding sending out bunch of email with the PHP Mailer Lite class. I was wondering what the best approach would be in order to prevent the server from choking if there are lots of emails to be sent ?
The cron job is going to run once per day and the number of emails to be sent may be as low as none or as high as thousands. I was thinking of splitting the task list into batches and using sleep() between them, but I'm not sure what values would be appropriate for both mails per batch and sleep time. Anyone ?
I would like to keep it xml or JSON
I personnally really like JSONRPC. It's really easy to work with...
3 hours later…
Hello one question I have always had is when to use XML-SOAP webservices and when to use JSON-REST webservices? what would be real criterion?

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