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@ircmaxell Had to put my dog to sleep today so meh
How's you?
i am hungry and tired
( A+ | B+ | A+, B+ ) -- that can't be simplified any further can it?
Sorry to hear thay
I am alright. This airplane WiFi isnt the best. But will do...
@ircmaxell tup :(
@ircmaxell We are you going?
@PeeHaa you're drunk xD
On my way home from Seattle...
And the connection keeps killing the web socket that chat uses. So need to refresh this page every time... Fail...
airplane flight is the largest blue thing there
@ 2x chest Xray, small something
Eih. This is a pita. Perhaps will be back later...
Front seat or back seat that is the question.
@ircmaxell Have a safe flight
Guys I;m off
good night/morning everyone !
@sectus what should it be closed as?
@crypticツ , where the list of closing messages?
damn one-boxing here
I read the comments, it would be TL
@crypticツ , manual does not give badges or reputation, or something else... : )
you shouldn't learn from any resource other than the official manual, that's how people end up learning outdated, insecure, or incorrectly done methods.
@crypticツ , i do not want to study there... but they have points...
I like this answer: stackoverflow.com/a/15824405/1503018 : )
Why do you indent your code that way?
@crypticツ , work codestyle
I've never seen anyone do it that way. It actually makes the code harder to read and also make it appear as if the braces are being applied to wrong code block.
It's Friday. Take it easy on the noobs and watch Rebecca Black.
Well, it's Friday in some places, at least.
@crypticツ , now it's hard to change style...
@hakre the dupe is a closed question
@crypticツ yes and it has the same author. so the duplicate is likely to be closed as well ;)
ah ok
Is this a close-worthy question like NC or NARQ? stackoverflow.com/questions/15770120/…
Don't know MatLab well enough to know how involved that is
The answer is just a link though :\
Just wondering I got dinged in review audit for declining open-vote for it as it was previously closed.
Almost 1k...
Remember when I used to come here and ask for help on physics questions?
Hi! I have a small question, I'm using dates in a php project (5 Apr 2013), as I am portuguese I would like to have the Month name in pt_PT (5 Abr 2013), I tried setlocale(LC_ALL,"pt_PT") but didn't work ... I've been searching in the internet for a while and nothing, does anyone know what to do?
Anyone here any good in physics?
Sigh... That is all...
@ircmaxell You seem tired a lot these days ;-)
i need a different job .. seriously, this is ridiculous
@tereško how long have you been working where you are now?
@Jack something a bit over 21 hour now
You can vary the frequency of a string instrument by changing the length of the string, varying its thickness or adjusting the tension. For a wind instrument, however, the frequency is typically adjusted by varying the length of the vibrating air column. Explain why the techniques used to vary the frequency of a standing wave are different for a string instrument vs. a wind instrument.
if you mean , since signing contract then 4 full month
lol, I see
well .. we are sending version to the client now
i've been doing android development lately ... or rather forced to delve into Java code to support my HTML interface =/
@hakre I see you're on a roll with image watermark questions ;-)
@Jack Yes, just killed the
awesome :)
Hi everybody, i'm really new to PDO and POO and i'm trying some experimentation, i'm trying to list stuff from my DB
.....class and method call......
q = $this->_db->prepare('SELECT * FROM med_projects');
return $q->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

and in my view file :

$projects_list = $projects->ProjectsList();

print_r($projects_list); // Return the right array ([project_code] => 3618)

but :

foreach ($projects_list as $project_info) { echo "Project code : ". $project_info['project_code'] .'<br />'; } // Return only the first caracter ( 3 )
Yes, because you foreach over the colums of the single fetched row.
Instead foreach over all rows:
foreach($q as $row)
@JonathanLaf You mean OOP?
@uınbɐɥs same thing :P
@uınbɐɥs yeah sorry, i'm french, for us it's OOP ... I haven't taken care of the order
You can set the default mode for the rows in iteration to FETCH_ASSOC by setting a parameter: PDO::ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE.
Default is PDO::FETCH_BOTH.
@JonathanLaf bon soir :)
@hakre Bon soir :)
@hakre so you are telling me that return $q->(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); return only one row ?
@JonathanLaf PDOStatemend::fetch returns only one row
@JonathanLaf You might want to use fetchAll() instead of fetch()
@andho if it return only one row, why does the print_r return all the data ?
PDOStatement::fetchAll returns all rows
@JonathanLaf it shows contents of one row
@JonathanLaf $q->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) does return only one row.
@hakre i didnt know you can loop a PDOStatement
why is it that the composer Vagrantfile and .vagrant directory are in .gitignore? just outside of the scope of what's being provided, or that it's messy? it'd be interesting to see how the powers that be are handling devops
@JonathanLaf cannot understand what you just said :)
@andho let me a minute i'm creating a pastebin
@andho yes you can. it's kewl :)
and it seems like the concepts of dependency management and devops are pretty closely related. even if for simple raising of awareness amongst beginners about the existence of vagrant, config management, and solid testing practices, seems like something that would be nice to include
@JonathanLaf Instead of using the star in 'SELECT * specify the column names specifically. You can thank me later ;)
@JonathanLaf as you can see the first print_r is printing one row. Let me show you what it will look like if it was multiple rows. And just change the fetch to fetchAll.
    [0] => array
        [id_project] => 1
        [id_clients] => a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}
        [project_code] => 3618
        [project_name] => Site web 2013
        [project_types] => a:1:{i:0;s:3:"Web";}
find the difference @JonathanLaf
@andho I understand, but if I use fetchall you never encounter some memory issue ?
I just want to be shure
@JonathanLaf It depends on the amount of data, but I've never had any issues with fetchAll.
@JonathanLaf if will only loop through the results, use what @hakre suggested
thank you @uınbɐɥs it's working with fetchall but I hope i'll not getting into issue with it later
return the $q and...
17 mins ago, by hakre
foreach($q as $row)
@JonathanLaf You only have to worry if your query is going to return (hundreds of) megabytes of data.
@JonathanLaf also, you can limit the result set with LIMIT
SELECT * FROM med_projects LIMIT 10;
it's not suposed, if the database get to heavy i'll put some pagination
Thank's everyone for your help !
have a great night ! I'll go continue, I want the first page to display all the information i need tonight ;)
sooo... bad question? uninteresting? did i just stumble upon a secret of the php templar?
@dyelawn what's your question ?
14 mins ago, by dyelawn
why is it that the composer Vagrantfile and .vagrant directory are in .gitignore? just outside of the scope of what's being provided, or that it's messy? it'd be interesting to see how the powers that be are handling devops
@dyelawn unfortunately i'm not your man for that, I think you've asked someone in chiness :D
templar; got it.
@dyelawn what's vagrant?
i'm definitely going to say this wrong, but it's a virtual machine management tool
@dyelawn just checked it out. I definitely need this
but where is this .gitignore file you talk about? @dyelawn
i've been writing something i'm calling "conductor" for a couple weeks that integrates vagrant/chef/composer for php
but i suck at writing original code anymore, and it would be cool to see some devops integrated with composer (which it appears it already is, just in the ignore file)
@dyelawn is Vagrantfile or .vagrant an integral part of composer? nop
@andho take the power of iterators. Mask the return value. Only execute the query if actually the data is accessed:
no. but it would be interesting to see what they're doing with it, and if there's a "best practice" for full project workflow
class PDOStatementQueryIterator implements IteratorAggregate, Countable {
    private $pdo, $query;
     * @var PDOStatement
    private $it;

    public function __construct(PDO $pdo, $query) {
        $this->pdo   = $pdo;
        $this->query = $query;
        $this->it    = NULL;

    private function lazyLoad() {
        $this->it = $this->pdo->query($this->query);

    public function getIterator() {
        if (!$this->it) {
        } else {
Usage as:
$conn = new PDO('mysql:dbname=test;host=localhost', 'testuser', 'test');

$rows = new PDOStatementQueryIterator($conn, "SELECT * FROM config LIMIT 1,2");

echo 'Row Count;', count($rows), "\n";
foreach ($rows as $row) {

echo "Second iteration\n";
foreach ($rows as $row) {
@dyelawn the thing is, everyone would have their own Vagrantfile and setting, right? I'm coming to that conclusion without actually trying it. So this means they cannot impose their own Vagrant file on others
@hakre cool bro
A: PHP PDO with foreach and fetch

hakreA PDOStatement (which you have in $users) is a forward-cursor. That means, once consumed (the first foreach iteration), it won't rewind to the beginning of the resultset. You can close the cursor after the foreach and execute the statement again: $users = $dbh->query($sql); foreach ($user...

not really; all of that stuff can be configured. ideally, for me, that stuff could be configured right within composer.json; though i'm guessing that violates decoupling sensibilties for people who care about such things
some background info.
especially since vagrant supports inline json for provisioners
This looks awesome: $rows = new PDOStatementQueryIterator($conn, "SELECT * FROM config LIMIT 1,2");
@dyelawn so it would be specifying the vagrant configuration which composer should be developed on
@andho , generators will rock soon
no, specifying the vagrant box details within composer.json which the project should be built on
Yes that is where the action comes in. If you extend PDO and make the connection as well lazy, the if $rows is not accessed for any data, you won't even connect to the database because you do not need that ;)
@sectus those will have few use cases
@dyelawn here's the problem in not ignoring the Vagrantfile
totally obsolesce sysadmins :)
where's the problem?
different people will have different Vagrant boxes for building composer. It's their own preference. Putting the Vagrantfile into the source will cause their Vagrant file to be overwritten or will cause a conflict or someother problem
it's the same deal with keeping IDE configuration files
no no no, i'm not saying have a vagrant box for building composer; i'm saying have vagrant box(es) defined within your composer.json which are project specific
you don't have to use the one that comes with building composer from source; it's just there as an example
@dyelawn what I'm saying is Vagrantfile should be in .gitignore
@andho you still have to run vagrant up for it to actually do anything in your forked composer
that's why i suggested maybe a dev or devops branch that includes the file
Hey everyone!
hey @Appu
but it would be awesome to have an option in composer init to name your vagrant box(es) and url(s) (better yet, full vagrant config options) so that your entire environment is setup from step 1.
meh, oh well. night all
Aaaaand HOME
@ircmaxell wb
@andho lazy pdo connection you can just replace the PDO one with:
class PDOLazy extends PDO
    private $connected, $args, $attrs;
    public function __construct($dns, $user = null, $passwd= null, $option= null) {
        $this->args = func_get_args();

    public function setAttribute($attribute, $value) {
        if ($this->connected) {
            return parent::setAttribute($attribute, $value);

        $this->attrs[$attribute] = $value;
        return true;

    public function query($statement) {
        $this->connected || $this->doConnect();
oh dear god
@andho How are you doing?
@Appu i'm fine
It is mentioned that to add this line in httpd.conf file LoadModule php5_module "c:/php/php5apache2_2.dll" to configure apache to run php.
So I believe this file php5apache2_2.dll should exist in the php folder. Isn't it?
Can someone have a look at this question ? Tks guys
But it doesn't exist.
@DaveRandom @PeeHaa the backlog scrapes the chat for cv-pls right? Or does it use some SE API to get the chat history? If so, does it take into account ro-pls links? Say someone posts a cv-pls and then later posts to reopen it, is the link excluded from backlog since it was later cancelled with the reopen or does it get put back into queue?
@ircmaxell that doesn't sound like a pleasant welcome home sentiment. Might I ask why?
@crypticツ I was about to ping them and you did it already ;) so I need not.
@Appu it should, unless you pulled the source or something
sometimes the location of the dll might be different
@andho No. I haven't changed anything. I just downloaded php 5.x from php site and extracted all files to php folder which is in C.
@Appu did you download the source zip?
or windows binaries
@andho Windows binaries.
1 hour later…
how do i set max size for upload file without touching the php.ini file
ini_set, .htaccess
thank you sectus
can u give me an example
@sectus upload_max_filesize is PHP_INI_PERDIR so it can only be set via the following methods: Entry can be set in php.ini, .htaccess, httpd.conf or .user.ini (since PHP 5.3) So you can't use ini_set() for it.
@Manoj do you not have access to php.ini?
@crypticツ , indeed...
@Manoj if you are running as CGI you can use .user.ini otherwise if you are running as Apache you should use httpd.conf if you don't have access to that as well then you would need to use .htaccess
@crypticツ , but it possible that he has php version lower that 4.2.3 : )
@sectus If he is using 4.x still then he has more problems at hand
@crypticツ , : )
@sectus either way, he would want to use the modern approach so when he does upgrade if he is using 4.x he won't break his code.
@crypticツ , ok... you beat me : )
no i dont have access to php.ini file
that was the reply to ur previous question cryptic
got a clear idea now.. thank u
Is there any way I can see the query I get after binding parameters in PDO?
@crypticツ , why it dumps instead return?
anyone using grocery crud of CI?
@sectus I don't know, you would need to ask the PHP devs why they did it that way.
@crypticツ It dumps the parameters not the values I have binded .. I suppose
@dreamCoder $object = $db->prepare() creates an object can you do a var_dump($object) before you run $object->execute() I've never tried, but it may contain object properties of what you are wanting. Like I said I've never dumped it so give it a try.
> This is a debug function, which dump directly the data on the normal output.
@sectus ^ that's why
@Gordon , debug_backtrace is a debug function, is it?
@sectus yes
oh... thers no 'dump' in name.
@sectus and debug_print_backtrace will print
the point is: when you are debugging, you dont want to assign to a variable or something. you just want to see the data immediately.
@Gordon , it's good until you will do not need collect debug info... log... or just print all debug info on the bottom of a page. Put it to stderr...
@sectus You can always use us3.php.net/ob_get_contents
@crypticツ , i know...
How to access a different controller method from inside a controller Symfony2
How to access a different controller from inside a controller Symfony2
I need to access a method from another controller inside a different controller
SEO in chat?
@CJ dont
@CJ you got two answers for that already at stackoverflow.com/questions/15827384/…. If these don't help, leave comments below the questions and/or update your question to explain why.
Need help with a regular expression
preg_match('/(\[url=(?:.*?)\])/is', $_GET['test'], $matches);
I expect it to include the '[url=...]' part, but it just gives be the part that's suppose to be a non capture group
Good day people!
@dragon112 Hi
@crypticツ @Appu it scrapes the backlog
morning all
Morning @PeeHaa埽 What's that sign after your name ?
I'm such a trend setter =oP
@PeeHaa埽 you need to change the icon to that blue elephant too
Yeah. Good call
should this be CV'd?
@Hiroto I hardly think so
well, it's not getting any attention, has downvotes, and the OP is in fairy land. also, see the question before i edited it.
@PeeHaa埽 Changed mine as well. So I guess it's officially international repwhore day.
I want to be a repwhore...
@MadaraUchiha why are you pushing down such as interesting topic as value types for the sake of simplicity? It's something ADDED, not something REQUIRED to understand the basics. Designers don't even use stdClass if that's what bothers you
@Ocramius I'm not sure if I'm missing something or he's missing something.
Value types won't allow methods or extension for DateTimes, is that correct?
(nice timing btw, I just woke up :D)
@PeeHaa埽 What time does the Kolink day officially start this week end? :-p
@MadaraUchiha heh
@Jocelyn I think later in the day
@MadaraUchiha it shouldn't limit extensibility. It's just about building real value objects
@PeeHaa埽 I just noticed your transformation has already started!
Oh no, how do I ping you @PeeHaa?? Wouldn't the real Kolink get pinged too?
@MadaraUchiha if we have some keyword that enforces immutability, we can build a lot of useful optimizations and generally enforce good practices
hehe I think so @crypticツ
@DaveRandom Morning buatch
I prefer buatch
@Ocramius Then I think I'm missing something. Can you give me a small example of value types? Because I think I'm confusing it with something else.
@MadaraUchiha the typical example is "money"
@MadaraUchiha $amount = new Money(42, 'USD');
@MadaraUchiha you NEVER set a different value into money. You just pass it around or split it or merge multiple money objects. Also, that value 42 is bound to USD at the time it was created.
@Ocramius Okay...
@Ocramius But what if I do want to set a different money?
What if I want to set a discount?
Or use it as payment and reduce it from an account
@MadaraUchiha that's not a thing you do on the money object itself. A discount is something you assign to a product/purchase, not on the money itself
Did you ever discount EUROs or Dollars? No, you discount the price on a product, not the EUROs themselves
@Ocramius What if this Money represent the amount in some account
Moneys are like Numbers
@MadaraUchiha that's not a value object
I just quit my terrible, terrible job.
@MadaraUchiha That's a Balance object, not a Money object
Moneys are Monads
@MadaraUchiha the $balance of your account is not money
Moneys are happiness
it's a number that changes over time :D
@andho also very true - screw whoever said the opposite
think of it like coins. immutable.
@Ocramius So what uses do I have for, from what I can see, an immutable object?
As @Hiroto said. You don't cut a coin in half :)
@Ocramius they obviously don't know how to use Money very well
@MadaraUchiha you can transfer a value between multiple systems without having to worry about the implication. A money transfer of new Money(42, 'USD') is bound to a specific timestamp, value and coin without being modified in any step
The best example for Immutable VOs I have seen is from DDD
the Color object used to sample different paints
@Ocramius How does that apply to DateTimes?
The example he gave...
$date = new DateTime();
$week = array();
for ($i=0; $i<7; $i++) {
    $week[] = new Day($date);
Would fail for what you're describing anyway.
bonus points for identifying the book in that video
@PeeHaa埽 Morning!
@MadaraUchiha can you manipulate time?
@MadaraUchiha let me make it explicit:
@Ocramius Of course, I am a time lord.
@MadaraUchiha agree
@DaveRandom I found that when I do changes in the httpd.conf file, then the windows is unable to start dialog apche appears.
$worldWarSecond->getStartTime()->modify('+1 day'); // does this make any sense?
@Appu Log files still empty when you try and start it?
Seriously though, you can add or substract durations to a time, to get a different time.
no, you would have to assign a new timestamp, but that's also wrong, since the event does not allow you to modify when it happened. It just happened :)
@Ocramius Of course I would, I want to get the day after the war started, what's wrong with that?
@MadaraUchiha and that's why you CLONE a datetime with a new value
@MadaraUchiha which should return a new Time instance
@Appu mornign
@MadaraUchiha but with the code above, you modified world war II :)
@DaveRandom It is mentioned that to add this line in httpd.conf file LoadModule php5_module "c:/php/php5apache2_2.dll" to configure apache to run php.
@Appu If you run httpd.exe with no arguments from an elevated command prompt you should get useful messages logged to screen
@Appu That's the wrong dll, you're running 5.4
@Ocramius Well, what's wrong with cloning an instance and using that?
@MadaraUchiha you cannot change history even with Time Travel ;)
You should consider using fcgid instead of mod_php though
@MadaraUchiha you're building immutability by enforcing it that way at code level
@MadaraUchiha that's error prone
@andho I am Madara Uchiha, I can do whatever I want.
@DaveRandom Yeah. But I am unable to find that dll file at all in the php folder.
well fork the universe
fork this world too
@MadaraUchiha if you disallow mutability via cloning, you also disallow a huge number of issues
A: Value from a text field is not returning anything

KolinkThe moment you are initializing the myStore object the values aren't filled in yet. You will have to do this on submit. So you can move the var myStore = {} into the submit callback: http://jsfiddle.net/gVCcm/1/

I haz begun ;)
@MadaraUchiha a typical one I often see is:
A: Doctrine2 ORM does not save changes to a DateTime field

OcramiusThe DateTime instances returned by ExampleBundle\Entity\User#getServiceExpiresAt() are the same objects stored in the entity itself, which breaks encapsulation. The UnitOfWork in Doctrine ORM applies strict comparison for changesets, which basically means that in the case of properties of entit...

@Ocramius Add http://
@Appu Which PHP build are you running and where did you get it from?
I suspect you have a NTS build
@PeeHaa埽 :/
@DaveRandom I downloaded the zip from here. windows.php.net/download/#php-5.4
@Appu VC9 x86 Thread Safe ? That's the version you need for this
See if the zip file you downloaded has nts in the file name
@Ocramius So how would you, for instance, get the day after WWII?
Using VOs
@DaveRandom Sorry I downloaded non thread safe one.
@Appu Yeh that's not going to get you anywhere, you need the thread-safe version for apache
Okay. Gonna delete that and will download it.
@Appu keep your php.ini if you've changed it
brb smoke break
@DaveRandom I haven't changed anything in it except renaming that php.ini-development to php.ini.
@MadaraUchiha $worldWarSecond->getStartTime()->modify('+1 day');
only modify will/should return a new instance instead
i guess there could be a better name for that method then modify
as @andho says. Modifying instance properties would throw a fatal
@andho So basically, you're only enforcing clone from the method itself.
@MadaraUchiha correct. Disallowing any type of mutability
while this may look absurd, it also enables a number of performance optimizations at engine level
@Ocramius See? I did miss something.
@Appu Don't worry about it then, just replace the whole directory contents with the TS package and rename -development to .ini again
@MadaraUchiha please clarify that on the thread if that makes any sense to you then :)
I was sure he wanted to make it the same as "string", (i.e. not an object but a "value type")
@MadaraUchiha it's still an object and it works like any other object. Just assignment out of __construct would be disallowed (I guess)
also it cannot contain another mutable object :S
what thread are you talking about here. I'm interested to see this @MadaraUchiha @Ocramius
@andho Are you subscribed to PHP internals?
@MadaraUchiha there's a nice scala course on coursera - you may be interested if you haz time
what's a good new reader for linux
@Ocramius kind of on topic for the recent discussion: does it make sense for a mutable object to extend from its immutable counterpart? Obviously the other way round violates LSP but I can't see a reason not to allow extending an immutable object to make it mutable. Thoughts?
@DaveRandom immutability is part of the contract, no? You can have an interface and use composition instead.
$date = new DateTime();
$week = array();
for ($i=0; $i<7; $i++) {
    $week[] = new Day($date);
do you agree that you can manipulate the internals of an Immutable object?
@Ocramius good point
@andho huh? No, you would do one of the following instead:
so the code above doesn't make sense
$week[] = new Day($date->modify('+1 day'));
$day = new Day($date);
$week[] = $day->add('P1D');
Wud? That adds two elements to $week every time?
@Jack two examples

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