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so do you have any idea how can it be viewed proper aligned on terminal?
No idea
Haven't looked at the actual question though
can you please
Neh not really
thank you :)
hey anyone like to help me? please
Q: LessPHP does not compile for first time submission

itskawsarI want to compile some less script on form submission. User can write on a textarea and submit that script to database. Before saving the script to database, i want to put that script to a file and compile to another css file. I have used following code: $less = DIR . '/css/less.less'; ...

@NikiC + @PeeHaa FYI so you can sleep peacefully tonight ... I solved my segfault. Turns out it was caused by some black magicks I had employed involving non-blocking streams, inter-process pipes and unbuffered IO reads/writes involving a single null byte. When I solved the problem in a way that didn't require sorcery my segfaults disappeared.
Sorry for blaming you @NikiC. It was @rdlowrey's fault all along :(
Well, there's still something buried deep in some C code (may or may not be PHP's fault) that breaks when it shouldn't. I just worked around it.
@rdlowrey As I understood the situation is: yeah we now PHP may and will segfault at various points, but fixing it is going to be too hard so meh
When someone runs out of close votes, can they please post the DOM tree of the close-vote dialog? I need it for a userscript that I'm developing.
I've been busy tonight with actually making shit so I'll pin it for somebody else
@PeeHaa Hehe that's pretty much how I went about it.
@uınbɐɥs can't you just go and burn your close vote in the review queue?
@uınbɐɥs lol I don't even want to know what dark purpose underlies this request.
@DaveRandom I suppose I could, if no-one has already used their votes
@PeeHaa Oooh what are you doing?
Making a site for someone
Tweaking templates?
Nothing fancy this time :(
Basically yeah
"just enough ruby for chef" is not nearly enough ruby for chef
anyone here?
I am :D
oh, ha
could you look at my code. For some reason, this is not counting correctly
did you see an error? I looked at the syntax, and it was fine.
I'm looking at it now..
ok, thanks
what's the error you get?
well, there is no error, but the counter does not count right at all
@DaveRandom I used up my close votes, so my message can be unpinned now
it stops at one
@impetiredome this is what it returns
@uınbɐɥs no worries
Total Hits: 1
Unique Hits: 1
Todays Hits: 0
Todays Unique Hits: 0
and it never refreshes...well, changes
@all hello . What is equalavent of mysql_real_escape_string() in sqlsrv?
@mann I am not good in php, but is this what you are looking for?
Q: Is there a function similar to mysql_real_escape_string for php's sqlsrv library?

ConnerI'm am looking for a function similar to mysql_real_escape_string for the SQLSRV library. Specifically I'm having difficulties escaping single quotation marks. Instead of escaping with a "\" like in mysql you use a single quote in front of the other single quote as the escape method. I'm working ...

@EliteGamer I can't really find an error with your code, but that may be because I'm really tired and can't really read PHP right now :D
Q: mysql_real_escape_string alternative for SQL Server

Alec SmartAm wondering what is the equivalent in PHP for SQL Server escaping of strings?

But wouldn't it be easier to just store it in a database?
@impetiredome ok, there is not an error, but it is not working right
i do not know how
how to store it in a database?
woudl it be easier?
yes, i am not even good in php, i found some of that code online
do you think you could make me something along the lines of this?
but with database
@EliteGamer Are you getting any PHP errors? error_reporting(~0); ini_set('display_errors', 1);
Yeah, you'd need a MySQL (or something else) and a table with that stores dates and visit numbers
@DaveRandom NO, no errors...the counter will not count
I can only assume that log/stats.txt doesn't contain any data, presumably because the relative path you have supplied is not right
and to get the total sum, you'd pull everything out and sum it (not really a good solution, but the easiest)
@EliteGamer Wait, I think I've spotted the error, and if I'm right you will kick yourself.
$line = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "|" . $mday . $month . $year . "n";
^^ shouldn't that be \n on the end?
do i replace my line with that?
let me try
At the moment your file only has one line because you never added a newline
So the count will always be 1
let me test it
ha ha!!!!!!!!!!!! :) Yes!
@EliteGamer Do you write a lot of Perl by any chance?
wow, thanks, that was a tiny error
php is very new to me...i am 16, and i really love programming, but php just...well, has not come to me yet
objective C
css, xml, xaml
and some others
It's just sizeof() and chop(), while perfectly valid, aren't really used in PHP, they are aliases of count() and rtrim()
Oh, and you really should be getting at least a couple of E_NOTICEs, you need to quote array keys
@DaveRandom OMG I have never seen chop before. PHP just keep giving
hey, do you know how to get the number of current visitorson a site?
$today[month] should be $today['month']
@EliteGamer Google analytics does a pretty good job
@EliteGamer It's pretty much impossible to do that 100% accurately. Your best bet is just to look at the number of requests from that last, say, minute
You can do ridiculously complicated JS stuff but it just doesn't have the ROI for me
GoSquared and GAnalytics are good at real-time analytics.
ok, but is there an easy was that will update like very minuet..or?
you can also track the focus and blur events in js, and there are various other events that work in varied degrees of accuracy
welcome back @EliteGamer how's the counter going?
there was a small error
@PeeHaa There's a whole bunch of random aliases presumably to satisfy the perl crowd
i forgot to add a \n for n
@PeeHaa: turned buying new computers in to a way to make money today for the MD
@EliteGamer They take care of that for you, you just install a simple piece of JavaScript :D
@impetiredome when i echo those values
how do i just add them into a database
so i can access them with like a software
@bizzehdee OMG he really did buy the I can work at least twice as fast on a new pc? ;)
@bizzehdee Yeh, that's exactly what I'm talking about: ridiculously complicated for very little gain. I mean, what can you usefully do with real-time stats like that? Generally the stuff you want is trends over time.
Personally I'm not much of a stats junkie anyway
I say: use websockets to track visitors
It's super duper kewl
showed him the raspberry pi. its more than powerful enough to connect in to the network and run a desktop with a web browser (thats all sales need).. the killer was, they are only 40 quid for the pi its self, a case, an SD card, rca to vga and a power adapter. means not spending 199 on a new pc each time one goes, instead spending only 40
how would i edit my php script to add everything to a database
@PeeHaa Yeh now that actually would make it simple enough, but obviously you only get to know about those users that actually support websockets :-(
the killer point for it though... a pi uses 3.5 watt of power, the current pc's that sales use, use 350w of power. 100 times more... if we replace all 24 sales staff's pcs with pi's, the saving on the elec bill in the first 6 months will recover the cost of the pi's
@DaveRandom I wonder how GA does it. Maybe a hybrid of heartbeats and websockets
Now that's a safe alternative @bizzehdee
and after that, we are making money on not spending on electricity. and, if one of the pi's break, it costs 25 quid to replace the board. rather than 199
@PeeHaa I believe they use the BlackMagicAndWitchcraft API, it's still in draft though.
@EliteGamer What database engine are you using?
I'm still looking to to buy a new one. I bought mine just before v2 was relased :( @bizzehdee
not sure...mysql
@PeeHaa, ordered 2 pi's today so we can put them together and test out some stuff with them, been told i can keep the 2 test units when we purchase the other 24
Oeh that is noice
but yeah, it was t he 25 quid replacement cost and the elec saving that sold it.
@EliteGamer OK well the first thing you need to do is design your database schema (tables, fields etc) and create all the db objects, and set up access (username/passowrd etc) do you have that?
not yet, let me try
sales keep complaining about the poor nature of their pc's too, because tbh, they are shit. some nice shiny pi's should boost morale a bit in their office and hopefully reflect in sales
How would you retrieve an element from a static memeber of array
The above throws an error
Care to share the error message?
if all else fails terrible idea
@bizzehdee I say Arduino for everything. No need for real computers, make them go back to abacuses for a month, then they'll be really impressed when you introduce Arduino-powered servo-driven ones.
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '['
@DaveRandom Arduino <3
@DaveRandom is there a way i can create a database file and not go through my hoster?
@PeeHaa, you seen the rumors of the type c floating about? bluetooth, 1gb ram, 1ghz cpu, usb3
@JosephPersie Yeh the parser kinda sucks for many things to do with static vars. The simplest way is to do $temp = self::$array_var; // do stuff with $temp[$element]
I know it sucks, it's PHP's fault, not yours.
@DaveRandom, i want to network boot the entire sales office. the problem is, i just cannot get X to hardware accelerate at all if i network boot
Yeah i figured that was the only way
@EliteGamer Errr... not 100% certain what you mean by that
well, can i make the database in like microsoft access
@bizzehdee Nopez I haven't. I like it although it woudl be overkill for what I do with it (mostly collecting dust and sometimes toy with it) :P
and then upload it into ftp server?
@EliteGamer, look at sqlite
@PeeHaa, mainly aimed at the xbmc and other media type guys
Please do not star things just because they helped you, or things that require the context of the current conversation to make sense.
extra cpu and ram allow for better hd playback, bluetooth is for remote control without network requirement, usb3 is for attaching large hdd's, bluetooth is supposed to be v4 too, allowing for dlna streaming
@EliteGamer beware things like the ASP-style Access database, and (to a lesser extent) sqlite. You should use a proper managed RDBMS if at all possible, most of the self-contained mechanisms like that have serious concurrency and reliability issues, as well as pretty much zero scope for scalability.
well, i just want an easier way to make a database
@bizzehdee I kinda lost track of bluetooth a while ago, can you actually do useful stuff with it yet?
without following all the complicated steps on my C-Panel
Not just sending porn to random people in the pub
@DaveRandom, bandwidth is wide enough to stream 1080p x264 bitstreams over it via DLNA
which in english means, any videos of the little lad i record on my phone, i can watch on the tv or on the pc without having to get up
@EliteGamer databases are complicated things. But don't they give you phpMyAdmin? That's pretty idiot-proof, even if it does suck in many ways
@DaveRandom could i make he database in sqlLite, then import into phpMyAdmin?
@bizzehdee Mmm, I might look at the bluetooth mouse/keyboard set option again then. The v1 ones were f*cking useless but I do have a good use case for a wireless deskset that can be share between machines
bluetooth range has gotten better too, which by proxy, has increased reliability
@EliteGamer Well phpMyAdmin is for administering MySQL, so probably not easily (honestly I have no idea though, maybe) - but setting up your database schema with sqlite will be way more complex anyway, you'd have to write some DDL queries, pma gives you a nice web interface
(I'm not recommending pma in general, by the way, but it's good for beginners)
ok, i will make it with php my admin
hello is that possible when new user signup or login then display popup on administrator footer panel? if yes can somebody give me example ?
@DaveRandom why would i use a database for storing my hits...
why not just a textfile?
@EliteGamer Scalability is probably going to be your #1 key benefit, from what little I know about what you are doing. Database engines are optimised to deal with large quantities of data, a flat text file will be very slow with a relatively small amount of data
ah, ok
Also concurrency is a big plus for you I expect, if you start trying to write to a file with multiple concurrent requests things will go very wrong very quickly
@DaveRandom could you help me write some code for connecting to a database, and help me on how to set one up?
@EliteGamer Just use phpmyadmin and click the buttons to create the database and tables
so anyway, whats the funniest/best way a customer has ever began a call with you? (open to everyone)
Well like I say, firstly you need to design a schema. Even just draw your table structure out on paper and get it straight in your head how the tables will relate to each other
ok, i just needed some help accessing the database and adding values in php
GOOD idea, let me do that
i had a customer today that as soon as i said "hello", they said "now listen here you bunch of cunts, your going to give me a fucking refund now or im fucking coming down there now you prick"... (word for word)
you pissed him off by doing nothing
@bizzehdee did he come?
ha ha ha
Q: lower case to upercase conversion

SatishI found solution but it doesn't working http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-unix-shell-programming-converting-lowercase-uppercase/ [root@mg0016 tmp]# y="this Is A test" [root@mg0016 tmp]# echo "${y^^}" -bash: ${y^^}: bad substitution

put all my energy in to not laughing at him down the phone and just replied "AMCS does not tolerate such abuse on the phone or in person, once you have learned to speak professionally, please call back", then just put the phone down.
I always liked "it doesn't working"
> Hello, tech support? Yes, it doesn't working.
@kaᵠ, no, we get somebody at least once a week saying they are going to come down, and in 4 years, only 1 person has. when he arrived he just said "im having a refund, or im just going to start taking stuff", so we explained what in the office was worth what, and then said "although we have already called the police and they are on their way at the moment, if you could wait in the office, they would like to handle this situation for us"
@DaveRandom would you mind me inviting you to a room so we can discuss the php and databse. I have though out a structure
@bizzehdee Did you give him at least some coffee?
@DaveRandom, had a guy leave a message on the voicemail service once "pick up the fucking phone, i can hear you breathing, i know your there"... its a fucking digital answering machine you tit...
@PeeHaa, everyone, no matter what, is always offered coffee
Good to hear that :)
@bizzehdee I once drove to Birmingham to plug a copier in. I was explaining to them for 2 days that it was unplugged and they were insisting that is was. I got there, pushed the plug in the socket with my foot (didn't even bend down) and we charged them £750 callout.
I thought that was such an awesome story until my sister told me that her company once sent a guy to Chicago to run a patch lead between two LAN switches and they billed out £6500 for it
@PeeHaa, guy a few weeks ago wanted to leave, but didnt want to pay his cancellation fee. so came in to the office. just happened to be the same day we were having new digital locks fitted to the office. after a discussion of about 20 minutes, he got pissed off, stood up, took £100 out of his wallet, threw it at one of the sales guys, and stormed out of the office. only to find the door was locked and nobody knew the code as the locksmith had gone to the toilet
@EliteGamer Just do it in here ;-)
had to wait nearly 10 minutes just stood there fuming for the locksmith to come back from having a dumo
here is my database structure..i will get all this info from a php script
Country - IP - Browser - Date Visited - Hit Number
I'm gonna start calling it a dumo
i get the date so i can count unique visitors per day
@DaveRandom, at work, its generally referred to "firing out a log"
@EliteGamer OK so you only need 1 table?
this will be done with a software i am making that will connect to this database
yes, unless, i can store like that hits and things
as a single value
@DaveRandom, 750 isnt cheap for the hassle of having to be in birmingham, should have charged them a bit more
@DaveRandom sorry
two tables
Country - IP - Browser - Date Visited - Hit Number

Total Hits - Unique Hits - Todays Hits - Todays Unique Hits
@EliteGamer You probably don't want to do that, you probably want them as individual records. But you might consider having, for example, a user_agents table (what you've called "Browser") so you can easily get a list of all the different browsers you;ve seen
i charged someone £400 to write "locksmith in manchester" in the title of his index page once. charged another guy about £3000 over about 6 payments for different things over a year... the next year, we didnt want to wait all year for that 3 grand, so we charged him the 3 grand in 1 go, but said to roll all the products up, there was an aditional fee for 2 grand... so we charged him 2 grand, to charge him 3 grand, for doing nothing
@DaveRandom what do you mean?
@EliteGamer That second table isn't a table, it's stats you derive from the raw data you store in the table. One is data, the other is information - information is derived from data, what you store in the database is data
@EliteGamer did you receive the code I wrote for you ?
@HamZaDzCyberDeV what code?
@EliteGamer One second, let me make a fiddle
@DaveRandom the second table is so i can access that data, and the first table is more data i want to access
Oh and incidentally, $hit is an awesome variable name
@EliteGamer Lucky I didn't delete the file ...
$filename = "UniqueCount.txt";

	$ips = explode(PHP_EOL, file_get_contents($filename)); // getting each line of the file
	$client_ip = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; // The IP of the current client
	if(empty($ips[0])){unset($ips[0]);} // a workaround >.<
	if(array_search($client_ip, $ips) === false){ // If the IP doesn't already exist in the file, we'll add it now !
		$ips[] = $client_ip; // Adding the current visitor
		file_put_contents($filename, implode(PHP_EOL, $ips)); // If the file is not empty implode all IP's and write to file
@DaveRandom lulz
@HamZaDzCyberDeV that is a unique counter?
@EliteGamer yup. although using a DB is much better ...
i have already made some code go here, see if it works
should be two unique hits
when you come
@EliteGamer Looks good !
did it work?
@DaveRandom: i wanna buy one of these: etsy.com/listing/111204885/lion-hat-for-cats, but balls to paying nearly 40 quid for it, sent the pic to my nan and she can make them :D
i just need to store these into the second table
of a database
@bizzehdee hahaha that's awesome !
instead of the flat file
hello is that possible when new user signup or login then display popup on administrator footer panel? if yes can somebody give me example ?
yay spam
@bizzehdee My cat would not put up with that for one second
@DaveRandom what fiddle where u talkinig about?
@FarhanAziz When programming, everything is near possible.
@DaveRandom, i have a lion coloured cat that is really fat, and probably would, my black cat would rip my hands of if i tried
@EliteGamer Just making it up now, will take a few minutes cos I need to invent some data in order for it to make sense
@DaveRandom ok, i will brb
hamza koi example hai tumharey pasS?
@bizzehdee That's the other thing I was going to say, she's black and it probably wouldn't look that great
@HamZaDzCyberDeV any example ?
@FarhanAziz Do you know how to code ?
Does anybody here have privlages to call !!/live in the Sandbox room?
@HamZaDzCyberDeV nope that's why asking you any example?
@FarhanAziz Sorry but I just provide ideas
@FarhanAziz, this place isnt "do it for me" it is more "give me the hints required so that i can do it myself"
@DaveRandom back
if you want somebody to do something for you because you cant do it, i suggest hiring a developer... just so you know, developers are no cheap
need to change the batteries in this keyboard
who me?
@EliteGamer He's talking to Farhan
no, the other guy
because i am Elite, so i am awesome!
@bizzehdee ok thanks
@EliteGamer you think so :o ?
think i am Elite...yea
Should have at least used 1337 :p
@DaveRandom brb, got to eat
/me eating muffins
@EliteGamer Sorry I got distracted. I'm talking about stuff like this
Is there a site like JS Fiddle or SQL Fiddle for just PHP?
@uınbɐɥs @DaveRandom Thanks!
But viper-7 is definitely the best, when it's actually working
I use codepad.org for simple scripts that output plain text, and codepad.viper-7.com for more complex scripts (image creation, etc.). Regular expressions are broken on codepad.org
@uınbɐɥs Only preg_match(?:_all)?(), wierdly
replace, split etc seem to work quite happily
But it runs on 5.2.something so it's getting less and less relevant as time goes on
codepad.viper-7.com looks great. Thanks!
Q: what is the good idea to send notifications or queries the server to android

myasetgood evening everyone I am trying to develop my android application   My question is can I make a commenucation between the server and the android application So what the right solution for the server to send notification or actions to execute or to send information to him

What is the good idea?
Apparently there's only 1
Well... you only need websockets of course
Good point
if (!$num3) {} else {
Is there some dickhead preaching that kind of thing ^^ ? I see it way too much
Random empty blocks, does someone say "every if should have an else" or some shit?
I haven't seen a nettuts tutorial about it so I'm not sure :P
That particular example is a gem actually, I really like the negation and then empty block for the truth path
Do you have the sauce to go with it?
$sender = "Person logged in, don't worry about this"
only just noticed that
ow wow. That's a nice snippet you found there
OP came to his senses before the community had to take measures: stackoverflow.com/q/15800206/508666
Whilst working with converting #! to ?escaped_fragment_=if I wanted to send a bot on to a different page would a 301 redirect work?
@Charlie You almost certainly want 302, 303 or 307 over 301. 301 is a permanent redirect, the others are temporary. Most likely 302
Also note, though, that hashbang URLs are designed for people who got their design spectacularly wrong in the first place. You shouldn't be writing new code that uses it...
Stupid me for building the damn site using hashbangs
@DaveRandom i am back
what is that?

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