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@Baba We have Nigerian people in Turkey, generally in universities.
@Ihsan nice .. my wife come there all the time .... she says they have good fashion
@Ihsan one of the things that always puzzled me: why did you name your country after a bird?
@Gordon lol
@Gordon Lol
@Gordon Telling the story:
The spanish thought the americas as west indies
@Gordon It's the country of Thanksgiving
So spanish sailors brought the bird from south america to ottoman empire
Turkey (derived from the Medieval Latin Turchia, i.e. "Land of the Turks")
The ottoman merchants asked the name of the birds, spanish say we do not know but it is from India...
So merchants called them "hindi" = from india.
And an english merchant bought the birds from ottoman empire
He took it them to Britain.
They asked him the name of the birds
@Baba why use count() and not sizeof()?
He said he does not know but they are from Turkey.
Then they coined the name of the bird as Turkey...
sizeof — Alias of count()
@Ihsan convincing. thanks.
@Gordon Wellcome we still call them "hindi"...
@iroegbu why use an alias instead of the actual function ?
Hello all my "Genius" friends :)
The question is why is there an alias in the first place ?
i have one doubt in my mind.
@Gordon What do you think I am telling you? A good night tale?
@Baba ok... So, no difference at all? Why then do we have two of them existing side by side?
@Gordon This is the etymological source.
@Ihsan yes
like the print functions too
@Ihsan interesting :)
Should i use codeIgniter PHP Framework....Is it benificial to have experience in it. ? Thanx
@Gordon I had a small shock when I learned all this.
@iroegbu sizeof exists in so many other languages ... like C++
Please, Listen me for a sec....
Should i use codeIgniter PHP Framework....Is it benificial to have experience in it. ? Thanx
@Baba, original answer was with suggestion to use explode. I am looking like a fool in this thread. : )
no one listening my question....ok bye...
@Baba Certified ScrumMaster (CSM), $119,040 (53 responses): a certification for the project management system called Scrum. Lets fake this as :
Certified ScumMaster (CSM), $119,040 (53 responses): a certification for the project management system called Scum.
@PrashantShilimkar , yes, use it.
@sectus you mean like
	$part = explode("/", '/img/studio/record.JPG');
	echo end($part);
@Ihsan lol
@Baba , no, only suggestion to use.
@Baba but that doesn't mean it should exist everywhere... Never mind though, I'm just being curious as to why we have many functions in PHP that do the same thing
@iroegbu welcome to the would of PHP & duplication ....
@Baba We can make great money on that... Nobody would buy MAD but CSM will work... :D
there is more than one way to catch a rat ...
@Ihsan first we need a fancy website and a picture of a known professor
PHP is the only environment left nowadays that you can do:

Linear Programming

Modular Programming

Object Oriented Programming and

Bad programming at the same time :D
@PrashantShilimkar Wow, major drama queen..
@sectus or
$explode = explode("/", '/img/studio/record.JPG');
$file = array_pop($explode);
echo $file;
@Baba ROTFL.....
@Ihsan you misted "functional" and "procedural" programming
@sectus ok noted ....
@tereško it is(was?) called modular.. at least at my time
Oh, somebody dislikes to look like a fool. % )
@tereško /me hides himself...
@HamZaDzCyberDeV , there is no needing to use such constructions.
@sectus I know, just showing another possible way
@HamZaDzCyberDeV , ok. Write one line method with explode.
@tereško Well, not born out of a cs class sorry. After all those goto 10 s gosubs 120 s to call myFunction() was a great breath those days, and people said that it is modular.
So I am their liar...
@sectus HAHAHA this is UGLYYYYY !
echo explode("/", '/img/studio/record.JPG')[count(explode("/", '/img/studio/record.JPG'))-1];
@HamZaDzCyberDeV ... php5.4... it's easy.
@Ihsan none of this was taught to me in CS course
@sectus TROLL :P
$str = '/img/studio/record.JPG';
echo strrev(explode("/", strrev($str))[0]);
@HamZaDzCyberDeV , i see that you are skilled enough.
@tereško No Offence, this was you might guess, what we told it, we had units, and functions and procedures in it. And funcs and procs had local vars which do not interfere with globals, which was a heaven those days....
i too had units , and you had to write uses crt; to get anything done =P
And for C programming you needed a compiler... OoooOOooo..
Then we started to find books (paperbacks) and red them with our broken english...
I need to make a bug report, feature request, and support request panel
@sectus Nope ...
I went on 80x86 assembler... took the hard path :D etc etc...
anyone know of some good examples to get some ideas from?
@sectus Should I post it as an answer xD ?
And today is my birthday...
45 now
Happy birthday :P
@HamZaDzCyberDeV , don't know what to say % )
@Shea Thank you. ( :P bounce)
@sectus thanx
@sectus Hmmm just though of providing multiple "solutions"
No cakes && candles?....
I need to start adding the commit message "bite the pillow, going in DRY" when i refactor
ooh. CodeReview looks all set for going out of beta. As it has for the last few months...
@rdlowrey are you still around?
also, i wish more people would do something like this, and not make huge, complex, and downright awful password systems
Q: Is this a secure way to hash a password

sys.stderrI'm implementing a login system on app engine (I have to, so please don't tell me to use the User service, or an other way to delegate authentication), and I'm wondering wether this setup is secure. from pbkdf2 import PBKDF2 import os salt = os.urandom(8) password = PBKDF2(passphrase, salt)...

@HamZaDzCyberDeV , not afraid of anything
I beg your pardon does this
salt = os.urandom(8)
return the same result at each invocation?
So everytime it is encrypted differently.
it uses the CSPRNG on the OS and grabs 8 bits (bytes? can't remember)
Oh tha magic is PBKDF2 ok...
salts should be cryptographically random and sufficiently hard to predict, and PBKDF2 is a decent enough hasher
So ok, I will go and learn sorry for that... You can guess??? in my mind....
If everytime it hashes differently, how can it match the passphrase....
@tereško what do you call the name of this type of interface dealdey.com
@Ihsan you store the salt
@Hiroto Yep, then he understaaaandddsss ....Thank you...
no problem
Is this the internet??!
@Baba Absolutely not Joomla :)
@Ihsan I know am has similar layout with groupon.com and dealday.com
@raspi of course not. it's all an illusion
universe is just holographic projection?
@Baba Seems like a b2b site. Business to business mid dealers
@raspi No it is not even a projection, but we perceive it like that.
@Baba , i do not know the term for it (my involvement is strictly under "amateurish dabbler" heading) , but i would all it "product gallery" or "shopping gallery"
@raspi It is a bunch of waves in a 0 Dimensional wave pool.
@tereško lol
@Ihsan yea
@Ihsan cool
@Ihsan .... i için terim (benim tutulumu kesinlikle başlığı "amatörce dabbler" altında) bilmiyorum, ama ben bu "ürün galerisi" ya da "alışveriş galerisi" Tüm would
Hulk smash. I had to. — Hiroto 12 secs ago
@Baba ? Google translate definitely screws up when it comes to Turkish. My language does not work like that.
@DaveRandom Everytime you ping sam, I am getting notified.
@Ihsan how did you know that is what i sued
@Sam :-P
@Baba machine translations are quite imperfect
@raspi It is cool indeed. The best way to go somewhere is being there.
@Hiroto that is true anyway
@Baba Google translate has his signature of bad bad Turkish...
and bad CJK
@DaveRandom But the actual sam also gets notified?
@Baba Look Nijeryalılaştırabildiklerimizden misiniz?
Are you one of the persons that we could convert to Nigerian?
Google translate will blow doing that.
@Sam Presumably. The notification stuff is handled client side as well as server side IIRC. I think it would only the right person a system notification for actual replies but it would probably give you both one for an @ping. The client-side probably picks up on both all the time though cos it's nopt case sensitive.
@raspi Because everything is at the same place which we can literally name as "nowhere"... :D
It's pretty dumb actually, you used to be able to ping yourself @DaveRandom
Yeh that's fixed
what if there's negative dimensions?
@sam :P
Hello PHP!
PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in Command line code on line 1

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in Command line code on line 1
@Appu ^
@Ocramius What?
@raspi Dimensions will be dimensions... Negativity is a relation with respect to another name...Positivity... They can exist inexist overlap, or they can be just there without intervening each other. Dimensions IMHO are the way of perception or impressions of individual realities of our so called physical and emotional senses.
@Ocramius No. I was just confirming whether you asked me about that error?
@Appu php -r "Hello PHP\!"
@raspi We enumerate and increment the dimensions as our ability to understand what is going on increases. Since then they are in fact ways of abstraction to grasp the reality... Which is always personal and in some way fiction.
@Appu Hi.
is google down?
3 vote to go for great answer badge stackoverflow.com/questions/12859942/…
@dyelawn no
@NullPonyPointer Duty done sir!
@NullPonyPointer so is my computer broke?
you all are awesome .. thankyou
@Ihsan maybe internet
i hate when my computer/internet is broke
@NullPonyPointer It is @dyelawn s computer and net...
@dyelawn In old days we kick the equipment and that restored proper functioning...
Does anyone has any experience with jailbreaking? evasi0n isn't working for me
JS sucks :(
@PeeHaa Tame it, it is a wild useless donkey
@PeeHaa naah , you are just bad at it
It is useful it just sucks :)
@tereško And that's also true
you could explain your problem .. there is a slight change that you are trying to approach it from the wrong end
you could even gasp make an SO question
@tereško Aaaaahhhh (Ihsan faints)
well .. he has over 100 questions , so it would not be such a big deal
Well that was a bad idea...
@Ocramius Oh! Okay. But what does -r have to do here :P
yes , really bad one
@Ihsan Heya! How are you doing?
Fine ...And you?
@tereško Just the usual handy features normal language will have
I am good too.
I have a problem in ZF2
@Appu Y U IN PHP
with subdomain settings
@Appu Happy to hear that.
That and callback hell of somebody else
@PeeHaa javascript does not have classes , because it is not that kind of language. Deal with it.
Hi to all,
@Appu "I'm in ALL the rooms"
@tereško I'm not even talking about classes right now (although I also suck at prototypal puke)
@PeeHaa what about a simple and stupid class structure? Getters Setters (no real protected and privates) no statics.
I can see that. I am always surprised to see that though. @CCInc
I wish you all have a nice time all around the world. I have to go. And I wish ME a HAPPY BIRTHDAYYY... Goodbye folks.
@CCInc Actually I thought to learn php in the beginning of my graduation. So, at least I guess by checking in this room every now and then will keep some concepts not going volatile from my mind.
@Ihsan No.
@NikiC evening...
@NikiC night :P (morning )
echo (bool)$_SESSION['test'];
According to what I know about typecasting, that script should work, by either giving 1 or 0 even if session test is not set
But, it is not giving me anything, except error. Is there something I am forgetting? @NullPonyPointer
why bool ?
I want to just get quick/simple answer as to whether it is set or not, instead of doing if/elseif
@phpNoOb , echo (int)(bool)$_SESSION['test'];
@phpNoOb a) Probably $_SESSION['test'] does not exist b) Echoing a bool will give you either 1 or nothing (not 0)
@phpNoOb php -r "echo false;"
how to create REST apis in Drupal??
@MikeB congratulation :P
@NikiC , can you provide information about internal classes and reflections?
@sectus internal classes and reflections?
Hi frnds,did any one knows about how to create rest api
@sectus Reflection on internal classes is fubar
@Gordon , what is fubar?
@Gordon,for what ,that book contains
@Maruthi042 for knows about how to create rest api
@Maruthi042 Probably good information on building a rest api.. but that's a shot in the dark
Never judge a book by its cover!
Thanks guys, @NikiC but, even if $_SESSION['test']; is not set, shouldn't it give 0 or nothing instead of undefined var error? Isn't that the purpose of booleans, to check for a value, and if that value if false/0 or undefined return 0?
@Mike,can you give some links of how to create rest api for drupal,its very complex for me,could you explain for me
@phpNoOb , undefined value casted to null, null casted to false, false casted to ''
@phpNoOb You are accessing an undefined offset, so you are getting a notice
probably you meant something like isset($_SESSION['test']) or !empty($_SESSION['test'])
@Maruthi042 Gordon gave you a fine resource
@Maruthi042 your question is out of scope for this chat room. In fact, it is out of scope for StackOverflow. If you want to learn how to create a REST API, buy the book I linked.
@Gordon, Thanks can you provide more links..
@Maruthi042 no one gona tell/give you torrent or warez link so do what Gorden telling
@Maruthi042 how about this one? slash7.com/2006/12/22/vampires
Yes, but I was under the impression, maybe type casting encapsulates (lack of a better word) the result and throw NULL even if value was undefined. just like PDO error handling eats the error and displays only custumized message, I was expecting even undefined value to be 0 or nothing.
This WebSocket business is even more awesome than I anticipated!
does any one know whether select for update raise an exception or return false ?if record is already locked
how to check exact value in mysql???
"select for update" What do you mean with that?
@upcomingdeveloper use = what ?
Did I miss a holiday, because it sure feels like Random Question Day today
in mysql we can lock a record using for update keyword
@Gordon lol
@Gordon I thought that was last year...
@dragon112 it's recurring
for example : if admin table contains username = 'abc'. it should give a error while fetching data : select * from admin where username = 'ABC'
@Gordon I thought it was every 4 years like an leap day.
@Gordon it's definitely crappy question day. The lowest voted question count is way up
@MikeB that's an app idea
Homework assignments are probably due
let's use the SE API to fetch all questions asked on a day in a tag and generate metrics for that
Most likely an after-Easter dip
Wow, that's rather bad :p
am i only one who has a hard time taking serious people that have digits at the end of the nickname ?
@Gordon That's pretty cool.. I'm game for that
@dragon112 ok, you start, i review it
@tereško you mean you dont take @Shog9 seriously?
@tereško But... but...
@Gordon that might to :P
I feel hated now
@tereško well, I was reading your answer, so can I ask why do your prefer stuff like $request = new Request(), $router = new Router($request), not $request = new Request(); $router = new Router(); $router->setURI($request->getURI()) ???
its does not talk to closer
@sectus The answer is basically that those are not real properties, they are debug info :)
@NikiC that's what I said
@metal_fan the instance of Router is there to alter/prepare/parse the Request
i tent to use that object later down the line to inject into controller's action
@NikiC , i understand that. Is that a bug of all internal class or only class of class? Or every class must be explored separately?
@sectus It's not a bug
@metal_fan if you use $router->setURI($request->getURI()) , where would the data go? Stay in the Router?
@NikiC that's what I said, too
The class does not have properties, but it displays debugging information when print_r is used on it
@NikiC cough that's … cough
@Gordon some of his decision have been questionable .. but that aside , the 9 there is used as transliteration .. not as @bobby1993
or var_dump or whatever else there is dump variables
It's a feature PHP provides so that you get some meaningful output when dumping internal classes (and not just an empty object)
@NikiC , This this class has no properties at all...
Good morning
@sectus yes, it doesn't ;)
Good day :)
@NikiC , what about this one: stackoverflow.com/questions/15754782/… ?
@dragon112 perfect response... @ircmaxell Good day
@tereško data? do you mean route map? It parses externally via reg.expr. By the way, do you use MVC or MVP?
@ircmaxell ello' :)
@ircmaxell , morning...
I keep going back and forth between keeping everything in class variables or passing arguments to each function... any advice? public function example() { $this->param } or public function example($param) { $param }
I just registered on phpclasses...
@dirt Read Robert Martin's book - clean code. He suggest second one. But it depends
@metal_fan don't you think that depends on the structure of the class...?
@dirt That completely depends on what you're doing
@metal_fan lately i am using MVC + presentation model
Yeah I've seen arguments for making methods be clear in what they require using 2nd method but then I keep falling back into things being stored in the object and not having to pass them to each function
@ircmaxell why? so you can assess what they have and write an educated flaming rant over just writing a biased flaming rant?
@dirt second makes for easier testing
@tereško so how do you manage re-useable templates like header,footer then?
but you should not use one-size-fits-all approach , choose the most pragmatic solution in each case , @dirt
I guess on the technical side is there any adv to either method as far as memory usage / performance for $this->param vs passing as arguments and possible double usage?
@iroegbu it comes down to the SRP
Is there any builtin shorthand for:
is_object($object) ? get_class($object) : gettype($object)
@Gordon to see and evaluate phpclasses.org/package/…
just a guess: if(!get_class($object)) gettype($object)
@Ocramius , var_dump : )
@dirt FAIK, php's copy-on-write would apply to this case too .. so the memory duplication would not be an issue
@tereško just wanted to make sure I understood that properly :)
thx all
@dirt get_class($object) ?: gettype($object) could work, thx
A: Access SplObjectStorage data via Reflection

NikiCIt is not possible to access the $storage property through Reflection because it doesn't exist. What you see when you call print_r (or var_dump) on the class is debug information. This information is provided through the internal get_debug_info handler of the class. This handler allows internal ...

@dirt if you're using objects as parameter stores, you're doing it wrong. Your object should be a representation of a concept, not just a bag of values...
@ircmaxell I also did that recently to see how bad it is
@metal_fan the view gets injected a template factory , which manages the retrieval of templates. The shared templates mean that there are shared presentation logic, which seems like a good case for extending shared class.
@ircmaxell But after spending twenty minutes on their terrible registration process I didn't feel like looking at the site anymore
If you provide security libraries without version control, you're doing it horribly wrong. I'm looking at you phpclasses...
@NikiC I used oauth
@ircmaxell nooooooo. dont get him started
he will now tell you that it is easy to manage your code at Github and pull in the latest version to PHP Classes
@ircmaxell has he begun the public whining already?
@ircmaxell Yeah, that's probably pleasant. I didn't want to be associated with that site in no way, so I tried to sign up with a junk mail. But obviously that poor guy has a list of junk-mail providers that are all blocked, so one has to find one that works.
@Gordon I don't give a crap. I will go toe to toe on him with this one. This is important
And then one goes through about 10 rounds of redirects between various sites and has to accept a plethora of different usage agreements etc
@ircmaxell a Data Transfer Object could be a bag of values
the rest is pedantic bullshit. This matters significantly
A: Method vs Function vs Procedure

Charles SalviaI'm going with a different answer here: practically speaking, there's really no difference, with the slight exception that "method" usually refers to a subroutine associated with an object in OO languages. The terms "procedure, function, subroutine, subprogram, and method" all really mean the sa...

So, there really is no distinction between functions, methods and procedures ^^
@NikiC , what you can say about using reflection with build-in classes, finlally? Is that is good idea?
@Gordon true, but in general objects are not just value containers...
@ircmaxell it doesnt matter at all. version controlled crap is still crap.
@ircmaxell yes, agreed
@iroegbu method are functions/procedures that are part of an object. There distinction between procedures and functions is older: function returned result , procedures did not
@Gordon yes, but at least version controlled has an audit path. Non-controlled is inviting malware and backdoors...
@sectus Reflecting properties on internals is usually a bad idea ;)
@NikiC i said that an hour ago already ;)
@tereško ok... Say in BASIC the distinctions do exist quite clearly... PHP, C#, Java?
@Gordon I'm aware ;)
@NikiC , thanks... will print it and distribute to humans.
@iroegbu in modern languages there are no "procedures" .. well at least in most of them
Also I'm really close to 30k rep ^^
@NikiC I can change that
@Gordon No, you can't :P
@Gordon , answer without explanation ...
@NikiC it would be a good time to clean out some of old answers, that you now would cosider bad/harmful
@ircmaxell thx for the object lesson, time to clean my code
@tereško Sounds like pointless work
@NikiC .. unless you intend to use your SO profile as link in your CV someday
@tereško lol, you really think that someone looking at your CV will look through 600 answers?
They might have a look at one or two top answers and that's it ^^
no .. if i were presented with such a link, i would look at the top and bottom ones
@tereško no one in charge of HR even knows what SO is ;)
if HR is in charge of hiring developers , you might not want to work there ..
Oh, never mind
not awesome. Expensive as shit

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