@PeeHaa Interesting. Yeh I guess that could be difficult to offer one behaviour for one invocation style and one for another for the same command. Lazy hack: just create another command that doesn't do the fail response ever and alias man to that instead. But hacking the hack may be a step too far.
@webarto You mean ~ ? That's handled somewhere else. Although there is also a logical not ! (I only discovered before) but I'm not cure what effect this has, need to play with it
A not operation does not have two operands, so that evaluates it as part of an operand, not an expression of its own right
It's all a bit messy to be honest. The whole thing kinda sucks, resolving things to numbers and stringifying them again. But it was only ever intended to be "better than eval()", which I still think it is
@webarto Yeh that's a weird one. I only notice that today as well. Could potentially trip you up if you are expecting name = value to be resolved to the string "value" and some other component has defined that constant.
Anyone ever used one of these? Seems a bit cheap...
@ircmaxell More haste, less speed. The "race to the finish" is the exact reason so many of the initial Scene releases are crappy. Far too many .repacks these days.
I remember back in the day, men were real men, women were real women, Scene rippers took pride in their work... mumble mumble bloody kids with their newfangled "music" mumble mumble not even bloody named correctly mumble
> The result of the logical negation operator ! is 0 if the value of its operand compares unequal to 0, 1 if the value of its operand compares equal to 0. The result has type int. The expression !E is equivalent to (0==E)
@ircmaxell too bad I still didn't manage to do that LISP => PHPPHP thing. one important part that is still missing is support for ZEND_DECLARE_LAMBDA_FUNCTION.
I have two files as described below:
Path: index.php
// Composer autload
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
//The comented code below works:
//$loader = new Twig_Loader_String();
//$twig = new Twig_Environment($loader);
//echo $twig->render('Hello {{ name }}!', array('name' => ...
Hi everybody, i'm currently reading about oriented object in php, i'm really new with that, I'm on the procedural way since too long now... could someone tell me how I can set and read public var ? I can't find something's working for this..
for example :
class SomeClassName { public $errors; public function __construct() { array_push($this->errors, "some error"); } } $someclass = new SomeClassName(); print_r($someclass->errors) would not return anything...
A great way is to answer questions on SO. If it's wrong meh, at least you learned from your mistake, but if it's right you may have learned something new on how to solve a specific issue.
@iroegbu but please dont stop them just because of video quality or style of speaking of professor ... and after tolerating those 3 video you will found your recursion concept is now very clear :)
@Gordon will it create it under the current stackexchange login? Because that is under by bf's who created the account. I need to get around to making my own SE login, but don't know how I would transfer my account to it.
@crypticツ you can merge accounts at stackoverflow.com/help/user-merge. But if you want a separate one it's probably easier to contact the community team (last link on that page) or ask @Shog9
@Gordon ok I created new SE login, then when to logins section in profile and deleted the old one, now I'm logging into my own SE profile and not his. Would that suffice or is there more I need to do?
@crypticツ I'm not so sure about that insta-burn. I can see why the OP thinks he needs to do that and the subtle difference between the way JS and PHP interpolates superfluous backslashes doesn't need to be well explained anywhere on SO.
@user1129107 because you are using single quotes which will not interpolate the variable. remove them. you dont need them there. Just strpos($file, $currentDate) === false)