@KamilTomšík .. a closing thought : isn't data validation a prerogative of domain objects ? .. i just pass the user input to DO's and let the sort it out
The basic question is, can i make a facbook app using localhost and when its complete then put it on a server. i will be using php.
i wanted to make a facebook app that integrates fully into facebook, pings user every day for input and display results on users requests, and if user wants he/she ...
@teresko yes, validation is part of domain objects contract - however it has to be propagated up to presentation layer - because great UI has to be effective - great UI shows errors before submitting, and it can possibly even disallow you to write something not acceptable.
@teresko which means you should see one of reasons why I'm not fan of UI/business separation - because they're wired together closely. I mean - there should be some sort of separation, but not on model-view level (for each unit)
@teresko I'm not talking about limitations of mvc, I'm talking about lot of extra work you have to do if you're doing MVC and you want rich UI at the same time.
@teresko another interesting point - if you're following LoD, you'll probably end up with east-oriented code (passing handlers instead of returning anything) - which is IMHO great
@teresko just to be clear - you receive input from http request in controller and now you have to "create" sub-units for your domain-model (which is what domain model itself should be responsible for), right?
as I said, you can pass httprequest to them, or you can create them in controller, or you'll have to parse it in controller, enclose to array or so and pass it to model. however I could be wrong - it's hard to tell without code
I want to take the string "01/12", get rid of the leading zero (if there) and anything after the first non-digit (if there), so it becomes "1". "02" would be "2" and "5/10" would be "5". So far I have 0+(?:\d*)([^\d]*.*) but the part I want is being matched as well. (I'm replacing the matches with "")
how is EmploymentHistories table related to any of this ? ... especially since the name suggests that it is an intersection table for many-to-may relationship of Employments and Histories tables
basically i have tags in multple against each user but i have togive search on users there will be checkboxes of tags and users will checked one then one more and with each checked the search is filtered and narrowed to the users who match all the selected tags
actually employmenthistories are linked to tags through taggings
SELECT users.* FROM users LEFT JOIN employment_histories ON users.id = employment_histories.user_id LEFT JOIN tagging ON tagging.taggable_id = employment_histories.id
users.* ,
count(*) AS count
FROM users
LEFT JOIN employment_histories ON users.id = employment_histories.user_id
LEFT JOIN tagging ON tagging.taggable_id = employment_histories.id
LEFT JOIN tags ON tags.id = tagging.tag_id
WHERE tags.name = "9th"
OR tags.name = "10th"
GROUP BY users.id
HAVING count = 2
well let me understand you the output of tags tables that is tag_ids(multiple) where am stuck is i want to find employement_history who has all the tags_ids that is each of tag_id in tag_ids should have common taggable_id in taggings
btw , one more thing that script which you linked (the WebOS thing) : if will throw a warning ( or maybe even error , if you request the script without $_POST['op'] value
function test() { $("#userdata tbody").html(""); $.getJSON( 'http://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql?q=' + encodeURIComponent('select * from html where url="http://mapleleafrealities.com/jsondata.php"') + '&format=xml&callback=?',
@teresko yes, hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy :) I was just curious if anybody read what I've been writing - http://cztomsik.posterous.com/fighting-ui
@UberGeek I'm talking about the homepage scroller...1 and 2 aren't the post IDs. What I meant was that if you hit next or "3" or "4" you'll see that Richie Loop and The Ettes are repeated
@UberGeek plugin for what? You can always use a site like www.zamzar.com
@UberGeek btw...did you see what I was talking about on the Krian homepage?
@UberGeek that theme is pretty nice...very organized and readable. might actually be a good fit for a tech company that is looking for a new site. Is the theme for sale? if so, what would it cost?