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it depends on how you're generating your query, but you ought to use prepared statements anyway
A: Reference - What does this error mean in PHP?

NullPonyPointerPossible scenario I can't seem to find where my code has went wrong. Here is my full error: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_VARIABLE on line x what i am trying $sql = 'SELECT * FROM dealer WHERE id="'$id.'"'; Answer Parse error: A problem with the syntax of your program, such...

@crypticツ @Lusitanian @Ocramius review please ...please let me know if i am missing anything
@Christopher , what issue?
@sectus What?
@Christopher , do you have error?
No, it fails silently, but I know what the issue is.
I'm just not sure how to fix it.
@Christopher , blank page? Or other symptoms?
@sectus I'm not having problems reading the data, only updating it.
Try adding ini_set('display_errors', 1); on which ever is failing silently... may show some errors...
:8392505you mean or ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL); ?
@Lusitanian I changed the code to use prepared statements, but I'm still having the same issue
$stmt = $db->prepare("UPDATE Guests SET ".$guestDataToUpdate."=? WHERE InsertionOrder=?");
@Christopher you can also use ? for $guestDataToUpdate
@NullPonyPointer Why would that matter?
@Christopher just letting you know
@Lusitanian It is essentially the same as I had before, except that it doesn't have single quotes for me to remove
@NullPonyPointer Okay, thanks
@Christopher , what issue? Your PC is smoking? People are thrown out of the windows? You have sigfault? Or what?
@sectus The issue is that the db is not updating because I am (apparently) trying to put a string in an int
and even now that I'm not using single quotes (not formatting as string to the best of my knowledge) it still isn't working
@Christopher , Try to run you query in console or PMA, or something else.
It's MySQL?
@sectus When I run the first query that I put up
UPDATE Guests SET ".$guestDataToUpdate."='".$updatedData."' WHERE InsertionOrder=".$guestNumber
It fails
When I modify it slightly
UPDATE Guests SET ".$guestDataToUpdate."=".$updatedData." WHERE InsertionOrder=".$guestNumber
It works
But only for the integer values I am passing
In other words, of the two queries I just posted, the first works for strings but not ints and the second works for ints but not strings
and @Lusitanian's suggestion of using prepared statements didn't help.
I seem to have killed all conversation here.
I'm sorry if I seem dense, but I really don't know how I can fix this.
I'm now more confused than I was before.
UPDATE Guests SET InvitationSent='0' WHERE InsertionOrder=1
Doesn't work
UPDATE Guests SET InvitationSent='1' WHERE InsertionOrder=1
Does work
So I can put single quotes around a "1" and it will work, but if I put them around a "0" it fails
Both work without the single quotes
Q: MySQL - when to use single quotes, double quotes, and backticks?

NateI've been reading answers to similar questions on here for about 20 minutes, but it seems like there is no definitive answer to this question. I am a newbie PHP programmer and am trying to learn the best way to write queries. I also understand the importance of being consistent, and up until now...

A: PHP Fatal Error, Class not found

Coombescryptic ツ got it in one, was using

It was the most obvious answer, everyone was saying to check the path for the require_once() which would have fatal errored if that was the case.
@NullPonyPointer I have read and reread the accepted answer for the single/double quotes question and I don't see anything wrong with what I'm doing. I don't have single quotes anywhere and I am only using double quotes around the query.
@crypticツ Good catch ;)
Morning all
^^ lol
if downvotes is up to 40, i will delete it. it's OK — Henry Leu 1 min ago
oh crap, it's already morning ._.
@Rikesh I upvoted =o( *ashamed*
Q: Problem in the nextgen gallery

Mohani'm very new to the wordpress,i have my own theme in my site. i have done most of the thinks inmy site,now i'm doing the gallery part,i use nextgen-gallery and nextGalleryView. But i can't get the image those image was hidden, i check with the css and js file, all of file are inculde after i che...

ple ans this question
@Ocramius oh good morning!
you are still awake or already?
@hakre yeap
been working all night on this thing. Mind is buzzing today :)
and I cracked it finally - my over-thinking-wall :D
well, I wish you good luck cracking on with it.
I now try to get my camera working with the laptop.
Some answers would be appreciated.... — Hunain 31 mins ago
some people are so impatient
no one ans my question
@Mohan make sure your plugin JS files are being loaded, by checking your HTML source and verifying none are 404ing either
because by the looks of it you don't seem to be having the gallery's JS files being all loaded reason specific functions and vars are not existing
@crypticツ i check the file in html code.it's opened
Hay Good Evening everyone
@crypticツ tell @crypticツ to stop naming himself as @crypticツ. I'm getting confused with all these @crypticツ
I am sorry< but i dont know how this happen.. I am trying to chnage my name
but it says u can only change once a month
What can i do ?
Oops! There was a problem updating your profile:

Display name may only be changed once every 30 days; you may change again on Apr 19 at 14:23
I guess I should left chat to avoid confusions
Bye @Ocramius @crypticツ
@hakre morning
everyone is busy ?
@crypticツ you can still change it, just go to another stack exchange site login, and change your name where but when saving choose save profile to all sites and it will change this one as well.
@PeeHaa IIRC, it was called "composite view". I have been using that approach myself on few occasions. But there is one thing I have against it: you end up injecting a view factory in each view, which can create new views with factories in them .. ad nauseum.
Hey everyone. If there are any way to use mysql "IN" operator with LIKE?
For example,
IF (numberB in ('64%', '63%'), CONCAT(numberB, '(Rīga)'), CONCAT(numberB, '(Latvija)')) AS test

To check whether numberB starts with 64 or 63?
aaaaaand, after 5 hours coding, first integration test passes \o/
/me facedesk ZzZzZzZzZzZ
@NullPonyPointer :D
5 hours ago, by cryptic ツ
being cryptic is pain every time i open my account i see more than 10ping and when @peehaa is also cryptic its like 20 :P
^^ cryptic ツ === NullPonyPointer
@NullPonyPointer I can change your name back if you want
@Gordon please .... noooo000
btw please change @tereško name .. so that we can troll him :P
that would only end in quite extensive ignore list
do you guys think there should new reference post for parse error ?
or is can we do anything to navigate directly to proper error reference in @hakre error reference post ?
@NullPonyPointer I dont think so. You'd need answers explaining the error in general but basically all the existing dupes just tell the OP "fix line 42" so having a reference to these answers doesnt help. just keep killing those questions when they come.
If anyone is up for some masochism: github.com/Ocramius/ProxyManager/pull/2
ok , enough SO .. time to start working
Goodmorning everyone :)
@NickAudenaerde Good morning
Anyone want to help me out with some php problem ?
hi all.
What is the problem... (If it is help-able why not)
i have a query that returns data from 2 different tables
SELECT user_id, seminar_id FROM subscription WHERE user_id = '".mysql_real_escape_string($user_id)."' AND seminar_id = '".mysql_real_escape_string($seminar_id)."' "
and now when i go to my php, and i want to return id, i always get the id of the second table, while i want the id of the first one
foreach($this->subscription->read($_SESSION['userid']) as $value) {
$this->content .= '<tr>';
$this->content .= '<td> 1 x '.$value->title.'</td>';
$value->id gets me the id of the second table
1 sec.
Have you tried "as" ? Like user_id as u
as in the query?
o let me try
Sorry but you are not using two tables in the query above,.
wrong query lmao
this is my query
@tereško Yes. That's basically what I have now. But as I see it now it's a small price to pay.
$query = "SELECT * FROM subscription INNER JOIN seminar on subscription.seminar_id = seminar.id WHERE user_id ='".$id."'";
Mandatory disclaimer: views (pun not intended) on the matter may fluctuate
$query = "SELECT * FROM subscription as su INNER JOIN seminar as se on su.seminar_id = se.id WHERE user_id ='".$id."'";
you will have su.fieldname => value assoc array if you fetch assoc.
i work with PDO i belive fetch assoc and stuff like that does not work
and se.fieldname => value ...oh.
I do not know pdo sorry. Anyone here can help?
aww, My internship leader told me to use PDO but I just started learning php and mysql so im not so far yet
its tricky
Let me have a look at pdo 1 min...
Morning all
I've a little algorithmic php question : I want to iterate on all elements of array, but while iterating, I may find elements that I don't want to iterate on
PDO = Professional Darts Organization Group... :D
@magnetik learn about the keyword continue
pdo stands for php data objects
yep sure, so I have to keep the list of element I want to ignore
there is no better way ?
you can remove them from the array... that I don't think is better
I would use continue
yeah sure.. I was expecting some kind of magic function to do this ^^
@NickAudenaerde please use the query I wrote then look into the contents.
i tried, but im getting errors, doing it wrong probably
@magnetik ask @Gordon he is a magician of some sort
$r = con->query($query);
foreach($r as $row){
@magnetik are you using an Iterator to iterate? Or are you just foreaching over the raw array?
echo $row['se.filednameyouwant'];
im getting this in my log files Severity: Warning --> fopen(/dev/urandom): failed to open stream:
se has the seminar, su has the subscription fields
@Gordon just foreach
that points to if (($fh = @fopen('/dev/urandom', 'rb')))
im using codeigniter with the tankauth library, just want to figure out what this error means
@Ihsan i keep you posted as im trying
@magnetik and what are the values you dont want to iterate?
or try
foreach($r as $row){
foreach($row as $k => $v)
echo $k. ' = '. $v ."<br />\n";
@magnetik its basically just if($someValue === $someCondition) continue;
@Gordon yep it's what I'm doing
I don't know what I was expecting in fact
@magnetik well, since we never seen any of your code and dont know any details, we cannot help you with it if you dont give us more details :)
@magnetik have a look at array_diff, array_diff_key etc...
some sort of magic they are...
@magnetik using them you may filter your array before looping into it.
posted on March 21, 2013 by Qafoo - PHP

PHP Unconference Europe is an amazing PHP community meet-up. We would love to help you experience this event and therefore raffle 2 x 1 ticket (viable for non-german as well as german participants).

low quality chat messages edited and salvaged
incorrect chat messages flagged for moderator ;)
censored by moderator
hmm .. i am out of votes
censored by moderator
Umm, why censored by moderator
@Jimbo there was nothing censored. check the history
@Gordon I know hehe |)
Destroyed into a puff of smoke by moderator
Well @Gordon you may start singing "Put The Blame On Me Babe" in a moment.
Morning @DaveRandom
strange thought: "humans are becoming the gods that our myths talked about"
Your nick reminds me of Random, the daughter of Arthur Dent
@tereško not a new thought though
@tereško We start to remember 2000 years, we can see surface of mars from our couch... Fly, dive into 10000 mt... What else.
@Ihsan some aspects would require level 2 civilization (Kardashev scale)
I agree, moving planets into new orbits etc. Big energy
in particular the creation of stars and planets .. also we are still aging
Big Big Badaboom (fifth element)
@tereško Kim Kardashev has her own scale?
All this philosophical talk is a bit high brow for me
@Gordon No she has a good horisontal hold..
@Gordon Nikolai Kardashev
@DaveRandom same here
@tereško is that, like, her brother? I know she has a big family
do we answer php queries here
& Vader stroll in as we are talking about different civilization
Faar far away from another galaxy...
which galaxy
DarthVader saying whassu?? This is so wrong!
it's quite possible that he has not even seen the movies from which he took the name
@Gordon wazzat ? is that ok
like that
@Ihsan No. DV is the third greatest villain of all time! You dont make fun of DV.
Yup Ihsan
Oh... I knew when he was a kid... I liked him... Anakin...
guys i seriouly have a question
any suggestions
@Jimbo you want to go?
if at all this is a php forum
They're using mt_rand() to decide the winner, so my tweet:
And finally, to be cheeky... runkit_function_redefine('mt_rand','','echo "J7mbo is the winner!\n";'); /cc @qafoo
@Gordon third after who and who?
@Gordon Yeah man, would be really cool
@tereško ok.
emm ... 4th
@Gordon i would say that "devil" is also a fictional villain
@tereško Angel Heart is not in the AFI list ;)
@Gordon Please list the villains in order... Using for loop is allowed...
@Gordon i would have gone with "Angel Sanctuary" there
And Dracula is 33?
@Ihsan I've linked the list above. Here is the official link from AFI: afi.com/100years/handv.aspx
also ... on quire related note (to the angel sanctuary thing): i hope the "Mortal Instruments" movie will keep close to the original material ... that would be a pretty nice kick-in-the-teeth for the "twilight demography"
@Gordon Wow this is impressive.
@DarthVader what is your problem?
I mean php problem
@tereško I never really got used to Anime. Had a short interest in it, but ultimately, too weird
doctor octopus from Spiderman didn't make the list :(
@iroegbu this list was released in 2003 afaik. You can see all the lists at afi.com/100years. Also, AFI only includes American movies, since it's the American Film Institute.
@tereško About youtube clip, the guy's accent is enough as a starter to rotfl.
@Gordon i guess it is matter of taste .. also , it depends on what you begin with, the sub-genres are quite different
it's like saying that books are bad, because you only read above mentioned Twilight (which should get some kind of "worst book of decade" award")
@tereško I started with Akira (weird), then Ghost in the Shell (weird), then Legend of the Overfiend (WEIRD), Applejuice or something and a couple others.
@Ihsan problem solved mate ty alot
hmm... yeah , then you just did not like it .. and i suspect, it was "appleseed"
@NickAudenaerde You are wellcome... /me happy.
@tereško it's not that Akira and GITS was bad. It's just I always have a hard time following the story
@tereško yes. appleseed it was
watch that some time ago .. wasn't impressed
@tereško I do like stuff from Studio Ghibli though :)
@Gordon There's an anime cartoony adult tv show on at the moment called Archer, you seen it?
@Gordon I am a fan of Studio Ghibli, It is considered weird because the cinematic "language" there is different.
@Jimbo nope
@Gordon Neither hollywood, nor bollywood...
@Gordon It's absolutely hilarious, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archer_(TV_series) should check it out :)
@Jimbo thanks
yeah , come to think of it - Japanese movies are also something one could describe as "weird"
Hm, I've also seen Blood: The Last Vampire (that wasnt too bad) and Fist of the North Star (weird)
i think from more western-oriented ones i could recommend Black Lagoon .. but that's about it
And I've seen a few episodes of Neon Genesis Evangelion or something. That looked cool. but was weird, too
And I think I've seen Vampire Hunter D (not Blood: Last Vampire ) and Tokyo Babylon
the D was something from 80s IIRC
@tereško Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust that is
it was full movie
that some second one .. it was genuinely strange
anyway .. try this one : youtube.com/watch?v=5vrfcSKTptE
I actually have it on DVD but havent see in ages (Bloodlust, that is)
@tereško will bookmark for later. gotta do some work now
@Gordon yeah ... have been trying that part for almost 3 hours now
i mean the "work" thing
@tereško ;)
@tereško I understand you. :) (Heavy emphasis). I have to do the same now
So goodbye and have a nice day all.
hi people
I can't find the truthy/falsy table anymore... anyone got the link?
A truth table is a mathematical table used in logic—specifically in connection with Boolean algebra, boolean functions, and propositional calculus—to compute the functional values of logical expressions on each of their functional arguments, that is, on each combination of values taken by their logical variables (Enderton, 2001). In particular, truth tables can be used to tell whether a propositional expression is true for all legitimate input values, that is, logically valid. Practically, a truth table is composed of one column for each input variable (for example, A and B), and one final...
truthy/falsy !== true/false :)
I meant the table where there are all the quirks of PHP when using ==
Hmm, what's that then?
Q: User editing a tag wiki stating it should not be used

PeeHaaI was going through the suggested edit review queue when I found the following: Do not use this tag, use the MPMoviePlayerController tag instead. I must say I have no idea about neither of those tags, but my question is: is that really what one should do? Shouldn't it instead just be retagg...

hey @Hiroto
can i make a cookie to increment every time i click a button
you can with sessions + ajax, but why
@Diani with sessions '' Yes We Can ''
i tried with ajax but doesnt increment correctly
i want to use it to count the correct answers in a math problem if he has 10 right answers than it would register to database
dont use a cookie
wait what
that is trivial to get around. just send the result 10 times
i dont know it can slow down the page
what do you think
I think it's homework :3
if i had more time i'd humour you and explain, but search SO; there's questions that have what you need out there :)
now to have fun with the ebay API. /shudder
A truth table is a mathematical table used in logic—specifically in connection with Boolean algebra, boolean functions, and propositional calculus—to compute the functional values of logical expressions on each of their functional arguments, that is, on each combination of values taken by their logical variables (Enderton, 2001). In particular, truth tables can be used to tell whether a propositional expression is true for all legitimate input values, that is, logically valid. Practically, a truth table is composed of one column for each input variable (for example, A and B), and one final...
@FlorianMargaine you'll find it there
I just looked at your post... it's correct, if we do know what a truth table is
Hey. I wild @DaveRandom appears
I've been hiding in the sandbox
Trying to make some cv-pls code a bit less impenetrable.
I believe I have succeeded actually
And I have a present for @cryptic
(the real one)
@FlorianMargaine Probably still won't like my codez though, being the JS monkey that he is and me forcing classical inheritance onto JS like I do
stackoverflow.com/questions/15538355/… :: not constructive ... and maybe offtopic (i have no votes left)
It's duck-typing I really have a problem with tbh
> (i have no votes left)
i went through backlog in the morning
it seems, someone has begun a "header already sent" campaign

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