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i'm on freenode and efnet
by what nick?
on freenode nikic_, on efnet just nikic
(Yes, some evil person took my nick on freenode...)
it's okay, lusitanian was taken
@NikiC and on twitter
@ircmaxell oh right, that too
and gmail too, but that's no surprise
Hi all
My API return a valide JSON response but my app doesn't accept it, in my app I got this error: "Expected content type {(\n \"text/json\",\n \"application/json\",\n \"text/javascript\"\n)}, got text/html";
Hello @Malloc
@Malloc Set the correct content type (application/json)
you will say my php API doesn't return a json response, but I put the header to application/json
@Malloc Have you inspected the request?
like this:    header('Content-type: application/json');
                   $arr[] = array("Message" => "update succeeded");
				   echo '{"Result":'.json_encode($arr).'}';
1 min ago, by PeeHaa
@Malloc Have you inspected the request?
@PeeHaa Yes, I requested the API through the browser directly and I got a valid JSON response : {"Result":[{"Message":"update succeeded"}]}
@Malloc But have you inspected the actual request including the headers that are being sent
Maybe some user agents are more forgiving
@PeeHaa what is a user agent ?
please bear with as I don't develop a lot with PHP
In computing, a user agent is software (a software agent) that is acting on behalf of a user. For example, an email reader is a Mail User Agent, and in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP), the term user agent refers to both end points of a communications session. In many cases, a user agent acts as a client in a network protocol used in communications within a client–server distributed computing system. In particular, the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) identifies the client software originating the request, using a "User-Agent" header, even when the client is not operated by a user. ...
@Malloc It has nothing to do with PHP ;)
open in chrome, the network stack of dev tools
and look at the response headers
@PeeHaa hmm
So your app is a UA and a browser is a UA
Hey guys, dropping by here with a paypal question.. To accept donations on my site it says I have to be a "non-profit", otherwise I would have to use a subscribe/buy now button to take in donations? My site is a "profit" site.. so.. is that what I have to do?
And the real question is what is actually being send from the backend to the other side. To do this follow @ircmaxell's post or go to Net I think it is called in firebug.
members wouldn't be buying anything.. just donating, but paypal makes it seem their donate button is for nonprofits only.
That's what it states doesn't it
@PeeHaa Firebug is in firefox, chrome has developer tools
@BenjaminGruenbaum ??
chrome has also Firebug I think
Wrong ping...
@Malloc Don't think so. Even if it has chrome dev tools are pretty nice to work with
@Malloc Meh. That's not a very useful tool
@PeeHaa maybe, I use to work with Firebug on Firefox
The full blown Firebug is a decent tool
@hakre Do XML namespaces have to be actually existing URIs?
@NikiC no, only an URI like for example uri:no-joke.
or no:joke
so it's okay if the namespace points to a URL that does not actually exists?
You mean an existing URL btw. URIs can be URNs, too.
I.e. is a 404 or whatever
do I look I know how what the difference between URL URI and URN is? :D
@NikiC sure, only their string counts. you can put a mailto: URI inside there if you like the joke.
did you now this works? sprintf('%1s %1$s.xsd', NS_URI_SITE_MAP); (see only the single $).
@hakre ?
@NikiC looks here: 3v4l.org/G1bkF - it takes two times the first parameter. (old: stackoverflow.com/a/15462032/367456 at the beginning is shorter)
ah you mean that it uses the parameter two times?
yes it does.
this is somewhat funny, this combo does two as well: 3v4l.org/7VhI7
airplane wifi, y u suck
also hello again
@hakre but is that enterprisey enough?
@Lusitanian no, for enterprisey you should have at least one GUID inside it.
@hakre ns="enterprise:3898b0-a439am084-thisispointless-39b394b:mailto:hakre"
enter.prise:[email protected]::3898b0-a439am084-thisispointless-39b394b::mailto#hakre
I like the this is pointless part.
however, you should pick an existing URI scheme :)
I especially like how your list of URI schemes is stored in XML
makes it very readable :-D
lady next to me on plane saw me in an ssh session and asked if i was hacking something. she said it looked like something in a movie.
@Lusitanian omg are you neo from the matrix you big h4xor?
@webarto i bought another really cheap VPS on a whim (about a dollar a month) and now have no idea what to do with it...suggestions? (i named it wonkothesane, so preferably nothing insane)
create an online interface for curl that allows to schedule HTTP requests with easy request header configuration ;)
or take rdlowrey's php http lib for the requests.
@Lusitanian Just tell her to stay cool and let you control the plane
@hakre Or just create an online interface for @rdlowrey
@M$RemoteDesktop Y U SUCK SO BAD?????
Do I have an http lib for requests? I don't even remember.
All I want is some goddamn music but it's trying to be clever and relay it over the RDP session, and I can't figure out a way to stop it doing it
@rdlowrey Artax
rdlowrey's First Law: Any time you start feeling really good about your progress on a project you're most definitely about to run into a major debugging headache.
omg I am such a dumbass, I seem to have entirely forgotten how to use rdp
@rdlowrey yeah, got stuck in refactorings four hours ago.
I was blazing along for the last two or three days and then last night I hit a rough patch and now my last ~ 5 hours of work have resulted in zero progress and lots of frustration :/
@DaveRandom rightclick the rdp thing and go to the resources tab
"local sources" btw
@Lusitanian sure thing.
@PeeHaa lolol
@PeeHaa lol that is funny.
(didn't see that earlier -- was too frustrated by my own inability to write working code)
That awkward moment... when your friend comes to chit-chat, but you are really busy all the time
@Gordon 64 bytes from cryptic ツ ( icmp_req=1 ttl=54 time=20.6 ms
I'm pretty sure that was more than 20.6 ms :P
He must be using Windows
it has no knowledge of time
hate it when someone gives the same answers as mine, albeit seconds apart.
Is it ok to access $_POST inside the controller? eg $this->getPost('user');?
@PeeHaa What i mean is Core_Controller will include getPost method
What ia a core controller?
Alternatively I could have this in Router, which makes more sense, as far as it works with request
@PeeHaa It's a parent controller of all app controllers
What are you going to do with the user parameter?
@PeeHaa I'm gonna pass it to the model layer
@cryptic what are you trying to copy ? ⊙○⊙ =op
@an1zhegorodov And you will always have a post param called user??
@NullPointer moirning
@NullPointer not my screenshot, just making fun of Windows
I haven't used Windows in over 7yrs unless its in virtualbox to run Photoshop
ahhh than you are not aware about beauty on Windows
@PeeHaa $this->getPost('user') !== $this->Post['user']
Horrific debug session complete.
<resumingAwesomeStatus />
@an1zhegorodov In that case I have nu clue what is going on in that controller :P
@PeeHaa User submits the form, and I need its values in the model layer
Yeah, but why would you handle that in some uber super base controller???
@cryptic than what you use mac or Linux .....?
@PeeHaa I would create a wrapper for $_POST/GET arrays in base controller
@NullPointer Linux right now Xubuntu, but will be switching to Debian in a few weeks.
to be able to access to post/get data inside any controller
Why aren't you injecting a request object into your controller?
Is SO still sluggish for anyone since it went down yesterday?
@cryptic ahhh I have start using Linux had very bad experience but still managed to use
try kali Linux its cool
and have many many good tools
@PeeHaa I don't have one, I just pass uri to the Router. How would classic Request class look like?
@crypticツ reason?
I hope it's not because of this:
Mar 11 at 15:10, by DaveRandom
> Ubuntu: An ancient African word meaning "can't install Debian"
before 7 year isn't Linux sucks more than windows
@NullPointer say again?
@Alexander I don't like the path Canonical is taking and also I feel the development on Xubuntu is being strained as of lately due to lack of manpower. Debian is rock solid and has a much larger development base. I'll just move to it and install Xfce.
@cryptic no Ubuntu ?
its coolest Linux os after backtrack
@NullPointer I disagree. It's a pain in the ass.
@an1zhegorodov Basically you would just have to break down the HTTP request in an object and pass that to your controllers
Not really guys.
@alex what Ubuntu .?
I have to say, after my transition from windows (on ubuntu) i fell in love with Unix based OS(-es?) .
@Romeo Why?
@NullPointer Yes. I hate how they want to change everything. I hate it since they starting moving around folder structures.
Basic and well known config directories means nothing in Ubuntu.
@crypticツ granted. It's Debian after all :)
so you like kde over gnome .?
@Romeo OSX is also based on Unix. Ever tried that?
@PeeHaa it's just because the terminal gives you superhero powers. It's way easier then what GUI became these days. Also, it's open source. :D
@NullPointer Gnome, FTW :)
Yeah. Terminal. I also always use the terminal for my day to day business...
Yep, i used Mac at my job, 2 years ago. But that time I was to focused on my work. :D
@NullPointer uhm, why?
@Romeo If you ever had to really work with a Mac you wouldn't say you love unix based OSes :P
Why do you say that?
Because it's like the kindergarten of os'es
@PeeHaa LOL
just say I have os which is loved more than anything by girls
After so many years of using Windows, i really don't think that.
what ,?
oh, an OS war
@PeeHaa I disagree: I use my Mac as a Unix system and it's great.
/me throws in a 256 chars long file path
yes its ⊙s war
use tab
@Ocramius /me throws back progra~1
@crypticツ you deleted a number of your questions recently. any reason why?
Although, I'm at OSX
KDE or gnome?
I will say that I see no advantage of buying a Mac if you are going to use a *nix system. Linux is just fine; buy a cheaper system or maybe the new Google Chromebook Pixel.
@LeviMorrison If by great you mean painful to use. sure :P
@Gordon /me shouts "stalker" and hides.
@Gordon pruning, questions that were not of any benefit to the OP or question in comparison of other answers provided or did not answer the question.
@PeeHaa That has definitely not been my experience, but as always these things are opinionated :]
@Gordon trying to go through all my answers and do so, then going to go back and update most of them to be more detailed, organized etc.
@PeeHaa sincerely, Windows has become such a pain in the arse that i prefer to shoot my self than using it again.
@crypticツ ah ok. just asking because a script caught it and brought it to attention.
@Gordon should I not do that? Is not good quality control?
@Romeo Are you talking about win8? Because in that case I can only agree
@crypticツ if it didnt help anyone then I have no problem with it
@Gordon weird it would do that, since there is a limit of 5 deletes already imposed.
@crypticツ no worries.
yep. but win7 too. I've had so many problems trying to develop some softwares on these OS-es.
@Gordon Since we're on topic of deleting our own questions: I've tried to delete this one before and have flagged it but can't get rid of it: stackoverflow.com/a/6538114/538216
but win8 is the one that pushed me away.
now I'm glad with my ubuntu. We live in peace and harmony.
Not the question ^
But the accpeted answer
#link #fail
@Levi can we do things on chromebook like we do in other os like windows or Linux
@Gordon It was a simplification at best and the other answer is accurate.
@PeeHaa edit -.-
#lazy #fail
Any chance that one of you used nodejs?
As in installed it and let it to rot. Then, yes.
Ohh xD
@LeviMorrison hmm, i'll discuss it. it was declined by two mods so I wouldnt want to overrule at will
@LeviMorrison I can downvote you further if that's of any help :p
@NullPointer Not sure, but I do know it can run Linux besides ChromeOS because it's using a Linux kernel. Also, Linus Torvalds loves his :] pcworld.com/article/2030125/…
Or... Facebook SDK with OAuth 2?
@Gordon It's not helping the community at all; I don't know why they couldn't see that.
They don't want another unanswered question going around (?)
tankyou . ... Levi
@Gordon, what are you doing nowadays?
@LeviMorrison the reason why it was declined was because "flags should not be used to indicate technical inaccuracies, or an altogether wrong answer". i see your point though
@Alexander flag handling
@Gordon: Do you know how to create an attribute value containg a linebreak (but not as numeric entity) with DOMDocument?
@hakre why would anyone want that? is that even legal?
@Gordon when it's loaded in it will be normalized to space (yes legal), however for pretty printing this can make sense.
@LeviMorrison its gone. thank @hakre and @NikiC
OT: I knew it!
One of my flags was declined. Reinforcement learning is a bitch :|
I see we removed @Levi's shame :)
how do I determine if contoller method is callable without creating an object?
@an1zhegorodov in_array('method', get_class_methods());
Why would you want to do that?
Here I thought you were looking for reflection
@gmartellino hello
I have some naming question / looking for your opinion
I have some Node that represents and XML element
And I can convert it into an array meaning key => value pairs of it's child elements.
Should I name the method creating it toArray() or asArray()?
In this it's a forward pointer meaning once this array is created, the operation can not be done again.
So probably I should make that visible as well, because to / as sounds more like a conversion operation.
@hakre toArray can be called only once?
@Ocramius for that element yes.
hmm.. why is that so? O_o
the pointer can not move back. this is why there is a toArray() function so you can store all child elements and their values.
@Ocramius XMLReader - forward cursor / push parser.
ah... annoying...
@Ocramius this is why I create some wrappers around in the XMLReaderIterator library: github.com/hakre/XMLReaderIterator
@hakre yup, saw it in that gist the other day
yesterday, by Ocramius
@hakre dude, why not making this a repo itself? O_o
so I did :)
+1 =)
just cleaning up a bit of the code, add some tests and that.
I don't really know... convertToArray maybe? toArray also fine
okay, then I stick to that, I'm not really seeing something else at well right now.
just seeing that PHPStorm now tells me if a property is accessed via __get() or not and if via __get() if there is a same-named private property as well.
that's quite nifty.
phpstorm is a good bit smarter than 99% of the php developers :)
Hello PHP
which reminds me that I still need to fix __sleep for private properties =_=
@PeeHaa Yeh I figured it out, thanks anyway. I've spent so long using my work machine with the default profile set up how I want it that I'd totally forgotten how to do pretty much everything, had to resort to Google...
wow, I didn't know that there was even a single person who uses __sleep
@NikiC rough estimation ;)
@NikiC I used it once, but it was basically a lazy hack which only existed for about a week
@hakre Estimation based on StackOverflow :D
@NikiC the only way to avoid __sleep for me is reflection + Serializable
which would be kinda slow
@NikiC now accepting delvs
i have a problem with my php method
@DaveRandom not anymore :P
function return_true(){ return true; }
why is always returnig true?
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick I really hope you're trolling
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick the problem is that you're not using a framework
@NikiC with a name like that, I wouldn't doubt it
I would suggest using $.return_true instead :) jQuery always has better plugin
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick Yeah, you should implement a MockChatroomWithObviousStuffInterface from the amazing TrollFramework
no, btw, is that a real question? O_o
@Ocramius can't find it on google
It shows just how bad things are around here that we really have to consider that being a serious question ^^
@NikiC co-worker of mine doing JS since 2 years asked me what functions are last week :\
He's been totally $(coWorker)-ized :\
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick did you try SO serach to? stackoverflow.com/…
@NikiC but it returns true always :(((
thanks dude i'll check what's happening by myself
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick i think I have fix for your problem
try use function return_true(){ return false; } instead
@NikiC ok thanks :)
@NikiC it workssss!!!! thanks dude
my sides
@Ocramius , i hope your day-job mostly involves manual labor
@tereško I tend to keep the door closed to avoid the frontend guys from entering my office :)
@Ocramius btw, there was a nice lecture panel discussion that i saw today (before going to work =/) : youtube.com/watch?v=ntQ74KJm5Z8
on sunday?!
apropos, did you manage to release?
@Ocramius no , we told client that we will deliver till tuesday morning
oh, tantek too
I am still doing everything I can to excel in PHP, but still can get out of the noob territory. HELP, in a form of any advice would be appreciated :)
@Ocramius @NikiC @DaveRandom @hakre ^^
@PHPNooB are you already writing unit tests?
@Ocramius I don't even know what unit tests mean. Do you think I should learn it?
@PHPNooB for sure
joelonsoftware.com/articles/fog0000000043.html - oh wait it is about teams, not personal achievements.
@hakre I guess if one starts doing some serious mocking, he notices himself where his software sucks :D
for personal achievements: practice practice practice. And look over the edge of your flat world from time to time.
@Ocramius I haven't read anything about unit tests, as far I have been trying to learn about PHP. How will it help me really?
@PHPNooB it will force you to write stuff better, since if it's bad, you'll see your code suck twice
@PHPNooB: What would you say where are you stuck?
Did you know? You can select a directory in PHPStorm and press CTRL+SHIFT F10 to execute the phpunit tests there-in.
@hakre I can't put it exactly in one subject, although I am learning OOP, but as far as my PHP skills is concerened, I have created a fully-fledge new website, capable of all functions as any news website provides.

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