So @Gordon and @DaveRandom, if there's a chance the cv-ring tools could be redeployed for the campaign mentioned above... check out… ! It would be really cool.
@Pekka웃 fork it. its not an automatic closevote tool though. it only scrapes the chat transcript for question IDs and fetches the questions via the SE.API
I'm trying to store timezones in a DB. I'm not storing the full list for a user to select. Instead, I'm using DateTime, which is great. I'm worried about what happens if a timezone changes names. How would I know/detect this and how would I respond to such a situation?
meh, the howto says lots of stuff about "Write a patch and submit it!" I know virtually no C. Also don't have time for it until at least the end of the year :(
Possible Duplicate:
Add close-vote information to the questions object
I am requesting info about a question using the following URL:!6LE4b5o5yvdNA&pagesize=1&page=1&body=true
Is it also...
@Charles oh cool. In PG, what would happen if a timezone got broken up or invalidated? Seems like there would be chaos there, too, no? I'm subscribing to the IANA listserver:
@ircmaxell Having a debugger in the core would also perhaps get coders to use it more. :) Plus there's an opportunity to add functionality XDebug lacks like watches, conditional breakpoints or marking stuff like autoloaders as always-skip when single-stepping.
@Stephane I don't know, actually. I'd expect that it'd be as "easy" as making sure to keep track of timezone database updates, and when you know a timezone that you're using is being disrupted, going through and converting the zones from a named zone to an offset. Or something.
@Charles thanks. For a lot of this, I'm also storing long/lat so I should be ok. If anything big changes, a lot of projects are going to need a fix, so I'll just hope for the best for now. I've been meaning to look into PG, so I'll do that, too.
@Stephane Good luck. To be honest though, don't spend too much time on the effort. The chances of a timezone change both happening and impacting your code in a meaningful way (as opposed to just shifting around entries in the tz database) is pretty slim.
There is currently a vote going on to include Zends Optimizer+ opcode cache into PHP core. I am very happy with finally adding an opcode cache to the core distribution if only because it then forces to actually ensure that there is a working opcode cache together with every new release. What troubles me though is that its being proposed very late in the game for PHP 5.5, therefore causing a lik…
well .. i use routing mechanisms, which extract class names from URL .. forcing case sensitive URLs to satisfy case sensitive autoloading of classes seems extremely bad idea
> On this statement and the obvious conclusion that a discussion of camelCase will go nowhere (as per polling results), I am retracting my application. There is absolutely no reason to force Kohana to adopt a new coding standard just to get a vote at the PSR table.
The PSR guys tried to standardize coding standards for PHP? Seriously? They tried to do something that's been causing fights between devs almost from the moment someone realised that having coding standards was a good idea?
I mean seriously, they were trying to build interoperability standards between competing libraries. That's a great thing. I can understand wanting to get naming conventions out of the way, but code formatting standards?
@Charles Exactly. They can take "PSR-2" and shove it. They shouldn't care how many spaces I use to indent with or whether or not I put braces for a class on a new line.
I want a modern programming language with a straight-forward and consistent syntax and all the ease of deployment of PHP. Is that really too much to ask?
> This wrong load order currently happens if you toss it in your config file path dir and rely on the alphabetical load order which is another reason to not have this thing start with a 'z'.
I've been looking for a MongoDb-like (, ) query expression object evaluation function implementation or a class. It may cover not all the advanced features, and should have extensible architecture....
@Charles Simple solution. Just write a small language wrapper that compiles to PHP. You get a better language but same deploy. Even better deploy maybe, if the compile can live without the newest features ;)