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@webarto I wander if all atheist have some serious mental problems. First you provoke Christians into a debate filled with hate, and you want to come out of it with the moral high ground, saying... Aren't you Christian, why are you insulting me back?

You might as well, go a f*** a preachers wife, and ask him 'Hey aren't you christian, why shouldn't you forgive me'
@webarto err... function api() ? Does not compute. Also generally wtf are you doing there?
@Gordon @DaveRandom pastebin.com/VMrXPRfF
Ivo, I'm going to try the main stack site and ask...thanks for trying!
I just noticed that the second xmlns attribute value is pointing to one of our domains
@PHPNooB please keep the Off Topic talk down while there is On Topic talk going on. Thanks.
@David19801 have you seen what I write?
@David19801 "Hmm, that's a bit difficult. have you tried to install firephp to debug the code?"
@Gordon don't blame me, blame the truth that hurts
@PHP NooB Fighting on the internet is like the Special Olympics...
@DaveRandom please tell
@PHPNooB I am not blaming. I am asking. Keep it down please.
@AdamLynch I haven't changed anything, and it finds the result you want: codepad.viper-7.com/WX6r1b
hello..has anyone here done UDP hole punching?
@Pheagey Yea, It is too sad you can find jerks everwhere. You can be traveling, walking, shoping, studying, teaching.. there is always that one, exceptionaly stupid and igrnorant person around.

ce la vie...
@DaveRandom hmmm
@AdamLynch @DaveRandom is right. It works here, too.
Anyone else notice the Azure room is, well, dead?
@Gordon I'll debug and double check that the doc doesn't get messed up before hand
@DaveRandom Hah, not per se :) It's JSON RPC server... you call it like so: curl -X POST -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"method_name","params":{"limit": 10,"emailAddress": "@"},"id":null}' http://url ... so, you see emailAdress doesn't fit the story m'kay, so, you want to change that to email_address, but you're not sure if something else is using the API and you can break something, so (bad example, should have chosen boolean), and then I check if any of those "same" params is true.
Hey guys, need some advice. I used mysql to fetch me ~30 rows of data having one column. Now I want to use the array returned in a NOT IN mysql query.
SELECT * FROM albums WHERE name NOT IN ('Wall', 'Profile', 'Cover', 'Instagram')
Something of that sort, but it would have to be like
SELECT * FROM albums WHERE name NOT IN (implode(",",$array))
but I'm having no luck. Do I have to do a foreach loop and create a string or is it possible to do what I want with a simple function?
The data returned looks like $array[0]['id'], $array[1]['id'], and etc. because it's mysql created array.
@user1436508 What do you want to know?
yo can someone help me out real quick?
WTF, invasion.
Lol ^^
@Moussa: whats up?
It's morning time!
everyone's up and early working and already lost
<- not this guy
ahh mysql wont insert lol i'm not sure why i spent hours looking over my code and it wouldn't work.
i'm sure my code is right
im sure i have a table in phpmyadmin
@MoussaHarajli HAve you printed out the SQL thats gets executed and run it in a SQL client?
Did you ... connect to mysql? ^.^
yes i connected to mysql im not a retard
I've done it lol. I'm not to your level
im not the average guy who posts questions about this
$Insert = 'INSERT INTO Users (Username, Password, FName, LName, EMail, Date, Code, Active, Downloads, Files, IP, Messages, Rank, Credits, Storage, Limit) VALUES ("'.$User.'", "'.$Pass.'", "'.$FName.'", "'.$LName.'", "'.$EMail.'", "'.$Date.'", "'.$Rand.'", "0", "0", "0", "0", "'.$IP.'", "0", "Standard", "0", "1", "100")';
$Reg['E'] = '<span style="color:green;">Step 1 of 2 Complete!<br />Check Your E-Mail For A Message By Us For More Instructions.</span>';
Yes you are.
@webarto Not seeing how bitwise ops are useful there... :S
Well, if my question didn't get blown away yet, guys look over it for me please while I continue searching for the solution.
Although fun fact: "Hello World" ^ " " // hELLO wORLD
@Gordon @DaveRandom A bit more context... What I'm doing is writing a method which takes a document (DOMDocument right now), an XPath string and a value
according to fringe there are two world 0.0
@DaveRandom Can you explain that? It does char by char? Nice btw.
@DaveRandom I like
@Moussa: Is your MyhSQL on a Win box or Linux?
I've to take the document, place it inside another document at a certain node and replace all nodes' values matched by the XPath query with the value
i can insert into phpmyadmin but not on php
check your columns capitalization. ie PASSWORD should be all caps and not Password or password.
there seems to be nothing wrong with my code
@webarto I'm not sure if it's by design or just random coincidence, but XORing an alpha char with a space flips the case of it.
the inner doc is the inside of soap:Body and the messageShell which contains everything above it
This is the code for replacing the node values
doesn't seem to be working
it won't allow me iterate over by reference either
hi people im having a strange problem, when i go to localhost/chat.php it pops up a download in firefox instead of viewing the page it didnt do this yesterday, any ideas?
this is happening between creating a DOMDocument and creating the DOMXpath from it here pastebin.com/VMrXPRfF
@AdamLynch So is $value another DOMDocument ?
@Connor: got a web server running?
just covering the basics :)
@DaveRandom no, it's just an int
yes, otherwise all other pages wouldnt load on localhost
but then after that I do the rest of what you see at pastebin.com/VMrXPRfF
(the last block / three lines)
@Connor Checked the source of the file FF tries to download?
yes it displays what php outputs
and after that I insert the given message into messageShell inside the soap:Body
I should make a better example
so if the file is echo 'hi'; it outputs hi
@AdamLynch Yeh I can't quite follow that, you're talking about two different documents but I can't see both of them
ok two min
@Connor: Mm, so its giving you the results after its parsed?
yes, but it forces download (chat.php) only on that file
right right.
Does chat.php have a doc type?
well, if i download the file this is the contents

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Globe Fx - Live Support</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/default.css">
<script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="http://code.jquery.com/ui/1.10.1/jquery-ui.js"></script>
<script src="/javascript/global.js"></script>
<div class="wrapper">
<nav role="navigation" class="main">
<a href="index.php">Home</a>
<a href="users.php">Users</a>
Yep, good there...
@DaveRandom 3v4l.org/BSoNF Just imagine there are named parameters, and you're not skipping any by setting the value. I might not be clear in explanation. Just need to make sure that it's false only if both are false. If one of those params (or both) are specified then it's true. I've mistaken about &.
@DaveRandom @Gordon here you go pastebin.com/QKjberbB hope that's clearer to follow
@ConnorMiles Whats the link you have pointing to chat.php?
@ConnorMiles You are either sending a Content-Disposition: attachment header, or the Content-Type: header has a value that the browser doesn't understand. Either way, Chrome dev tools and/or Firebug will show you the problem.
i dont have i link i just type it in address bar
What DaveRandom said.
@DaveRandom left out one param: pastebin.com/yWnYpEPy
i done it
18 hours ago, by webarto
@NikiC context missing broken record vampire alert
@webarto Ahh ok, but that's logical, not bitwise. Also it doesn't get the actual value, merely tells you that it is present..,
i had this in there header('Content-Type: text/event-stream'); but i presume that this is only suposed to be in a different file that chat.php gets the data from right
@DaveRandom :whipsmeself:
hey guys, I used a foreach loop and array_push function to get the list into an array so I could use php's join() to make my list of "12,3,2,23" in a NOT IN query, that sound like a reasonable solution?
foreach($blah as $boo){
and in query now I have NOT IN (".join(',',$hide).")"
@AdamLynch You seem to be running the replace values op on the out document, don't you want to be doing it on the inner one?
@DaveRandom No the ToRef is in the header ($messageShell)
@webarto If all you are bothered about it truthyness isn't $include = $includeParam ?: $include_param; better?
I do want to then insert the inner doc (<test>abc</test>) into the messageShell under soap:Body
@Darius sounds reasonable.
kk, thanks.
hey can someone check this out and tell me if it has a nice design - terashare.no-ip.info/TeraShare
@AdamLynch sorry. things got hectic. afk for a while
@Gordon np :)
@DaveRandom I've considered that too, I'm going to remove that crap anyways. Colleagues don't know ternary maybe, and truth tables are first lesson from math in high school.
@moussa: Might want to ask designers about visual appeal; probably get a better answer.
@MoussaHarajli looks fairly clean and nice. :) Reminds me of those grid journals you use for math.
okk thanks
graph paper
There we go!!! I'm running on 2 hours of sleep in past 3 days lol, about to knock out. Brain is gonneeee. Couldn't even remember the term "graph paper" lol.
Mmm, doodling on graph paper in Geometry II...
hi guys im using websockets for chat app, i was originaly using ajax, and when i get the web console up they are both getting data every 5 seconds so whats the difference i though websockets dont load the data every "so" seconds
What kind of cars do you guys drive? Just curious, most programmers I've met drive a sport lke SUV of some sort o.O or a nissan
@PHPNooB I'm not atheist, I'm not insulting you... you are mildly retarded.
@AdamLynch I think I need to break this down a little bit more, so the bit that's really causing you a problem is the value replace operation?
@ConnorMiles it shows up in your console? I thought websockets is always connected and sending data. Meaning it sends data your way every 5 seconds, but you don't have to send out data asking for it. Like you don't have to do this "Me: I want data. Server: here you go. Me: I want data. Server: Here you go." It ends up being "Server: here you go. Server: here you go." You don't have to ask for the data constantly. I could be wrong, I have yet to use sockets and want to in the near future.
Well, I've a test where I run that example in a PHPUnit test and assert the result
@Darius so basicaly the same but not reloading all data just new data?
Hey guys, I'm trying to parse some HTML (read: not a lot so shush!!) - for <img class="test" at the beginning, and /> at the end. Here's my check so far: /<img class="test"(.*?)/> - am I close?
but the result doesn't seem to be any different from the message shell
@ConnorMiles hypothetically speaking if it's setup right, yeah.
@Jimbo Are you parsing HTML with regex?
@DaveRandom Sorry, no...
but, ajax is more supported, so i dont understand why people would use sockets
I've been doing a lot of debugging and changes
@webarto Only a tiny little bit ...
yes it's the node replacing function which is the problem
the insertDocumentInsideAnother seems to be doing it's job now
no idea at that point, that's where my knowledge runs out. sockets.io is a plugin to support all browsers though! :)
And that's weird because I have this test for replaceNodeValues:
I have it bookmarked for my future chat app I'm going to build after I learn how to write it
I test both function individually and they work fine :/
@Jimbo Only if you have control over HTML rubular.com/r/kD5SrKEUtp
yess .. i have browser now
@Jimbo Y U NO USE DOM????? pastebin.com/DsMYZ76b
@DaveRandom That's brilliant! Looking at docs, very useful!! :o
Screw regex
Although thank you @webarto I knew I was close
@AdamLynch OK, can you show the output you are getting please? I'm struggling to see the problem although I'm also struggling to fully understand it :S (monday-fever is setting in)
@webarto the irony
@DaveRandom don't worry you're not the only one :)
@Jimbo take a look at Zend_Dom, you use CSS selectors and then operate on what @DaveRandom sent you.
@DaveRandom something like:
@webarto Yeah, looks really cool how you can just say "I want this element with this class etc" - I need to look at zend fw sometime
so it inserts the inner message but does not replace the nodes
@Jimbo No, you just copy /Zend/Dom folder and include that in your project. (autoload or manually)
@webarto Can you do that with other zend parts, and basically use them as 'plugins'?
@Jimbo Standalone libraries, ZF1 is more of a set of tools. You can try, I think it wouldn't be a problem, I usually copy entire ZF (light version).
Can someone hack query to return ID of questions that need one close vote for tag php and/or oop?
@Darius That means you have money to throw around, sport SUV is expensive.
@Webarto I don't drive it :) But yeah, some I've seen do. LA is a gold mine for programmers, I've met so many ripping off their clients for the simplest of jobs. Forget I mentioned LA, I guess it's universal
@Darius California is a ripoff in general.
(is it actually correct to re-iterate here?)
4 mins ago, by webarto
Can someone hack query to return ID of questions that need one close vote for tag php and/or oop?
Anyone knows if __constructor() should ALWAYS be wrapped in a single class?
@PHPNooB example?
I am experimenting with oop, and I thought if I can make a single class for database connection, only containing __construct();
if that makes sense... !?
so, when the class is instantiated, the database connection starts?
@PHPNooB why would you need a class that only has __construct and no other public API? :)
can't do anything with it
@DaveRandom hmmm it works if message shell is: <soap:doc xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"><a><b></b><c>2.1</c></a><‌​a><b></b></a></soap:doc>
but not if it's:
<soap:doc xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"><soap:Header xmlns="http://......xsd"><a><b></b><c>3</c></a><a><b></b></a></soap:Header></soa‌​p:doc>
@Ocramius I think he meant just for the connection only
I mean the test I'm running on replacesNodeValues
Well, I don't even know how to ask this, but... I need the classes to be independent of the constructor method, in other words, I need to pass the $conn to objects through argument only
again? :)
@Jimbo still doesn't really make sense to me
@webarto yes!
@PHPNooB can you gist an example of wanted behavior?
@AdamLynch What's the XPath query you are running?
and the first assertion fails: $this->assertXmlStringNotEqualsXmlString($parentXml, $parentDocument->saveXML(), 'XML should have changed');
@Ocramius Do I have to understand what he's writing there?
Could it be that he just wants named parameters?
@NikiC seems like that to me :)
Then that mail is really bad
Heh, I'm not aware of how much this has been discussed before
surely nothing new
@wes what happened to your avatar ?
@NullPointer you already know :P
@webarto broken how?
And morning again all
@Ocramius this is just the idea, that I am hoping to accomplish in oop, with respect to passing connection resource...
// suppose I create class called db{} for connections
class db{

	function __construct($dbname, $dbuser, $dbpass){
		$conn = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname='.$dbname.'', ''.$dbuser.'', ''.$dbpass.'');
		return  $conn;


// Now, when creating another class, I could  use db{} to pass the connection through arguments

class car {
// get db details
//do something
// return result

$Mydatabase = new db('host','user','pass');
$car = new car($database);
I hope that makes sense
@webarto lol, yeah, that is close to cheating :)
@PeeHaa jk, I wasn't prepared for + oneboxing in here :)
@DaveRandom maybe there's a way to register that namespace on the MessageHeader?
@AdamLynch Yeh that won't work because those unprefixed tags are no longer in the default namespace, you'd have to register the namespace, hang on I'll throw an example together
@DaveRandom on every element?
@hakre I wanted to add close count to cv-backlog, so we know the result of closing spree automatically (like we had this weekend).
@PHPNooB what you are looking for is a factory
@webarto If you or others are annoyed by it. Shoot me a message and I'll drop it. No problem.
@webarto we might should create a query for delvotes as well.
@PeeHaa No, not a problem, better to kill them on the run.
Isn't there a simpler tutorial online, than Wikipedia?
@hakre I haven't considered that because I can't delv :[ :]
@webarto kk
@AdamLynch No, you just register the namespace URI, once you do that it stops caring about what the actual ns prefixes on a element are, the thing that uniquely identifies a namespace is the xmlns attribute. codepad.viper-7.com/zvit65
@PHPNooB for what ?
For the above problem, with oop
@PHPNooB a factory is basically (typically) a method on an object that produces something you want
OOP is ruining my life :)
Hey all, I have a bit of a predicament. The web host my client has doesn't have a full backup option i.e. using Backup on CPanel for instance. So I'm trying to exec a tar backup. Usually not a problem but there is over 90,000 files, most of which are in one folder. Is there a way I can split up the tar process, to do so many files at a time?

Or is there a better way, using PHP that is? Everything else I have tied so far just timesout.
@PHPNooB class A { public static function getConnection($user, $pass, $host) { return new PDO(...); } }
that's it :)
^ or keep it as a bad example question?
@Ocramius So, do you thing my approach works?
@hakre just let it go
@DaveRandom hmm but "a" isn't prefixed with "inner"?
doesn't the element have to be actually <inner:a> ?
@PHPNooB not via a constructor
Ok, I am lost: ) back to procedural programming....
@webarto What is wrong with OP to add [OOP] to that
@AdamLynch No it isn't, but prefixes are irrelevant. The thing that identifies a namespace is the URI, prefixes are just a shortcut to avoid writing xmlns attributes on every element. You register the URI, not the prefix.
@DaveRandom so I can just use anything?
Q: Hi everyone , i need a pagination on my web application im quite new to php?

user2083179i need to paginate listed products which are furniture products I have a library of queries called bshlib.inc which i include on every php file and i have a database that has those products and calls them if u need extra info about database table name and products colums let me know I NEED IT...

instead of inner I could say sdvsfnvcslvncsmonkey?
never would have guessed
@AdamLynch try it ;-)
(but notice I updated the query as well)
@DaveRandom nope :/
Used MessageHeader as the prefix
@PHPNooB you can also make it non-static if the problem is trying to avoid working on non-objects
@DaveRandom I think I'm going to smack some JS together to make something like a chatroom'ish. That way we at least have a test case for teh websocketz
@PHPNooB $f = new PDOFactory(); $conn = $f->getConnection($user, $pass, $host);
I had:
$domXpath = new \DOMXPath($document);
$domXpath->registerNamespace('soap', 'http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/');
$domXpath->registerNamespace('MessageHeader', 'http://www.....xsd');
problem that I'm registering two?
Thanks for everyone who down-voted my answer.
@PeeHaa kk no worries, I know I've said this before, but I should have something new and shiny ready this evening, really mean it this time :-P
Was about to say YAY DOMXPATH!! Cried a little after seeing it is soap related
@Ocramius So, PDOFactory is built in PHP class?
@DaveRandom And I know I have said this before. No worries. Take your time :)
@PHPNooB yep
@AdamLynch No, but you do need to update the xpath query as well...
@hakre your on fire today
@DaveRandom ugh if I forgot that....
could you add tag so user below 20k wont open
@PHPNooB no I finally got 15 minutes of time to spare on gardening SO
@hakre you garden?
@crypticツ he is gardener ...:P
I'm a randy bum gardener.
finally it is nice weather so I can get my fingers dirty in the veggie patch
@DaveRandom I did ha. Also, I misspelled the namespace when registering
sweet, me too. Just planted some green onions and habaneros, going to tear up half the yard this year =oD
@crypticツ sure ;)
@hakre I'm vegetarian, it's part of my survival
I actually like fruits.
@DaveRandom aaaand it's all working
thanks very much!
@hakre they should have 'the old gardening lady' badge for you. You have almost edited/closed 90% the posts I've seen in SE
really :)
@AdamLynch Winner :-)
@crypticツ you survive with habaneros?
@crypticツ I'm also vegetarian - or - eating products made - directly or indirectly - by vegatarian animals ;)
I am part time stand up comedian (or hope to be), and I have excellent jokes about Vegies...
@Ocramius I love spicy food, I just planted them because I had the seeds and wanted to grow them in a pot. Everything else is going in the ground, but haven't prepared the plot yet.
@crypticツ j/k :) I once ate an entire bhut and am still hating myself for having done so
habaneros are awesome for currywurst \o/
@Ocramius Everything you said, just sounds like you are talking about pokemon characters..
@crypticツ i have seed of baobabs tree ... but i can not plant in pot/plot :(
what the hell is 'bhut'?
@Ocramius en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scoville_scale the hotter the better, if police pepper spray came in an edible form I'd put it in my food.
@PHPNooB bhut jolokia... it's a chili pepper type
@Ocramius I know Jolokia. In Arabic, we call it Molokia. It is popular in Sudan, but that slimy thing freakd me out, the first time I saw it.
@crypticツ you sure? O_o I felt bad for a week
@DaveRandom one last thing: can I only register the namespace once it becomes a DOMXpath?
^ another one survived. kill it with habaneros and love.
I'd prefer to do it when it's a DOMDocument
@hakre :headshot:
@webarto damn ..you are fast :P:P
would save me passing arrays of prefixes and URIs around
@NullPointer ^^ Your time to shine with :P
@NullPointer I tried to make those, wasn't exactly as shown on picture :D
I think people who frequently, do / need reminding, that they are working for free.
grr another delete vote review request which is for 20k .... grrrr
@webarto but that page really think me to make(try again )
@AdamLynch You're registering the namespaces to be used in the XPath query, not in the document (they already exist in the document). What you are doing is registering prefixes to explicitly declare which namespace you want the tag from in the query. The XPath querier and the document are abstracted from each other. So in short, no. I suggest you pass in an array of ['prefix' => 'http://nsURI'] to your function if you want to keep your code structured like that
@DaveRandom Ok
@NullPointer Yeah, I'll fail better next time :) I bought "mexico mix" vegetables etc, it was eatable :) Good luck.
@AdamLynch LOL
Or else refactor so that the functions take a DOMXPath instead of DOMDocument I guess
@webarto What else can I say? ha
@Ocramius I put peppers in all my food. When I was not vegetarian I did the Buffalo Wild Wings Blazin' Challenge, where you eat 12 of their hottest wings in under 6 minutes. I did it in under 4 and the chef came out and gave me a hotter batch to see if I could do it, challenge accepted and won. =o) Got a T-shirt and pic of me posted on their Hall of Fame. The 1st place winner was someones dog O_0
@crypticツ you have no stomach?
@webarto i have tried to make it at home however it wasnt look like burrito at all ... but gonna try again and again ..
@NullPointer Practice makes perfect, that's what she said :P
@crypticツ lol :D
At ALL: Please don't delete "ERROR: Undefined Index at line.... " Questions, as they are.. My Specialties :)
@webarto who is she :P:P
@PHPNooB from database ?
@NullPointer :P
Hello guys. I have only two options to be filled, however, should a create a relational table and store an id from them, or should I use the text itself? (sorry for posting SQL here. SQL is sleeping at this hours :P)
should I *
from everywhere
@PHPNooB make sure that field is exist ... its one of the common error which is too easy to solve
@PHPNooB worst kind of questions
@NikiC As I am :)
@PHPNooB oh man, you really want to eat the pain, right? ;)
@hakre someone already answered you.
That is how I collect my reps.
I live on that thing basically.
was the xpath problem solved?
the php header thing
@PHPNooB You know how we call that? rep-whoring
@NikiC Close enough, I call it rep-mongering.
@hakre yep
@hakre registering the namespaces once the DOMDocument became a DOMXPath was the key
I am a Mosquito !!
... of Bad! Answers, and Questions..
Hmm ... does anyone know if chrome will automatically terminate a slow transfer (perhaps < 1Kb/s) after a certain amount of time?
@AdamLynch okay, good to read.

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