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@NikiC ^ burninate
Repwhoring on meta done right
Q: Do we really need Firefox tags for every version?

PeeHaaI just stumbled upon a tag wiki edit for Firefox 18. That made me search for Firefox tags on the site. Do we really need a separate tag for all the different version of Firefox? We currently have (including the number of questions): firefox (3062), firefox-3 (90), firefox-5 (33), firefox-8 (6),...

tnx ;)
There's no tags for minor versions? :O
such a shame...
@PeeHaa I'm leaning more and more toward using a trait for the EventEmitters, I'm just copy pasting the exact same implementation code, it's in 3 unrelated classes that emit events now, thoughts?
@DaveRandom anything aware is a good candidate for a trait AFAIK
on the other side I personally hate aware objects :)
@Ocramius Not a term I'm familiar with, care to elaborate?
What does the code do?
@DaveRandom in ZF/SF I'm used to see objects that implement something like "ContainerAwareInterface"
which basically is an interface with a setContainer(Container $container) and a getter
event emitters usually have a getEvent or getEventManager or similars
@PeeHaa It's the stuff used internally in objects that emit events (client, server etc) to register handler callbacks, store references to those callbacks and call them. Basically it's three methods on(), off() and trigger() and a private array $eventHandlers
@Ocramius SF? Are you a traitor? ;)
@PeeHaa huh?
@DaveRandom I think it's a good use case for a trait btw
@Ocramius Or isn't SF symfony? :P I mean you are on tge ZF team right IIRC.
@PeeHaa "tge"? :) Yes, I tend to contribute to ZF when possible, doesn't mean I can't use/like sf ;)
@Ocramius So do I but they have been so much maligned that I've been kind of brow-beaten into a "never do it, ever" mindset, which is probably wrong. In this case I think it's probably a good idea but what I am writing is technically @PeeHaa's baby so I don't want to do anything that he wouldn't do from a design point of view
(hence the question)
Yeah my typing sucks. Shoot me :P @Ocramius
@PeeHaa btw no, I'm only on the doctrine team :D I don't care about fw-wars, and I even get kinda upset when any side starts the discussion
I don't know ... IMHO if you need an *Aware interface I feel like the class design may be substandard ...
@DaveRandom I think it's ok to have traits for that. Reduces amount of code to be tested
I take that back. Let me rephrase.
@rdlowrey the "aware" case was just an example... doesn't seem like this is the case :)
If you need an *Aware interface then the class in question is a great candidate for compositional injection of the relevant functionality.
/me waiting for @rdlowrey to rephrase
vs. a trait, I mean.
oh, btw... anyone who has some mocker for traits? :D
@webarto Sorry, I don't have the energy for an anti-traits rant.
@rdlowrey "compositional injection"?
I just mean instead of a trait, inject an object that encapsulates the trait's functionality and call the relevant methods on that object.
Exclusive video from @rdlowrey's "vacation". Hacked by p0pc0rN
I see these particular kinds of interfaces as a symptom of trying to put orthogonal functionality in the class
basically "GTFO. not your job"
@webarto lol
@webarto ahhaha
Composition > Inheritance > Horizontal Code Reuse
ya, but it's usually a getter and a setter... repeated over and over and over again :P
(not saying it's good practice)
but the trait helps there...
Setter injection is vastly inferior to real injection via the constructor.
@rdlowrey yeah, but lazy people =)
If you need a whole string of setters and getters you've completely foobar'd your class's encapsulation at that point.
Outside code has to know all about how the black box works to pass it lots of dependencies through setters.
But to cap it all off ...
Working code > unfinished but theoretically perfect code
Right, I am being sent to bed by my gf
Catch y'all later
@DaveRandom hehe. Later
have fun with the old ball and chain :)
@rdlowrey I will summon you on the next discussion about "why not initializers" :P
I am eminently summon-able.
And I'm also good at creating unfindable memory leaks, if my current predicament is any indication.
in bin, 51 mins ago, by PeeHaa
Let it suck @NikiC's blood :)
@PeeHaa :(
hehe ;)
@DaveRandom Get well Don't die soon.
@NikiC Did I hear you are coming to the Netherlands for dpc?
I really hope to be going too =D
@rdlowrey TRAIIIITS
@PeeHaa Not that I know off ^^
@Lusitanian I said fairwell to Apache
@webarto :D
Hm, I could still submit a talk if I did it right now...
Not that I'm going to do it, obviously
will you be there?
I will. (No, I won't :[sadface).
If it fits in my schedule. Yes
^ that sounds just like I have a life
Was going to ask, what's a schedule?
Though I have to say that I've been seriously tempted this time. If @ircmaxell had pushed a bit more I would have certainly come :)
i think it's something you put on a 'calendar' --- that's that thing my phone always bugs me to set up ;)
Anyway. I'm singing off for today. Cya all tomorrow at some time
Laters, @PeeWee :)
@webarto Indeed. Because in Germany this song is just the usual voidness of GEMA
@NikiC O_o Rammstein blocked or just this specific video? (or I don't get what you're saying :])
@webarto In Germany you can't see music videos on YouTube (minus exceptions)
Well, that sucks.
> YouTube’s dispute with Germany’s music rights authority GEMA has resulted in the country being cut off from more than 60 percent of the website’s most popular videos, according to a new analysis.
@NikiC seriously?
Related: eff.org
@webarto Yeah well, fuck GEMA
FoxyProxy ftw
couldn't work without grooveshark :)
I go My friend goes to wrzuta.pl to download music.
Well, this is a f* long trip.
Damn, @DaveRandom is close to @PeeHaa.
@rdlowrey those are always fun
don't you have those giants metal birds over there?
you know... they carry people and fly
Not a fan, nooooo.
someone here uses pidgin?
On the other hand, plane is fine :)
@wes what about it?
can you write curly braces { } in pidgin?
in any chat window
Yes, of course, what's the officer, problem?
are you on linux?
Yes, this is Linux.
on windows wont work...
I have it on Windows too.
Are you connected to facebook chat?
and it works? how do you write curly brackets? ctrl + alt + shift + [ or ] ?
i am not connected to facebook chat
Alt Gr + B
Alt Gr + N
altgr + b or n doesn't work
i mean, doesn't work everywhere, not only in pidgin
alt+123 is too hard to reach
i learned ctrl+alt+shift+[
I don't know what is the keyboard layout for Italian, sorry.
[ and ] are under backspace
This is mine, therefore B and N.
So, have you pressed Alt Gr + where the brace is printed on keyboard?
i do ctrl+alt+shift+[ or ]
there is no curly brace printed on the keyboard :P
only square braces
and ( )
so i should submit this bug to pidgin
nn all
Q: MySQLi Won't Insert

Moussa HarajliI have this register system but it's not working, i'm not sure why, this is my second time using mysqli but for some odd reason it just doesn't want to work. this is the whole entire script, maybe some of you could spot an error i made? i am using json to use this script and yes i ahve tested th...

OMG, look at those nested if statements =0
@WesleyMurch Must have something to do with the Chinese Snake year ;-)
Q: I get a blank when I try to retrieve the values set for the object $obj

Suhail GuptaIn the following script I try to set the values for $var_1 and $var_2 using the set method for the object $obj. But when I call the get method to retrieve the values set for that object,I get a blank. Why is that ? <?php class Tester { public $var_1; public $var_2; public functi...

how does @Feeds decide what question to notify about here?
@Jack lol
Hi there! What reasons could there be for my website to suddenly just put PHP code onto the screen? I'm on localhost/... not on file:\\\... so normally PHP should be working... And well, on the index page, it did seem to work.
I'm working on WAMP, by the way, if it's relevant.
...Never mind. I'm silly. I split the content of two files and forgot to include new PHP tags in the new file.
@Ariane -please dont use mysql_* function use pdo
or better only pdo
Q: Why shouldn't I use mysql_* functions in PHP?

Madara UchihaWhat are the technical reasons that I shouldn't use mysql_* functions? (like mysql_query(), mysql_connect() or mysql_real_escape_string())? Why should I move away from them as long as it works on my site? This question serves as a canonical information source regarding the discouraged use of...

@Null I'm late with class. I'm finishing up something I was supposed to hand in long ago because I was sick. We learned the new SQL commands last class, and are just beginning to learn them
It's just an exercise, and "modern" commands aren't required for this one.
else if(
!empty($FormatPrenom=verifFormat("RechPrenom")) ||
!empty($FormatNom=verifFormat("RechNom")) ||
!empty($FormatAdresseNo=verifFormat("RechAdresseNo")) ||
!empty($FormatAdresseRue=verifFormat("RechAdresseRue")) ||
!empty($FormatAdresseVille=verifFormat("RechAdresseVille")) ||
!empty($FormatAdresseCodePostal=verifFormat("RechAdresseCodePostal")) ||
) {
Is this syntax correct? I get an error, "unexpected '=', expected '('" on the first line...
I don't understand. This is supposed to work. >.<" Am I missing something obvious again?
@Null ?
@Ariane empty() is a construct of the language and not a function. You cannot put expressions like that as the parameter. You need to assign the expression to a variable and then check for the emptiness of that variable
I think 5.5 has a change to make it so that you can do expressions in empty() but that's still a ways out
@cspray I'm pretty sure I've aaalways been putting !empty's in if's o_o
You mean I can't set the variable directly inside the empty?
All right, I'll try that.
@csp But wait. This is an else. How do I set the variables between the previous if and the else?
... never mind
else {
set stuff
if {
Not only can you not set the variable but you can't call functions either
So even empty(foo('bar')) is invalid syntax
@WesleyMurch did I just waste my cv on a 4 year old post? =o\
...No actually, it doesn't work, @cspray . Obviously, since my else if has become an else { if, I can't chain my last else to it. What do I do?
@cspray if I recall that is not invalid in PHP 5.5
@crypticツ Yep, I mentioned that a little bit ago :P
<- PHP 5.4.3
How can I render this valid?
The place to change is at lines 18-24.
Sigh, maybe it's because I'm tired, but I don't see how.
@Ariane use !strlen() or !== false instead of !empty(), whichever is more appropriate.
@Jack "!=="? Not "!="?
i have closevotes again! :)
Oooh craaaap. Dreamweaver replaced all of my single quotes with double quotes because I checked the wrong option. How can I revert this? It's certain to mess with my code.
don't use dreamweaver :)
it's really a bad program
but i'd imagine there's an undo button (or hope!)
I just did it manually... >.<"

And Dreamweaver is the only way I know to sync my work folder and the wamp\www one. If not for that I much prefer Notepad++.
@Ariane Notepad++ has the same feature
It does? Where?
it's called NppFTP plugin, it comes with it by default if I am correct, and you edit a file on local it will upload the new version automatically to remote
I rarely have to open up my FTP client except to upload media files.
@cryptic Oooh. But it doesn't seem to have an option to select as a server a local directory.
what you mean?
Well, my "server" is local. It's WAMP.
You are running local server and syncing two local folders?
Yeah. My work folder is on Dropbox, and the server is in the wamp folder. I never work directly in the wamp folder because then I ALWAYS forget my files there when I go to school.
is this a live local server?
Uhm. Not sure what a live local server is.
accessible by others
Say, what's the command for "is there a space character is this string?" I completely forgot and can't seem to find it.
Q: about register_shutdown_function and destruct function in wordpress

ali mzmi have 2 question about wordpress (wp-includes/wp-db.php) code: why destruct function return true? what this mean?! function __construct( $dbuser, $dbpassword, $dbname, $dbhost ) { register_shutdown_function( array( &$this, '__destruct' ) ); .... } function __destruct() { retu...

Q: Calling a derived static method from a method in parent class in PHP

Mahdi MojiryI've the following classes: <?php Abstract Class A{ public function foo(){ self::bar(); } Abstract public static function bar($arg); } Class B extends A{ public static function bar(){ echo "Class B"; } } ...

Never mind! I don't need it. explode() can return false.
Good afternoon. Does anyone know how to generate the step chart as an image?
Example here: http://www.50-50-50.ru/stat/stat.dll/chart?id_group=1&group=1&name=%C0%D3%C4%C8%CE%C0
@Ariane: strpos() preg_match()
@The Thanks, bu tI won,t need it in the end
document.getElementsByClassName("btnNoTel").onclick=function() {

This should select the following element successfully, right?

<input type="image" src="images/telephone.png" class="btnNoTel" id="btnNoTel1" rel="1" />
@Ariane Nope, getElementsByClassName returns a NodeList
... >.<" How can I (simply -- this is a PHP exercise, eh!) run a function every time a button of the said class is pressed?
@Jack ?
Hey all
Q: php static property

user1970939I have two codes(related to static keyword) which I expect output the same result, but actually the outputs are different, why? code1 output:1 <?php class base { public static $var = 1; } class sub extends base { public static $var = 2; } echo base::$var; ?> code2 output: 2 <...

@Jack Whenever I divide a number with 100000, sometimes it gives me number with e. So I rounded the result to have only two decimal places by using this ($formatted_number = number_format($num, 2, '.', '');) but this gives me even a normal number with two decimal points. For eg.. 100.00. I don't want that two zeroes, if that original number doesn't contain any decimal points.
Hey :)
Hi Folks!
Hey, do you know how to get my above problem solved?
Sorry, I don't know.
Okay :(
@Alex_ios Dunno, is_int($x / 100000) perhaps?
somebody told there is no concept of over riding for static variables/methods
is it correct?
Not 100% sure about variables, but methods can be overridden.
The way you would access the correct method would typically involve using static::myMethod()
eg:class base {
public static $var = 1;
class sub extends base {
public static $var = 2;
sub::$var = 3;
echo base::$var;
echo sub::$var;
this will output different values
is an example of property
Q: Multiple function calling not working

sanji I'm getting this issue when i run this script.please can help me to solve this issue? Fatal error: Call to a member function setAge() on a non-object in /opt/lampp/htdocs/test/index.php on line 16 <?php class Student { public function setName($name,$value){ $this->$name=$val...

@Jack: can you help me with that
@zamil I didn't see a concrete question.
oh sorry, plz let me explain it
according to the code i posted i get different outputs for echo statements i execute.so that means the variable var has two different values in two different classes.
so do we call this overriding of property?
@zamil It's not exactly an override ... $var belongs to the class you define it in.
Has anyone worked with windows azure REST API?
with PHP
@Jack ok thanks
@Jack: one more qus based on the that. so if we declare same variable from parent in an extended class its like another variable?they don't share the same memory location?
anyone free for 2 minutes ?
@hakre , @Jack r u there ?
@NullPointer ello
@Jack hello just need a your expert advice
@zamil the self::$var would only point to itself, parent::$var points to the parent variable.
@NullPointer Qn: what's a badroom? :)
@Jack could you tell me that in image should i do filtration like that ?
thanks Jack
i mean above the result and left side ?
@NullPointer Also, what's "Advance"? You mean "Advanced" right?
@Jack please its just a design ..
@NullPointer No, it's a design with serious typos lol
Anyway, what's your qn?
and yet demo .. gonna edit and write php
Q: PHP Late Static Binding for array_map, call_user_func, etc

Mahdi MojiryI've had a problem regarding late static bind which was asked here and it was answered: Calling a derived static method from a method in parent class in PHP but my problem is that I'm calling the method bar() through the array_map function as: <?php Abstract Class A{ public function f...

@Jack in that design there is tow option to select one is like form with submit button which have some type and another one is below category . question is that is it ok to have both like that or it should be at one place ?
@hakre morning ...:)
In my own opinion, I wouldn't put both options in the same page at diff locations @NullPointer
It's confusing.
@Jack which is more easy to use option first or option 2 ?
Given that the number of bedrooms will have practical limits, I would group the most occurring and let the user choose in one click.
Like, 1 -> 2, 3 -> 4, etc.
@Jack you mean drop down also not a good option ? user have to click tow time in drop down ?
@Jack also should i remove 2nd and make it at first place ?
Which is better to make chat script? JQuery or Ajax?
@PHPNooB jquery and ajax are tow difference thing
@PHPNooB but you can do this by jquery with ajax
@Jack And if those are advanced search options / filters, why aren't they inside the search area above and the advanced button in there communicates an opened / activated state?
And have you tried using it? You can only say in the end how it feels and how it can be used.
@hakre please suggestion(image above ) i am too confused ?
@NullPointer well, give it a go, it's not looking awfully wrong. Try it out. does it feel good or not?
@hakre user have to select at too place is it ok ?
^ asking question in an akward way, typing the code on ones own turns out that there is no problem.
@NullPointer no, user select at one place but can select at two places. values need to change in a synchron way if they are same.
@hakre It's not my form :)
@hakre @Jack thankyou gonna write everything at 1 place and modify advance form
@hakre well, there is a problem. but the OP didnt ask about "Strict Standards: Static function A::bar() should not be abstract"
I am trying to create a small chat script, but since I don't know Ajax or jQuery, I am trying only to learn of the two quikly
@Gordon sure there are many problems, but it works and OP didn't specify the issue so not a real question IMHO
@Gordon Not sure about #2 :)
@Gordon which PHP version does strict error this?
@hakre mine
Where can I download Gordon's PHP?
@hakre 5.4.0
@Jack from php.net
@Gordon have your tried no 3 :P
@NullPointer yes :)
@Gordon i have too ...lol
@Gordon yes, I just checked 3v4l.org/Gj6lG but in eval.in/private/04de04b95acb9f I got no error, that's why I asked
Output for 5.4.0 - 5.5.0alpha4
    Strict Standards: Static function A::bar() should not be abstract in /in/q0HWq on line 10 string(5) "hello" string(5) "world"
Output for 5.2.0 - 5.2.17
    Strict Standards: Static function A::bar() should not be abstract in /in/it7j2 on line 10 Warning: array_map(): The first argument, 'static::bar', should be either NULL or a valid callback in /in/it7j2 on line 7
Has anyone worked with windows azure REST API?
with PHP
@Gordon 3v4l.org has all warnings / notices on by default and it did output the strict warning in my tests - however eval.in didn't even with all warnings / notices enabled. - strange
@PeeHaa morning
@hakre Thanks for keeping [oop] tidy :)
@PeeHaa yeah, should we run a working campaing on PHP OOP here on SO community wise?
hello there
@hakre Dunno if it's worth yet. I know there are a lot of no brainers like E_PEBKAC Trying to do shit on a non object
I had a question. Smarty has function such as truncate, which expand tring from long to short. So if we have string like 'hello there guys i need help', something like str|truncate:10,'..', true, true become string to 'hello .. help'
@PeeHaa don't understand, please elaborate ;)
I need a similar in javascript
@Abyss Yes, we can give you that in PHP, here is PHP channel. But you already got it in Smarty which is PHP, so maybe you want to ask that in some JS channel?
what is shortcut key to indent code in phpstrome ?
@NullPointer What you mean? CTRL+ALT+L will reformat the current file in editor.
@hakre yep dude, i'm not so dummy, so i asked there, because in js channel 0,5 people
@Abyss There is more in life than SO, so search other venues, too. If search takes too long, learn JS and write that function your own. If you get a better idea how to do that later on, you only need to change your code then.
@hakre thankyou ..
@hakre thanks cap.
Can someone help me find the error on line 9? It says "mysql_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in D:\wamp\www\imm411\php\admin_connexion.php on line 9".

(I know I'm using deprecated comands, but please bear with me.)
@hakre Well there are a lot of question clearly wrongly tagged in [oop] + [php] which indeed could use some hands on deck to get rid of for starters
crap what stars did I just clear?
/me needs coffee
I need sleep. So whoever helps me quick gets an imaginary gift. I've just spent a night up, and now it's almost 4 in the morning of the next night. Not sure how I'm still fine-ish.
@Ariane Instead search the site and you will find your answer
@Ariane pastebin won't load, but looks like your resource is invalid (failed SQL query)
select *
from admin
where username=$AdminUser
and password=$AdminPW
if(mysql_num_rows($Resultat)>0) {
posted on February 18, 2013 by Qafoo - PHP

In almost any kind of sports you hone your skills by repeating a small piece of practice over and over again. Pretty much the same works for learning to play a musical instrument. The idea of Code Katas applies this simple, but for many aspects effective, method of exercise to the world of programming.

@Ariane have you searched the site yet?
I'm trying, but my brain being severely limited right now and my normal searching abilities being very low, it's not being very conclusive.
@Ariane go sleep then
I would if I could, obviously.
I need this done.
If you fail to search for an error message I'm afraid your days as a developer will always be this long ;)
You know, I see little more unpleasing than asking for help and being answered such things.
@Ariane I wise man once told me. You can give somebody a fish and he has food for one day. You can teach a person to fish and he can feed himself forever
or something along that line
Also :
May 11 '12 at 19:39, by gosto
i thought i can find answer here quickly , but its the opposite , only advices
I very much know how to search. I just suck at it especially when exhausted. And honestly if you want to teach someone to search, you give a link to the search so they can see what terms they should've used, instead of going "search :)".
Guys, this must be a super lazy person's question
but it's kinda hard for a beginner to figure it out so I thought someone who knows it can find it quickly
I want to look for
but in Java version
Does anyone know if they have it as Java version or there's only a php version
What is it with this influx...
morning @0ɟɟouoɟıɹʇuınbɐɥs a.k.a. person who made it pretty damn hard to ping ;)
@PeeHaa night
I prepended a 0 to my name to make it easier to ping me :)
@0ɟɟouoɟıɹʇuınbɐɥs o lol. right. Smart move. /me really needs coffee
Wow SO real generous...
> Profile Invitations: 5 / 5 remaining
On careers
Say, is it possible for PHP to load a page when it reaches some point? Like, if(login and password fit) load page index.php?page=adminpanel ? When I search for stuff about redirection it's all about people who seem to want to redirect their whole website.

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