@CAM Didn't really think that was going to help you, as it was simply putting the error into spoken language, but with no more than "any ideas?" I didn't feel much like diving into your code...
@rdlowrey Have you ever come across an issue whereby fread() on a stream socket only returns 1 byte at a time on a non-blocking crypto-enabled socket, regardless of how much data there is on the wire and the $length arg? /cc @igorw
It's only doing it one specific Fedora box, but it's v. annoying
@DaveRandom I have not.
Also, I've been developing on Fedora for a while and have not encountered that.
@rdlowrey It's caused me to have to do this, which (as the comment says) I don't think should impact performance too much but it's at least 2 superfluous select() calls, although now I've written that I realise that do-while would be better as it would reduce that to 1.
http://pastebin.com/fWumMt2C this is the PHP to register each. The resulting URLs should be /classes/ /classes/{type-slug}/ for archive view, and the same with the %postname% for single pages.
@RPM (function(a){ alert(a) }("What do you need help with?")); - according to Crockford and I am now in the habit of doing it because it makes more sense in a weird kind of way.
@igorw oic. No, that's not the main select() call, that's just a work-around to guarantee that the read buffer gets drained in a client read op, because without it fread() was only feeding 1 byte at a time - although this is only happening on 1 specific box, only with crypto-enabled non-blocking sockets.
It's really annoying.
I realise that what I am doing there is not really the correct usage of select(), it's a work-around
@KennithN. Sorry I meant *can't help you with WP :-S
Since the SE suite of sites is not about gaining rep and more about community contribution and those that have been interacted with, helped, and left in a better position than before coming to the site, I propose that the rep on the user card reset to '0' after 999k. This would further solidify t...
@Lusitanian which is why the claim that Zuckerberg was hired by the CIA and that Facebook is owned by the CIA sounds valid... although its not (or maybe it is :P)
Hey, I am using the MVC design pattern and I am wondering what is the best way to share functions throughout the project? Say I have a function that adds 2 numbers and I need that for almost every model and occasionally a view or something, what would be the best way of doing this?
I was thinking of making a page lib and then extending different areas of classes from it, for example like a number class to add two numbers together, so if I needed to use a function to do with numbers I could use that lib.
first, going pure MVC, your domain model should depend on as few classes as possible, meaning it should be self contained. But you do what you have to do
again going pure MVC, the view should be provided with the data it needs by the controller. The view should not have to do calculations. I would push more strongly on this point
Now, if you really need some thing to do calculations in the Model, there are many ways to do it, which just has to be guided by standard OOP practices
Generally there will be Value objects for recurring objects like Decimal, Currency and stuff
then you might have services for things like CurrencyConverter
Things that are more involved should be moved to a separate Module, and the Module that needs the calculation should send necessary data to the Calculation module to get the result it needs.
I have util folder that is basically for modules, ill rename it later, I have my pagination and things in there and I think I will create the modules in there, for example a currency converter would obviously have conversion functions and If I needed one I could just simply create that object in the model I needed it in.
What do you think of that? My concern is where I should add it so I get maximum efficiency.
@BrendonMcBain yeah you could create in the model that it is needed in, IF that model is the only object that needs it or, or if it ISNT logical for other Entities to use that model for conversion purpose
What really annoyed me and lead to me coming here for answers was when I needed to output a username from the database on every page in the header and I couldn't without having to create a function in the Model lib (bad practice, i know) and in every controller writing $this->view->welcome = $this->Model->welcomeMessage(); then echoing in the header view.
And in my opinion that's overkill, too much code for one thing, and since it's todo with database output I couldn't do it from the view either
oh, that's actually the concern of the application. What you do is, when the user logs in, you get the username from the Model and keep in the application session. Then you could create a post dispatch hook in the app to create the login part of the layout.
or pre-displatch. Post and pre dispatch are available in zend mvc and some others too
it's very possible to this with a hand built MVC also
@BrendonMcBain do you know how layouts work in Zend MVC?
<photos> <photo id="0a6bdada-fa96-4dd1-bac0-6f0b61b19588" name="whisner-clown-greenscreen.jpg.w300h375" path="C:\Users\" ext=".jpg" barcode="" /> </photos>' i tried lot and need to remove <photos> tag
@TilT You have to extract the <photos> sibling elements first of all, then paste'em back with an XML processor into your stream\file\etc., there're no another ways