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@igorw I am confused
I am getting Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening '/notfound.php' for inclusion
Even though notfound.php is in the head directory.
@DemCodeLines maybe you should not have put the leading forward slash where I suggested you don't.
@igorw It give an error without it too. The current file is in another directory
/dir/index.php <- is my file
/notfound.php <- is error file
@igorw ^
@DemCodeLines what I'm trying to say is: write include('notfound.php'); instead of include('/notfound.php');
or if it's in the above dir, then perhaps
@igor I did ../ and now the notfound.php shows up along with all those notices
never mind, fixed. Thanks for the help, a lot :)
@igorw here is another messed up question. Can I automatically redirect to a certain page is the user visits the website with IE?
@DemCodeLines sure you can, but it's probably a pretty bad idea
why do you need it / what are you trying to do?
anyone online to help me with a small question
@igorw include is not a function
@tereško neither is list.
but the difference is that include and require does not need parentheses
just like echo
basically, what i am trying to say is: your code is bad and you should feel bad
But it does (can) have a return value though. I wouldn't write $var = include $file; - I'd use the parenthesis.
(I wouldn't return a value from an include anyway, but that's another story)
@tereško feel free to send me a pull request, I will merge it into the dev-null branch
@Coderwannabe See room description ;-) Asking if you can ask a question is doubly redundant.
@DaveRandom I actually do that (return from include) for silex apps. it allows you to include the app from the front controller and from the test suite.
i return from includes in providers within unittests
it makes for simpler syntax
I don't like it, but each to their own
can someone tell me how to fix this problem please... the selected item is coming from the data and select list im using a value... but once calculation happens i need the result the multiply by the price of the selected items row... but its not happening it alwayys multiplies with thhe last products price or second one when i have .= this...................... this is the picture of where php executes looks like.. and below is the code....

include ('birlikte/ac.thumbs.php');

//Retrieves data from MySQL

$data = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM Calculator ORDER BY isim") or die(mysql_error());
//Puts it into an array

while($info = mysql_fetch_array( $data ))
$resim = $info[resim];
$isim = $info[isim];
$boyut = $info[boyut];
$pcs = $info[adet];
$sqft = $info[sqft];
$TileNameList .= "<option value=\"$sqft\">$isim $boyut</option>";
$price = $info[price];

/////////Formdan gelen yada Giden//////////////
Please, don't use mysql_* functions in new code. They are no longer maintained and are officially deprecated. See the red box? Learn about prepared statements instead, and use PDO or MySQLi - this article will help you decide which. If you choose PDO, here is a good tutorial.
@NikiC I just saw the patch allow + and - sign for 0 as integer - which is wrong. Anyway, while wrong, ± is equally wrong and also a wrong "valid" sign for 0.
So it looked like that ± was forgotten generally.
In the end turned out that just some loops could be spared by removing the sign check for zero and nobody actually was concerned about zero having sign or not, just that with sign it's less work.
@Coderwannabe You need to put some actual code inside that loop, at moment you just loop over all the results and continually re-assign variables, so you will always get the values from the last row. You need move, I'm guessing, all the calculation code and the inner part of the HTML table to the body of the while loop.
is it just me , or close-voting currently is not working ?
@DaveRandom i will try that
@Lusitanian do you think it's possible to provide a common interface for oauth1 and 2?
@tereško ^ :)
stackoverflow.com/questions/5195541/… .. kill it with fire, the answers are jsut retarded
@tereško stupid question lol, killing it
A: What's your 'no framework' PHP framework?

TokenMacGuyI just about never touch php without the use of smarty. This by itself enforces a bit of structure to the app (though not terribly much) and smarty can be put to a tremendous amount of work.

That is a good one.
@tereško me, too. gn8
@LeviMorrison OK this whole thing with function pages not opening in the same page in the manual is really pissing me off now. I'm used to typing a function name into the search box and going straight to the page, that doesn't happen any more, I get a result set. That in itself is annoying, but at least the search brings up useful results. But then I open it and it gets opened in a new tab, and I very quickly find myself with 50 tabs open, all on php.net.
@igorw i wanted to, might be doable
When a site uses a TOTP for login I have only seen the following setup. Login form with user/pass, after successful login entered will then ask for the TOTP after successful TOTP will then finalize login. Why are they on separate requests? Can't I just ask for all 3 at the same time and just process it in the proper order?
@crypticツ I can't think of a reason why you couldn't, and I can't see anything in RFC 4226 that goes against it. Check out the security site if you want to post it as a Q.
You may find problems getting timing to work correctly when you go to implement it, but that's only a speculative reason for it... based on the assumption that the user login initializes the values for the second login.
@Incognito its working correctly when I do it all at once, the timing is not a problem as the current TOTP is generated on login so it's already available for that specific request by the time the comparison is performed.
morning ...
@Lusitanian refactored: good day
@crypticツ you refactored my greetings :(
@igorw would you be interested in convenience methods for the (e.g.) twitter api in the oauth library
so you don't need to manually make a sendauthenticatedrequest call for each api call
and you'd have parameter hinting in your IDE, etc
i'm considering writing a quick code generator from their API docs to do that
Hey all!
@Lusitanian yeah, I think it would make the lib more useful
i agree
lemme see if they have a machine-readable version of their api spec, i'm sure they do (he said before finding out that they don't)
for my current use case it's not so important because I only need auth, but generally I would expect that from the lib. even if it's very thin.
right i intended to in all of the service classes
kinda never got around to it :p
oh look no machine-readable api docs
I would already be happy with ->request('account/verify_credentials')
ah good point
also means having to deal with less API specifics
well hmm lemme start with that
I was upgrading PHP + Apache on my Heroku app, but forgot to push the changes. Then the app shut down, because it was idle... so when it restarted... everything was gone
@ShaquinTrifonoff i've realized that heroku is actually pointless for PHP
just because of cost
@GoogleGuy taught me well.
@Lusitanian Well, I was trying it with minimal resources, so it was free.
gotcha :)
an AWS micro instance is free for a year
Hmm, here I thought that str_pad() could be tricked into working with Unicode characters ... turned out that it was a bit less trivial =/
A: PHP, str_pad unicode issue

JackYou need a multibyte version of str_pad(), like below. It's inspired by the source code of str_pad(). function mb_str_pad($input, $pad_length, $pad_string = ' ', $pad_type = STR_PAD_RIGHT, $encoding = 'UTF-8') { $input_length = mb_strlen($input, $encoding); $pad_string_length = mb_strlen...

+ you can use elastic beanstalk free if you want the fun scalability/deployment features of heroku
@Lusitanian I was planning on using AppFog, but Cloud9 IDE only supports deployment to Heroku and Azure.
so pull your code out of there and deploy manually...why a cloud-based ide, btw?
or write an extension for it, seems to be doable
@Lusitanian I'm trying out stuff
I have good experiences with beanstalk :)
i just did the fastest php-fastcgi/nginx install ever(TM)
not really but dealing with nginx config has almost become easy....
hi good morning to all
@Lusitanian I'm still using the standard apache configuration that comes with beanstalk
Didn't really have time to create custom AMI
@Jack eh apache's fine on elastic beanstalk for the most part imho
i did this setup on a vps i just grabbed for a potential personal blog
well, programming related
that i may or may not eventually start writing
For non-beanstalk I like to use nginx though thanks to its memory usage pattern :)
Though, on micro instance, you have to really reign in mysql lol
Otherwise it walks all over your precious memory
been using something called xeround
it's quite interesting
and yeah micro instances = tiny memory :(
xeround looks promising .. though, it's a hosted service right? As in, to use it, the traffic goes out of Amazon for instance?
traffic is inside of amazon
though only in the east us region atm
17$ per month ... not too bad.
if you do oltp, but if you need large amounts of data it gets pricey fast since it's all stored in memory
in memory? i thought it uses data nodes?
> During continuous operation, Xeround stores data in-memory, providing low and predictable latency for both Read and Write operations.
okay, that's just like caching isn't it.
can any one help me in graph api
good night everyone
@igorw i shall get to api changes tomorrow afternoon probably
@Lusitanian later ... :)
@Lusitanian alright, let me know and I'll review/test them ;-)
sounds like a plan
@NullPointer where in the world you are? you are always online at every hour... you should be a zombie :P:P:P:P:P
@wes ist just sleep 4 hour per day ..:P
@wes morning ..
me too as you can see it's 6:30 in Italy :P i'm a zombie too.
and actually I woke up at 5 am, just came back from jogging
jogging on snow... my poor bones are broken by the cold
@wes ohh 5 pm sounds like very had to me
Hello all...having an issue with cropping and resizing of images.
Q: vt_resize function: Cropping Issue

panoramicI've been using the vt_resize function to re-size images for my website, but have encountered a problem in regards to cropping recently. I have copied and pasted the vt_resize function here: http://pastebin.com/u6K0H4ri The vt_resize function dynamically resizes images using wordpress built in ...

Any ideas?
@panoramic is vt_resize a wordpress function?
@wes i alwas want to do jogging but never get time(pretending i am just lazy)
@wes It's a function dynamically resizes images using wordpress functions.
so now my 17inch bicep turning into 17inch fat ball :P
@NullPointer I am too, but jogging becomes interesting with audio books instead of music... did you ever tried? :P
@wes i tried only zim and boxing with spot jogging in zim
that was bad experience
what is "zim"? :P
sorry typo zym
i dont know what "zyn" means either :P btw indoor training sucks
a visual subsidy that explains "zyn" is needed :P
ok lol, never been in a gym, i like fresh air :P
@wes try MMA ..its really fun
nah... not my kind of sport :P
its make body hard and strong like anything ...
Caffeine is toxic at sufficiently high doses. Ordinary consumption can have low health risks, even when carried on for years – there may be a modest protective effect against some diseases, including certain types of cancer. Caffeine can have
both positive and negative effects on anxiety disorders.[citation needed] Some people experience sleep disruption if they consume caffeine, especially during the evening hours, but others show little disturbance and the effect of caffeine on sleep is highly variable.
Caffeine is a bitter, white crystalline xanthine alkaloid that acts as a stimulant drug. Caffeine is found in varying quantities in the seeds, leaves, and fruit of some plants, where it acts as a natural pesticide that paralyzes and kills certain insects feeding on the plants. It is most commonly consumed by humans in infusions extracted from the seed of the coffee plant and the leaves of the tea bush, as well as from various foods and drinks containing products derived from the kola nut. Other sources include yerba maté, guarana berries, guayusa, and the yaupon holly. In humans, ca...
yes, that :P
@wes cya .... going to cook food ...
:P @NullPointer bon apetit
@wes looks cool but i just need to feed my stomach .. i really dont have any interest in eating :P
@wes and cooking food is almost like milk and bared with some fruits and vegetable so not a hard nut :P
@wes cya have to eat now .. bbl
:P ok later
can data-xyz='value' be used on tags inside the <head> section and would it be valid?
calling static methods non-statically doesn't raise a strict standards warning. what do you think, is this a feature?
@crypticツ yes you can use data-xyz everywhere
@igorw that's a feature
@igorw bug
@crypticツ 404 Not found :D
any good articles / tutorials on how to build a shopping cart ?
Wow, the crowd today has high standards today ... or everyone is out drinking, that's possible too ;-)
I got a job on odesk for 12 an hour for like 3 days lol
8 hour each day
He wants to move some old database into a new one and import some sql files and wants some php programming done
I think it should be a piece of cake. I think he has like 3 other members working on different stuff
@AlphaMale huh?
@phplearner hello
Should this be of concerned ? blog.volema.com/curl-rce.html#.URYP-Vp2F9l
@NickFury only if the connection being used to access remote server is not encrypted (man in the middle attack) or you don't trust the remote server.
We recommend to disable protocols other than HTTP(S) in your application using options CURLOPT_PROTOCOLS and CURLOPT_REDIR_PROTOCOLS
They are basically saying to disable other protocols such as POP
You should be fine as long as the connection is being encrypted and no one can do a man in the middle attack and insert the exploit in transit, and if you don't trust the remote host well technically you shouldn't be connecting to it IMHO.
@Ferhad hi
hey all, I'm trying to connect to a local mysql database (running XAMPP). I created the db/tables but when I try and connect to them with PHP I get error, "Unknown Database: database name here"
any idea what's up?
@cryptic ツ hi :)
@cryptic ツ did I just reply right? :S
@Prefix post your connection code please. X out the login info of course.
@Ferhad yes
good day @hakre
@cryptic ツ cool. I want to get 'talkative' badge ))
@crypticツ Thanks, theres a pretty good thread about it so I'll go inform myself a little more.
@crypticツ : I know the connection code is fine since I use it with some live pages. it's just a simple mysqli connect. host is localhost, username/pass and my phpmyadmin user and pass, no idea why it's not finding the database
I think it might have something to do with information_schema but im not sure
@Prefix does the current user have permissions to access that database?
it just says "unknown database" but I even tried it with my root account and still no go
have you seen this? linux tar command xkcd.com/1168
^ hahaha
I'm trying to think here. I have a content.php page which querys content from my mysql database (like the title, articles, ect). content.php knows what to pull in using page ids from a query string. content.php also has included files (header.php and footer.php) At the top of header.php is where the content is queried in. I have an admin.php page which includes to header.php and footer.php as well for code reuse. Since admin.php does not have a query string, pageid is set to one and it titles
- the page as Home, anyway to prevent this?
I know I can set up a switch statement and get the pages' name, but wouldn't that be ugly unnecessary code?
@@cryptic ツ lol. I know. and thank you for your support ))
@Prefix haver you confirmed the table was successfully created? Rather odd that root can't even find it.
@crypticツ how can I confirm? It appears in phpmyadmin with both root and the account I was using with php. I can access it and edit it and such
good day @cryptic!
@W3Geek That sounds like some good old spaghetti code
its just convinced the database doesn't exist @_@ is this a problem with local databases? I've never really used XAMPP
I'm trying to prevent that @NickFury :D
Do you have some code to show ?
@Prefix On the PHP side run a SHOW TABLES; and dump the output.
Also you might not have the default database set so add the database name in front of the table name probably.
@Sid Hi @Sid
@hakre I can't even connect to the database, the tables aren't a problem
I can connect to the other databases on the same mysql install though
Yeah I can show code, how do you format it correctly on here?
or yeah I'll just use that.
@W3Geek paste the code into message window, highlight the code, then press CTRL+K to format it.
the name of the db I'm trying to connect to is tdc5536, here's the error php is throwing

Warning: mysqli::mysqli(): (HY000/1049): Unknown database 'tdc5536' in C:\xampp\htdocs\539\project3\Database.class.php on line 38

line 38 is: $mysqli = new mysqli( $server, $user, $pass, $database );
May I know how to link a file (.mp3) through a php script which is to be used in a music player?

eg: `src="getfile.php?id=5` to select track.mp3
@Sid in getfile.php use readfile() to output the mp3
There is the code from header.php, content.php, footer.php and admin.php
@Sid see us3.php.net/manual/en/function.readfile.php also make sure to set the correct mime type in the HTTP header.
looking at it
So should I use....
header('Content-Description: File Transfer');
header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream');
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename='.basename($file));
header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary');
header('Expires: 0');
header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate');
header('Pragma: public');
header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($file));
parts as well?
I know I could separate header.php from admin.php but that eliminates the whole idea of code reuse.
@crypticツ alright
@Sid no, that would cause the file to be prompted to be downloaded. You want it to stream to the player.
@crypticツ ya. So what parts should I only use?
I want it to be not-downloadable
@Sid remove the content-disposition line and change the Content-type to audio/mpeg
okies. will try
hold on pls :D
So is that spaghetti code? I know I'm using procedural programming but my intent was to make it reusable as possible.
@W3Geek it's possible but your codes a mess, everything is tightly coupled.
I was planning on refactoring some code in content.php to make the queries more reusable.
Writing loose code is tough.
maybe if I broke it up into more chunks and made pieces more independent?
@crypticツ This is what I did :-O
include 'includes/db.php';
if (isset($_GET["track"])) {
	$file = "files/music/".$_GET["track"].".mp3";
header('Content-Type: audio/mpeg');

Q: PHP DOM traversing elements inside another element

Jinu J DI have to collect some data from a website.My data is wrapped as div s.Inside each div there is a title tag.I need to get the text inside these title tags.How to do this. I have written the following code.What modification I have to apply for acheiving the task <?php $str = ''; $page = fil...

@Prefix Leave the default database parameter out and try again. Then use SHOW DATABASES query.
@JinuJD here is a little additional example which might give you some insight about Xpath string functions (there are not many but some useful ones): stackoverflow.com/a/14787096/367456
@PHPNooB good morning.
For your github smiley powa: emoji-cheat-sheet.com
Q: how to let google maps recognize full names against partial names?

wesIs there a way to let Google Maps recognize similar names instead of exact matches? searching against... 33, Bell Street, City 000000, Province, State produces the right result... but searching the full name 33, Alexander Graham Bell Street, City 000000, Province, State which isn't the exa...

Hello All
I am trying to compare two strings using strcmp strcmp($requestBody->{KEY_ACTION} , constant("KEY1"));
$requestBody->{KEY_ACTION} value is "abc" and "KEY1" is also abc
@weber67 OK... Do you have a problem then?
strcmp is always 0
@weber67 It's supposed to. That's how strcmp works, it returns 0 if the strings are the same.
ohhh, thaanks.
lol, pear looks somewhat broken, seeing symlinks on a windows system while referring to the same path?! dafuq
Error getting channel info from pear.phpunit.de: SECURITY ERROR: Will not write to
C:\DOKUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOKALE~1\Temp\pear\cache\4ab1bc7c67cfd409719746ffb3d29a21rest.cacheid as it is symlinked to
C:\DOKUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOKALE~1\Temp\pear\cache\4ab1bc7c67cfd409719746ffb3d29a21rest.cacheid - Possible symlink attack
@hakre What do you expect, it's PEAR. It's broken by default.
@DaveRandom yes, a clear-all fixed that however now I've got a new riddle:
phpunit/PHP_Invoker requires PHP extension "pcntl"
phpunit/PHPUnit requires package "phpunit/PHP_Invoker" (version >= 1.1.0), installed version is 1.0.1
phpunit/DbUnit requires package "phpunit/PHPUnit" (version >= 3.7.0), installed version is 3.6.7
phpunit/PHPUnit_Selenium requires package "phpunit/PHPUnit" (version >= 3.7.0), installed version is 3.6.7
No valid packages found
upgrade failed
That is a windows system and according to PHP manual "Currently, this module will not function on non-Unix platforms (Windows)." ?!
So does PHPUnit not support windows any longer?
No, the composer.json for PHP_Invoker really does require pcntl
so it aint gonna work on Windoze
I try to remove PHP_Invoker for a moment, let's see if that works.
Okay, pear uninstall PHP_Invoker did solve the problem, after being removed, I can upgrade.
Yeh, looks like it's an optional extra, you don't need it for PHPUnit to work
I suspect there's going to be a few pissed off people because of that
@DaveRandom Do you have a PHPUnit composer install and can you check if that works on windows? Or shoot me a link to test?
@hakre Not on this machine, I'll have to fire up a desktop, which I can't do atm as I'm about to go out, can do it in a couple of hours if you still need it though
I will try a composer based install now in userspace. Let me give it a try.
Hey @hakre You know something about custom fields in WordPress?
@Casper If I tell you yes, would that make a difference to you?
@hakre Haha no, but than I know someone can maybe answer my question ;)
@DaveRandom composer install works fine (in local as per docs with composer install --dev).
@tereško good morning @tereško
@Casper Pro-Tip: Just ask the question instead, if someone can answer it, one probably does so.
@hakre How can I save a multidimensional array with the save_post function of wp for saving multiple values of 1variable that can be duplicate. I search for it on the internet and i saw that I should make an array of the name attribute, like this: name="meta_caption[]". Also I should walk trough the POST variable, but I don't know how to implement this.
@hakre why are + and - invalid just because there's a zero after it?
+- is something different. that's just some random unicode symbol, not something you use in a programming language
@NikiC Because zero has no sign.
@hakre -0 == 0, +0 == 0
@NikiC 0 == ±0
and it predates the unicode era btw.
no, 0 isn't the same as ±0
that one has a different meaning
it's not just a number, it's an error margin or something
1 min ago, by NikiC
@hakre -0 == 0, +0 == 0
@NikiC not it also means both signs at once.
@hakre Not both signs at once. It means that the number is anywhere in the range between -x and x.
For ±0 that range coincides with the number 0
@NikiC So you now provided the argument your own.
anyway, see second point on wikipedia:
The plus-minus sign () is a mathematical symbol commonly used either *to indicate the precision of an approximation, or *to indicate a value that can be of either sign. The sign is normally pronounced "plus or minus". In experimental sciences, the sign commonly indicates the confidence interval or error in a measurement, often the standard deviation or standard error. The sign may also represent an inclusive range of values that a reading might have. In mathematics, it may indicate two possible values: one positive, and one negative. It is commonly used in indicating a range of values, ...
second point is "to indicate a value that can be of either sign"
Anyway, those who patched were only concerned about removing code (the check for sign on 0 to prevent it), not about writing a correct implementation.
@hakre They were concerned about a correct approximation
And honestly I think you got something seriously wrong about what that filter does
you seem to think that it is supposed to parse you "number-related" information from strings or something like that
@NikiC well if you ask me personally, I can only say it's a bad idea to allow +0 and -0 for that filter.
And I've never neglected that ±0 is equally totally wrong.
@hakre ...why?
because integer 0 has no sign.

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