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It was more acceptable when they were illegal, now they've gone all professional-like they really should sort it out. Especially considering the prices they charge.
WHat do they charge?
exitfest.org/en/news/exit-2013 50€ ... come if you want cheap fun :P
@PeeHaa Well last year the APE birthday show (to be fair it was Sub Focus/Nero) was like £55
cba with DnB anyway
@webarto That is dirt cheap. Here most are around E.65 for 1 day. And the worst part is that you have to bring your own freaking drugs!
@PeeHaa Can you get off-sales licenses? (i.e. can people set up stalls)
@DaveRandom To sell drugs? :P
No they can not :)
@PeeHaa This is for 3 days, basically: vice.com/the-vice-guide-to-travel/… ... but that is only one point of view, but true :P Performers on EXIT are mostly famous (worldwide).
@PeeHaa Nothing would surprise me about you crazy Dutch :-P
Although I guess the drugs that you'd actually want to buy at a club night are still illegal
@DaveRandom Illegal, but they won't charge you if you don't have a lot on you. They are mostly looking for dealers
@PeeHaa I bet they're harsher on foreigners though
Netherlands is low, so they all need to get high.
@DaveRandom Unless with foreigners you mean polish people
There is no point in drug ban, who wants to do it, he'll find a way.
Actually it was a Dutch guy who taught me the best drug-smuggling trick I know, roll the tobacco out of a cigarette, insert drugs, pack the tip with tobacco again. I got Es into many festivals (past dogs) like that
Even got searched once, still got away with it
Only if you do something stupid under the influence, I'd support public execution as an example.
@DaveRandom Cinnamon, my work here is done.
@DaveRandom I sometimes keep it in my hand. Last place they check :)
@webarto I'm not a fan of those kind of drugs
@PeeHaa lol, plus they never have female security so in girls underwear is also a pretty safe bet
@PeeHaa Possibly that convo should be binned...
@DaveRandom Ah, no, if you wrap [insert drug here] in cinnamon, dogs will have a hard time sniffing it. Unless they react to cinnamon, but you can say you like cinnamon cookies or coffee with it, and complain that they are jeopardizing your civil rights.
And say: "Let me go, I'll scream!"
IK also try that sometimes on the job :)
When do the tags scores update on profile?
Because I really want my [oop] tag to be above the [internet-explorer] tag :P
@webarto I've heard stuff like that but I've also heard it's crap. Dogs can detect 1 part in a quadrillion, I don't think they are going to be confused by a bit of cinnamon, yada yada yada. Legalisation is the only sensible option for [insert drug here]. People will always find ways to do it, you might as well control production quality and tax it.
There is not a single good argument for prohibition IMO. It's expensive and pointless.
@PeeHaa You should possible de-tag some IE questions, I'm will to bet half of them are not IE related. Either that or you are purposefully torturing yourself by trolling
@PeeHaa That stack trace is epic
Mine only has a good scent when something is cooking.
Guys, have you fiddled with email HTML?
On occasion
Is it 90% safe to assume that it works correctly, by testing in large providers such as Gmail, etc, and few desktop ones?
Honestly, I don't care much, but...
@webarto The big question is: do you need to support...
Lotus notes?
All other services / client are hard to get right, fucking annoying, terrible, but there can be only one really fucked up one
You probably don't need to support it though I presume
As much as I hate myself for saying this, I now generally design what I want in Word and email it to myself. The HTML it produces, while hateful, is guaranteed to work in Outlook and Hotmail, and I've never had a problem with Google either. That likely covers a huge majority of your target market.
Yup. I would indeed test those three. And nowadays it also wouldn't hurt to test on mobile
@PeeHaa Just sane ones, like major web ones, thunderbird, outlook, and maybe some more.
@PeeHaa Or in other words, Safari and Chrome.
Who the f*ck uses thunderbird?
@DaveRandom That one is PITA to parse. Generated by Word.
Isn't thunderbird just FF with a mailclient interface?
Yeh I know. It is really, really, really horrible. Like, unbelievably bad. But it does just work.
@PeeHaa I added some <style> for it to be "responsive", but e.g. Gmail just removes <style>.
@webarto Yep
@PeeHaa Yeh, in theory you could add cv-pls to it if I added about 4 lines to the install manifest. All mozilla apps are XUL based.
You can even create your own.
@DaveRandom After hearing are your complains? No thank you :D
Well, thank you guys. You're insane.
I see a lot of TODOs on the XULRunner page
@PeeHaa Yeh I'm not recommending it. I must admit though, there is a lot of XUL that makes a lot of sense, the biggest problem is that which plagues PHP: a lot of legacy code, and mortal fear of breaking BC.
@PeeHaa now accepting delvs
@PeeHaa cv-pls.pieterhordijk.com/chrome/cv-pls_0.20.1.crx vs cv-pls.pieterhordijk.com/mozilla/cv-pls_0.20.1.xpi? (why do I get a friendly error for one and not the other?)
uhhhhm. No clue.
Lemme check
Perhaps because if this:
    types {
        application/x-xpinstall xpi;
        text/css                css;
Ow wait. Nopez because of this:
    location ~* .(xpi)$ {
        add_header Pragma "public";
        add_header Cache-Control "public, must-revalidate, proxy-revalidate";
        access_log off;
        log_not_found off;
OK, what's interesting though is that it also happens for cv-pls.pieterhordijk.com/chrome/update.xml
Yeh, it's xml and xpi extensions that do it
it doesn't really matter I guess, I just wondered
@DaveRandom Yep that is correct. Well not really correct, but I understand what is happening
I route all request through index.php except:
    location ~* .(js|css|png|jpg|jpeg|gif|ico|xml|swf|flv|eot|ttf|woff|pdf|xls|htc)$ {
        add_header Pragma "public";
        add_header Cache-Control "public, must-revalidate, proxy-revalidate";
        access_log off;
        log_not_found off;
        expires   360d;

    location ~* .(xpi)$ {
        add_header Pragma "public";
        add_header Cache-Control "public, must-revalidate, proxy-revalidate";
        access_log off;
        log_not_found off;
ahh kk
But now I think of it it's pretty strange the crx does just load
oh yeh
As a matter of fact. It's a freaking miracle
There must be a "file exists" check in there somewhere that causes it to break before it hits that rule. Try removing .css or something from it and see if the CSS breaks.
(I suspect it won't)
Nopez it does not
I'm going to write the server side properly anyway so all the update stuff is PHP proxied, including downloads. I'm still fleshing out exactly how it's all going to work though.
@DaveRandom It's going to be sweet :)
Also we may want to start thinking about setting up the milestone targets for the next release
Evening, could anybody explain the joke in this comment on Reddit to me? reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/174niv/…
@PeeHaa Yes, yes it is. I'm really hoping to come up with something re-usable, although I'm not sure if anyone would actually want to use it. Basically a build system you can just throw some JS at and it will spit extensions out the other side. I'm not sure how useful it will be for the wider world though, since you'd have to provide the lcd between all supported platforms (still hoping to slot Opera in there at some point)
@PeeHaa I did set some a while ago, probably needs reviewing though
@DaveRandom Does something like that already exists?
I think it would be useful for people trying to create simple plugins. Like a webbased service or something where users dump e.g. JS to do simple DOM manipulation and plugins can be downloaded
One SDK to rule them all
Anyone good with ASM here?
@Chris C pointers. It's not that funny tbh
@PeeHaa That's the idea. Again, still very much an idea rolling round my head more than even slightly working code at the moment, but I'll keep you posted
Right, I'm gonna hit the hay
Same here. Talk to you tomorrows
@webarto If you do find those dumps I would be ever so grateful please thanking you :-)
Nighty night
@DaveRandom I will, just to get hands on old laptop, it's at parents place. I'll go fetch it tomorrow. Cheers.
fus ro dah
43 mins ago, by DaveRandom
There is not a single good argument for prohibition IMO. It's expensive and pointless.
^ Couldn't agree more.
If do-gooders would stop and think for a minute, they'd realize that attempting to legislate morality does far more harm than good.
~ rebooting for OS install. The next time you see me I will no longer be laboring under the heavy yoke of Windows oppression.
why is centering so hard in css?
@rdlowrey Yay!
@Jasper I generally don't have problems centering things.
guys, can I ask you a question
@LeviMorrison Well, the problem I'm having has to do with the centered thing needing to be a block element with variable size, and if I'm not mistaken, that makes it hard to do the centering (without hardcoding a width) (I may just be doing something wrong)
@LeviMorrison wasup
@Jasper wasup
@TemporaryNickName You can always ask.
@Jasper . . . margin: 0 auto doesn't work in your case why?
If you are using a popular CMS like wordpress or Joomla, how do you generally do to upgrade current version of your CMS with saving all previous data inside database?
@Jeffrey do you ask if it is good to have good code?
is there a built in feature for this on admin panel or user has to do it manually?
Hi, is trying to predict every possible error code worth it?
display: block;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
or margin: 0 auto;
@Happyninja, no I mean, should I just let PHP trigger an error and deal with it inside the error handler or should I prevent every single problem (which is pretty time and code consuming)?
I'm thinking more of a code that never triggers errors and deal with strange behavior in a default way...
@Jeffrey Well... you can't predict errors, else there would be no errors... if you have an error, fix it. You mean every possible case?
@Jeffrey Depends on type of application, target audience, cost of preventing php errors.
If for example I have to call a function dynamically, should I check for function_exists(), is_callable()... etc?
In a framework context
I can generally prevent every error in PHP, but I don't know if it worths. Execute all those checks per request is quite expensive, isn't it?
  private function process($str)
    foreach($this->_options as $method => $switch)
      if ($switch === TRUE AND method_exists($this, $method))
        $str = $this->{$method}($str);
    return $str;
I do check it... but you can always "fool" it somehow, intentionally...
@webarto, you have for example forgot to check for recursion if ($method == 'process') there...
@Jeffrey i think it depend if user can input data in the process
@Jeffrey Indeed I have, well I documented "valid" methods, so...
@Happyninja, I'm creating a very simple framework for myself and maybe in the future for others, and I'm thinking of something like this: if the framework user is trying to include a file that does not exists (or does any other error, except for parse errors) I don't let PHP trigger, I just ignore it and behind the scene trigger a framework warning which is immediatly hidden.
@Jeffrey there is a flag in php configuratio not to display php error
If the framework user then change a debug constant it can see how the page is built and a framework warning "Included file does not exists" is shown there.
@LeviMorrison if the content to center has to be block-level, you have to make sure that it doesn't take up the full width of its parent. You can do that by making it inline-block, but this causes the problem that newlines in the source will be shown as spaces even when they should. If instead you do it by adding a float, you can't center it anymore.
@Jasper It's better to show some HTML/CSS...
@webarto fair enough, let me make a minimal sample
The philosophy I'm thinking about is: you code your page, you run it and then if something weird happen you change to debug (which shows you only log messages, framework warnings and fails) to see if it is well built.
@Jeffrey it's a point of view. Personally i found php error by themselves pretty self explanatory
@Happyninja, yeah they are, I'm not judging them, PHP errors will be shown as well when the application fails badly, but only in debug mode and they are labelled as "unrecoverable fails"...
@Jeffrey then if it help troubleshooting why not?
@webarto, yeah, but the debug mode will show all the successfull things as well, like "Loaded frameworks classes", "Autoloader set", "Controller called", "Action called"...
Oh, boy... that is lot of work... I think you will pollute your code unless you handle it smart...
And any error or log will only be shown when there's define('DEBUG', true) is set.
@webarto, I was thinking of a debug class that has Debug::assert($condition, $error_log_in_case_of_false); and Debug::require($condition, $error_log); or something like that
Personally, I'd just write lot of tests, if it didn't failed it means it succeeded. Also, there is xdebug...
@webarto, so you think that's an overkill?
@Jeffrey Well, yes, honestly, not saying it's bad, but you can use that energy to make more useful things.
@webarto, I was thinking so. How would you handle the errors in general? No errors when in public mode (maybe just print a 500 error page or a 404 page in case of problems) and show regular PHP errors in debug mode?
@webarto I'm failing at my minimal sample. A clear sign that it's just time to go to bed and try again after a good night's rest...
(I did have the problem earlier, so unfortunately I can't blame all of it on being tired, but I'm just not going to make any real progress in solving the problem right now...)
@Jeffrey I'm not quite sure on that topic, my "public" is internal company staff, so I pretty much don't care :) I log errors and exceptions, and post to them, something went wrong... Tests usually prevent fatal errors, etc.
@Jasper Well, post later, I'm sure it's PEBKAC or lack of experience.
Where is everyone at? @tereško son, I'm dissapoint only 4AM...
@webarto i am here
It's somewhere around 8-10 PM at your place, that doesn't count :P 3AM+ only :P
I'll probably be here then too :)
I've forgotten how sleeping works
Sleep is merely passing out :P
@Lusitanian Son, I am not dissapoint.
@webarto lol
what time is it for you
4:42 AM?
3:42AM, warming up :D
I was close
Well, one more timezone and you are in Russia :)
I chose Bulgaria, for some reason I thought that's where you were
but you're CET
44.535543,18.680725 :)
If you want to send me a Tomahawk :D
appears to be the middle of nowhere
hey aniy body
alive need help :D
Should I add flames? I hear that is popular in USA.
hi @webarto, hope you butt is doing well ;)
@hakre It's all gone now :P Thanks ... don't open if you can't handle it
Surgeon took to it post to Facebook.
well, the internet. for fun.
@webarto US is fairly dense, you need to be in the midwest if you want to be in the middle of nowhere here.
@Lusitanian I know, just kidding. USA sends me money, I love USA.
@webarto i'm happy with anything sending me money
15 years ago you could buy 600 loafs of bread for what is now equivalent of ~$70...
Now you can buy 80.
Why am I saying this? O_o
15 years ago I was 2 years old :D
I remember seeing lots of Christmas lights in 1998 though, but that was after I turned 3.
It was really exciting, I thought they were quite beautiful :D
When I was little, I thought this was a smurf on the note :D
And then I got F in maths as a first grade, Gauss cursed me.
Ok, I took too much...
@all $var1 = '';
$var2 = '';
$insertvar1 = empty($var1) ? null : $var1;

$insertvar2 = empty($var2) ? null : $var2;

echo "var1 check".$var1;

echo "var1 check".empty($var1);
still the first echo outputs empty string rather than null.
and so it's been inserted into database as an empty string rather than null.
You can't insert NULL as a string...
Q: What is the XY problem?

GnomeWhat is the XY problem? When asking questions, how do I recognize when I'm falling into it? How do I avoid it? Return to FAQ index

How are you inserting it?
14 hours ago, by Korhan
@all suppose I have an insert statement like this ---> INSERT INTO item(fk__id, s_secret, user_email) VALUES('$id,'$secretcode', '$email'); When I have $email containing the user mail which he/she submits, I can store it with no issues by the above statement. But this is optional to user. So, when he doesn't enter his email, this query takes as an empty string. But that column has default of null. Can someone please suggest me how to keep it default when it doesn't contain a value?
So gordon suggested me to do this. But it doesn't work. Of course I have tried this before with no luck.
@webarto WAT
INSERT INTO item(fk__id, s_secret) VALUES('$id,'$secretcode');
INSERT INTO item(fk__id, s_secret, user_email) VALUES('$id,'$secretcode', NULL);
@Korhan ... or use PDO...
@Lusitanian Best drawings are under heavy influence :D
@webarto First one and sencond one are okay. But what if I have a value in it? It's prompting me to make another query if I have a value for that. I am using mysqli.
So, for the time being I am checking for empty if it has an empty string I am using first query as you said, because it leaves the column to have default value which is NULL.
is there any way that i can make it so that my api can't be hit from a web browser?
@Korhan Are you using prepared statements?
But I have so many columns which should be left as null. It's really redundant to make a check for empty string for every value and then making a query for each one.
@Korhan Are you using prepared statements?
@all Hi!
if ($stmt = $mysqli->prepare("INSERT INTO t_user(dt_reg_date, s_name, s_password, s_secret, s_email, ) values (NOW(),?, ?, ?, ?)")) {

/* Bind params */
$stmt->bind_param('ssss', $insertname, $insertpassword, $insertsecret, $insertmail);

/* Set params */
$insertname = $name;
$insertpassword = $password;
$insertsecret = $secretcode;
$insertmail = $email;

/* Executes the prepared Statement */

/* Close the statement */
@webarto Yes. suppose this is my prepared statement
@Korhan No reason not to work, have you tried setting $insertmail to NULL, for testing?
@webarto I have tried with null, 'NULL', NULL. But no luck.
The only possibility seems to me to leave it by default as not mentioning it in the query, but this increase lot of coding lines for each variable.
Good Morning!
@Korhan Here is the problem, you are passing $insertmail as type string, everything you pass is converted to string... e.g. (string) $insertmail, so NULL would be ``...
Switch to PDO.
(: morning :)
@rdlowrey what OS are you on now
@shiplu.mokadd.im @NullPointer morning :]
@webarto backticks `` ?
@webarto :)
@NullPointer The thing between bacticks i.e. nothing :)
@Korhan Your email column is not set to DEFAULT NULL, change that, and it will work.
ALTER TABLE t_user CHANGE s_email s_email VARCHAR( 255 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NULL
@webarto yo ..master ..
god.. literally i am feeling like someone shot my back .. ..
brightmeup.info/article.php?a_id=2 WOAH @NullPointer nice :)
@Lusitanian Fedora 17
@webarto thankyou ...
@webarto I have already written my php files using mysqli. Do I need to change again all to PDO? o_O :(
writing with horrible English is one of my hobby now a days :D
@Korhan I gave you an answer already, set your column default to NULL, and your code will work...
@webarto It is already a designed database. I don't have any rights to change the database things. The column has default NULL, that's why it's working null when it is not mentioned in the query.
@NullPointer What matters is that information is correct :)
@Korhan Well, that is odd, I'm using PHP 5.4 and I can't reproduce that.
Second one is real null...
$mysqli = new mysqli('localhost', '', '', '');
$stmt = $mysqli->prepare("INSERT INTO countries(country,test) VALUES (?, ?)");
$stmt->bind_param('ss', $country, $null);
$country = 'XXX';
$null = NULL;
@webarto Mine is 5.3. I have been struggling with this.
31 mins ago, by Korhan
@webarto I have tried with null, 'NULL', NULL. But no luck.
You can type NuLl it doesnt matter. What matters is, is it quoted or not, etc.
What I meant was of those three, nothing worked. first and third didn't work at all, but the second one is not an actual null like as in your pic.
@Korhan well null meaning nothing why not try like trim($foo) ==''
@NullPointer He wants NULL if empty string, but if you specify s as a type, it's casted internally. But if you then set MySQL column to NULL it would be type casted by MySQL engine. So, double check if it's set to NULL @Korhan.
SHOW COLUMNS FROM t_user WHERE Field = 's_email'
true say.....
@Korhan why not print_r() and see what you getting ?
or var_dump
@NullPointer For which things I need to try print_r(). Sorry, didn't get you.
@Korhan did you inserted null or its default in database ?
47 mins ago, by Korhan
@webarto I have tried with null, 'NULL', NULL. But no luck.
Trying to reach the CTO of oDesk. They have suspended my account and sending support replies to that account's inbox. Now I get notification but can not reply them. Completely messed up!
15 mins ago, by Korhan
What I meant was of those three, nothing worked. first and third didn't work at all, but the second one is not an actual null like as in your pic.
17 mins ago, by webarto
user image
@Korhan upgrade PHP to 5.4 and try although I have no clue now. Google your problem, you are not the only one.
i am helpless in that condition .....damn why i never faced thing like that ...
@shiplu.mokadd.im why u suspended ? once i visited odesk and then never visited again ....is it worthy ?
@NullPointer I created a company account there with a Prepaid card.
@webarto I am fed up. I have already tried all those and googled a lot.
BTW my php version is 5.4.7
I was thinking my previous one before update.
@NullPointer Then they locked my account. I told them to remove my company account and re-instate my individual account. But they suspended both. They are doing some peculiar things.
Then I'm not sure why are you having the problem, I cannot reproduce it, though... @Korhan
@shiplu.mokadd.im is company account is invalid in odesk ?
And yes its worthy. But depends what you call worth. I used to work there on the early days of oDesk. Now I am inactive.
@NullPointer No they are valid. You can create one. But they require valid bank account and credit card. I used debit card actually
@shiplu.mokadd.im i dont know how to get work there ... i saw some who are tooo cheap than me so i leave that idea to earn money
@webarto @NullPointer Okay. Thanks though for your time and effort.
@Korhan yours welcome ...
@shiplu.mokadd.im and now i am just waiting ..
@NullPointer there are good employers. You need to find them. But now you cant find them easily.
I tried to create company account to hire people. Now there are lots of cheap and nasty workers.
@shiplu.mokadd.im now i think i should also create website like odesk .. and free of cost ..
@rdlowrey nice
@NullPointer oDesk CTO contacted me at last! he he
@shiplu.mokadd.im yey ...
Are all good programmers are good gamers in their earlier age?
A: VBA - Outlook 2010 - Search variable in URLs and move messages to the corresponding folders

Sergey RusskikhI've just found that your macro work well with plain text but doesn't work with HTML letters. Here's the part of HTML code: <table align="left"> <tr> <td style="padding: 9px;" align="left"> <p style="font-size: 10px...

Check out the self given answer ... how quaint
not sure sure .. i am still gamer
By that logic, ALL koreans must be good programmers lol
@Jack gangam style ..gamers
I've seen this small interview with a Korean gamer and his micro is already three times better than mine ... but he calls himself beginner, because his ubers are like three times faster than him ... like ... wtf
And then there's this guy.
@Jack: I'm being argumentative over the fact that there is a jQuery way to call split using $.split rather than javascript:string.split() method, which really answers the op question, furthermore I'm trying to explain that in my case I am using it within the jQuery namespace and the rest are saying that the split in all references that exist about this topic need to use Javascript rather than using jQuery.. that's all. — Jean Paul 2 hours ago
Hopelessly confused ...
@Jack I reverse might not be true.
I have seen from my experience all the programmers I know are very good gamer
Could be just the dudes you hang out with :)
But reverse is not true.
Should be easy to find a very good gamer who knows nothing of programming :)
I know some people are good gamer. But they are not that good. For example they play well with some team/characters etc. But those who are programmers they play good with every characters and teams.
@Jack I am not talking about games like Cadillacs and Dinosaur
Talking about complicated games.
wtf is cadillacs and dinosaur?
the title alone already sounds complicated
A game where you dont have to think much. Just shoot
You're talking about SC2 or sth right?
RTS would be perfect example.
Most games help you think, makes you to solve problems. These are the things every programmers are expert in. So they perform well.
It's probably also related to a good dose of curiosity that comes with every good programmer :)
BTW I know many developer dont know curiosity. They just know only a single language and they earn well from it.
They never play game. They have kids and they forbid their kids to play game
@shiplu.mokadd.im lol
i am sure its( many developer) not you ....:P
@NullPointer I have no kids. When I'll have I'll first buy them playing cards or chess. So they learn poker or chess very good.
Poker requires drinking whiskey and smoking cigars though. I'm sure you wouldn't want your kids to satisfy that dependency :)
@shiplu.mokadd.im buy them football ... would be better option IMHO
@Jack lol...:P
@Jack winning poker requires a brain that can do maths
@NullPointer I have them already.
You mean it requires Rainman? :)
Rainman? Rainman from movie Looper?
@shiplu.mokadd.im i never played poker nor my friends .. but we are really ok at maths ....
o.0 ... no, from the movie Rain man lol

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