the chances of finding a random collision is SO low, that it's nearly impossible
@DaveRandom and compare $info['ino'] which is the inode. Both will have the same inode if they are the same file (hard or soft links)
@ircmaxell Right, I'm happy take your word for that. It should be noted that security is not an issue here, it's just file comparisons of two local files supplied to the same script.
@ircmaxell How did someone put it, the chances of finding an arbitrary collision is lower than the chance every single member on your team will be attacked and killed by unrelated wolf attacks.
@ircmaxell It's not a case of that, this is (potentially) for distribution to envs over which I have zero control. Normally I don't worry about this kind of thing in the slightest, but here I want to ensure max compat.
anyone have a link to a good example of how to include an upload script into itself without using a 1 part system? everything I find ends up being a 2 part solution.
I have this update script I have that currently uses a 2 file solution to update itself by curling the new files, however i'm trying to do it inside 1 file.
@ircmaxell OK so I'm essentially packaging a collection of files. If there is any duplication in the file list I can reduce it so that I only pack a single copy of it, but the paths may or may not be identical (relative paths/symlinks/whatever) and I can't rely on realpath because it needs permissions, I can't inspect the inode because it needs to work on ntfs. The objective is to produce the smallest possible package.
@NikiC I'm trying to build PHP from scratch and libtool is being given the --silent directive. I need it to not be silent. Know how to change that setting?
I just manually edited the Makefile.
Seems like that's not really the proper way, but works.
> To facilitate complete functionality with properties it is necessary to provide accessor functions to act on isset() and unset() calls. These operate just like their magic __isset() and __unset() functions but are definable within the property block.
__isset and __unset are interceptors for inaccessible properties. So what is that quote supposed to mean?
if my setter is protected, the property is inaccessible from outside, if the unset is implicitly protected then, too, how is that ever going to work just like __unset then?
@NikiC another unclear thing: will these string(9) "$foo->get" // __FUNCTION__ and string(14) "Bar::$foo->get" // __METHOD__ be usable as callbacks? If not, how would I invoke a getter via a Callback? Would I have to supply a lambda?
@Nikic sorry, if i am bothering you with that but I really want to understand this feature. Right now my impression is that this will only add clutter to the language.
@Gordon Those are just the internal names for those functions, so they show up nicely in all the places the function name is used. E.g. in __FUNCTION__, but more importantly it's also how it will show up in backtraces and error messages. Previously it was like Cannot call protected method A::__getfoo() from ..., now it's Cannot call protected accessor A::$foo->get(). It's there to make things nicer for the end user, so they can easily understand that the thing is referring to a getter
And no, you can not call the accessors directly, I fought long and hard for not putting them into the method table. So something like $foo->{'$foo->get'}() will not work
If you want to have callbacks with the accessor methods then you should do the same as you would do with normal properties (if it weren't like that then you'd get a difference between the two, which we do not want)
So if you want to use them as a callback, then use a lambda (function($val) { $this->foo = $val; })
@NikiC thanks for clarifying. well, I agree that unsetting a property that cannot be set is illogical in most circumstances. However, the RFC keeps pretending that the new getter/setter syntax is based on the magic methods which simply is not true.
they work quite differently and it would help if that could be cleaned up from the RFC to avoid confusion. the new getters and setters are not intercepters for inaccessible properties like the magic methods are
@NikiC yes, they are interceptors but the keyword to me is "inaccessible" here
and that's also why I think the visibility on the property is fubar. Like when I have a public $foo then having a protected set is pointless because by definition that property would be accessible because its public. The magic __set would never be called when doing $obj->foo then.
Plus, it's not in alignment with how inheritance work. Yes, I know this is not inheritance but people are used to loosen visibility and not tighten it. So now we will tell them they can do nillywilly. Not good IMO. Exceptions to the rules are ok as long as they are exceptions only.
@user1301411 the only thing you can determine from an IP is whether there is any MX records for that but that still wont give you an email address to send email to.
Forget it. Sometimes, the IP address will have tell-tale signs as to where the user is (like mine has right now, pointing to student housing in Tübingen) but that still doesn't give you a specific person and their E-Mail address.
cause this person has placed a ad in my ad site but that mean nothing he all filled with something like aopjgojfipj and thats not the first time people do that on my site
The easiest and safest way to check whether an email address is well-formed is to use the filter_var() function:
if (!filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
// invalid emailaddress
Additionally you can check whether the domain defines an MX record:
if (!checkdnsrr($domain, 'MX')) ...
@user1301411 filter_validate validates. otherwise it would be filter_verify which does not exist. checking the mx record can verify the domain part of an email address but not the mailbox itself. there is a VRFY command in SMTP but most servers disable this.
@user1301411 yes. because it is syntactically valid. and verifying the MX record for that would also return a positive result because certainly does accept mails
@user1301411 an activation link is probably the sanest approach even though people can still use a trashmail account to litter your site with nonsense then. so if you want to make really sure that there is no nonsense on your page, have humans validate the ad
@user1301411 you can certainly verify with some sort of spamfilter whether the ads contain real words, but then again, half of the questions on StackOverflow use real worlds but still have no meaning, so your mileage may vary. besides a spamfilter isnt that easy to implement. you have to find the solution with the right tradeoff for you.
Does anyone see anything strange in the colors of the main section when viewing with chrome/win? Try scrolling up and down, I can't reproduce the issue:
@NikiC so what? i've read the RFC and I've asked you to clarify my questions. and the answer I got so far are not satisfactory. right now I dont think this feature will improve PHP in a way that outweighs the clumsy syntax.
I just think that this kind of behavior does not help anyone
I know that it's not your fault. I know that the discussions on internals are really shitty and they actively discourage people from reading them and participating
But I also hate this approach where everybody only starts reading the RFC once the vote starts, even though they could have been giving feedback the whole last year
@NikiC right. so i am approaching it in the most sane and constructive way I can think of. asking you directly to make my doubts go away. i do not want to waste my time reading internals. too much noise. too much fighting.
@NikiC besides, even if I had participated in the discussion voicing my concerns it doesnt mean that they would have resolved to my liking. I mean, it's not like you will change the visibility fubar for me, right? So I would have voted against it anyway.
@Gordon Actually, that's something that could have happened ;)
Clint and me ran into various semantic issues with the visibility stuff and if it had been brought up timely, then it could have been properly considered
But the issues that we had there actually the other way around ;)
The public $foo { get; proctected set; } works out of the box, but the inverse protected $foo { public get; set; } did not ;)
@NikiC that's another flaw in RFC btw. it doesnt mention whether I can set protected or private at all. all the examples show public properties. it also doesnt tell what happens when i set private $foo { protected set, public get }
@NikiC not at all. because that implies a public property which by definition is never inaccessible so the getter and setter should never be called if they follow magic method semantics
@NikiC that perfectly normal IMO. i dont have the time to monitor internals for things. especially since the list is so noisy. i read the RFC when they are in a state that allows serious consideration. I dont read a moving target.
@NikiC i want it to be changed and telling you as the implementor should be sufficient. if you feel my concerns are valid, feel free to discuss this at internals then. but dont expect me to join in.
@Gordon Not really. It would have been sufficient before vote, but not now. You can't just change the proposal in the middle of voting. If you want to do that you need some public discussion
@Gordon So you have concerns about this, but you don't actually want to stand up for them?
you just want to say "hey, I don't like this" and let others deal with it?
@Gordon I don't care what you'll vote for, because your vote carries no practical significance. The feature will be accepted either way, and you know that. But I still think that if you have concerns, then you should let them be heard. The feature will come in either way, but it may also come in a form that is more to your liking