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@tereško he is just a newbie. why?
@Gordon Needs testing on another TV - everything I can see seems to suggest it should auto-detect the max compatible resolution and just use that. It could be that it's too old, or you could have a faulty cable, but testing with old kit it's impossible to say.
There's a severe lack of info on the subject tbh
Nothing but sales patter :-(
@DaveRandom got time for a quick quiz?
@DaveRandom yup. will take the nexus to my cousing tomorrow. see if it works there.
Oh right, cousins, duh
Well this is interesting
this is probably gonna be a noob q, but...
$data = str_replace("\u0000","",$data);
that's not doing anything
example of one of the strings i'm using that on
That's because PHP doesn't understand \uxxxx escape sequences
Well how can i get that to be a literal?
because the string is coming out with it in it
So you want the unicode chars instead of \u0000 literally?
You need to encode it into a character set
I want to replace the \u0000 into ""
aka nothing
Yes, but I mean does the input string contain \u0000 or does it contain a NUL byte?
Nul byte, i'd assume
because it's coming from a packet from java
Well that's "\x00"
If you want unicode escape sequence support I wrote something for it once, hang on I'll find it
it depends on the character set
in UTF-8, "\x00". In UTF-16 "\x00\x00". Both represent \u0000
$playersOnline = $data[3];
$playersOnline = str_replace("\x00","",$playersOnline); did nothing
even though players online is this
unicode is not a character set. It's a character encoding. You still need to encode the encoding into binary
Unicode is a computing industry standard for the consistent encoding, representation and handling of text expressed in most of the world's writing systems. Developed in conjunction with the Universal Character Set standard and published in book form as The Unicode Standard, the latest version of Unicode contains a repertoire of more than 110,000 characters covering 100 scripts. The standard consists in a set of code charts for visual reference, an encoding methodology and set of standard character encodings, a set of reference data computer files, and a number of related items, such as c...
what character set is the data coming in as?
I'm not sure, but the way it's being split is explode("\x00\x00",$data)
$playersOnline = $data[3];
$playersOnline = str_replace("\x00\x00","",$playersOnline);
doesn't do anything either
Can you show var_dump($playersOnline);
No wait
Can you show a hex dump?
implode(' ', str_split(bin2hex($playersOnline), 2)); is a bit messy but it works
(echo it)
i'm not THAT stupid
00 33 00 37
Wait, why are you trying to do this? That looks like UTF 16, are you sure you don't just need to set a charset in the content type?
does that represent the string 37?
(not what it outputs, but what it's supposed to output)
What's the x00x37 word then?
Ow wait duh
@DaveRandom x0033 => UTF16 encoding of 3, and x0037 => UTF16 encoding of 7
sorry, not reading my ascii table right :X
Was reading the dec column
header("Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-16"); put something out in japanese..
I'm pretty sure what I'm dealing with is not japanese
greetings, I'm wondering why the PHP manual tells us so strictly not to use assert() in production code. what's so bad about it?
@DaveRandom I've done that before
if only used for situations that must not happen
@markus-tharkun because you shouldn't use test code in production
@ircmaxell yes, I see that, if it's like a unit test, write a unit test and separate the concern
but there are situations where assert() can be used very elegantly instead of some if check
and you can let a failed assertion be converted into an exception and even handle it
Anyone? 3:
@VoidWhisperer Weirdly my chrome seems to default to little endian when I specify UTF-16, try UTF-16-BE in the header
echo mb_convert_encoding($playersOnline,"UTF-8","UTF-16");
That worked.
@ircmaxell that is the standard answer... but there are diverging opinion about assertions, some people prefer using exceptions only. I think exceptions and assertions are conceptually distinct, so why not use both?
@VoidWhisperer You shouldn't need to do that if you just want to display it, see that codepad above ^^
@VoidWhisperer Probably because you weren't actually emitting in UTF-16 until then. Emitting UTF-8 bytes when the client expects UTF-16 would probably result in the hilarity you experienced.
@markus-tharkun because an assertion is not an error handler...
@Charles You're reading the arg order wrong ;-)
@DaveRandom What do you mean the order is wrong. No. No, no, no. NO. NOOO. mb_convert_encoding NO NO NO NO NO WHY IS THE ARGUMENT ORDER TO THEN FROM HERE OH MY GOD WHO DESIGNED THIS CRAP
@ircmaxell what does that mean for practice... let's say a simple assert() that throws and exception is faster than an if check that throws and error, why not?
@Charles Because $from is optional, but I know what you're saying
I mean what's the negative implication for the overall code quality, why is it really a bad practice
Sigh. Okay, actually, in the context of mbstring and given that you can set a default encoding, the order makes sense... but seriously I mean come on.
@markus-tharkun what?
@ircmaxell I'm trying hard to understand why it is considered bad practice
I don't see it, as hard as I look
assuming you really only use them for things that should not happen and convert them into exceptions
what's wrong with that?
I'm really trying to find someone who can convince me that it is bad
is it just a conceptional thing, that is is not supposed to me used for error handling and therefore shouldn't be used
there should be some really good other reasons, otherwise isn't it just limiting yourself
when I say throwing an exception I mean that I register a callback function with assert that takes the failed assertion and converts it into an exception
if that's not supposed to be done, why does it exist
How's this for a reason: If you pass a string it is effectively eval()d, if you pass a bool you might as well just write an if
It's just a ridiculously complex way of checking a boolean condition. It has no use outside debugging
On another note, I went to a dyslexic strip club a few days ago.
Ended up getting a tap dance.
complex from what perspective? what about something like this: assert(in_array($type, array('error', 'warning', 'success', 'info')));
Why? Why not just if?
beacuse as I understand, assert() should be used, if the case should NOT occur
Maybe you misunderstand the purpose of asserting stuff to begin with.
it's not that I don't agree with you but I need to have real arguments
It's not a flow control mechanism, it's a "make sure the world is sane" development-level system.
We use asserts throughout our codebase. Whenever one fails, our assert handler dumps the environment into an email to the devs so that they can look into whatever whacky bug might have gone wrong.
yes, that's exactly how I understand them
We actually abuse the hell out of them.
but do you disable your asserts in production?
assert("$expected_qty > $actual_qty; // In order o:$order_id");
No, we keep them enabled, as our use case is harmless.
If you're throwing exceptions from them, then you're probably using them wrong.
@Charles exactly, and there is exactly my question. in theory, they're not meant to be used that way. but theory alone (@ircmaxell) is not an argument, I'm sure some of you guys have very good internal php arguments but then I'd like to hear them because from a practical perspective there aren't any good ones
yes there are.
Assertions raise errors
errors cannot be handled
therefore, assertions do nothing for your code but let you know something went wrong
do yourself a favor, and use an exception in that case, as that way you can at least try to recover...
what do you think of yii framework?
@ircmaxell ok, and what do you think about assert_options(ASSERT_CALLBACK, array($this, 'assertCallback'));
@ircmaxell This is really only true if you've set ASSERT_BAIL though.
where the callback is a function that converts the failed assertion into an exception
im a bit confused as which framework to select, from yii or codenighter or cakephp ? which one would you guys recommend?
@markus-tharkun That's worse. You're changing the flow of the code.
In an obscure way.
@markus-tharkun No, I don't like that
@Charles assert always raises an error, no (not necessarially fatal, but an error)
It's bad for two really big reasons:
@Charles please give me a little more detail on what you mean with that, if you don't mind
@ircmaxell Following on from that, why the hell does failure to satisfy a type hint raise and error and not throw an exception? And more generally, why does E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR even exist? You just said yourself, errors cannot be handled, so why can they, in fact, be handled?
1) If you disable asserts in production, then your code behaves differently in production, which means that you end up not testing the right thing, and
2) If you don't disable asserts in production, you're introducing a thing that throws an exception without actually calling the exception first-hand. It makes the code hard to follow. You'd may as well throw the exception directly.
can someone suggest as which frameworks should be chosen from 1)yii 2)cakephp 3)codenighter
@ircmaxell Kinda depends on what you mean by error then. They can be configured to not be an error as PHP understands it, with regard to error handlers and whatnot.
@DaveRandom Yes, I want to change them. That's why I've already proposed moving all non-truely-fatal and non-notice errors to exceptions directly
@meWantToLearn All frameworks suck. Try all of them and find one that you like. Especially ones not on that list.
non-notice means most E_NOTICE and some E_WARNING would remain (I'd re-do those warnings as NOTICES, and move the remaining notices to exceptions)
@Charles but the good thing about frameworks is that it makes developing faster
@meWantToLearn Absolutely none from that list.
@meWantToLearn Doesn't matter, it hurts you in the long-run and actually those three will slow you down in the short-term too.
@meWantToLearn That is not always true.
@Lusitanian so you dont use a framework for your client projects?
I have not used a framework, but Im planning to learn one to boost the development speed
@meWantToLearn If you want to learn a framework where you also learn things you can use with other frameworks and with PHP in general, you can start with Silex: silex.sensiolabs.org
@ircmaxell Good, the current situation is insane, the mechanism you have to use to handle recoverable errors make me understand why people hate on PHP. Related, the fact that fopen() and friends emit warnings when the operation fails is very annoying, I always have to @ them and I hate it.
Nov 1 '12 at 23:39, by Lusitanian
Microframework (n): A small amount of crap. See also Framework (n): A large amount of crap.
hello guys :)
Yo @KamilTomšík
@DaveRandom YES
@meWantToLearn Even if that was true (which it often is not), that's ineffective: programmer.97things.oreilly.com/wiki/index.php/The_60/60_Rule
Damnit, which room did that last mod flag come from?
bon soir M. KamilTomšík
@Charles C#
@hakre Thanks.
@Charles Every flag in the last 3 days has come from C#. I want to flag that entire room, they clearly all need to back off each other for a while.
@ircmaxell cool post, btw :)
@DaveRandom C# is tame as hell compared to C++ though.
so... whats going on here? :)
That's fine, but I don't see them flagging each other all the time. I don't care if people want to verbally knock seven shades of shit out of each other as long as they don't bother me while they do it.
Or if they'd at least make tasteful "your mom" jokes. I mean c'mon.
@Charles You just used "tasteful" and "your mom jokes" right next to each other....
@KamilTomšík thanks!
Interesting times here. I just reset my php.ini file (possibly upgraded to php 5.4 and now

`$list = $_POST['list'];
$cacheFile = dirname(__FILE__).'/cache/'.$list.'.txt'; //path to cache file`

is saving the file as cache/.txt
$list is getting the correct value, but it won't use it in the name...
sigh, I suck at formatting code
@m59 $list is not getting the correct value. There's no way that can be true.
I echo'd $list and got the value as my ajax response
well, perhaps you are right...
var_dump($list, $cacheFile, $_POST); immediately after that code please.
@Lusitanian Yes, exactly.
@Charles ...oh
Oh, and you have a huge security risk there, by the way
txt files aren't executable
No but that doesn't stop people from putting files in places you don't want them.
@tereško With fire or from orbit? Wish it wasn't so well-written and meandering...
@m59 $list = pathinfo($_POST['list'], PATHINFO_FILENAME);
one thing at a time, I'll come back to that.
the value of $list ought to be 'google'
parsererror [SyntaxError: Unexpected token g]
@m59 lolwut
What is giving you that error?
echo $list
when ajax retrieves that
it isn't thinking of 'google' as a string?
Wait, are you trying to JSON.parse() it?
@Charles foo.php?list=../../../../etc/passwd%00 <-- the FS will see the null byte, and ignore the .txt extension :-D
Are you using jQuery?
this all worked perfectly until the php.ini change (which should have been nothing)
@ircmaxell PHP doesn't sanitise for that?
@ircmaxell Didn't they fix that at the PHP level ages ago?
@ircmaxell NICE! :)
$list = $_POST['list'];
$cacheFile = dirname(__FILE__).'/cache/'.$list.'.txt'; //path to cache file
var_dump($list, $cacheFile, $_POST);
switch ($_POST['cache']) {
	case 'save':
		if ( !file_exists($cacheFile) ) { //if this feed's cache file doesn't exist, create it
			$cacheWrite = fopen($cacheFile, 'w');
		if ( file_put_contents($cacheFile, json_encode($_POST['json'])) ) {
			//echo 'Cache feed --- success.';
		else { echo 'Cache feed --- failed.'; }
@MadaraUchiha i wonder , who are the 4 bloody noobs who upvoted it .. "oh , it looks and contains strange codez, i must upvote naw"
@m59 cool, ajax code as well pls
@tereško It contains proper grammar, spelling and punctuation, talks about good practices, and contains readable code. It might not deserve that many upvotes, but the overall quality of the question is head and shoulders above what has come to expect... even if it isn't really answerable.
@Charles not sure
$.ajax({ //cache the feed
				type: 'POST',
				url: 'cache.php',
				dataType: 'html',
				data: {
				success: function(response) {
				error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
					console.log('-----\n//cache the feed\n'+textStatus+' ['+errorThrown+']\n-----');
@Charles it also, by my count, contains 7 different question, 3 of which are "here is what i think, discuss now"
php > $fn = '/etc/passwd' . chr(0) . '.txt';
php > var_dump(file_exists($fn));
Might be doing something wrong.
@tereško Yeah.
bloody noobs ? stop insulting my last name
@m59 OK that error message is coming from your own code then.
11 hours ago, by DaveRandom
How do you view deleted messages? @ShaquinTrifonoff knows how to do it.
@DaveRandom that is the text status and error thrown
It still is saving stuff as .txt with no name
@Charles fair enough
@DaveRandom Click the arrow to the left of the message, and click history (as you would to see the edit history).
@m59 Change dataType: 'text' while debugging
Of course, you can only do this when you are the owner of a room
@Daverandom SyntaxError: Unexpected token g - the g has to refer to 'google'. I can't figure out why it hates it. I've tried every dataType
@Gordon It doesn't allow you to tighten visibility. Where is there an example of that? (I didn't read the RFC carefully)
@ShaquinTrifonoff Or it's you own message. But I'm sure I've seen you do it in here and you are not a room owner.
@DaveRandom No, I haven't done it in here...
@m59 Remove dataType completely then
tried that too
@Gordon Ah, now I see what you mean. Yes, we allow both there
@m59 Can you console.log(jqXHR); in the error handler please
@Charles, @ircmaxell thanks for your explanations, I'm going to think about it and then I might have some more stupid questions :)
@Gordon You should see the modifiers of the property as the default value for the accessor properties which can be overriden
not as an inheritance relationship
@DaveRandom Oh, are you talking about when I copy a message before it is deleted?
public $foo { get; protected set; } makes more sense to me personally than the other way around
@NikiC That makes way more sense to me now.
@NikiC , could you please close this ... if you think it is closable
@NikiC by that logic wouldn't $foo { get; protected set; } have public unset ability?
@tereško Burninated, I got so wrapped up matching your answers to the questions I forgot to cv
@ircmaxell nope. the implicit isset/unset implementations use the modifiers of the getter/setter
Otherwise things would get rather wierd
@NikiC I was going to say...
@DaveRandom he decided to "improve" the question by removing the A,B,C-s
@ShaquinTrifonoff No, there was one time when PeeHaa posted something and deleted it and then you posted a quote of it (like a proper onebox quote) after it was deleted. Maybe I dreamed it.
no , wait .. he removed B,C,D-s .. my mistake
@DaveRandom doh, it was the function trying to get the cache that was throwing that error, because it was expecting json. So yes, echo $list is showing google
so the post is working
@m59 -____-
funny part is
So is $cacheFile dumping correctly then?
is cacheFile, but no, it saves it without the name
@Gordon @DaveRandom @ircmaxell The details of the proposal are pretty complicated :)
@ircmaxell that sounds indeed great, would make the distinction somewhat logical finally
@DaveRandom I made it look like a comment onebox, but it wasn't.
@NikiC I only voted for it because I want your addition...
@ircmaxell I'll write the patch tomorrow. Maybe
@m59 Can you show the precise output of the var_dump() please? Specifically, does the stated string length match the number of visible characters in the string?
So much to do, so little time
@ShaquinTrifonoff Oh right I see, man you do like to f*ck wih people
wtf why did I just get notified of an event in C#?
@NikiC It has got to be well documented this, or the whole thing will just implode when the wider community get their hands on it
@NikiC whats that? ^_^
@DaveRandom Don't think so. You all are just very picky :P
To the most part nobody will care about the exact details
And just use the standard get/set stuff with equal visibility . and that's it
@NikiC another syntax sugar?
Regarding MySQL, how can I select a value from a columns and then get another value from another column in the same row?
CONCAT() .. if i understood the question
@ircmaxell I voted against it but I'll vote for @NikiC's addition.
@DaveRandom yeah...post list is null...
(or maybe JOIN, the question is a little ambiguous)
@tereško gosh, not only the question is too localized, the answer even is totally unrelated to the problem.
@NikiC :-D
@NikiC Welcome to my life ;-)
@hakre the wonders you find when tolling mvc tag =/
@lawm Yes, two people already.
1 min ago, by tereško
CONCAT() .. if i understood the question
1 min ago, by DaveRandom
(or maybe JOIN, the question is a little ambiguous)
@lawm When in doubt, SELECT * ... - works with most databases.
Ok, I'm out
have a good smoke dude
well .. it cold be that he has me in the ignore list
i tend to be hard on people who ask vague questions
@hakre But so if I had a value on an email column and then wanted to look for a value on the password column on that same row?
@lawm you get all columns on that same row with *, you know? Do you know where you can learn the basics of SQL?
@tereško Possibly me as well, by the looks of things
@hakre Errr.... w3schools? That didn't help
gotta eat or I'm going to hit the floor. Be back soon
Can I have some exact sample code maybe?
@lawm Well, start with the official resources first. For example the Mysql manual.
So there's this: '$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM sometable");'
But then how do I get the row with the specific value?
please , go and get a book about MySQL
the answer to your question will be covered in first 50 pages
@tereško I thought I would get a really quick answer here instead of these responses.
i am tempted to flag this as "not an answer" : stackoverflow.com/a/14408137/727208
.. naah , flagged with "A lot of text, but no answer. Seems that "it should be a comment" does not apply, since you cannot write so long pointless comments"
Can anybody please just give me a little more of a hint?
@lawm SELECT * FROM sometable WHERE somecol = 'some value'; <-- free gift
Don't feed them .. please
It was getting a little too painful to watch
when he returns for the next freebie, it will be your fault, @DaveRandom
lawm, what has helped me immensely is the mysqlworkbench app.
it's free.
but, i've learned a queries; you can click around in your db w/ the gui and it prints out the queries for you.
*a lot about.
because reading a book is harder , then blindly clicking up in some fancy tool
@DaveRandom LOL!?
I changed the order and it works??
read book also.
data: {
I guess this is now a javascript question lol.
OK, what is in the feed variable?
a json youtube feed
It should still work though, jQ should deal with the encoding properly. You should inspect the HTTP request body, it's likely feed is getting mangled somehow if it was eating list
crazy though, right? Who'd have guessed.
even stranger that this worked fine until I reset php.ini.
@charles, @ircmaxell stackoverflow.com/questions/4516419/… what about that accepted answer?
Yeh I really have no idea what's going on there, I can't think of anything that would cause mangled input data (not in this way, anyway). Two questions though: 1) why did you replace your php.ini anyway and b) have you still got the old one to compare?
oddly, there wasn't one previously (that I had access to), so I have no clue.
@markus-tharkun It seems like you are trying to justify this to others, not to yourself...
I still think you shouldn't use it
@DaveRandom as a matter of fact, I'm trying to convince a coworker that we should NOT use them in production and I'm taking his position here to get better results
I event wrote a transcript of the chat before
@DaveRandom I think I have it...the feed is being cut off at 34/50 items
so list was getting cut off the end
file size setting or something?
@markus-tharkun Well the simple fact of the matter is this: assert() is a tool designed specifically for debugging. And you shouldn't be debugging in production. End of story.
@DaveRandom that's not per se an argument, often tools are design for something and turn out to be really usefull for something else
@m59 AFAIK the php.ini limits, if exceeded, cause a 500 response - you script wouldn't be executed at all. I'm not 100% sure about that though - check post_max_size and max_input_vars
@markus-tharkun yes but in terms of code clarity it sucks. You come back to that in 2 years, you're going to be like "wtf are these asserts doing all over the place"
@DaveRandom looking at the rather few usages in our codebase I'd rather say it helps code clarity, and I say that even though I don't want to use them... assert(in_array($type, array('error', 'warning', 'success', 'info'))); is a very clean and readable way of showing what values the $type argument of a function can accept
I could write this as a simple comment
but as an assert, it's more powerful than a comment, including the comment function
in that sense it's like value hinting
I don't really understand what the assert does in that instance
but indeed, it should directly throw an exception
are they turned on?
@ExplosionPills are what turned on?
so you mean to use them like this? stackoverflow.com/a/4516444/454533
@DaveRandom thanks for your input too... I think I have neough material to convince my mate to refactor them either into exceptions or unit tests
@markus-tharkun np, good luck :-P
Wachin Django
@ExplosionPills that is one position, for the other position, see recent chat history
@DaveRandom I know I'm gonna win this one :P
@markus-tharkun all right
I thought we were talking about using asserts in production though
@ExplosionPills yep, some say that's fine (your link) and others say it's out of the question since it's a tool specifially designed for debugging
so the discussion was about what the real practical reasons are, not to leave them for production
cause it's not so obvious, they help, they can be converted into exceptions, etc
gotcha; well I've never really used asserts directly .. I guess I would agree that they shouldn't be in production
@NikiC that's a good indicator that it needs some more thought and work then
@DaveRandom it was max_input_vars
thank goodness I'm through that.
now, security lol.
Do experienced programmers suggest file caching because they just still don't know better?
@m59 Cool. I was going to say before it might be worth doing JSON.stringify(feed) on the client side instead of passing the data as post vars, which would easily work around that problem, plus it kinda make more sense because it means the JSON you store on the server will be identical to the object you passed in JS
Is there an advantage to using ArrayObject instead of just a regular array?
@LonnyLot php.net/manual/en/class.arrayobject.php should give you the answer
A: What are the benefits of using SPL ArrayObject, ArrayIterator, RecursiveArrayIterator instead of regular arrays?

Rob OlmosThe primary benefit you're looking at efficient data access mostly in the area of readability. This way you can use object just like an array in a foreach so a closer interaction with PHP. a) The way you reduce memory usage is by not making a copy of the array but if done properly in the engine ...

Also objects are implicitly passed by reference (kind of) so they are a much easier/cleaner way to share an array between objects/scopes/whatever.
@DaveRandom object references are passed by value
I know how it works, that's why I said (kind of) :-P
@DaveRandom I'm sure; I just think that's the accurate way to say it
So the real advantage is that the object is passed by ref instead of an actual array which is passed by val?
No, that's just potentially, an advantage
depends what you are actually doing
ArrayObject is not a replacement for an array. Sometimes (let's say you are declaring an array just for the purposes of iterating over it) you'd just use an array.
@DaveRandom I guess I'm just not seeing any other advantage to it...(other then memory)
@DaveRandom PHP with AOP -- array-oriented-programming
actually "AOP" is already taken acronym
@DaveRandom yes, that makes perfect sense. TY

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